Class StatefulEJBLocator<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the remote view type
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class StatefulEJBLocator<T>
    extends EJBLocator<T>
    A locator for a stateful session Enterprise Bean.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(Class<T> viewType,
                                  String appName,
                                  String moduleName,
                                  String beanName,
                                  SessionID sessionId)
        Construct a new instance.
        viewType - the view type
        appName - the application name
        moduleName - the module name
        beanName - the bean name
        sessionId - the stateful session ID
      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(Class<T> viewType,
                                  String appName,
                                  String moduleName,
                                  String beanName,
                                  SessionID sessionId,
                                  Affinity affinity)
        Construct a new instance.
        viewType - the view type
        appName - the application name
        moduleName - the module name
        beanName - the bean name
        sessionId - the stateful session ID
        affinity - The Affinity for this stateful bean locator
      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(Class<T> viewType,
                                  String appName,
                                  String moduleName,
                                  String beanName,
                                  String distinctName,
                                  SessionID sessionId)
        Construct a new instance.
        viewType - the view type
        appName - the application name
        moduleName - the module name
        beanName - the bean name
        distinctName - the distinct name
        sessionId - the stateful session ID
      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(Class<T> viewType,
                                  String appName,
                                  String moduleName,
                                  String beanName,
                                  String distinctName,
                                  SessionID sessionId,
                                  Affinity affinity)
        Construct a new instance.
        viewType - the view type
        appName - the application name
        moduleName - the module name
        beanName - the bean name
        distinctName - the distinct name
        sessionId - the stateful session ID
        affinity - The Affinity for this stateful bean locator
      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(Class<T> viewType,
                                  EJBIdentifier identifier,
                                  SessionID sessionId,
                                  Affinity affinity)
        Construct a new instance.
        viewType - the view type
        identifier - the Enterprise Beans identifier
        sessionId - the stateful session ID
        affinity - the Affinity for this stateful bean locator
      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(Class<T> viewType,
                                  EJBIdentifier identifier,
                                  SessionID sessionId)
        Construct a new instance.
        viewType - the view type
        identifier - the Enterprise Beans identifier
        sessionId - the stateful session ID
      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(StatefulEJBLocator<T> original,
                                  Affinity newAffinity)
        Construct a new instance. This constructor creates a copy of the original locator, but with a new affinity.
        original - the original locator
        newAffinity - the new affinity
      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(EJBLocator<T> original,
                                  SessionID sessionId)
        Construct a new instance. This constructor uses the location from the original locator, but with the given session ID.
        original - the original locator
        sessionId - the session ID
      • StatefulEJBLocator

        public StatefulEJBLocator​(EJBLocator<T> original,
                                  SessionID sessionId,
                                  Affinity newAffinity)
        Construct a new instance. This constructor uses the location from the original locator, but with the given session ID and affinity.
        original - the original locator
        sessionId - the session ID
        newAffinity - the new affinity
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static <T> StatefulEJBLocator<T> create​(Class<T> viewType,
                                                       EJBIdentifier identifier,
                                                       SessionID sessionId,
                                                       Affinity affinity)
        Construct a new instance.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the remote view type
        viewType - the view type (must not be null)
        identifier - the Enterprise Beans identifier (must not be null)
        sessionId - the stateful session ID (must not be null)
        affinity - the Affinity for this stateful bean locator
        the new instance (not null)
      • withoutSession

        public StatelessEJBLocator<T> withoutSession()
        Get a copy of this stateful Enterprise Beans locator, but without any session ID.
        the stateless Enterprise Beans locator (not null)
      • withSession

        public StatefulEJBLocator<T> withSession​(SessionID sessionId)
        Description copied from class: EJBLocator
        Create a copy of this locator, but with the given stateful session ID. If this locator cannot be converted, an exception is thrown.
        withSession in class EJBLocator<T>
        sessionId - the stateful session ID (must not be null)
        the new locator (not null)
      • withSessionAndAffinity

        public StatefulEJBLocator<T> withSessionAndAffinity​(SessionID sessionId,
                                                            Affinity affinity)
        Description copied from class: EJBLocator
        Create a copy of this locator, but with the given affinity and stateful session ID. If this locator cannot be converted, an exception is thrown.
        withSessionAndAffinity in class EJBLocator<T>
        sessionId - the stateful session ID (must not be null)
        affinity - the new affinity (must not be null)
        the new locator (not null)
      • narrowTo

        public <S> StatefulEJBLocator<? extends S> narrowTo​(Class<S> type)
        Description copied from class: EJBLocator
        Narrow this locator to the target type.
        narrowTo in class EJBLocator<T>
        Type Parameters:
        S - the target type
        type - the target type class
        this instance, narrowed to the given type
      • narrowAsStateful

        public <S> StatefulEJBLocator<? extends S> narrowAsStateful​(Class<S> type)
        Description copied from class: EJBLocator
        Narrow this locator to the target type as a stateful locator.
        narrowAsStateful in class EJBLocator<T>
        Type Parameters:
        S - the target type
        type - the target type class
        this instance, narrowed to the given type and cast as a stateful locator
      • asStateful

        public StatefulEJBLocator<T> asStateful()
        Description copied from class: EJBLocator
        Return this locator as a stateful locator, if it is one.
        asStateful in class EJBLocator<T>
        this instance, cast as a stateful locator
      • getSessionId

        public SessionID getSessionId()
        Get the session ID associated with this locator.
        the session ID
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object other)
        Determine whether this object is equal to another.
        equals in class EJBLocator<T>
        other - the other object
        true if they are equal, false otherwise
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(EJBLocator<?> other)
        Determine whether this object is equal to another.
        equals in class EJBLocator<T>
        other - the other object
        true if they are equal, false otherwise
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(StatefulEJBLocator<?> other)
        Determine whether this object is equal to another.
        other - the other object
        true if they are equal, false otherwise