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aboutToSave() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
AbstractRendererContext - Class in org.jooby.internal
AbstractRendererContext(List<Renderer>, List<MediaType>, Charset, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
accept() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
accept() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
accept() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
accepted() - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
accepted(Object) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
accepts(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
accepts(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
accepts(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
True if the given type matches the Accept header.
accepts(MediaType) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
True if the given type matches the Accept header.
accepts(String...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Check if the given types are acceptable, returning the best match when true, or else Optional.empty.
accepts(MediaType...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Check if the given types are acceptable, returning the best match when true, or else Optional.empty.
accepts(List<MediaType>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Check if the given types are acceptable, returning the best match when true, or else Optional.empty.
accepts(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
accepts(MediaType...) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
accepts(String...) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
accessedAt() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
accessedAt() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
accessedAt() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
The last time the client sent a request associated with this session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT, and marked by the time the container received the request.
accessedAt(long) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Builder
Set session last accessed date.
after(String, String, Route.After, Route.After...) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
after(Route.After, Route.After...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
after(String, Route.After, Route.After...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
after(String, String, Route.After, Route.After...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
all - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Any media type.
ALL - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Any media type.
all(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
all(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
all(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
all(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
all(Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
all(Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
all(Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
all(Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
allowedHeaders() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
allowedMethods() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
allowHeader(String) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
allowHeaders(String...) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
True if all the headers are allowed.
allowHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
True if all the headers are allowed.
allowMethod(String) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
True if the method is allowed.
allowOrigin(String) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Test if the given origin is allowed or not.
anyHeader() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
anyOrigin() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
apply(Throwable) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.StatusCodeProvider
apply(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
True, when route's name starts with the given prefix.
AppPrinter - Class in org.jooby.internal
AppPrinter(Set<Route.Definition>, Set<WebSocket.Definition>, Config) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.AppPrinter
Asset - Interface in org.jooby
Usually a public file/resource like javascript, css, images files, etc...
Asset.Forwarding - Class in org.jooby
AssetHandler - Class in org.jooby.handlers
Serve static resources, via Jooby.assets(String) or variants.
AssetHandler(String, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
Creates a new AssetHandler.
AssetHandler(String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
Creates a new AssetHandler.
assets(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Send a static file.
assets(String, String) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Send a static file.
assets(String, AssetHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Send a static file.
assets(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Send a static file.
assets(String, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Send a static file.
assets(String, AssetHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Send a static file.
attr(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
Attribute by name.
attr(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Collection
attr(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
attr(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Get an attribute by name.
attr(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
attr(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
attr(String, Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Set route attribute.
attributes() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
attributes() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
attributes() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
attributes() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
attributes() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
A read only version of the current locals.
attributes() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
attributes() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
attributes() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
attributes() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
attributes() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session


BAD_DATA - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1007 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received data within a message that was not consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [RFC3629] data within a text message)."
BeanParser - Class in org.jooby.internal.parser
BeanParser() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.parser.BeanParser
before(String, String, Route.Before, Route.Before...) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
before(Route.Before, Route.Before...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
before(String, Route.Before, Route.Before...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
before(String, String, Route.Before, Route.Before...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
bind(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Bind the provided abstract type to the given implementation:
bind(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Bind the provided abstract type to the given implementation:
bind(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Bind the provided type:
bind(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Bind the provided type:
bind(Class<T>, Function<Config, ? extends T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Bind the provided type and object that requires some type of configuration:
bind(Function<Config, T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Bind the provided type and object that requires some type of configuration:
body(Parser.Callback<Parser.BodyReference>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
body() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
Body - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
Bind a Mvc parameter to the HTTP body.
body(Parser.Callback<Parser.BodyReference>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Builder
Add a HTTP body callback.
body() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
HTTP body.
body() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
BodyReferenceImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
BodyReferenceImpl(long, Charset, File, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.BodyReferenceImpl
BodyReferenceImpl() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.BodyReferenceImpl
booleanValue() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
booleanValue() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
build(Config) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env.Builder
Build a new environment from a Config object.
build(Config, Routes, Locale) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env.Builder
Build a new environment from a Config object.
build() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Builder
Final step to build a new session.
