Interface LogContextConfigurator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface LogContextConfigurator
    A configurator for a log context. A log context configurator should set up all the log categories, handlers, formatters, filters, attachments, and other constructs as specified by the configuration.
    • Field Detail

      • EMPTY

        static final LogContextConfigurator EMPTY
        A constant representing an empty configuration. The configurator does nothing.
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        void configure​(LogContext logContext,
                       InputStream inputStream)
        Configure the given log context according to this configurator's policy. If a configuration stream was provided, that is passed in to this method to be used or ignored. The stream should remain open after this method is called.
        logContext - the log context to configure (not null)
        inputStream - the input stream that was requested to be used, or null if none was provided