
Uses of Interface

Packages that use EscapeStrategy
org.jdom2.output Classes to output JDOM documents to various destinations. 
org.jdom2.output.support Classes used to implement output functionality that are not part of the actual Output API, but rather part of the implementation. 

Uses of EscapeStrategy in org.jdom2.output

Methods in org.jdom2.output that return EscapeStrategy
 EscapeStrategy Format.getEscapeStrategy()
          Returns the current escape strategy

Methods in org.jdom2.output with parameters of type EscapeStrategy
static java.lang.String Format.escapeAttribute(EscapeStrategy strategy, java.lang.String value)
          This will take the three pre-defined entities in XML 1.0 ('<', '>', and '&' - used specifically in XML elements) as well as CR/NL, tabs, and Quote characters which require escaping inside Attribute values and converts their character representation to the appropriate entity reference suitable for XML attribute content.
static java.lang.String Format.escapeText(EscapeStrategy strategy, java.lang.String eol, java.lang.String value)
          This will take the three pre-defined entities in XML 1.0 ('<', '>', and '&' - used specifically in XML elements) and convert their character representation to the appropriate entity reference, suitable for XML element content.
 Format Format.setEscapeStrategy(EscapeStrategy strategy)
          Sets the EscapeStrategy to use for character escaping.

Uses of EscapeStrategy in org.jdom2.output.support

Methods in org.jdom2.output.support that return EscapeStrategy
 EscapeStrategy FormatStack.getEscapeStrategy()


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