BuiltinParser - Enum in org.jooby.internal
BuiltinRenderer - Enum in org.jooby.internal
byExtension(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Get a MediaType for a file extension.
byFile(File) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Get a MediaType for a file.
byPath(Path) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Get a MediaType for a file path.
byPath(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Get a MediaType for a file path.
bytes() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.BodyReferenceImpl
bytes() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.BodyReference
Returns the HTTP body as a byte array.
byteValue() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
byteValue() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
byteValue(int) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant


canConsume(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Test if the route definition can consume a media type.
canConsume(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Test if the route definition can consume a media type.
canProduce(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Test if the route definition can consume a media type.
canProduce(MediaType...) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Test if the route definition can consume a media type.
canProduce(String...) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Test if the route definition can consume a media type.
cdn(String) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
chain(Route.Mapper, Route.Mapper) - Static method in interface org.jooby.Route.Mapper
Produces a new mapper by combining the two mapper into one.
charset - Variable in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
charset() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
charset() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
charset() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
charset(Charset) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
charset() - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
charset() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
The charset defined in the request body.
charset() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
charset() - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
If charset is not set this method returns charset defined in the request body.
charset(Charset) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Set the Charset to use and set the Content-Type header with the current charset.
charset() - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
charset(Charset) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
charValue() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
charValue(char) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
clearCookie(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
clearCookie(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Discard a cookie from response.
clearCookie(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
clone() - Method in class org.jooby.Result
close() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ReaderInputStream
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.UploadImpl
close(WebSocket.CloseStatus) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
close(int, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Close the web socket.
close() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Close the connection and fire an #onClose(CheckedRunnable) event.
close(int, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Gracefully closes the connection, after sending a description message
close(int) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Gracefully closes the connection, after sending a description message
close() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Gracefully closes the connection, after sending a description message
close(WebSocket.CloseStatus) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Gracefully closes the connection, after sending a description message
closeInternal() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
code() - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.CloseStatus
Collection(Route.Props...) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Route.Collection
Creates a new collection of route definitions.
comment() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
comment(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Set cookie's comment.
comment() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
comment() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
comment() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
comment(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Set event comment.
committed() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
committed() - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Returns a boolean indicating if the response has been committed.
committed() - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
committed() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
compareTo(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
complete(String, String, Route.Complete, Route.Complete...) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
complete(Route.Complete, Route.Complete...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
complete(String, Route.Complete, Route.Complete...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
complete(String, String, Route.Complete, Route.Complete...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
config() - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
config() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ServerLookup
config() - Method in interface org.jooby.Jooby.Module
configure(Env, Config, Binder) - Method in class org.jooby.FlashScope
configure(Env, Config, Binder) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ServerLookup
configure(Binder) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.TypeConverters
configure(Env, Config, Binder) - Method in interface org.jooby.Jooby.Module
Configure and produces bindings for the underlying application.
connect(Injector, NativeWebSocket) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
connect(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP CONNECT method:
connect(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP CONNECT method:
connect(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP CONNECT method:
connect(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP CONNECT method:
CONNECT - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP CONNECT verb for mvc routes.
CONNECT - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
connect(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP CONNECT method:
connect(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP CONNECT method:
connect(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP CONNECT method:
connect(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP CONNECT method:
connect(WebSocket) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket.Handler
consumes() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
consumes() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
Consumes - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
Defines what media types a route can consume.
consumes(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Collection
consumes() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
consumes(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
consumes() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
consumes() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
consumes(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
consumes(MediaType...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Set the media types the route can consume.
consumes(String...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Set the media types the route can consume.
consumes(List<MediaType>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Set the media types the route can consume.
consumes() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
consumes(String) - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
Set the media types the route can consume.
consumes(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
Set the media types the route can consume.
consumes() - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
contextPath() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
contextPath() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Application path (a.k.a context path).
contextPath() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
convert(TypeLiteral<?>, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserExecutor
convert(TypeLiteral<?>, MediaType, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserExecutor
Cookie - Interface in org.jooby
Creates a cookie, a small amount of information sent by a server to a Web browser, saved by the browser, and later sent back to the server.
