Interface Bootstrap

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Bootstrap deployBeans()
      Creates and deploys the application's beans: Creates and deploys the discovered beans Creates and deploys the built-in beans defined by the CDI specification Finally the AfterBeanDiscovery is event is fired
      Bootstrap endInitialization()
      Cleans up after the initialization
      WeldManager getManager​(BeanDeploymentArchive beanDeploymentArchive)
      Get the manager used for the given beanDeploymentArchive.
      Iterable<Metadata<jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension>> loadExtensions​(ClassLoader classLoader)
      Load CDI extensions using the provided ClassLoader
      BeansXml parse​(Iterable<URL> urls)
      Parse the specified URLs as a series of beans.xml file and merge the result.
      BeansXml parse​(Iterable<URL> urls, boolean removeDuplicates)
      Parse the specified URLs as a series of beans.xml file and merge the result.
      BeansXml parse​(Iterable<URL> urls, boolean removeDuplicates, BeanDiscoveryMode emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode)
      Parse the specified URLs as a series of beans.xml file and merge the result.
      BeansXml parse​(Iterable<URL> urls, BeanDiscoveryMode emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode)
      Parse the specified URLs as a series of beans.xml file and merge the result.
      BeansXml parse​(URL url)
      Parse the specified URL as a beans.xml file.
      BeansXml parse​(URL url, BeanDiscoveryMode emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode)
      Parse the specified URL as a beans.xml file with a parameter allowing to specify what bean discovery mode should be used when beans.xml is an empty file.
      void shutdown()
      Causes the container to clean up and shutdown Before the contain is shutdown the BeforeShutdown event is fired
      Bootstrap startContainer​(Environment environment, Deployment deployment)
      Creates the application container: Checks that the services required by the environment have been provided Adds container provided services Creates and initializes the built in contexts Creates the manager context
      Bootstrap startInitialization()
      Starts the application container initialization process: Reads metadata from beans.xml and the Deployment service Starts the application context Starts the request context which lasts until endInitialization() is called Discovers and creates Extension service providers Finally, the BeforeBeanDiscovery event is fired.
      Bootstrap validateBeans()
      Validates the deployment.
    • Method Detail

      • startContainer

        Bootstrap startContainer​(Environment environment,
                                 Deployment deployment)
        Creates the application container:
        • Checks that the services required by the environment have been provided
        • Adds container provided services
        • Creates and initializes the built in contexts
        • Creates the manager
        environment - the environment in use, by default Environments.EE
        deployment - the Deployment to be booted
        IllegalStateException - if not all the services required for the given environment are available
      • startInitialization

        Bootstrap startInitialization()
        Starts the application container initialization process:
        • Reads metadata from beans.xml and the Deployment service
        • Starts the application context
        • Starts the request context which lasts until endInitialization() is called
        • Discovers and creates Extension service providers
        Finally, the BeforeBeanDiscovery event is fired.
      • deployBeans

        Bootstrap deployBeans()
        Creates and deploys the application's beans:
        • Creates and deploys the discovered beans
        • Creates and deploys the built-in beans defined by the CDI specification
        Finally the AfterBeanDiscovery is event is fired
      • validateBeans

        Bootstrap validateBeans()
        Validates the deployment. After validation, the AfterDeploymentValidation event is fired
      • endInitialization

        Bootstrap endInitialization()
        Cleans up after the initialization
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
        Causes the container to clean up and shutdown Before the contain is shutdown the BeforeShutdown event is fired
      • parse

        BeansXml parse​(URL url)
        Parse the specified URL as a beans.xml file.
        url - the url to parse
        the BeansXml data structure which represents the URL
        IllegalArgumentException - if the URL cannot be opened
      • parse

        BeansXml parse​(Iterable<URL> urls)
        Parse the specified URLs as a series of beans.xml file and merge the result. Duplicate entries are not removed.
        urls - the urls to parse
        the BeansXml data structure which represents the URL
        IllegalArgumentException - if the URL cannot be opened
      • parse

        BeansXml parse​(Iterable<URL> urls,
                       boolean removeDuplicates)
        Parse the specified URLs as a series of beans.xml file and merge the result.
        urls - the urls to parse
        removeDuplicates - whether duplicate entries (alternatives, interceptors, etc) are removed
        the BeansXml data structure which represents the URL
        IllegalArgumentException - if the URL cannot be opened
      • parse

        BeansXml parse​(URL url,
                       BeanDiscoveryMode emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode)
        Parse the specified URL as a beans.xml file with a parameter allowing to specify what bean discovery mode should be used when beans.xml is an empty file.
        url - the url to parse
        emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode - Discovery mode to be used when beans.xml is an empty file
        the BeansXml data structure which represents the URL
        IllegalArgumentException - if the URL cannot be opened
      • parse

        BeansXml parse​(Iterable<URL> urls,
                       BeanDiscoveryMode emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode)
        Parse the specified URLs as a series of beans.xml file and merge the result. BeanDiscoveryMode specifies what discovery mode should be used when beans.xml is an empty file. Duplicate entries are not removed.
        urls - the urls to parse
        emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode - Discovery mode to be used when beans.xml is an empty file
        the BeansXml data structure which represents the URL
        IllegalArgumentException - if the URL cannot be opened
      • parse

        BeansXml parse​(Iterable<URL> urls,
                       boolean removeDuplicates,
                       BeanDiscoveryMode emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode)
        Parse the specified URLs as a series of beans.xml file and merge the result. BeanDiscoveryMode specifies what discovery mode should be used when beans.xml is an empty file.
        urls - the urls to parse
        removeDuplicates - whether duplicate entries (alternatives, interceptors, etc) are removed
        emptyBeansXmlDiscoveryMode - Discovery mode to be used when beans.xml is an empty file
        the BeansXml data structure which represents the URL
        IllegalArgumentException - if the URL cannot be opened
      • loadExtensions

        Iterable<Metadata<jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension>> loadExtensions​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        Load CDI extensions using the provided ClassLoader
        classLoader - the ClassLoader to use to load the extensions
        loaded extensions
        IllegalArgumentException - if classLoader is null