JavaServer Pages(TM) Standard Tag Library 1.2 API 1.0.3.Final

Package org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.xml

Class Summary
ExprSupport Tag handler for <expr> in JSTL's XML library.
ForEachTag Support for the XML library's <forEach> tag.
IfTag Tag handler for <if> in JSTL's XML library.
JSTLXPathConstants This class is added to provide support for a generic Object type in return type arguement for XPath's evaluate instance method.
JSTLXPathFactory This factory class is added to provide access to our own implementation of XPath, so that we can support a generic Object type in return type arguement for XPath's evaluate instance method.
JSTLXPathImpl The JSTLXPathImpl class provides implementation for the methods defined in javax.xml.xpath.XPath interface.
JSTLXPathNamespaceContext Implemenation of XML Namespace context processing given a URI or prefix
JSTLXPathVariableResolver The XPathVariableResolver implementation provides access to user XPath variables.
ParamSupport Support for tag handlers for <param>, the XML parameter subtag for <transformt<.
ParseSupport Support for tag handlers for <parse>, the XML parsing tag.
ParseSupport.JstlEntityResolver Lets us resolve relative external entities.
SetTag Tag handler for <set> in JSTL's XML library.
TransformSupport Support for tag handlers for <transform>, the XML transformation tag.
WhenTag Tag handler for <if> in JSTL's XML library.
XPathUtil Support for tag handlers that evaluate XPath expressions.

Exception Summary
UnresolvableException Derived from XPathException in order that XPath processor exceptions may be specifically caught.

JavaServer Pages(TM) Standard Tag Library 1.2 API 1.0.3.Final

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