
Uses of Interface

Packages that use JDOMFactory
org.jdom2 Classes representing the components of an XML document. 
org.jdom2.input Classes to build JDOM documents from various sources. 
org.jdom2.input.sax Support classes for building JDOM documents and content using SAX parsers. 
org.jdom2.input.stax Support classes for building JDOM documents and content using StAX readers. 
org.jdom2.located Extended JDOM Content Classes that contain location coordinates. 
org.jdom2.transform Classes to help with transformations, based on the JAXP TrAX classes. 

Uses of JDOMFactory in org.jdom2

Classes in org.jdom2 that implement JDOMFactory
 class DefaultJDOMFactory
          Creates the standard top-level JDOM classes (Element, Document, Comment, etc).
 class SlimJDOMFactory
          This JDOMFactory instance reduces the amount of memory used by JDOM content.
 class UncheckedJDOMFactory
          Special factory for building documents without any content or structure checking.

Uses of JDOMFactory in org.jdom2.input

Methods in org.jdom2.input that return JDOMFactory
 JDOMFactory StAXStreamBuilder.getFactory()
          Returns the current JDOMFactory in use.
 JDOMFactory StAXEventBuilder.getFactory()
          Returns the current JDOMFactory in use.
 JDOMFactory SAXBuilder.getFactory()
          Deprecated. as it is replaced by SAXBuilder.getJDOMFactory()
 JDOMFactory DOMBuilder.getFactory()
          Returns the current JDOMFactory in use.
 JDOMFactory SAXBuilder.getJDOMFactory()
          Returns the current JDOMFactory in use.

Methods in org.jdom2.input with parameters of type JDOMFactory
 void StAXStreamBuilder.setFactory(JDOMFactory factory)
          This sets a custom JDOMFactory for the builder.
 void StAXEventBuilder.setFactory(JDOMFactory factory)
          This sets a custom JDOMFactory for the builder.
 void SAXBuilder.setFactory(JDOMFactory factory)
          Deprecated. as it is replaced by SAXBuilder.setJDOMFactory(JDOMFactory)
 void DOMBuilder.setFactory(JDOMFactory factory)
          This sets a custom JDOMFactory for the builder.
 void SAXBuilder.setJDOMFactory(JDOMFactory factory)
          This sets a custom JDOMFactory for the builder.

Constructors in org.jdom2.input with parameters of type JDOMFactory
SAXBuilder(XMLReaderJDOMFactory xmlreaderfactory, SAXHandlerFactory handlerfactory, JDOMFactory jdomfactory)
          Creates a new SAXBuilder.

Uses of JDOMFactory in org.jdom2.input.sax

Methods in org.jdom2.input.sax that return JDOMFactory
 JDOMFactory SAXHandler.getFactory()
          Returns the factory used for constructing objects.
 JDOMFactory SAXEngine.getJDOMFactory()
          Returns the current JDOMFactory in use.
 JDOMFactory SAXBuilderEngine.getJDOMFactory()

Methods in org.jdom2.input.sax with parameters of type JDOMFactory
 SAXHandler SAXHandlerFactory.createSAXHandler(JDOMFactory factory)
          Create a new SAXHandler instance for SAXBuilder to use.
 SAXHandler DefaultSAXHandlerFactory.createSAXHandler(JDOMFactory factory)

Constructors in org.jdom2.input.sax with parameters of type JDOMFactory
SAXHandler(JDOMFactory factory)
          This will create a new SAXHandler that listens to SAX events and creates a JDOM Document.

Uses of JDOMFactory in org.jdom2.input.stax

Methods in org.jdom2.input.stax with parameters of type JDOMFactory
static DocType DTDParser.parse(java.lang.String input, JDOMFactory factory)
          Parse out a DOCTYPE declaration as supplied by the standard StAX readers.

Uses of JDOMFactory in org.jdom2.located

Classes in org.jdom2.located that implement JDOMFactory
 class LocatedJDOMFactory
          All Content instances (Element, Comment, CDATA, DocType, Text, EntityRef, and ProcessingInstruction) will implement Located, and will have the values set appropriately.

Uses of JDOMFactory in org.jdom2.transform

Methods in org.jdom2.transform that return JDOMFactory
 JDOMFactory XSLTransformer.getFactory()
          Returns the custom JDOMFactory used to build the transformation result.
 JDOMFactory JDOMResult.getFactory()
          Returns the custom JDOMFactory used to build the transformation result.

Methods in org.jdom2.transform with parameters of type JDOMFactory
 void XSLTransformer.setFactory(JDOMFactory factory)
          Sets a custom JDOMFactory to use when building the transformation result.
 void JDOMResult.setFactory(JDOMFactory factory)
          Sets a custom JDOMFactory to use when building the transformation result.


Copyright � 2012 Jason Hunter, Brett McLaughlin. All Rights Reserved.