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cell(int, int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
cell(int, int) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the cell at the specified row-column.
cell(int, int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
cells() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
cells() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the complete set of cells.
cells() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
clear() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
clear() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Clears the grid.
clear() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Grid is read-only
clear() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
column(int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
column(int) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the rows of a single column.
columnCount() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
columnCount() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the number of columns in the grid.
columnCount() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
columns() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
columns() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the entire grid of values, by column then row.
contains(int, int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
contains(int, int) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Checks if a value is present at the specified row-column.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Checks if the specified value is contained in the grid.
copyOf(int, int, Iterable<? extends Grid.Cell<R>>) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Obtains an immutable grid by copying a set of cells.
copyOf(int, int, Grid.Cell<R>) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Obtains an immutable grid with one cell.
copyOf(Grid.Cell<? extends R>) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableCell
Obtains an instance of Cell.
copyOf(Grid<R>) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Obtains an immutable grid by copying another grid.
copyOfDeriveCounts(Iterable<? extends Grid.Cell<R>>) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Obtains an immutable grid by copying a set of cells, deriving the row and column count.
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
Creates an empty DenseGrid of the specified size.
create(int, int) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
Creates an empty SparseGrid of the specified row-column count.
create(Grid<? extends R>) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
Creates a SparseGrid copying from another grid.
create(Grid<? extends V>) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
Creates a DenseGrid copying from another grid.
create(V[][]) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
Creates a DenseGrid copying from an array.


DenseGrid<V> - Class in org.joda.collect.grid
Mutable implementation of the Grid data structure based on an array.


equalRowColumn(int, int) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid.Cell
Checks if the row-column of this cell matches the specified row and column.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid.Cell
Checks if this cell equals another cell.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Checks if this grid equals another grid.
equalValue(Object) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid.Cell
Checks if the value of this cell matches the specified value.
exists(int, int) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Checks if the specified row-column exists.


get(int, int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
get(int, int) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the value at the specified row-column.
getColumn() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid.Cell
Gets the column index.
getColumn() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableCell
getRow() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid.Cell
Gets the row index.
getRow() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableCell
getValue() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid.Cell
Gets the value of the cell.
getValue() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableCell
Grid<V> - Interface in org.joda.collect.grid
A data structure representing a grid keyed by int row and int column.
Grid.Cell<V> - Interface in org.joda.collect.grid
A cell within the grid compared only using row and column.


hashCode() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
hashCode() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid.Cell
Gets a suitable hash code.
hashCode() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets a suitable hash code.


ImmutableCell<V> - Class in org.joda.collect.grid
Immutable implementations of the Grid.Cell data structure.
ImmutableGrid<V> - Class in org.joda.collect.grid
Immutable implementation of the Grid data structure.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Checks if the grid is empty.
isFull() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Checks if the grid is full.


of() - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Obtains an empty immutable grid with zero row-column count.
of(int, int) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Obtains an empty immutable grid of the specified row-column count.
of(int, int, int, int, R) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Obtains an immutable grid of the specified row-column count with a single cell.
of(int, int, R) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableCell
Obtains an instance of Cell.
of(R) - Static method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Obtains an immutable grid with row-column count 1x1 and a single cell.
org.joda.collect - module org.joda.collect
Joda-Collect provides a Grid data structure based on the Table data structure in Guava.
org.joda.collect.grid - package org.joda.collect.grid
A Grid data structure.


put(int, int, V) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
put(int, int, V) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Puts a value into this grid.
put(int, int, V) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Grid is read-only
put(int, int, V) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
putAll(Grid<? extends V>) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
putAll(Grid<? extends V>) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Puts all cells from a grid into this grid.
putAll(Grid<? extends V>) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Grid is read-only
putAll(Grid<? extends V>) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid


remove(int, int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
remove(int, int) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Removes the value at the specified row-column.
remove(int, int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.ImmutableGrid
Grid is read-only
remove(int, int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
row(int) - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
row(int) - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the columns of a single row.
rowCount() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
rowCount() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the number of rows in the grid.
rowCount() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
rows() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
rows() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the entire grid of values, by row then column.


size() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
size() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the number of cells that are present.
size() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.SparseGrid
SparseGrid<V> - Class in org.joda.collect.grid
Mutable implementation of the Grid data structure based on hashing.


values() - Method in class org.joda.collect.grid.DenseGrid
values() - Method in interface org.joda.collect.grid.Grid
Gets the values in order through rows, then columns.
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