Class ExtHandler

    • Field Detail

      • handlers

        protected volatile Handler[] handlers
        The sub-handlers for this handler. May only be updated using the handlersUpdater atomic updater. The array instance should not be modified (treat as immutable).
      • handlersUpdater

        protected static final org.jboss.logmanager.AtomicArray<ExtHandler,​Handler> handlersUpdater
        The atomic updater for the handlers field.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtHandler

        protected ExtHandler()
        Construct a new instance.
    • Method Detail

      • publish

        public void publish​(ExtLogRecord record)
        Publish an ExtLogRecord.

        The logging request was made initially to a Logger object, which initialized the LogRecord and forwarded it here.

        The ExtHandler is responsible for formatting the message, when and if necessary. The formatting should include localization.

        record - the log record to publish
      • doPublish

        protected void doPublish​(ExtLogRecord record)
        Do the actual work of publication; the record will have been filtered already. The default implementation does nothing except to flush if the autoFlush property is set to true; if this behavior is to be preserved in a subclass then this method should be called after the record is physically written.
        record - the log record to publish
      • addHandler

        public void addHandler​(Handler handler)
                        throws SecurityException
        Add a sub-handler to this handler. Some handler types do not utilize sub-handlers.
        handler - the handler to add
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control) or the handler is protected.
      • removeHandler

        public void removeHandler​(Handler handler)
                           throws SecurityException
        Remove a sub-handler from this handler. Some handler types do not utilize sub-handlers.
        handler - the handler to remove
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control) or the handler is protected.
      • getHandlers

        public Handler[] getHandlers()
        Get a copy of the sub-handlers array. Since the returned value is a copy, it may be freely modified.
        a copy of the sub-handlers array
      • clearHandlers

        public Handler[] clearHandlers()
                                throws SecurityException
        A convenience method to atomically get and clear all sub-handlers.
        the old sub-handler array
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control) or the handler is protected.
      • setHandlers

        public Handler[] setHandlers​(Handler[] newHandlers)
                              throws SecurityException
        A convenience method to atomically get and replace the sub-handler array.
        newHandlers - the new sub-handlers
        the old sub-handler array
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control) or the handler is protected.
      • isAutoFlush

        public boolean isAutoFlush()
        Determine if this handler will auto-flush.
        true if auto-flush is enabled
      • setAutoFlush

        public void setAutoFlush​(boolean autoFlush)
                          throws SecurityException
        Change the autoflush setting for this handler.
        autoFlush - true to automatically flush after each write; false otherwise
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control) or the handler is protected.
      • setEnabled

        public final void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
                              throws SecurityException
        Enables or disables the handler based on the value passed in.
        enabled - true to enable the handler or false to disable the handler.
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control) or the handler is protected.
      • isEnabled

        public final boolean isEnabled()
        Determine if the handler is enabled.
        true if the handler is enabled, otherwise false.
      • isCloseChildren

        public boolean isCloseChildren()
        Indicates whether or not children handlers should be closed when this handler is closed.
        true if the children handlers should be closed when this handler is closed, false if children handlers should not be closed when this handler is closed
      • setCloseChildren

        public void setCloseChildren​(boolean closeChildren)
        Sets whether or not children handlers should be closed when this handler is closed.
        closeChildren - true if all children handlers should be closed when this handler is closed, false if children handlers will not be closed when this handler is closed
      • protect

        public final void protect​(Object protectionKey)
                           throws SecurityException
        Description copied from interface: Protectable
        Protect this object from modifications.
        Specified by:
        protect in interface Protectable
        protectionKey - the key used to protect the object.
        SecurityException - if the object is already protected.
      • unprotect

        public final void unprotect​(Object protectionKey)
                             throws SecurityException
        Description copied from interface: Protectable
        Allows the object to be modified if the protectionKey matches the key used to protect the object.
        Specified by:
        unprotect in interface Protectable
        protectionKey - the key used to protect the object.
        SecurityException - if the object is protected and the key doesn't match.
      • enableAccess

        public final void enableAccess​(Object protectKey)
        Description copied from interface: Protectable
        Enable access to the object for modifications on the current thread.
        Specified by:
        enableAccess in interface Protectable
        protectKey - the key used to protect modifications.
      • disableAccess

        public final void disableAccess()
        Description copied from interface: Protectable
        Disable previous access to the object for modifications on the current thread.
        Specified by:
        disableAccess in interface Protectable
      • checkAccess

        protected static void checkAccess​(ExtHandler handler)
                                   throws SecurityException
        Check access.
        handler - the handler to check access on.
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control) or the handler is protected.
      • flush

        public void flush()
        Flush all child handlers.
        Specified by:
        flush in interface Flushable
        Specified by:
        flush in class Handler