cookie(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
cookie(Cookie) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
cookie() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionManager
cookie(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a cookie with the given name (if present).
cookie(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
cookie(String, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Adds the specified cookie to the response.
cookie(Cookie.Definition) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Adds the specified cookie to the response.
cookie(Cookie) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Adds the specified cookie to the response.
cookie(String, String) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
cookie(Cookie) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
cookie(Cookie.Definition) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
cookie() - Method in class org.jooby.Session.Definition
Cookie.Definition - Class in org.jooby
Build a Cookie.
Cookie.Signature - Class in org.jooby
Sign cookies using a HMAC algorithm plus SHA-256 hash.
CookieImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
CookieImpl(Cookie.Definition) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
cookies() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
cookies() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
cookies() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
cookies() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Cors - Class in org.jooby.handlers
Cross-origin resource sharing
Cors(Config) - Constructor for class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Creates Cors options from Config:
Cors() - Constructor for class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Creates default Cors.
CorsHandler - Class in org.jooby.handlers
Handle preflight and simple CORS requests.
CorsHandler(Cors) - Constructor for class org.jooby.handlers.CorsHandler
Creates a new CorsHandler.
CorsHandler() - Constructor for class org.jooby.handlers.CorsHandler
Creates a new CorsHandler.
create(Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionManager
create(String, CheckedFunction1<T, Object>) - Static method in interface org.jooby.Route.Mapper
Creates a new named mapper (just syntax suggar for creating a new mapper).
create(Session) - Method in class org.jooby.Session.Mem
create(Session) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Store
createdAt() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
createdAt() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
createdAt(long) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Builder
Set session created date.
createdAt() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
credentials() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
If true, set the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
CsrfHandler - Class in org.jooby.handlers
Cross Site Request Forgery handler
CsrfHandler(String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.handlers.CsrfHandler
Creates a new CsrfHandler handler and use the given name to save the token in the Session and or extract the token from incoming requests.
CsrfHandler() - Constructor for class org.jooby.handlers.CsrfHandler
Creates a new CsrfHandler and use csrf as token name.
css - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Stylesheet media type.


data() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
DateParser - Class in org.jooby.internal.parser
DateParser(String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.parser.DateParser
declaringClass() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteSourceImpl
declaringClass(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Set the class where this route is defined.
declaringClass() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Source
DefaulErrRenderer - Class in org.jooby.internal
DefaulErrRenderer(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.DefaulErrRenderer
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Env
Default builder.
Deferred - Class in org.jooby
async request processing
Deferred(Deferred.Initializer0) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Deferred
Creates a new Deferred with an initializer.
Deferred(Request, Deferred.Initializer) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Deferred
Creates a new Deferred with an initializer.
Deferred() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Deferred
Creates a new Deferred.
deferred - Variable in exception org.jooby.internal.DeferredExecution
Deferred.Handler - Interface in org.jooby
A deferred handler.
Deferred.Initializer - Interface in org.jooby
Deferred initializer with Request access, useful to provide a more functional API.
Deferred.Initializer0 - Interface in org.jooby
Deferred initializer, useful to provide a more functional API.
DeferredExecution - Exception in org.jooby.internal
Use to detach the request from current thread (async mode).
DeferredExecution(Deferred) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.internal.DeferredExecution
DefHandler() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Err.DefHandler
Definition() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Creates a new cookie's definition.
Definition(Cookie.Definition) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Clone a new cookie's definition.
Definition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Creates a new cookie's definition.
Definition(String, String, Route.Handler) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Creates a new route definition.
Definition(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Creates a new route definition.
Definition(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Creates a new route definition.
Definition(String, String, Route.Filter) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Creates a new route definition.
Definition(Class<? extends Session.Store>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Session.Definition
Creates a new session definition.
Definition(Session.Store) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Session.Definition
Creates a new session definition.
