Interface TransactionServices

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface TransactionServices
    extends Service

    The container must implement the services related to transactional behavior used in JSR-299, if that behavior is going to be used.

    The event framework specified by CDI includes the ability to create observer methods which are activated based on the phase and status of a currently active transaction. In order to use these abilities, the container must provide these intermediary services which in turn may interact with an application server and JTA.

    Required in a Java EE environment

    TransactionServices is a per-deployment service.

    David Allen
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction getUserTransaction()
      Obtain a reference to the JTA UserTransaction
      boolean isTransactionActive()
      Queries the status of the current execution to see if a transaction is currently active.
      void registerSynchronization​(jakarta.transaction.Synchronization synchronizedObserver)
      Registers a synchronization object with the currently executing transaction.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.api.Service

    • Method Detail

      • registerSynchronization

        void registerSynchronization​(jakarta.transaction.Synchronization synchronizedObserver)
        Registers a synchronization object with the currently executing transaction.
        synchronizedObserver - the synchronization
        RuntimeException - if a problem occurs during registration, the Throwable.getCause() should return the original exception so that Weld could easily distinguish possible registration problems
        See Also:
      • isTransactionActive

        boolean isTransactionActive()
        Queries the status of the current execution to see if a transaction is currently active.
        true if a transaction is active
      • getUserTransaction

        jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction getUserTransaction()
        Obtain a reference to the JTA UserTransaction
        a reference to the JTA UserTransaction