Uses of Class

Packages that use CurrencyUnit   

Uses of CurrencyUnit in

Fields in declared as CurrencyUnit
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.AUD
          The currency 'AUD' - Australian Dollar.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.CAD
          The currency 'CAD' - Canadian Dollar.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.CHF
          The currency 'CHF' - Swiss Franc.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.EUR
          The currency 'EUR' - Euro.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.GBP
          The currency 'GBP' - British pound.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.JPY
          The currency 'JPY' - Japanese Yen.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.USD
          The currency 'USD' - United States Dollar.

Methods in that return CurrencyUnit
 CurrencyUnit Money.getCurrencyUnit()
          Gets the currency.
 CurrencyUnit BigMoney.getCurrencyUnit()
          Gets the currency.
 CurrencyUnit CurrencyMismatchException.getFirstCurrency()
          Gets the first currency at fault.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.getInstance(Locale locale)
          Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified locale.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.getInstance(String currencyCode)
          Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified currency code.
 CurrencyUnit CurrencyMismatchException.getSecondCurrency()
          Gets the second currency at fault.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.of(Currency currency)
          Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit matching the specified JDK currency.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.of(Locale locale)
          Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified locale.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.of(String currencyCode)
          Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-4217 three letter currency code.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.ofCountry(String countryCode)
          Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified country code.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.ofNumericCode(int numericCurrencyCode)
          Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-4217 numeric currency code.
static CurrencyUnit CurrencyUnit.ofNumericCode(String numericCurrencyCode)
          Obtains an instance of CurrencyUnit for the specified ISO-4217 numeric currency code.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type CurrencyUnit
static List<CurrencyUnit> CurrencyUnit.registeredCurrencies()
          Gets the list of all registered currencies.

Methods in with parameters of type CurrencyUnit
 int CurrencyUnit.compareTo(CurrencyUnit other)
          Compares this currency to another by alphabetical comparison of the code.
 BigMoney BigMoney.convertedTo(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal conversionMultipler)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate.
 Money Money.convertedTo(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal conversionMultipler, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate, with a rounding mode used to adjust the decimal places in the result.
 BigMoney BigMoney.convertRetainScale(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal conversionMultipler, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value converted into another currency using the specified conversion rate, with a rounding mode used to adjust the decimal places in the result.
static BigMoney BigMoney.nonNull(BigMoney money, CurrencyUnit currency)
          Ensures that a BigMoney is not null.
static Money Money.nonNull(Money money, CurrencyUnit currency)
          Ensures that a Money is not null.
static Money Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal amount)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a BigDecimal.
static BigMoney BigMoney.of(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal amount)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a BigDecimal.
static Money Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal amount, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a BigDecimal, rounding as necessary.
static Money Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency, double amount)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a double using a well-defined conversion.
static BigMoney BigMoney.of(CurrencyUnit currency, double amount)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a double using a well-defined conversion.
static Money Money.of(CurrencyUnit currency, double amount, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Obtains an instance of Money from a double using a well-defined conversion, rounding as necessary.
static Money Money.ofMajor(CurrencyUnit currency, long amountMajor)
          Obtains an instance of Money from an amount in major units.
static BigMoney BigMoney.ofMajor(CurrencyUnit currency, long amountMajor)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney from an amount in major units.
static Money Money.ofMinor(CurrencyUnit currency, long amountMinor)
          Obtains an instance of Money from an amount in minor units.
static BigMoney BigMoney.ofMinor(CurrencyUnit currency, long amountMinor)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney from an amount in minor units.
static BigMoney BigMoney.ofScale(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal amount, int scale)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a BigDecimal at a specific scale.
static BigMoney BigMoney.ofScale(CurrencyUnit currency, BigDecimal amount, int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a double using a well-defined conversion, rounding as necessary.
static BigMoney BigMoney.ofScale(CurrencyUnit currency, long unscaledAmount, int scale)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney from a scaled amount.
static BigMoney currency, BigMoneyProvider... monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty array.
static BigMoney currency, Iterable<? extends BigMoneyProvider> monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty collection.
static Money currency, Iterable<Money> monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty collection.
static Money currency, Money... monies)
          Obtains an instance of Money as the total value of a possibly empty array.
 Money Money.withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit currency)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency.
 BigMoney BigMoney.withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit currency)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency.
 Money Money.withCurrencyUnit(CurrencyUnit currency, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Returns a copy of this monetary value with the specified currency.
static Money currency)
          Obtains an instance of Money representing zero.
static BigMoney currency)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney representing zero.
static BigMoney currency, int scale)
          Obtains an instance of BigMoney representing zero at a specific scale.

Constructors in with parameters of type CurrencyUnit
CurrencyMismatchException(CurrencyUnit firstCurrency, CurrencyUnit secondCurrency)

Uses of CurrencyUnit in

Methods in that return CurrencyUnit
 CurrencyUnit MoneyParseContext.getCurrency()
          Gets the parsed currency.

Methods in with parameters of type CurrencyUnit
 void MoneyParseContext.setCurrency(CurrencyUnit currency)
          Sets the parsed currency.

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