
Uses of Class

Packages that use Content
org.jdom2 Classes representing the components of an XML document. 
org.jdom2.filter Classes to both filter and generically type-cast nodes of a document based on type, name, value, or other aspects, and to boolean AND/OR/NEGATE these rules. 
org.jdom2.input Classes to build JDOM documents from various sources. 
org.jdom2.located Extended JDOM Content Classes that contain location coordinates. 
org.jdom2.output Classes to output JDOM documents to various destinations. 
org.jdom2.output.support Classes used to implement output functionality that are not part of the actual Output API, but rather part of the implementation. 
org.jdom2.transform Classes to help with transformations, based on the JAXP TrAX classes. 
org.jdom2.xpath Support for XPath from within JDOM. 

Uses of Content in org.jdom2

Subclasses of Content in org.jdom2
 class CDATA
          An XML CDATA section.
 class Comment
          An XML comment.
 class DocType
          An XML DOCTYPE declaration.
 class Element
          An XML element.
 class EntityRef
          An XML entity reference.
 class ProcessingInstruction
          An XML processing instruction.
 class Text
          An XML character sequence.

Methods in org.jdom2 with type parameters of type Content
<E extends Content>
Parent.getContent(Filter<E> filter)
          Returns as a List the content of this parent that matches the supplied filter.
<E extends Content>
Element.getContent(Filter<E> filter)
          Return a filter view of this Element's content.
<F extends Content>
Document.getContent(Filter<F> filter)
          Return a filtered view of this Document's content.
<E extends Content>
Parent.getDescendants(Filter<E> filter)
          Returns an Iterator that walks over all descendants in document order applying the Filter to return only content that match the filter rule.
<F extends Content>
Element.getDescendants(Filter<F> filter)
          Returns an iterator that walks over all descendants in document order applying the Filter to return only content that match the filter rule.
<F extends Content>
Document.getDescendants(Filter<F> filter)
          Returns an iterator that walks over all descendants in document order applying the Filter to return only elements that match the filter rule.
<E extends Content>
Parent.removeContent(Filter<E> filter)
          Removes from this parent all child content matching the given filter and returns a list of the detached children.
<F extends Content>
Element.removeContent(Filter<F> filter)
          Remove all child content from this parent matching the supplied filter.
<F extends Content>
Document.removeContent(Filter<F> filter)
          Remove all child content from this parent matching the supplied filter.
<E extends Content>
Element.sortContent(Filter<E> filter, java.util.Comparator<? super E> comparator)
          Sort the child content of this Element that matches the Filter, using a mechanism that is safe for JDOM content.

Methods in org.jdom2 that return Content
 Content Content.clone()
 Content Content.detach()
          Detaches this child from its parent or does nothing if the child has no parent.
 Content Parent.getContent(int index)
          Returns the child at the given index.
 Content Element.getContent(int index)
 Content Document.getContent(int index)
 Content Parent.removeContent(int index)
          Removes and returns the child at the given index, or returns null if there's no such child.
 Content Element.removeContent(int index)
 Content Document.removeContent(int index)
protected  Content Content.setParent(Parent parent)
          Sets the parent of this Content.

Methods in org.jdom2 that return types with arguments of type Content
 java.util.List<Content> Parent.cloneContent()
          Returns a list containing detached clones of this parent's content list.
 java.util.List<Content> Element.cloneContent()
 java.util.List<Content> Document.cloneContent()
 java.util.List<Content> Parent.getContent()
          Returns the full content of this parent as a List which contains objects of type Content.
 java.util.List<Content> Element.getContent()
          This returns the full content of the element as a List which may contain objects of type Text, Element, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, CDATA, and EntityRef.
 java.util.List<Content> Document.getContent()
          This will return all content for the Document.
 IteratorIterable<Content> Parent.getDescendants()
          Returns an Iterator that walks over all descendants in document order.
 IteratorIterable<Content> Element.getDescendants()
          Returns an iterator that walks over all descendants in document order.
 IteratorIterable<Content> Document.getDescendants()
          Returns an iterator that walks over all descendants in document order.
 java.util.List<Content> Parent.removeContent()
          Removes all content from this parent and returns the detached children.
 java.util.List<Content> Element.removeContent()
          Removes all child content from this parent.
 java.util.List<Content> Document.removeContent()
          Removes all child content from this parent.