Definition(String, WebSocket.Handler) - Constructor for class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
Creates a new WebSocket.Definition.
delete(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP DELETE method:
delete(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP DELETE method:
delete(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP DELETE method:
delete(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP DELETE method:
delete(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
DELETE - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP DELETE verb for mvc routes.
DELETE - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
delete(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
delete(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
delete(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
delete(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
delete(Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
delete(Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
delete(Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
delete(Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
delete(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP DELETE method:
delete(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP DELETE method:
delete(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP DELETE method:
delete(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP DELETE method:
delete(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP DELETE method on the same handler:
delete(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Session.Mem
delete(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Store
Delete a session by ID.
destroy() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
destroy() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
destroy(Session) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionManager
destroy() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Invalidates this session then unset any objects bound to it.
disabled() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Disabled cors (enabled = false).
domain(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Set the cookie's domain.
domain() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
domain() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
domain() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
done() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
doubleValue() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
doubleValue() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
doubleValue(double) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
download(String, InputStream) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
download(String, String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
download(String, InputStream) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Transfer the file at path as an "attachment".
download(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Transfer the file at path as an "attachment".
download(String, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Transfer the file at path as an "attachment".
download(File) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Transfer the file at path as an "attachment".
download(String, File) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Transfer the file at path as an "attachment".
download(String, InputStream) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
download(File) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
download(String, File) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
download(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
download(String, String) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding


enabled() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
encode() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
encode() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
encode(Object) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.Headers
end() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
end() - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Ends current request/response cycle by releasing any existing resources and committing the response into the channel.
end() - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
end() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
End a response and clean up any resources used it.
enter(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScope
Env - Interface in org.jooby
Allows to optimize, customize or apply defaults values for services.
env(Env.Builder) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Set a custom Env.Builder to use.
Env.Builder - Interface in org.jooby
Build an jooby environment.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
Err - Exception in org.jooby
An exception that carry a Status.
Err(Status, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.Err
Creates a new Err.
Err(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.Err
Creates a new Err.
Err(Status, String) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.Err
Creates a new Err.
Err(int, String) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.Err
Creates a new Err.
Err(Status, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.Err
Creates a new Err.
Err(int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.Err
Creates a new Err.
Err(Status) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.Err
Creates a new Err.
Err(int) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.Err
Creates a new Err.
err(Err.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Setup a route error handler.
err(Err.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Setup a route error handler.
err(Class<? extends Throwable>, Err.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Setup a route error handler.The error handler will be executed if the current exception is an instance of this type.
err(int, Err.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Setup a route error handler.
ERR - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Default err callback.
Err.DefHandler - Class in org.jooby
Default err handler it does content negotation.
Err.Handler - Interface in org.jooby
Handle and render exceptions.
etag() - Method in interface org.jooby.Asset
etag() - Method in class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
etag(boolean) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
event(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Factory method for creating Sse.Event instances.
excludes(List<String>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Collection
excludes(List<String>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
excludes() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
excludes(List<String>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
excludes(String...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Excludes one or more path pattern from this route, useful for filter:
excludes(List<String>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Excludes one or more path pattern from this route, useful for filter:
exists() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
exit() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScope
expiryAt() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
expiryAt() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
expiryAt() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
exposedHeaders() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors


file() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.UploadImpl
file(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a file Upload with the given name.
file(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
file() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeUpload
Get the actual file link/reference and do something with it.
file() - Method in interface org.jooby.Upload
Get this upload as temporary file.
files(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a list of file Upload with the given name.
files(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
files(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Get all the files for the provided name or an empty list.
filter(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType.Matcher
Filter the accepted types and keep the most specifics media types.
filter() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
fireCloseEvent() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
first() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
first(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType.Matcher
first(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType.Matcher
first() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.ParamReference
Flash - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
Bind a Mvc parameter to a Request.flash(String) flash attribute.
flash() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Give you access to flash scope.
flash(String, Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Set a flash attribute.
flash(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a flash attribute value or throws BAD_REQUEST error if missing.
flash() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
flash(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
flash(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
FlashScope - Class in org.jooby
flash scope
FlashScope() - Constructor for class org.jooby.FlashScope
FlashScopeHandler - Class in org.jooby.internal.handlers
FlashScopeHandler(String, Function<String, Map<String, String>>, Function<Map<String, String>, String>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.handlers.FlashScopeHandler
floatValue() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
floatValue() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
floatValue(float) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
fmt - Static variable in class org.jooby.internal.Headers
form - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Form url encoded.
format(Sse.Event) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SseRenderer
Forwarding(Asset) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
Forwarding(Request) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
Creates a new Request.Forwarding request.
