All Classes

An ArgumentFactory base class for arguments of type T.
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release.
Represents an argument to a prepared statement.
Inspect a value with optional static type information and produce an Argument that binds the value to a prepared statement.
ArgumentFactory extension interface that allows preparing arguments for efficient batch binding.
A registry for ArgumentFactory instances.
Represents a group of non-prepared statements to be sent to the RDMBS in one "request".
A row mapper which maps the columns in a statement into a JavaBean.
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release.
Represents the arguments bound to a particular statement.
Used for invoking stored procedures.
Map an OUT parameter in a callable statement to a result type.
Matches column names with identical java names, ignoring case.
Strategies for comparing case sensitive strings.
Bind a Reader as a character stream parameter.
Locates SQL in .sql files on the classpath.
Cleans up some JDBC resource e.g.
Thrown when an exception occurs while attempting to close a database resource.
Handler designed to behave properly in a J2EE CMT environment.
A Codec provides a convenient way for a bidirectional mapping of an attribute to a database column.
CodecFactory provides column mappers and arguments for bidirectional mapping types to database columns.
Fluent Builder for CodecFactory.
Factory for building Collectors to assemble containers of elements.
SQL parser which recognizes named parameter tokens of the form :tokenName
Maps result set columns to objects.
Factory interface used to produce column mappers.
Configuration registry for ColumnMapperFactory instances.
Specify the mapping name for a property or parameter explicitly.
Strategy for matching SQL column names to Java property, field, or parameter names.
A registry of JdbiConfig instances by type.
A type with access to access and modify arbitrary Jdbi configuration.
Supplies Connection instances to a created Handle and allows custom close handling.
A row mapper which maps the fields in a result set into a constructor.
A StatementBuilder which will always create a new PreparedStatement.
Template engine which replaces angle-bracketed tokens like <name> with the string value of the named attribute.
Simple delegating subclass that just invokes its delegate.
Thrown when Jdbi tries to build a Collector, but cannot determine the element type intended for it.
describes what should be done if the value passed to SqlStatement.bindList(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...) is null or empty
Specifies that an Enum value should be bound or mapped as its
Specifies that an Enum value should be bound or mapped as its Enum.ordinal().
EnumMapper<E extends Enum<E>>
Column mapper for Java enum types.
Configuration for behavior related to Enums.
Factory interface used to produce Jdbi extension objects.
Holder for a Class and a Method that together define which extension method was invoked.
Configuration class for defining Jdbi extensions via ExtensionFactory instances.
A row mapper which maps the columns in a statement into an object, using reflection to set fields on the object.
Factory for a RowMapper that can map resultset rows to column name/generic value Maps.
Utilities for working with generic types.
Factory that uses ResultSet.getObject(int, Class) to fetch values.
Configure vendor supported types for the H2 Java database implementation
This represents a connection to the database system.
Callback that accepts a Handle that remains open for the duration of the callback invocation.
Callback that accepts a Handle and returns no result.
Configuration class for handles.
A handle supplier for extension implementors.
SQL parser which recognizes named parameter tokens of the form #tokenName.
Bind an input stream as either an ASCII (discouraged) or binary stream.
Implements Iterator methods for unidentified arrays and Iterable things that do not have a more specific type than Object.
Main entry point; configurable wrapper around a JDBC DataSource.
Simple cache interface.
Hold metadata caches which maps various JVM constants into pre-parsed forms.
Registry of collector factories.
Interface for classes that hold configuration.
Indicate to ConstructorMapper and other reflective mappers how to construct an instance.
Utilities for JdbiConstructor annotation.
Base unchecked exception for exceptions thrown from jdbi.
Configures support for an FreeBuilder generated Builder) value type.
Configures support for an Immutables generated Immutable or Modifiable value type.
A plugin is given an opportunity to customize instances of various Jdbi types before they are returned from their factories.
Abstract base class for single-install JdbiPlugins.
Holder for a single joined row.
A RowMapper implementation to easily compose existing RowMappers.
A row reducer that uses LinkedHashMap (which preserves insertion order) as a result container, and returns map.values().stream() as the final result.
This TransactionHandler uses local JDBC transactions demarcated explicitly on the handle and passed through to be handled directly on the JDBC Connection instance.
Maps rows to Map.Entry<K, V>, provided there are mappers registered for types K and V.
Configuration class for MapEntryMapper.
Yo dawg, I heard you like maps, so I made you a mapper that maps rows into Map<String,Object>.
Configuration class for obtaining row or column mappers.
Thrown when a mapper fails to map the row to a result type.
Access to Database Metadata.
Returns an Argument based on a name.
Signals that the annotated element is a nested mapped type.
Thrown when no results were found in a context that requires at least one.
