Interface WeldCreationalContext<T>

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface WeldCreationalContext<T>
    extends jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.CreationalContext<T>
    Extended version of CreationalContext which gives the integrator additional control over the process of constructing an instance.
    Jozef Hartinger
    • Method Detail

      • setConstructorInterceptionSuppressed

        void setConstructorInterceptionSuppressed​(boolean value)
        By default Weld takes care of AroundConstruct interceptors of a component instance which are bound to the component using interceptor bindings or the Interceptors annotation. This may not be desired should an integrator want to manage these interceptors themselves. In that case this switch may be used to suppress Weld management of AroundConstruct interceptors. In that case an integrator is responsible for performing AroundConstruct interception.
        value - the value
        See Also:
      • isConstructorInterceptionSuppressed

        boolean isConstructorInterceptionSuppressed()
        Indicates whether Weld-managed AroundConstruct interceptors are suppressed.
        true if Weld-managed AroundConstruct interceptors are suppressed
        See Also:
      • registerAroundConstructCallback

        void registerAroundConstructCallback​(AroundConstructCallback<T> callback)
        Register a callback which is notified of component construction. This callback allows an integrator to perform additional tasks (e.g. invoking interceptors bound using the deployment descriptor) around constructor invocation. AroundConstructCallbacks are invoked in the order in which they were registered.
        callback - the callback