Enum ConfigurationKey

    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final ConfigurationKey CONCURRENT_DEPLOYMENT
        Indicates whether ConcurrentDeployer and ConcurrentValidator should be enabled. If enabled, ConcurrentDeployer and ConcurrentValidator execute their subtasks using ExecutorServices which can be configured separately. Otherwise, single-threaded version of Deployer and Validator are used. By default, concurrent deployment is enabled.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PRELOADER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE
        The number of threads used by ContainerLifecycleEventPreloader. The ContainerLifecycleEventPreloader allows observer methods for container lifecycle events to be resolved upfront while the deployment is waiting for classloader or reflection API. ContainerLifecycleEventPreloader has its own thread pool whose size is configured by this property. If set to 0, ContainerLifecycleEventPreloader is not installed. If not specified, the value is set to Math.max(1, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1)).

        public static final ConfigurationKey NON_PORTABLE_MODE
        Allows an integrator to enable the non-portable mode. Non-portable mode is suggested by the specification to overcome problems with legacy applications not using CDI SPI properly. The non-portable mode is disabled by default.

        public static final ConfigurationKey EXECUTOR_THREAD_POOL_SIZE
        The number of threads to be used for bean loading and deployment.

        public static final ConfigurationKey EXECUTOR_THREAD_POOL_DEBUG
        If set to true, debug timing information is printed to the standard output.

        public static final ConfigurationKey EXECUTOR_THREAD_POOL_TYPE
        The type of the thread pool. Possible values are: FIXED, FIXED_TIMEOUT, NONE, SINGLE_THREAD, COMMON.

        public static final ConfigurationKey EXECUTOR_THREAD_POOL_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME
        Keep-alive time in seconds. Passed to the constructor of the ThreadPoolExecutor class, maximum time that excess idle threads will wait for new tasks before terminating.

        public static final ConfigurationKey RESOLUTION_CACHE_SIZE
        Weld caches resolved injection points in order to resolve them faster in the future. There exists a separate type safe resolver for beans, decorators, disposers, interceptors and observers. Each of them stores resolved injection points in its cache, which maximum size is bounded by a default value (common to all of them).
        See Also:
      • PROXY_DUMP

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROXY_DUMP
        For debug purposes, it's possible to dump the generated bytecode of proxies and subclasses.

        public static final ConfigurationKey RELAXED_CONSTRUCTION
        Weld supports a non-standard workaround to be able to create client proxies for Java types that cannot be proxied by the container, using non-portable JVM APIs.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROXY_INSTANTIATOR
        Allows ProxyInstantiator to be selected explicitly. This is only intended for testing purposes and should never be set by an application.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROXY_UNSAFE
        this option is deprecated. RELAXED_CONSTRUCTION should be used instead
        Weld supports a non-standard workaround to be able to create client proxies for Java types that cannot be proxied by the container, using non-portable JVM APIs.

        public static final ConfigurationKey DISABLE_XML_VALIDATION
        XML descriptor validation is enabled by default.

        public static final ConfigurationKey INJECTABLE_REFERENCE_OPTIMIZATION
        For certain combinations of scopes, the container is permitted to optimize an injectable reference lookup. The optimization is disabled by default as it does not match the contract.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROBE_INVOCATION_MONITOR_EXCLUDE_TYPE
        A regular expression. If a non-empty string and the base type for an AnnotatedType or a declaring type for an AnnotatedMember matches this pattern the type is excluded from monitoring, i.e. the invocation monitor interceptor is not associated.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROBE_INVOCATION_MONITOR_SKIP_JAVABEAN_PROPERTIES
        If set to true the JavaBean accessor methods are not monitored.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROBE_EVENT_MONITOR_EXCLUDE_TYPE
        A regular expression. If a non-empty string and the runtime class of the event object matches this pattern the event is excluded from monitoring.

        public static final ConfigurationKey BEAN_IDENTIFIER_INDEX_OPTIMIZATION
        This optimization is used to reduce the HTTP session replication overhead. However, the inconsistency detection mechanism may cause problems in some development environments.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROBE_EMBED_INFO_SNIPPET
        If set to true an informative HTML snippet will be added to every response with Content-Type of value text/html.

        public static final ConfigurationKey CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_LAZY_FETCH
        If set to true, the attributes should be fetched lazily from the backing store for some contexts (e.g. attributes of an HTTP session for a session context).

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROBE_JMX_SUPPORT
        If set to true one or more MBean components may be registered so that it is possible to use JMX to access the Probe development tool data.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROBE_EVENT_MONITOR_CONTAINER_LIFECYCLE_EVENTS
        If set to true all the container lifecycle events are monitored during bootstrap. Note that this feature has negative impact on the bootstrap performance.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROBE_ALLOW_REMOTE_ADDRESS
        A regular expression used to limit access to the Probe REST API. The default value attempts to match connections from localhost only, i.e. it's matching the following addresses:
        • ::1, incl. zone indices (e.g. ::1%0)
        • 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, incl. zone indices (e.g. 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%eth0)
        Note that this might not work properly for an application behind a reverse-proxy or a load balancer. In such case we assume the web container involves some technique of overridding the client IP address with a value from the request headers (e.g. io.undertow.server.handlers.ProxyPeerAddressHandler, org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve, etc.).

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROXY_IGNORE_FINAL_METHODS
        Weld supports a non-standard workaround to be able to create proxies for Java types which declare non-private non-static final methods. These methods are completely ignored during proxy generation, and should never be invoked upon the proxy instance!

        A regular expression. If an unproxyable type matches this pattern, the type is considered proxyable and final methods are ignored.


        public static final ConfigurationKey CONVERSATION_TIMEOUT
        Conversation timeout in milliseconds. Default value is 600 000 ms.

        public static final ConfigurationKey CONVERSATION_CONCURRENT_ACCESS_TIMEOUT
        Conversation concurrent access timeout in milliseconds represents maximum time to wait on the conversation concurrent lock. Default value is 1000 ms.

        public static final ConfigurationKey ROLLING_UPGRADES_ID_DELIMITER
        This configuration property should only be used if experiencing problems with rolling upgrades.

        The delimiter is used to abbreviate a bean archive identifier (which is usually derived from the archive name) before used as a part of an identifier of an internal component (such as bean). Note that the delimiter is used for all bean archives forming the application.

        The abbreviation proceeds as follows:

        • Try to find the first occurrence of the specified delimiter
        • If not found, the identifier is not abbreviated
        • If found, try to extract the archive suffix (`.war`, `.ear`, etc.) and the final value consists of the part before the delimiter and the archive suffix (if extracted)

        An example: Given an application with two versions going by the names test__1.1.war and test__1.2.war. Weld normally cannot support replication of @SessionScoped beans between these two deployments. Passing in this option with delimiter "__" will allow Weld to see both applications simply as test.war, hence allowing for session replication.


        public static final ConfigurationKey VETO_TYPES_WITHOUT_BEAN_DEFINING_ANNOTATION
        A regular expression. If a non-empty string, then all annotated types whose matches this pattern are vetoed if not annotated with a bean defining annotation.

        public static final ConfigurationKey PROBE_EXPORT_DATA_AFTER_DEPLOYMENT
        If a non-empty string and development mode is enabled, the Probe data will be automatically exported after deployment validation. The value represents a path of the directory where to export the data file.

        public static final ConfigurationKey ALLOW_OPTIMIZED_CLEANUP
        If set to true:
        • Weld is allowed to perform efficient cleanup and further optimizations after bootstrap
        • Bootstrap.endInitialization() must be called after all EE components which support injection are installed (that means all relevant ProcessInjectionTarget events were already fired)
        This property can only be set by integrators through ExternalConfiguration.

        public static final ConfigurationKey UNUSED_BEANS_EXCLUDE_TYPE
        A regular expression. If ALLOW_OPTIMIZED_CLEANUP is set to true this property can be used to extend the set of beans which should never be considered unused. Bean.getBeanClass() is used to match the pattern.

        Two special values are considered. ConfigurationKey.UnusedBeans.ALL (default value) means that all beans are excluded. If set to ConfigurationKey.UnusedBeans.NONE, no beans are excluded.

        An unused bean:
        • is not excluded by this property or UNUSED_BEANS_EXCLUDE_ANNOTATION
        • is not a built-in bean, session bean, extension, interceptor or decorator,
        • does not have a name
        • does not declare an observer
        • is not eligible for injection to any injection point
        • does not declare a producer which is eligible for injection to any injection point
        • is not eligible for injection into any Instance injection point
        See Also:

        public static final ConfigurationKey UNUSED_BEANS_EXCLUDE_ANNOTATION
        A regular expression. If ALLOW_OPTIMIZED_CLEANUP is set to true this property can be used to extend the set of beans which should never be considered unused. A bean is excluded if the corresponding AnnotatedType, or any member, is annotated with an annotation which matches this pattern.

        By default, JAX-RS annotations are considered. If undefined (an empty string), no annotations are considered.

        An unused bean:
        • is not excluded by this property or UNUSED_BEANS_EXCLUDE_ANNOTATION
        • is not a built-in bean, session bean, extension, interceptor or decorator,
        • does not have a name
        • does not declare an observer
        • is not eligible for injection to any injection point
        • does not declare a producer which is eligible for injection to any injection point
        • is not eligible for injection into any Instance injection point
        See Also:

        public static final ConfigurationKey RESET_HTTP_SESSION_ATTR_ON_BEAN_ACCESS
        If set to true then when a contextual reference for a @SessionScoped or @ConversationScoped bean is obtained from a context backed by an HTTP session the instance is set again using HttpSession.setAttribute(). This allows to trigger session replication in some application servers.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static ConfigurationKey[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (ConfigurationKey c : ConfigurationKey.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static ConfigurationKey valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • get

        public String get()
        the string representation of the key
      • getDefaultValue

        public Object getDefaultValue()
        the default value
      • isIntegratorOnly

        public boolean isIntegratorOnly()
        true if only values set through ExternalConfiguration are considered
      • isValidValue

        public boolean isValidValue​(Object value)
        value -
        true if the given value corresponds to the type of the default value, false otherwise
      • isValidValueType

        public boolean isValidValueType​(Class<?> valueType)
        valueType -
        true if the given value type corresponds to the type of the default value, false otherwise
      • convertValue

        public Object convertValue​(String value)
        value -
        the converted value
      • isValueTypeSupported

        public static boolean isValueTypeSupported​(Class<?> valueType)
        valueType -
        true if the given value type is supported, false otherwise
      • fromString

        public static ConfigurationKey fromString​(String from)
        from -
        the key with the given value, or null if no such exists