Methods in org.jdom2 with parameters of type Content
 Parent Parent.addContent(Content child)
          Appends the child to the end of the content list.
 Element Element.addContent(Content child)
          Appends the child to the end of the element's content list.
 Document Document.addContent(Content child)
          Appends the child to the end of the content list.
 Parent Parent.addContent(int index, Content child)
          Inserts the child into the content list at the given index.
 Element Element.addContent(int index, Content child)
          Inserts the child into the content list at the given index.
 Document Document.addContent(int index, Content child)
          Inserts the child into the content list at the given index.
 void UncheckedJDOMFactory.addContent(Parent parent, Content child)
 void JDOMFactory.addContent(Parent parent, Content content)
          This will add the specified content to the specified parent instance
 void DefaultJDOMFactory.addContent(Parent parent, Content child)
 void Parent.canContainContent(Content content, int index, boolean replace)
          Test whether this Parent instance can contain the specified content at the specified position.
 void Element.canContainContent(Content child, int index, boolean replace)
 void Document.canContainContent(Content child, int index, boolean replace)
 int Parent.indexOf(Content child)
          Returns the index of the supplied child in the content list, or -1 if not a child of this parent.
 int Element.indexOf(Content child)
 int Document.indexOf(Content child)
 boolean Parent.removeContent(Content child)
          Removes a single child node from the content list.
 boolean Element.removeContent(Content child)
 boolean Document.removeContent(Content child)
 Element Element.setContent(Content child)
          Set this element's content to be the supplied child.
 Document Document.setContent(Content child)
          Set this document's content to be the supplied child.
 Element Element.setContent(int index, Content child)
          Replace the current child the given index with the supplied child.
 Document Document.setContent(int index, Content child)
          Replace the current child the given index with the supplied child.

Method parameters in org.jdom2 with type arguments of type Content
 Parent Parent.addContent(java.util.Collection<? extends Content> c)
          Appends all children in the given collection to the end of the content list.
 Element Element.addContent(java.util.Collection<? extends Content> newContent)
          Appends all children in the given collection to the end of the content list.
 Document Document.addContent(java.util.Collection<? extends Content> c)
          Appends all children in the given collection to the end of the content list.
 Parent Parent.addContent(int index, java.util.Collection<? extends Content> c)
          Inserts the content in a collection into the content list at the given index.
 Element Element.addContent(int index, java.util.Collection<? extends Content> newContent)
          Inserts the content in a collection into the content list at the given index.
 Document Document.addContent(int index, java.util.Collection<? extends Content> c)
          Inserts the content in a collection into the content list at the given index.
 Element Element.setContent(java.util.Collection<? extends Content> newContent)
          This sets the content of the element.
 Document Document.setContent(java.util.Collection<? extends Content> newContent)
          This sets the content of the Document.
 Parent Element.setContent(int index, java.util.Collection<? extends Content> newContent)
          Replace the child at the given index whith the supplied collection.
 Document Document.setContent(int index, java.util.Collection<? extends Content> collection)
          Replace the child at the given index whith the supplied collection.
 void Element.sortContent(java.util.Comparator<? super Content> comparator)
          Sort the contents of this Element using a mechanism that is safe for JDOM content.

Constructor parameters in org.jdom2 with type arguments of type Content
Document(java.util.List<? extends Content> content)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied list of content, and a DocType declaration only if the content contains a DocType instance.

Uses of Content in org.jdom2.filter

Methods in org.jdom2.filter that return Content
 Content ContentFilter.filter(java.lang.Object obj)
          Check to see if the object matches according to the filter mask.

Methods in org.jdom2.filter that return types with arguments of type Content
static Filter<Content> Filters.content()
          Return a Filter that matches any Content data.
 Filter<? extends Content> AbstractFilter.or(Filter<?> filter)

Uses of Content in org.jdom2.input

Methods in org.jdom2.input that return Content
 Content StAXStreamBuilder.fragment(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader)
          Read the current XML Fragment from the XMLStreamReader.

Methods in org.jdom2.input that return types with arguments of type Content
 java.util.List<Content> StAXStreamBuilder.buildFragments(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader, StAXFilter filter)
          Read the entire XMLStreamReader and from it build a list of Content that conforms to the rules in the supplied StAXFilter.

Uses of Content in org.jdom2.located

Subclasses of Content in org.jdom2.located
 class LocatedCDATA
          An XML CDATA section.
 class LocatedComment
          An XML comment.
 class LocatedDocType
          An XML DOCTYPE declaration.
 class LocatedElement
          This Element specialization contains the location information as parsed.
 class LocatedEntityRef
          An XML entity reference.
 class LocatedProcessingInstruction
          An XML processing instruction.
 class LocatedText
          An XML character sequence.

Uses of Content in org.jdom2.output

Methods in org.jdom2.output with parameters of type Content
 void SAXOutputter.outputFragment(Content node)
          This will output a single JDOM nodes as a fragment of an XML document, firing off the SAX events that have been registered.

Method parameters in org.jdom2.output with type arguments of type Content
 java.util.List<org.w3c.dom.Node> DOMOutputter.output(org.w3c.dom.Document basedoc, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This converts the list of JDOM Content in to a list of DOM Nodes, returning the DOM version.
 void SAXOutputter.output(java.util.List<? extends Content> nodes)
          This will output a list of JDOM nodes as a document, firing off the SAX events that have been registered.
 java.util.List<org.w3c.dom.Node> DOMOutputter.output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This converts the JDOM Attribute parameter to a DOM Attr Node, returning the DOM version.
 void XMLOutputter.output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list, java.io.OutputStream out)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void XMLOutputter.output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list, java.io.Writer out)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void StAXEventOutputter.output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list, javax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventConsumer out)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void StAXStreamOutputter.output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list, javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter out)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void SAXOutputter.outputFragment(java.util.List<? extends Content> nodes)
          This will output a list of JDOM nodes as a fragment of an XML document, firing off the SAX events that have been registered.
 java.lang.String XMLOutputter.outputString(java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          Return a string representing a List of Content nodes.

