Class PropertyDefinition

  • public class PropertyDefinition
    extends Object
    Property definition from binding. This organizes shared information for bindings linked to fields or get/set methods of an object, and provides methods for related code generation.
    Dennis M. Sosnoski
    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyDefinition

        public PropertyDefinition​(IContainer parent,
                                  IContextObj obj,
                                  String type,
                                  boolean isthis,
                                  boolean opt,
                                  String fname,
                                  String test,
                                  String flag,
                                  String get,
                                  String set)
                           throws org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException
        parent - containing binding definition structure
        obj - containing object context
        type - fully qualified name of type
        isthis - "this" object reference flag
        opt - optional property flag
        fname - containing object field name for property (may be null)
        test - containing object method to test for property present (may be null)
        flag - containing object method to flag property present (may be null)
        get - containing object method to get property value (may be null)
        set - containing object method to set property value (may be null)
        org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException - if configuration error
      • PropertyDefinition

        public PropertyDefinition​(IContextObj obj,
                                  boolean opt)
        Constructor for "this" object reference.
        obj - containing object context
        opt - optional property flag
      • PropertyDefinition

        public PropertyDefinition​(String type,
                                  IContextObj obj,
                                  boolean opt)
        Constructor for implicit object reference.
        type - object type supplied
        obj - containing object context
        opt - optional property flag
      • PropertyDefinition

        public PropertyDefinition​(PropertyDefinition original)
        Copy constructor.
        original - Property Definition
    • Method Detail

      • isThis

        public boolean isThis()
        Check if property is "this" reference for object.
        true if reference to "this", false if not
      • isImplicit

        public boolean isImplicit()
        Check if property is implicit value from collection.
        true if implicit, false if not
      • switchProperty

        public void switchProperty()
        Switch property from "this" to "implicit".
      • isOptional

        public boolean isOptional()
        Check if property is optional.
        true if optional, false if required
      • setOptional

        public void setOptional​(boolean opt)
        Set flag for an optional property.
        opt - true if optional property, false if not
      • isLoadable

        public boolean isLoadable()
        Check if the value can be loaded.
        true if loadable, false if not
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get property name. If a field is defined this is the same as the field; otherwise it is either the get method name (with leading "get" stripped, if present) or the set method (with leading "set" stripped, if present), whichever is found.
        name for this property
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
        Get declared type fully qualified name.
        fully qualified class name of declared type
      • getGetValueType

        public String getGetValueType()
        Get value type as fully qualified name for loaded property value.
        fully qualified class name of value type
      • getSetValueType

        public String getSetValueType()
        Get value type as fully qualified name for stored property value.
        fully qualified class name of value type
      • hasTest

        public boolean hasTest()
        Check if property has presence test. Code needs to be generated to check for the presence of the property if it is optional and either a test method is defined or the value is an object reference.
        true if presence test needed, false if not
      • isTestOnly

        public boolean isTestOnly()
        Check if property is test only.
        true if test-only property, false if not
      • hasFlag

        public boolean hasFlag()
        Check if property has flag method.
        true if flag method defined, false if not
      • isFlagOnly

        public boolean isFlagOnly()
        Check if property is flag only.
        true if flag-only property, false if not
      • genTest

        public BranchWrapper genTest​(ContextMethodBuilder mb)
                              throws org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException
        Generate code to test if property is present. The generated code assumes that the top of the stack is the reference for the containing object, and consumes this value for the test. The target for the returned branch instruction must be set by the caller.
        mb - method builder
        wrapper for branch instruction taken when property is missing
        org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException - If error
      • genFlag

        public void genFlag​(MethodBuilder mb)
                     throws org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException
        Generate code to call flag method with value on stack. The generated code assumes that the reference to the containing object and the value to be stored have already been pushed on the stack. It consumes these, leaving nothing. If the property value is not directly accessible from the context of the method being generated this automatically constructs an access method and uses that method.
        mb - method builder
        org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException - if configuration error
      • genLoad

        public void genLoad​(ContextMethodBuilder mb)
                     throws org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException
        Generate code to load property value to stack. The generated code assumes that the top of the stack is the reference for the containing object. It consumes this and leaves the actual value on the stack. If the property value is not directly accessible from the context of the method being generated this automatically constructs an access method and uses that method.
        mb - method builder
        org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException - if configuration error
      • genStore

        public void genStore​(MethodBuilder mb)
                      throws org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException
        Generate code to store property value from stack. The generated code assumes that the reference to the containing object and the value to be stored have already been pushed on the stack. It consumes these, leaving nothing. If the property value is not directly accessible from the context of the method being generated this automatically constructs an access method and uses that method.
        mb - method builder
        org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException - if configuration error