Class Logger

    • Method Detail

      • getLogger

        public static Logger getLogger​(String name)
        Static logger factory method which returns a JBoss LogManager logger.
        name - the logger name
        the logger
      • getLogger

        public static Logger getLogger​(String name,
                                       String bundleName)
        Static logger factory method which returns a JBoss LogManager logger.
        name - the logger name
        bundleName - the bundle name
        the logger
      • setLevel

        public void setLevel​(Level newLevel)
                      throws SecurityException
        This implementation grabs a lock, so that only one thread may update the log level of any logger at a time, in order to allow readers to never block (though there is a window where retrieving the log level reflects an older effective level than the actual level).
        setLevel in class Logger
      • setLevelName

        public void setLevelName​(String newLevelName)
                          throws SecurityException
        Set the log level by name. Uses the parent logging context's name registry; otherwise behaves identically to setLevel(Level).
        newLevelName - the name of the level to set
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control")
      • getEffectiveLevel

        public int getEffectiveLevel()
        Get the effective numerical log level, inherited from the parent.
        the effective level
      • getAttachment

        public <V> V getAttachment​(Logger.AttachmentKey<V> key)
        Get the attachment value for a given key, or null if there is no such attachment.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the attachment value type
        key - the key
        the attachment, or null if there is none for this key
      • attach

        public <V> V attach​(Logger.AttachmentKey<V> key,
                            V value)
                     throws SecurityException
        Attach an object to this logger under a given key. A strong reference is maintained to the key and value for as long as this logger exists.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the attachment value type
        key - the attachment key
        value - the attachment value
        the old attachment, if there was one
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attachment cannot be added because the maximum has been reached
      • attachIfAbsent

        public <V> V attachIfAbsent​(Logger.AttachmentKey<V> key,
                                    V value)
                             throws SecurityException
        Attach an object to this logger under a given key, if such an attachment does not already exist. A strong reference is maintained to the key and value for as long as this logger exists.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the attachment value type
        key - the attachment key
        value - the attachment value
        the current attachment, if there is one, or null if the value was successfully attached
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attachment cannot be added because the maximum has been reached
      • detach

        public <V> V detach​(Logger.AttachmentKey<V> key)
                     throws SecurityException
        Remove an attachment.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the attachment value type
        key - the attachment key
        the old value, or null if there was none
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • setHandlers

        public void setHandlers​(Handler[] handlers)
                         throws SecurityException
        A convenience method to atomically replace the handler list for this logger.
        handlers - the new handlers
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • getAndSetHandlers

        public Handler[] getAndSetHandlers​(Handler[] handlers)
                                    throws SecurityException
        Atomically get and set the handler list for this logger.
        handlers - the new handler set
        the old handler set
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • compareAndSetHandlers

        public boolean compareAndSetHandlers​(Handler[] expected,
                                             Handler[] newHandlers)
                                      throws SecurityException
        Atomically compare and set the handler list for this logger.
        expected - the expected list of handlers
        newHandlers - the replacement list of handlers
        true if the handler list was updated or false if the current handlers did not match the expected handlers list
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • clearHandlers

        public Handler[] clearHandlers()
                                throws SecurityException
        A convenience method to atomically get and clear all handlers.
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • setUseParentHandlers

        public void setUseParentHandlers​(boolean useParentHandlers)
        setUseParentHandlers in class Logger
      • setUseParentFilters

        public void setUseParentFilters​(boolean useParentFilter)
        Specify whether or not filters should be inherited from parent loggers.

        Setting this value to false has the same behaviour as Logger.

        useParentFilter - true to inherit a parents filter, otherwise false
      • getUseParentFilters

        public boolean getUseParentFilters()
        Indicates whether or not this logger inherits filters from it's parent logger.
        true if filters are inherited, otherwise false
      • getLogContext

        public LogContext getLogContext()
        Get the log context to which this logger belongs.
        the log context
      • log

        public void log​(String fqcn,
                        Level level,
                        String message,
                        String bundleName,
                        ExtLogRecord.FormatStyle style,
                        Object[] params,
                        Throwable t)
        SPI interface method to log a message at a given level, with a specific resource bundle.
        fqcn - the fully qualified class name of the first logger class
        level - the level to log at
        message - the message
        bundleName - the resource bundle name
        style - the message format style
        params - the log parameters
        t - the throwable, if any
      • log

        public void log​(String fqcn,
                        Level level,
                        String message,
                        ExtLogRecord.FormatStyle style,
                        Object[] params,
                        Throwable t)
        SPI interface method to log a message at a given level.
        fqcn - the fully qualified class name of the first logger class
        level - the level to log at
        message - the message
        style - the message format style
        params - the log parameters
        t - the throwable, if any
      • log

        public void log​(String fqcn,
                        Level level,
                        String message,
                        Throwable t)
        SPI interface method to log a message at a given level.
        fqcn - the fully qualified class name of the first logger class
        level - the level to log at
        message - the message
        t - the throwable, if any
      • logRaw

        public void logRaw​(ExtLogRecord record)
        Do the logging with no level checks (they've already been done).
        record - the extended log record
      • getResourceBundle

        public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle()
        Get the resource bundle for this logger. Unlike Logger.getResourceBundle(), there is no parent search performed for resource bundles by this implementation.
        getResourceBundle in class Logger
        the resource bundle, or null if none is configured for this logger
      • getResourceBundleName

        public String getResourceBundleName()
        Get the resource bundle name for this logger. Unlike Logger.getResourceBundleName(), there is no parent search performed for resource bundles by this implementation.
        getResourceBundleName in class Logger
        the resource bundle, or null if none is configured for this logger
      • logRaw

        public void logRaw​(LogRecord record)
        Do the logging with no level checks (they've already been done). Creates an extended log record if the provided record is not one.
        record - the log record