Uses of Content in org.jdom2.output.support

Methods in org.jdom2.output.support that return Content
protected  Content AbstractFormattedWalker.get(int index)
          Get the content at a position in the input content.
 Content WalkerPRESERVE.next()
 Content Walker.next()
          Similar to an Iterator, but null return values need special treatment.
 Content AbstractFormattedWalker.next()

Methods in org.jdom2.output.support with parameters of type Content
 void AbstractFormattedWalker.MultiText.appendRaw(Content c)
          Add some JDOM Content (typically an EntityRef) that will be treated as part of the Text-like sequence.
protected  org.w3c.dom.Node AbstractDOMOutputProcessor.helperContentDispatcher(FormatStack fstack, NamespaceStack nstack, org.w3c.dom.Document basedoc, Content content)
          This method contains code which is reused in a number of places.

Method parameters in org.jdom2.output.support with type arguments of type Content
protected  Walker AbstractOutputProcessor.buildWalker(FormatStack fstack, java.util.List<? extends Content> content, boolean escape)
          Create a walker to process Content List values.
 java.util.List<org.w3c.dom.Node> DOMOutputProcessor.process(org.w3c.dom.Document basedoc, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This will convert the list of JDOM Content using the given DOM Document to create the resulting list of DOM Nodes.
 java.util.List<org.w3c.dom.Node> AbstractDOMOutputProcessor.process(org.w3c.dom.Document basedoc, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
 void SAXOutputProcessor.process(SAXTarget out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void AbstractSAXOutputProcessor.process(SAXTarget out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
 void XMLOutputProcessor.process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void AbstractXMLOutputProcessor.process(java.io.Writer out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
 void StAXEventProcessor.process(javax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventConsumer out, Format format, javax.xml.stream.XMLEventFactory eventfactory, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void AbstractStAXEventProcessor.process(javax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventConsumer out, Format format, javax.xml.stream.XMLEventFactory eventfactory, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
 void StAXStreamProcessor.process(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void AbstractStAXStreamProcessor.process(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
 void SAXOutputProcessor.processAsDocument(SAXTarget out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes thats encapsulated in start/end Document SAX events.
 void AbstractSAXOutputProcessor.processAsDocument(SAXTarget out, Format format, java.util.List<? extends Content> nodes)

Constructor parameters in org.jdom2.output.support with type arguments of type Content
AbstractFormattedWalker(java.util.List<? extends Content> xx, FormatStack fstack, boolean doescape)
          Create a Walker that preserves all content in its raw state.
WalkerNORMALIZE(java.util.List<? extends Content> content, FormatStack fstack, boolean escape)
          Create the Trimmed walker instance.
WalkerPRESERVE(java.util.List<? extends Content> content)
          Create a Walker that preserves all content in its raw state.
WalkerTRIM_FULL_WHITE(java.util.List<? extends Content> content, FormatStack fstack, boolean escape)
          Create the Trimmed walker instance.
WalkerTRIM(java.util.List<? extends Content> content, FormatStack fstack, boolean escape)
          Create the Trimmed walker instance.

Uses of Content in org.jdom2.transform

Methods in org.jdom2.transform that return types with arguments of type Content
 java.util.List<? extends Content> JDOMSource.getNodes()
          Returns the source node list used by this TrAX source.
 java.util.List<Content> JDOMResult.getResult()
          Returns the result of an XSL Transformation as a list of JDOM nodes.
 java.util.List<Content> XSLTransformer.transform(java.util.List<Content> inputNodes)
          Transforms the given input nodes to a list of output nodes.

Method parameters in org.jdom2.transform with type arguments of type Content
 void JDOMSource.setNodes(java.util.List<? extends Content> source)
          Sets the source node list used by this TrAX source.
 void JDOMResult.setResult(java.util.List<Content> result)
          Sets the object(s) produced as result of an XSL Transformation.
 java.util.List<Content> XSLTransformer.transform(java.util.List<Content> inputNodes)
          Transforms the given input nodes to a list of output nodes.

Constructor parameters in org.jdom2.transform with type arguments of type Content
JDOMSource(java.util.List<? extends Content> source)
          Creates a JDOM TrAX source wrapping a list of JDOM nodes.

Uses of Content in org.jdom2.xpath

Methods in org.jdom2.xpath with parameters of type Content
static java.lang.String XPathHelper.getAbsolutePath(Content to)
          Returns the absolute path to the specified to Content.
static java.lang.String XPathHelper.getRelativePath(Attribute from, Content to)
          Returns the relative path from the given from Attribute to the specified to Content as an XPath expression.
static java.lang.String XPathHelper.getRelativePath(Content from, Attribute to)
          Returns the relative path from the given from Content to the specified to Attribute as an XPath expression.
static java.lang.String XPathHelper.getRelativePath(Content from, Content to)
          Returns the relative path from the given from Content to the specified to Content as an XPath expression.


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