Forwarding(Response) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
Creates a new Response.Forwarding response.
Forwarding(Route) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
Creates a new Route.Forwarding route.
fromStatus(Route.Filter, String, String, String, List<MediaType>) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl


generateID() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Store
Generate a session ID.
get(int) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
get(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
get(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
get(Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionManager
get(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP GET method:
get(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append two routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP GET method:
get(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP GET method:
get(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a filter that supports HTTP GET method:
get(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
GET - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP GET verb for mvc routes.
get(int) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.ParamReference
Get the param at the given index or throw Err with a bad request code when missing.
get(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
get(String, T) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
get(String, T) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a request local attribute.
get(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a request local attribute.
get() - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Get a result value.
get(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Get a result value for the given types (accept header).
GET - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
get(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
get(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
get(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
get(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
get(Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
get(Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
get(Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
get(Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
get(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP GET method:
get(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append two routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP GET method:
get(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP GET method:
get(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a filter that supports HTTP GET method:
get(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP GET method on the same handler:
get(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Get a object from this session.
get(Session.Builder) - Method in class org.jooby.Session.Mem
get(Session.Builder) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Store
Get a session by ID (if any).
glob() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
glob() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
glob() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Indicates if the Route.Definition.pattern() contains a glob charecter, like ?, * or **.
glob() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
glob() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
Indicates if the Route.pattern() contains a glob charecter, like ?, * or **.
GOING_AWAY - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1001 indicates that an endpoint is "going away", such as a server going down or a browser having navigated away from a page."
Group(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Route.Group
Group(String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Route.Group


handle(Result, Throwable) - Method in interface org.jooby.Deferred.Handler
handle(Request, Response, Err) - Method in class org.jooby.Err.DefHandler
handle(Request, Response, Err) - Method in interface org.jooby.Err.Handler
Handle a route exception by probably logging the error and sending a err response to the client.
handle(Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.CorsHandler
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.CsrfHandler
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.handlers.FlashScopeHandler
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.handlers.HeadHandler
handle(Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.handlers.OptionsHandler
handle(Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.handlers.TraceHandler
handle(NativeRequest, NativeResponse) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.HttpHandlerImpl
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.MappedHandler
handle(Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.MvcHandler
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.After
handle(Request, Response, Result) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.After
Allows for customized response before send it.
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Before
handle(Request, Response) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Before
Allows for customized handler execution chains.
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Complete
handle(Request, Response, Optional<Throwable>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Complete
Allows for log and cleanup a request.
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Filter
The handle method of the Filter is called by the server each time a request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a resource at the end of the chain.
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Handler
handle(Request, Response) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Handler
Callback method for a HTTP request.
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.OneArgHandler
handle(Request) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.OneArgHandler
Callback method for a HTTP request.
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.ZeroArgHandler
handle() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.ZeroArgHandler
Callback method for a HTTP request.
handle(NativeRequest, NativeResponse) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.HttpHandler
Handle an incoming HTTP request.
handle(Request, Response, Route.Chain) - Method in interface org.jooby.Sse.Handler
handle(Request, Sse) - Method in interface org.jooby.Sse.Handler
Event handler.
handle(Request, Sse) - Method in interface org.jooby.Sse.Handler1
handle(Sse) - Method in interface org.jooby.Sse.Handler1
handler(Deferred.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Deferred
Setup a handler for this deferred.
handshake(Request, Runnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
handshake(Runnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
hashCode() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
hashCode() - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
head(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP HEAD method:
head(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP HEAD method:
head(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP HEAD method:
head(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP HEAD method:
head() - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a new route that automatically handles HEAD request from existing GET routes.
