Class DecoratorProxyFactory<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DecoratorProxyFactory<T>
    extends ProxyFactory<T>
    This special proxy factory is mostly used for abstract decorators. When a delegate field is injected, the abstract methods directly invoke the corresponding method on the delegate. All other cases forward the calls to the BeanInstance for further processing.
    David Allen, Stuart Douglas
    • Constructor Detail

      • DecoratorProxyFactory

        public DecoratorProxyFactory​(String contextId,
                                     Class<T> proxyType,
                                     WeldInjectionPointAttributes<?,​?> delegateInjectionPoint,
                                     jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean<?> bean)
    • Method Detail

      • addAdditionalInterfaces

        protected void addAdditionalInterfaces​(Set<Class<?>> interfaces)
        Description copied from class: ProxyFactory
        Sub classes may override to specify additional interfaces the proxy should implement
        addAdditionalInterfaces in class ProxyFactory<T>
      • addMethodsFromClass

        protected void addMethodsFromClass​(org.jboss.classfilewriter.ClassFile proxyClassType,
                                           org.jboss.classfilewriter.ClassMethod staticConstructor)
        addMethodsFromClass in class ProxyFactory<T>
      • getProxyNameSuffix

        protected String getProxyNameSuffix()
        Description copied from class: ProxyFactory
        Returns a suffix to append to the name of the proxy class. The name already consists of _$$_Weld, to which the suffix is added. This allows the creation of different types of proxies for the same class.
        getProxyNameSuffix in class ProxyFactory<T>
        a name suffix