Uses of Class

Packages that use MoneyFormatterBuilder   

Uses of MoneyFormatterBuilder in

Methods in that return MoneyFormatterBuilder
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.append(MoneyFormatter formatter)
          Appends the printers and parsers from the specified formatter to this builder.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.append(MoneyPrinter printer, MoneyParser parser)
          Appends the specified printer and parser to this builder.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendAmount()
          Appends the amount to the builder using a standard format.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendAmount(MoneyAmountStyle style)
          Appends the amount to the builder using the specified amount style.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendAmountLocalized()
          Appends the amount to the builder using a grouped localized format.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendCurrencyCode()
          Appends the currency code to the builder.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendCurrencyNumeric3Code()
          Appends the currency code to the builder.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendCurrencyNumericCode()
          Appends the currency code to the builder.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendCurrencySymbolLocalized()
          Appends the localized currency symbol to the builder.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendLiteral(CharSequence literal)
          Appends a literal to the builder.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendSigned(MoneyFormatter whenPositiveOrZero, MoneyFormatter whenNegative)
          Appends the specified formatters, one used when the amount is positive, and one when the amount is negative.
 MoneyFormatterBuilder MoneyFormatterBuilder.appendSigned(MoneyFormatter whenPositive, MoneyFormatter whenZero, MoneyFormatter whenNegative)
          Appends the specified formatters, one used when the amount is positive, one when the amount is zero and one when the amount is negative.

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