Interface AnnotatedFieldConfigurator<T>

    • Method Detail

      • remove

        AnnotatedFieldConfigurator<T> remove​(Predicate<Annotation> predicate)
        Remove annotations that match the specified predicate.

        Example predicates:

         // To remove all the annotations:
         (a) -> true
         // To remove annotations with a concrete annotation type:
         (a) -> a.annotationType().equals(Foo.class)
         // To remove annotation equal to a specified object:
         (a) -> a.equals(fooAnnotation)
         // To remove annotations that are considered equivalent for the purposes of typesafe resolution:
         (a) -> beanManager.areQualifiersEquivalent(a, fooQualifier)
         (a) -> beanManager.areInterceptorBindingsEquivalent(a, fooInterceptorBinding)
        predicate - Predicate used to filter annotations to remove