HEAD - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP HEAD verb for mvc routes.
HEAD - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
head(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP HEAD method:
head(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP HEAD method:
head(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP HEAD method:
head(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP HEAD method:
head() - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a new route that automatically handles HEAD request from existing GET routes.
header(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
header(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
header(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
header(String, Iterable<Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
header(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.UploadImpl
Header - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
Mark a MVC method parameter as a request header.
header(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
header(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a HTTP header.
header(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
header(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
header(String, Object...) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
header(String, Iterable<Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
header(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Get a header with the given name.
header(String, Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Sets a response header with the given name and value.
header(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Sets a response header with the given name and value.
header(String, Iterable<Object>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Sets a response header with the given name and value.
header(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Sets a response header with the given name and value.
header(String, Object...) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Sets a response header with the given name and value.
header(String, Iterable<Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Sets a response header with the given name and value.
header(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Get the first header for the provided name or a empty list.
header(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
Get a response header (previously set).
header(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
Set a response header.
header(String, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
Set a response header.
header(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Upload
Upload header, like content-type, charset, etc...
headerNames() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Headers - Class in org.jooby.internal
Headers() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.Headers
headers() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
headers() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
headers() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
headers() - Method in class org.jooby.Result
headers(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Get all the headers for the provided name or a empty list.
headers(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
Get all the response headers for the provided name.
headers(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeUpload
Get all the file headers for the given name.
HeadHandler - Class in org.jooby.internal.handlers
HeadHandler(Set<Route.Definition>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.handlers.HeadHandler
HMAC_SHA256 - Static variable in class org.jooby.Cookie.Signature
Algorithm name.
hostname() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
hostname() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
hostname() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
The fully qualified name of the resource being requested, as obtained from the Host HTTP header.
html - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
HTML media type.
html(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
HttpHandler - Interface in org.jooby.spi
Bridge between Jooby app and a Server implementation.
HttpHandlerImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
HttpHandlerImpl(Injector, RequestScope, Set<Route.Definition>, Set<WebSocket.Definition>, String, ParserExecutor, Set<Renderer>, Set<Err.Handler>, StatusCodeProvider, Charset, List<Locale>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.HttpHandlerImpl
httpOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Set HttpOnly flag.
httpOnly() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
httpOnly() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
httpOnly() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
HttpRendererContext - Class in org.jooby.internal
HttpRendererContext(List<Renderer>, NativeResponse, Consumer<Long>, Consumer<MediaType>, Map<String, Object>, List<MediaType>, Charset) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.HttpRendererContext


id() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
id() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
id() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
id() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
id(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Set event id.
id() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
A unique ID (like a session ID).
ifbody(Parser.Callback<Parser.BodyReference>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
ifbody(Parser.Callback<Parser.BodyReference>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Builder
Like #body(Callback) but it skip the callback if the requested type is an Optional.
ifClose(Throwable) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
ifFlash(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
ifFlash(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get an optional for the given flash attribute's name.
ifGet(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
ifGet(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
ifGet(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a request local attribute.
ifGet() - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Get a result value.
ifGet(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Get a result value for the given types (accept header).
ifMode(String, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Runs the callback function if the current env matches the given name.
ifparam(Parser.Callback<Parser.ParamReference<String>>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
ifparam(Parser.Callback<Parser.ParamReference<String>>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Builder
Like #param(Callback) but it skip the callback if the requested type is an Optional.
ifparams(Parser.Callback<Map<String, Mutant>>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
ifparams(Parser.Callback<Map<String, Mutant>>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Builder
Like #params(Callback) but it skip the callback if the requested type is an Optional.
ifSession() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
ifSession() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
ifSession() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
ifupload(Parser.Callback<Parser.ParamReference<Upload>>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
ifupload(Parser.Callback<Parser.ParamReference<Upload>>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Builder
Like #upload(Callback) but it skip the callback if the requested type is an Optional.
in() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Input stream that represent the body.
