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reconnect() - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.sockets.WebSocketApi
Call to (re)connect the WebSocket.
refreshLibrary() - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.LibraryApi
Starts a library scan.
RemoteImageApi - class in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations
removeFromCollection(UUID,List) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.CollectionApi
Removes items from a collection.
removeFromPlaylist(String,List) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.PlaylistsApi
Removes items from a playlist.
removeMediaPath(String,String,Boolean) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.LibraryStructureApi
Remove a media path.
removeUserFromSession(String,UUID) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.SessionApi
Removes an additional user from a session.
removeVirtualFolder(String,Boolean) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.LibraryStructureApi
Removes a virtual folder.
renameVirtualFolder(String,String,Boolean) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.LibraryStructureApi
Renames a virtual folder.
reportPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.PlayStateApi
Reports playback progress within a session.
reportPlaybackStart(PlaybackStartInfo) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.PlayStateApi
Reports playback has started within a session.
reportPlaybackStopped(PlaybackStopInfo) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.PlayStateApi
Reports playback has stopped within a session.
reportSessionEnded() - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.SessionApi
Reports that a session has ended.
reportViewing(String,String) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.SessionApi
Reports that a session is viewing an item.
request(HttpMethod,String,Map,Map,Object) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.client.KtorClient
resetTuner(String) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.LiveTvApi
Resets a tv tuner.
Response - class in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.client
Response from a HTTP class in the ApiClient.
restartApplication() - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.SystemApi
Restarts the application.
resumeWith(Result) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.client.compatibility.JavaCallback
resumeWith(Result) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.client.compatibility.JavaDataCallback
revokeKey(String) - function in org.jellyfin.sdk.api.operations.ApiKeyApi
Remove an api key.
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