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Async - Interface in org.jetbrains.annotations
Helper annotations for asynchronous computation.
Async.Execute - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that the marked method executes async computation.
Async.Schedule - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that the marked method schedules async computation.


Contract - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Specifies some aspects of the method behavior depending on the arguments.


DEFAULT_SOURCE - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow
DEFAULT_TARGET - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow


Flow - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
This annotation assists the 'Data flow to this' feature by describing data flow from the method parameter to the corresponding container (e.g.


Identifier - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations


JdkConstants - Class in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants() - Constructor for class org.intellij.lang.annotations.JdkConstants
JdkConstants.AdjustableOrientation - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.BoxLayoutAxis - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.CalendarMonth - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.CursorType - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.FlowLayoutAlignment - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.FontStyle - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.HorizontalAlignment - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.HorizontalScrollBarPolicy - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.InputEventMask - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.ListSelectionMode - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.PatternFlags - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TabLayoutPolicy - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TabPlacement - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TitledBorderJustification - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TitledBorderTitlePosition - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TreeSelectionMode - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.VerticalScrollBarPolicy - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations


Language - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations


MagicConstant - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
This annotation intended to help IntelliJ IDEA and other IDEs to detect and auto-complete int and String constants used as an enumeration.


Nls - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Specifies that an element of the program is an user-visible string which needs to be localized.
Nls.Capitalization - Enum in org.jetbrains.annotations
NonNls - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Specifies that an element of the program is not an user-visible string which needs to be localized, or does not contain such strings.
NotNull - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
An element annotated with NotNull claims null value is forbidden to return (for methods), pass to (parameters) and hold (local variables and fields).
Nullable - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
An element annotated with Nullable claims null value is perfectly valid to return (for methods), pass to (parameters) or hold in (local variables and fields).


org.intellij.lang.annotations - package org.intellij.lang.annotations
org.jetbrains.annotations - package org.jetbrains.annotations


Pattern - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
PrintFormat - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
PropertyKey - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Specifies that a method parameter accepts arguments which must be valid property keys in a specific resource bundle.


RegExp - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
RETURN_METHOD_TARGET - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow


Subst - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations


TestOnly - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
A method/constructor annotated with TestOnly claims that it should be called from testing code only.
THIS_SOURCE - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow
THIS_TARGET - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls.Capitalization
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls.Capitalization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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