
JDOM2 v0.0.2-BETA
API Specification

org.jdom2 Classes representing the components of an XML document.
org.jdom2.adapters Classes to interface with various DOM implementations.
org.jdom2.filter Classes to both filter and generically type-cast nodes of a document based on type, name, value, or other aspects, and to boolean AND/OR/NEGATE these rules.
org.jdom2.input Classes to build JDOM documents from various sources.
org.jdom2.input.sax Tools to build JDOM documents and content using SAX parsers.
org.jdom2.located Extended JDOM Content Classes that contain location coordinates.
org.jdom2.output Classes to output JDOM documents to various destinations.
org.jdom2.output.support Classes used to implement output functionality that are not part of the actual Output API, but rather part of the implementation.
org.jdom2.transform Classes to help with transformations, based on the JAXP TrAX classes.
org.jdom2.util Classes that implement reusable functionality that are not part of the official JDOM API, but are used by many of the JDOM classes.
org.jdom2.xpath Support for XPath from within JDOM.
org.jdom2.xpath.jaxen Support for the Jaxen XPath Library.
org.jdom2.xpath.util Classes useful for interfacing the JDOM XPath API to full XPath libraries.



Copyright � 2011 Jason Hunter, Brett McLaughlin. All Rights Reserved.