Interface ProxyServices

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ProxyServices
    extends Service

    Support services related to proxy generation and serialization which are required to be implemented by all containers.

    These services are used by all Weld proxy classes to ensure the correct class loaders are used and to aid in the serialization and deserialization of these classes across container instances.

    Required in all environments since proxies are always in use. If no such service is provided by integrator, a default implementation will be used which will use the information extracted directly from the type of proxy.

    ProxyServices is a per-deployment service.

    David Allen, Matej Novotny
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default Class<?> defineClass​(Class<?> originalClass, String className, byte[] classBytes, int off, int len)
      Given a base type (class or interface), define a proxy class for this type.
      default Class<?> defineClass​(Class<?> originalClass, String className, byte[] classBytes, int off, int len, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
      Given a base type (class or interface), define a proxy class for this type.
      default Class<?> loadClass​(Class<?> originalClass, String classBinaryName)
      Given a base type (class or interface), attempts to load a proxy of that class.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.api.Service

    • Method Detail

      • defineClass

        default Class<?> defineClass​(Class<?> originalClass,
                                     String className,
                                     byte[] classBytes,
                                     int off,
                                     int len)
                              throws ClassFormatError
        Given a base type (class or interface), define a proxy class for this type. Integrators should use the base type to determine a proper ClassLoader instance to forward creation to. Mimics ClassLoader.defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len). Returns the created class object or throws an exception if there data are not valid or if there is any other problem registering the class with the ClassLoader.
        originalClass - The base type (class or interface) being proxied
        className - The binary name of the class
        classBytes - The bytes that make up the class data
        off - The start offset in classBytes of the class data
        len - The length of the class data
        The Class object created from the data
        ClassFormatError - If the data did not contain a valid class
      • defineClass

        default Class<?> defineClass​(Class<?> originalClass,
                                     String className,
                                     byte[] classBytes,
                                     int off,
                                     int len,
                                     ProtectionDomain protectionDomain)
                              throws ClassFormatError
        Given a base type (class or interface), define a proxy class for this type. Integrators should use the base type to determine a proper ClassLoader instance to forward creation to. The ProtectionDomain passed as an argument can be null (see default implementation of the second defineClass() method). In such a case a new ProtectionDomain should be derived from the originalClass. Mimics ClassLoader.defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len, ProtectionDomain domain). Returns the created class object or throws an exception if there data are not valid or if there is any other problem registering the class with the ClassLoader.
        originalClass - The base type (class or interface) being proxied
        className - The binary name of the class
        classBytes - The bytes that make up the class data
        off - The start offset in classBytes of the class data
        len - The length of the class data
        protectionDomain - The ProtectionDomain of the class or null
        The Class object created from the data
        ClassFormatError - If the data did not contain a valid class
      • loadClass

        default Class<?> loadClass​(Class<?> originalClass,
                                   String classBinaryName)
                            throws ClassNotFoundException
        Given a base type (class or interface), attempts to load a proxy of that class. Integrators should use the base type to determine proper ClassLoader instance to query.
        originalClass - The base type (class or interface) whose proxy we try to load
        classBinaryName - The binary name of the class
        The Class object for given binary name of the class
        ClassNotFoundException - If the class was not found