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ApiStatus - Class in org.jetbrains.annotations
Set of annotations which can be used to specify status of API Element.
ApiStatus() - Constructor for class org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus
ApiStatus.AvailableSince - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that the annotated element firstly appeared in the specified version of the library, so the code using that element won't be compatible with older versions of the library.
ApiStatus.Experimental - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that a public API of the annotated element (class, method or field) is not in stable state yet.
ApiStatus.Internal - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that the annotated element (class, method, field, etc) must not be considered as a public API.
ApiStatus.NonExtendable - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that the annotated API class, interface or method must not be extended, implemented or overridden.
ApiStatus.OverrideOnly - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that the annotated method is part of SPI (Service Provider Interface), which is intended to be only implemented or overridden but not called by clients of the declaring library.
ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that a public API of the annotated element (class, method or field) is subject to removal in a future version.
Async - Class in org.jetbrains.annotations
Helper annotations for asynchronous computation.
Async() - Constructor for class org.jetbrains.annotations.Async
Async.Execute - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that the marked method executes async computation.
Async.Schedule - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Indicates that the marked method schedules async computation.


Contract - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Specifies some aspects of the method behavior depending on the arguments.


Debug - Class in org.jetbrains.annotations
Debug() - Constructor for class org.jetbrains.annotations.Debug
Debug.Renderer - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Allows to change the presentation of an object in debuggers
DEFAULT_SOURCE - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow
DEFAULT_TARGET - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow


Flow - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
This annotation assists the 'Data flow to this' feature by describing data flow from the method parameter to the corresponding container (e.g.


Identifier - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations


JdkConstants - Class in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants() - Constructor for class org.intellij.lang.annotations.JdkConstants
JdkConstants.AdjustableOrientation - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.BoxLayoutAxis - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.CalendarMonth - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.CursorType - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.FlowLayoutAlignment - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.FontStyle - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.HorizontalAlignment - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.HorizontalScrollBarPolicy - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.InputEventMask - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.ListSelectionMode - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.PatternFlags - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TabLayoutPolicy - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TabPlacement - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TitledBorderJustification - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TitledBorderTitlePosition - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.TreeSelectionMode - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
JdkConstants.VerticalScrollBarPolicy - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations


Language - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
Specifies that an element of the program represents a string that is a source code on a specified language.


MagicConstant - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
This annotation intended to help IntelliJ IDEA and other IDEs to detect and auto-complete int and String constants used as an enumeration.
MustBeInvokedByOverriders - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
The annotation should be applied to overridable non-abstract method and indicates that all the overriders must invoke this method via superclass method invocation expression.


Nls - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Specifies that an element of the program is an user-visible string which needs to be localized.
Nls.Capitalization - Enum in org.jetbrains.annotations
NonNls - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Specifies that an element of the program is not an user-visible string which needs to be localized, or does not contain such strings.
NotNull - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
An element annotated with NotNull claims null value is forbidden to return (for methods), pass to (parameters) and hold (local variables and fields).
Nullable - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
An element annotated with Nullable claims null value is perfectly valid to return (for methods), pass to (parameters) or hold in (local variables and fields).


org.intellij.lang.annotations - package org.intellij.lang.annotations
org.jetbrains.annotations - package org.jetbrains.annotations


Pattern - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
Specifies that an element of the program represents a string that must completely match given regular expression.
PrintFormat - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
PropertyKey - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
Specifies that a method parameter accepts arguments which must be valid property keys in a specific resource bundle.


RegExp - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
Specifies that an element of the program represents a string that is a regular expression text supported by Pattern.
RETURN_METHOD_TARGET - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow


Subst - Annotation Type in org.intellij.lang.annotations
Specifies the replacement value for non-constant variables and method return values.


TestOnly - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
A member or type annotated with TestOnly claims that it should be used from testing code only.
THIS_SOURCE - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow
THIS_TARGET - Static variable in annotation type org.intellij.lang.annotations.Flow


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls.Capitalization
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls.Capitalization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VisibleForTesting - Annotation Type in org.jetbrains.annotations
A member or type annotated with VisibleForTesting claims that its visibility is higher than necessary, only for testing purposes.
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