Enum LoggingTaskHandlerDecorator.InputParameter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<LoggingTaskHandlerDecorator.InputParameter>
    Enclosing class:

    public static enum LoggingTaskHandlerDecorator.InputParameter
    extends Enum<LoggingTaskHandlerDecorator.InputParameter>
    Type of input parameter that will be used in the MessageFormat string set in LoggingTaskHandlerDecorator.setLoggedMessageFormat(String).

    Work items are referred to in the following table, are WorkItem instances that were being processed when the exception was thrown.

    The following values can be used:
    WORK_ITEM_ID The work item id
    WORK_ITEM_NAME The work item name
    WORK_ITEM_METHOD Either "execut" (without an 'e') or "abort" depending what was being done with the work item.
    WORK_ITEM_HANDLER_TYPE The class name of the WorkItemHandler implementation.
    WORK_ITEM_PARAMETERS A list of the parameters present in the WorkItem
    SERVICE If the work item was being processed as part of a <serviceTask>, then this is the name of the class or service being called. Null otherwise.
    OPERATION If the work item was being processed as part of a <serviceTask>, then this is the name of the method or service operation being called. Null otherwise.
    PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID The process instance id in which the exception occurred.
    EXCEPTION_CLASS The class of the exception thrown.