Class AbstractBuiltInBean<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractBuiltInBean

        protected AbstractBuiltInBean​(org.jboss.weld.serialization.spi.BeanIdentifier identifier,
                                      BeanManagerImpl beanManager,
                                      Class<T> type)
    • Method Detail

      • cleanupAfterBoot

        public void cleanupAfterBoot()
        Description copied from class: RIBean
        This method is called after the container is started allowing the bean to release any resources that are only required at boot time
        Specified by:
        cleanupAfterBoot in class RIBean<T>
      • initializeAfterBeanDiscovery

        public void initializeAfterBeanDiscovery()
        Description copied from class: RIBean
        In particular cases, the deployer must perform some initialization operations only after all beans have been deployed (e.g. for initializing decorators taking into account the possibility of having custom decorators which are deployed through portable extensions)
        Specified by:
        initializeAfterBeanDiscovery in class RIBean<T>
      • getInjectionPoints

        public Set<InjectionPoint> getInjectionPoints()
        Description copied from interface: Bean
        Obtains the InjectionPoint objects representing injection points of the bean, that will be validated by the container at initialization time.
        the set of injection points of the bean
      • isProxyable

        public boolean isProxyable()
        Specified by:
        isProxyable in class RIBean<T>
      • isDependentContextOptimizationAllowed

        public boolean isDependentContextOptimizationAllowed()