
Interface Parent

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, NamespaceAware, java.io.Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
Document, Element, LocatedElement

public interface Parent
extends java.lang.Cloneable, NamespaceAware, java.io.Serializable

Interface for JDOM objects which are allowed to contain Content content - Element and Document.

Bradley S. Huffman, Jason Hunter, Rolf Lear
See Also:
Content, Document, Element

Method Summary
 void canContainContent(Content content, int index, boolean replace)
          Test whether this Parent instance can contain the specified content at the specified position.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Obtain a deep, unattached copy of this parent and it's children.
 java.util.List<Content> cloneContent()
          Returns a list containing detached clones of this parent's content list.
 java.util.List<Content> getContent()
          Returns the full content of this parent as a List which contains objects of type Content.
<E extends Content>
getContent(Filter<E> filter)
          Returns as a List the content of this parent that matches the supplied filter.
 Content getContent(int index)
          Returns the child at the given index.
 int getContentSize()
          Returns the number of children in this parent's content list.
 IteratorIterable<Content> getDescendants()
          Returns an Iterator that walks over all descendants in document order.
<E extends Content>
getDescendants(Filter<E> filter)
          Returns an Iterator that walks over all descendants in document order applying the Filter to return only content that match the filter rule.
 Document getDocument()
          Return this parent's owning document or null if the branch containing this parent is currently not attached to a document.
 Parent getParent()
          Return this parent's parent, or null if this parent is currently not attached to another parent.
 int indexOf(Content child)
          Returns the index of the supplied child in the content list, or -1 if not a child of this parent.
 java.util.List<Content> removeContent()
          Removes all content from this parent and returns the detached children.
 boolean removeContent(Content child)
          Removes a single child node from the content list.
<E extends Content>
removeContent(Filter<E> filter)
          Removes from this parent all child content matching the given filter and returns a list of the detached children.
 Content removeContent(int index)
          Removes and returns the child at the given index, or returns null if there's no such child.
Methods inherited from interface org.jdom2.NamespaceAware
getNamespacesInherited, getNamespacesInScope, getNamespacesIntroduced

Method Detail


int getContentSize()
Returns the number of children in this parent's content list. Children may be any Content type.

number of children


int indexOf(Content child)
Returns the index of the supplied child in the content list, or -1 if not a child of this parent.

child - child to search for
index of child, or -1 if not found


java.util.List<Content> cloneContent()
Returns a list containing detached clones of this parent's content list.

list of cloned child content


Content getContent(int index)
Returns the child at the given index.

index - location of desired child
child at the given index
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is negative or beyond the current number of children
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if parent is a Document and the root element is not set


java.util.List<Content> getContent()
Returns the full content of this parent as a List which contains objects of type Content. The returned list is "live" and in document order. Any modifications to it affect the element's actual contents. Modifications are checked for conformance to XML 1.0 rules.

Sequential traversal through the List is best done with an Iterator since the underlying implement of List.size() may require walking the entire list and indexed lookups may require starting at the beginning each time.

a list of the content of the parent
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if parent is a Document and the root element is not set


<E extends Content> java.util.List<E> getContent(Filter<E> filter)
Returns as a List the content of this parent that matches the supplied filter. The returned list is "live" and in document order. Any modifications to it affect the element's actual contents. Modifications are checked for conformance to XML 1.0 rules.

Sequential traversal through the List is best done with an Iterator since the underlying implement of List.size() may require walking the entire list and indexed lookups may require starting at the beginning each time.

Type Parameters:
E - The Generic type of the returned content (the Filter's type)
filter - filter to apply
a list of the content of the parent matching the filter
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if parent is a Document and the root element is not set


java.util.List<Content> removeContent()
Removes all content from this parent and returns the detached children.

list of the old content detached from this parent


<E extends Content> java.util.List<E> removeContent(Filter<E> filter)
Removes from this parent all child content matching the given filter and returns a list of the detached children.

Type Parameters:
E - The Generic type of the content to remove.
filter - filter to apply
list of the detached children matching the filter


boolean removeContent(Content child)
Removes a single child node from the content list.

child - child to remove
whether the removal occurred


Content removeContent(int index)
Removes and returns the child at the given index, or returns null if there's no such child.

index - index of child to remove
detached child at given index or null if no
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is negative or beyond the current number of children


java.lang.Object clone()
Obtain a deep, unattached copy of this parent and it's children.

a deep copy of this parent and it's children.


IteratorIterable<Content> getDescendants()
Returns an Iterator that walks over all descendants in document order.

Note that this method returns an IteratorIterable instance, which means that you can use it either as an Iterator, or an Iterable, allowing both:

   for (Iterator it = parent.getDescendants();
           it.hasNext();) {
       Content c = it.next();
   for (Content c : parent.getDescendants()) {
The Iterator version is most useful if you need to do list modification on the iterator (using remove()), and for compatibility with JDOM 1.x

an iterator to walk descendants


<E extends Content> IteratorIterable<E> getDescendants(Filter<E> filter)
Returns an Iterator that walks over all descendants in document order applying the Filter to return only content that match the filter rule. With filters you can match only Elements, only Comments, Elements or Comments, only Elements with a given name and/or prefix, and so on.

Note that this method returns an IteratorIterable instance, which means that you can use it either as an Iterator, or an Iterable, allowing both:

   for (Iterator it = parent.getDescendants(Filters.element());
           it.hasNext();) {
       Element e = it.next();
   for (Element e : parent.getDescendants(Filters.element())) {
The Iterator version is most useful if you need to do list modification on the iterator (using remove()), and for compatibility with JDOM 1.x

Type Parameters:
E - The generic type of the returned descendant data
filter - filter to select which descendants to see
an iterator to walk descendants that match a filter


Parent getParent()
Return this parent's parent, or null if this parent is currently not attached to another parent. This is the same method as in Content but also added to Parent to allow more easy up-the-tree walking.

this parent's parent or null if none


Document getDocument()
Return this parent's owning document or null if the branch containing this parent is currently not attached to a document.

this child's owning document or null if none


void canContainContent(Content content,
                       int index,
                       boolean replace)
                       throws IllegalAddException
Test whether this Parent instance can contain the specified content at the specified position.

content - The content to be checked
index - The location where the content would be put.
replace - true if the intention is to replace the content already at the index.
IllegalAddException - if there is a problem with the content


Copyright � 2012 Jason Hunter, Brett McLaughlin. All Rights Reserved.