Thrown when Jdbi tries to produce a result Collector but doesn't have a factory to produce it with.
Thrown when an extension of an unknown type is created.
Thrown when you attempt to map a type that Jdbi doesn't have a registered mapper factory for.
A typed SQL null argument.
Argument qualifier annotation, indicating that the annotated String element should be bound as an NVARCHAR instead of a VARCHAR.
An Argument which uses setObject to support vendor specific types.
Argument factory that matches a specified type and binds it as an ObjectArgument.
Base NamedArgumentFinder implementation that can be used when binding properties of an object, with an optional prefix.
Factory methods for collectors of optional types.
Represents output from a Call (CallableStatement).
The parsed parameters from an SQL statement.
The SQL and parameters parsed from an SQL statement.
Fluent builder for ParsedSql instances.
This class is the future home of BeanMapper functionality.
Row mapper that inspects an immutables-style Immutable or Modifiable value class for properties and binds them in the style of BeanMapper.
Introspector-like interface that works with arbitrary pojos, not just beans.
This class hosts the logic from BeanPropertyArguments.
Represents a prepared batch statement.
Signals that the annotated property signals the presence of the mapped type: reflective mappers should map a null bean if this property is null, rather than a present bean with a null property value.
Inspect a value with optional static qualified type information and produce an Argument that binds the value to a prepared statement.
QualifiedArgumentFactory extension interface that allows preparing arguments for efficient batch binding.
Factory interface used to produce column mappers.
A Type qualified by a set of qualifier annotations.
Annotation used to identify type qualifying annotations.
Utility class for type qualifiers supported by Jdbi core.
Statement providing convenience result handling for SQL queries.
Configuration class for reflective mappers.
Utilities for reflective mappers.
Provides access to the contents of a ResultSet by mapping to Java types.
An Iterable of values, usually mapped from a ResultSet.
Represents a forward-only iterator over a result set, which will lazily iterate the results.
Produces a result from an executed PreparedStatement.
Commonly used ResultProducer implementations.
A ResultSetAccumulator repeatedly combines rows from the given ResultSet to produce a single result.
Wraps exceptions thrown while traversing the JDBC result set.
Scan over rows of result sets, mapping and collecting the rows to a result type.
Maps result set rows to objects.
Factory interface used to produce row mappers.
Configuration registry for RowMapperFactory instances.
Reduces row data from a ResultSet into a stream of result elements.
A RowView is an accessor for ResultSet that uses RowMapper or ColumnMapper to extract values.
Higher level cousin of RowMapper that operates over RowViews rather than the bare ResultSet.
Represents a number of SQL statements which will be executed in a batch statement.
A TransactionHandler that automatically retries transactions that fail due to serialization failures, which can generally be resolved by automatically retrying the transaction.
Configuration for serializable transaction runner
Factory that uses PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object, int) to bind values.
Adapts a ColumnMapper into a RowMapper by mapping a single column.
Simple SqlLogger that emits some diagnostic information about Jdbi usage.
Matches snake case column names to java camel case names, ignoring case.
Bind a Java array or Collection to a SQL array using the SqlArrayTypeFactory for the given type information.
Strategies used to bind SQL array arguments to a PreparedStatement.
Maps SQL array columns into Java arrays or other Java container types.
Strategy for converting elements of array-like arguments into SQL array elements.
Factory interface to produce SqlArrayType instances.
Configuration class for SQL array binding and mapping.
SqlLoggers receive query data before and after a query is executed, and after an exception is thrown by a bad query.
Parses the named parameters out of an SQL statement, and returns the ParsedSql containing the JDBC-ready SQL statement, along with the type of parameters used (named or positional), the number, and the parameter name for each position (if applicable).
An SQL script parser.
This class provides the common functions between Query and Update.
Configuration holder for SqlStatements.
Used to convert translated SQL into a prepared statement.
Used to specify how prepared statements are built.
The statement context provides access to statement-local configuration.
Allows tweaking of statement behaviour.
Some simple StatementCustomizers you might find handy.
Superclass for exceptions thrown while trying to execute a statement.
Configuration for StatementException and subclasses behavior.
Control exception message generation.
StreamCallback<T,​R,​X extends Exception>
Renders an SQL statement from a template.
Thrown when there's a problem manipulating the transaction isolation level.
Interface which defines callbacks to be used when transaction methods are called on a handle.
Supported transaction isolation levels.
Thrown when Jdbi couldn't create a statement.
Thrown when statement execution fails.
Thrown when Jdbi isn't able to change the transaction isolation level.
Wraps exceptions thrown while producing Java result types.
Thrown after a transaction finishes if we can't reset its isolation level.
Thrown when Jdbi couldn't retrieve metadata from the connection.
Configure reflective bean and pojo mapping to skip a property.
Used for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements