
Class AbstractXMLOutputProcessor

  extended by org.jdom2.output.support.AbstractOutputProcessor
      extended by org.jdom2.output.support.AbstractXMLOutputProcessor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class AbstractXMLOutputProcessor
extends AbstractOutputProcessor
implements XMLOutputProcessor

This class provides a concrete implementation of XMLOutputProcessor for supporting the XMLOutputter.


This class is marked abstract even though all methods are fully implemented. The process*(...) methods are public because they match the XMLOutputProcessor interface but the remaining methods are all protected.

People who want to create a custom XMLOutputProcessor for XMLOutputter are able to extend this class and modify any functionality they want. Before sub-classing this you should first check to see if the Format class can get you the results you want.

Subclasses of this should have reentrant methods. This is easiest to accomplish simply by not allowing any instance fields. If your sub-class has an instance field/variable, then it's probably broken.

The Stacks

One significant feature of this implementation is that it creates and maintains both a NamespaceStack and FormatStack that are managed in the printElement(Writer, FormatStack, NamespaceStack, Element) method. The stacks are pushed and popped in that method only. They significantly improve the performance and readability of the code.

The NamespaceStack is only sent through to the printElement(Writer, FormatStack, NamespaceStack, Element) and printContent(Writer, FormatStack, NamespaceStack, Walker) methods, but the FormatStack is pushed through to all print* Methods.

Text Processing

In XML the concept of 'Text' can be loosely defined as anything that can be found between an Element's start and end tags, excluding Comments and Processing Instructions. When considered from a JDOM perspective, this means Text, CDATA and EntityRef content. This will be referred to as 'Text-like content'

XMLOutputter delegates the management and formatting of Content to a Walker instance. See Walker and its various implementations for details on how the Element content is processed.

Because the Walker interface specifies that Text/CDATA content may be returned as either Text/CDATA instances or as formatted String values this class sometimes uses printCDATA(...) and printText(...), and sometimes uses the more direct textCDATA(Writer, String) or textRaw(Writer, String) as appropriate. In other words, subclasses should probably override these second methods instead of the print methods.

Non-Text Content

Non-text content is processed via the respective print* methods. The usage should be logical based on the method name.

The general observations are:

Final Notes

No methods actually write to the destination Writer except the write(...) methods. Thus, all other methods do their respective processing and delegate the actual destination output to the write(Writer, char) or write(Writer, String) methods.

All Text-like content (printCDATA, printText, and printEntityRef) will ultimately be output through the the text* methods (and no other content).

Rolf Lear
See Also:
XMLOutputter, XMLOutputProcessor

Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String CDATAPOST
          Simple constant for a close-CDATA
protected static java.lang.String CDATAPRE
          Simple constant for an open-CDATA
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void attributeEscapedEntitiesFilter(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, java.lang.String value)
          This will take the three pre-defined entities in XML 1.0 ('<', '>', and '&' - used specifically in XML elements) as well as CR/NL and Quote characters which require escaping inside Attribute values and convert their character representation to the appropriate entity reference suitable for XML attribute content.
protected  void printAttribute(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, Attribute attribute)
          This will handle printing of an Attribute.
protected  void printCDATA(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, CDATA cdata)
          This will handle printing of a CDATA.
protected  void printComment(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, Comment comment)
          This will handle printing of a Comment.
protected  void printContent(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, NamespaceStack nstack, Walker walker)
          This will handle printing of a List of Content.
protected  void printDeclaration(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack)
          This will handle printing of the XML declaration.
protected  void printDocType(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, DocType docType)
          This will handle printing of a DocType.
protected  void printDocument(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, NamespaceStack nstack, Document doc)
          This will handle printing of a Document.
protected  void printElement(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, NamespaceStack nstack, Element element)
          This will handle printing of an Element.
protected  void printEntityRef(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, EntityRef entity)
          This will handle printing of an EntityRef.
protected  void printNamespace(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, Namespace ns)
          This will handle printing of any needed Namespace declarations.
protected  void printProcessingInstruction(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, ProcessingInstruction pi)
          This will handle printing of a ProcessingInstruction.
protected  void printText(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, Text text)
          This will handle printing of a Text.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, CDATA cdata)
          Print out a CDATA node.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, Comment comment)
          Print out a Comment.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, DocType doctype)
          Print out the DocType.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, Document doc)
          This will print the Document to the given Writer.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, Element element)
          Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, EntityRef entity)
          Print out a EntityRef.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, ProcessingInstruction pi)
          Print out a ProcessingInstruction.
 void process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, Text text)
          Print out a Text node.
protected  void textCDATA(java.io.Writer out, java.lang.String text)
          Write a CDATA to the destination
protected  void textEntityRef(java.io.Writer out, java.lang.String name)
          Write an EntityRef to the destination.
protected  void textRaw(java.io.Writer out, char ch)
          Convenience method that simply passes the input char to write(Writer, char).
protected  void textRaw(java.io.Writer out, java.lang.String str)
          Convenience method that simply passes the input str to write(Writer, String).
protected  void write(java.io.Writer out, char c)
          Write a single character to the output Writer.
protected  void write(java.io.Writer out, java.lang.String str)
          Print some string value to the output.
Methods inherited from class org.jdom2.output.support.AbstractOutputProcessor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String CDATAPRE
Simple constant for an open-CDATA

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String CDATAPOST
Simple constant for a close-CDATA

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public AbstractXMLOutputProcessor()
Method Detail


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    Document doc)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
This will print the Document to the given Writer.

Warning: using your own Writer may cause the outputter's preferred character encoding to be ignored. If you use encodings other than UTF-8, we recommend using the method that takes an OutputStream instead.

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
doc - Document to format.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    DocType doctype)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
Print out the DocType.

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
doctype - DocType to output.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    Element element)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
element - Element to output.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
This will handle printing out a list of nodes. This can be useful for printing the content of an element that contains HTML, like "<description>JDOM is <b>fun>!</description>".

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
list - List of nodes.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    CDATA cdata)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
Print out a CDATA node.

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
cdata - CDATA to output.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    Text text)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
Print out a Text node. Perfoms the necessary entity escaping and whitespace stripping.

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
text - Text to output.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    Comment comment)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
Print out a Comment.

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
comment - Comment to output.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    ProcessingInstruction pi)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
Print out a ProcessingInstruction.

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
pi - ProcessingInstruction to output.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


public void process(java.io.Writer out,
                    Format format,
                    EntityRef entity)
             throws java.io.IOException
Description copied from interface: XMLOutputProcessor
Print out a EntityRef.

Specified by:
process in interface XMLOutputProcessor
out - Writer to use.
format - Format instance specifying output style
entity - EntityRef to output.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.


protected void write(java.io.Writer out,
                     java.lang.String str)
              throws java.io.IOException
Print some string value to the output. Null values are ignored. This ignore-null property is used for a few tricks.

out - The Writer to write to.
str - The String to write (can be null).
java.io.IOException - if the out Writer fails.


protected void write(java.io.Writer out,
                     char c)
              throws java.io.IOException
Write a single character to the output Writer.

out - The Writer to write to.
c - The char to write.
java.io.IOException - if the Writer fails.


protected void attributeEscapedEntitiesFilter(java.io.Writer out,
                                              FormatStack fstack,
                                              java.lang.String value)
                                       throws java.io.IOException
This will take the three pre-defined entities in XML 1.0 ('<', '>', and '&' - used specifically in XML elements) as well as CR/NL and Quote characters which require escaping inside Attribute values and convert their character representation to the appropriate entity reference suitable for XML attribute content. Further, some special characters (e.g. characters that are not valid in the current encoding) are converted to escaped representations.

Note: If FormatStack.getEscapeOutput() is false then no escaping will happen.

out - The destination Writer
fstack - The FormatStack
value - String Attribute value to escape.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails.
IllegalDataException - if an entity can not be escaped


protected void textRaw(java.io.Writer out,
                       java.lang.String str)
                throws java.io.IOException
Convenience method that simply passes the input str to write(Writer, String). This could be useful for subclasses to hook in to. All text-type output will come through this or the textRaw(Writer, char) method.

out - the destination writer.
str - the String to write.
java.io.IOException - if the Writer fails.


protected void textRaw(java.io.Writer out,
                       char ch)
                throws java.io.IOException
Convenience method that simply passes the input char to write(Writer, char). This could be useful for subclasses to hook in to. All text-type output will come through this or the textRaw(Writer, String) method.

out - the destination Writer.
ch - the char to write.
java.io.IOException - if the Writer fails.


protected void textEntityRef(java.io.Writer out,
                             java.lang.String name)
                      throws java.io.IOException
Write an EntityRef to the destination.

out - the destination Writer.
name - the EntityRef's name.
java.io.IOException - if the Writer fails.


protected void textCDATA(java.io.Writer out,
                         java.lang.String text)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Write a CDATA to the destination

out - the destination Writer
text - the CDATA text
java.io.IOException - if the Writer fails.


protected void printDocument(java.io.Writer out,
                             FormatStack fstack,
                             NamespaceStack nstack,
                             Document doc)
                      throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of a Document.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
nstack - the NamespaceStack
doc - Document to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printDeclaration(java.io.Writer out,
                                FormatStack fstack)
                         throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of the XML declaration. Assumes XML version 1.0 since we don't directly know.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printDocType(java.io.Writer out,
                            FormatStack fstack,
                            DocType docType)
                     throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of a DocType.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
docType - DocType to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printProcessingInstruction(java.io.Writer out,
                                          FormatStack fstack,
                                          ProcessingInstruction pi)
                                   throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of a ProcessingInstruction.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
pi - ProcessingInstruction to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printComment(java.io.Writer out,
                            FormatStack fstack,
                            Comment comment)
                     throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of a Comment.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
comment - Comment to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printEntityRef(java.io.Writer out,
                              FormatStack fstack,
                              EntityRef entity)
                       throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of an EntityRef.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
entity - EntotyRef to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printCDATA(java.io.Writer out,
                          FormatStack fstack,
                          CDATA cdata)
                   throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of a CDATA.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
cdata - CDATA to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printText(java.io.Writer out,
                         FormatStack fstack,
                         Text text)
                  throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of a Text.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
text - Text to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printElement(java.io.Writer out,
                            FormatStack fstack,
                            NamespaceStack nstack,
                            Element element)
                     throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of an Element.

This method arranges for outputting the Element infrastructure including Namespace Declarations and Attributes.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
nstack - the NamespaceStack
element - Element to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printContent(java.io.Writer out,
                            FormatStack fstack,
                            NamespaceStack nstack,
                            Walker walker)
                     throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of a List of Content.

The list of Content is basically processed as one of three types of content

  1. Consecutive text-type (Text, CDATA, and EntityRef) content
  2. Stand-alone text-type content
  3. Non-text-type content.
Although the code looks complex, the theory is conceptually simple:
  1. identify one of the three types (consecutive, stand-alone, non-text)
  2. do indent if any is specified.
  3. send the type to the respective print* handler (e.g. printCDATA(Writer, FormatStack, CDATA), or printComment(Writer, FormatStack, Comment),
  4. do a newline if one is specified.
  5. loop back to 1. until there's no more content to process.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - the FormatStack
nstack - the NamespaceStack
walker - Walker of Content to write.
java.io.IOException - if the destination Writer fails


protected void printNamespace(java.io.Writer out,
                              FormatStack fstack,
                              Namespace ns)
                       throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of any needed Namespace declarations.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - The current FormatStack
ns - Namespace to print definition of
java.io.IOException - if the output fails


protected void printAttribute(java.io.Writer out,
                              FormatStack fstack,
                              Attribute attribute)
                       throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing of an Attribute.

out - Writer to use.
fstack - The current FormatStack
attribute - Attribute to output
java.io.IOException - if the output fails


Copyright � 2012 Jason Hunter, Brett McLaughlin. All Rights Reserved.