Interface AnnotatedParameter<X>

    • Method Detail

      • getPosition

        int getPosition()

        Get the position of the parameter in the method or constructor argument list.

        the position of the parameter
      • getAnnotations

        default <T extends AnnotationSet<T> getAnnotations​(Class<T> annotationType)
        Description copied from interface: Annotated

        Get program element annotations of a certain annotation type.

        This method returns back all annotations, including repeatable annotations of this type. The behavior of this method is intended to be the same behavior as AnnotatedElement.getAnnotationsByType(Class), where repeatable annotations are supported.

        Specified by:
        getAnnotations in interface Annotated
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the annotation
        annotationType - the class of the annotation type
        the program element annotations of the given annotation type, or an empty collection