InputStreamAsset - Class in org.jooby.internal
InputStreamAsset(InputStream, String, MediaType) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.InputStreamAsset
intValue() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
intValue() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
intValue(int) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
invoke(Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.MvcHandler
invoke(T) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Callback
Parse a raw value to something else.
invoke(T) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket.Callback
Invoked from a web socket.
invoke(Throwable) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket.ErrCallback
Invoked if something goes wrong.
invoke() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket.SuccessCallback
Invoked from a web socket.
ip() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
ip() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
ip() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
ip() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
is(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
is(MediaType...) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
is(String...) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
is(String...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
True, if request accept any of the given types.
is(MediaType...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
True, if request accept any of the given types.
is(List<MediaType>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
True, if request accept any of the given types.
isAny() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
isDirty() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
isNew() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
isOpen() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
isSet() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.MutantImpl
isSet(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
isSet(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
isSet() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
isSet() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
isSet(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
isSet(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
isSet(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Test if the var name exists inside the session local attributes.
isText() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
iterator() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
iterator() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.ParamReference


join() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.Server
Waits for this thread to die.
Jooby - Class in org.jooby
Jooby() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Jooby
Jooby(String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.Jooby
Creates a new application and prefix all the names of the routes with the given prefix.
Jooby.EnvPredicate - Interface in org.jooby
{ on("dev", () -> { // run something on dev }).orElse(() -> { // run something on prod }); }
Jooby.Module - Interface in org.jooby
A module can publish or produces: routes, Parser, Renderer, and any other application specific service or contract of your choice.
js - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Javascript media types.
JsJooby - Class in org.jooby.internal.js
JsJooby() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.js.JsJooby
json - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
A JSON media type.
json(Object) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
JsRequest - Class in org.jooby.internal.js
JsRequest(Request) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.js.JsRequest
JsResponse - Class in org.jooby.internal.js
JsResponse(Response) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.js.JsResponse
JvmInfo - Class in org.jooby.internal
JvmInfo() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.JvmInfo


keepAlive(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
The keep alive time can be used to prevent connections from timing out:
keepAlive(long) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
The keep alive time can be used to prevent connections from timing out:
KEY - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Renderer
Renderer key.
KEY - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
Route key.
KEY - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Websocket key.


last() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
last() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.ParamReference
lastEventId() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Server sent event will send a Last-Event-ID header if the server goes down.
lastEventId(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Server sent event will send a Last-Event-ID header if the server goes down.
lastModified() - Method in class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
lastModified() - Method in interface org.jooby.Asset
lastModified(boolean) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
lastModified() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.InputStreamAsset
lastModified() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
length() - Method in class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
length() - Method in interface org.jooby.Asset
length(long) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
length() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.BodyReferenceImpl
length(long) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.HttpRendererContext
length() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.InputStreamAsset
length() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
length(long) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
length() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
length() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.BodyReference
length(long) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Set the Content-Length header IF and ONLY IF, no Content-Length was set yet.
length() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
length() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
length(long) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
length(long) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Set the length of the response and set the Content-Length header.
LifeCycle - Interface in org.jooby
life cycle
lifeCycle(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.jooby.LifeCycle
Add to lifecycle the given service.
lifeCycleAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in interface org.jooby.LifeCycle
Find a single method annotated with the given annotation in the provided type.
line() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteSourceImpl
line(int) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Set the line where this route is defined.
line() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Source
Local - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
Bind a Mvc parameter to a Request.get(String) local variable.
LocalDateParser - Class in org.jooby.internal.parser
LocalDateParser(DateTimeFormatter) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.parser.LocalDateParser
locale() - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
locale(BiFunction<List<Locale.LanguageRange>, List<Locale>, Locale>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
locale() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
locale(BiFunction<List<Locale.LanguageRange>, List<Locale>, Locale>) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
locale(BiFunction<List<Locale.LanguageRange>, List<Locale>, Locale>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a locale that best matches the current request.
locale() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a locale that best matches the current request or the default locale as specified in application.lang.
LocaleParser - Class in org.jooby.internal.parser
LocaleParser() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.parser.LocaleParser
locales(BiFunction<List<Locale.LanguageRange>, List<Locale>, List<Locale>>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
locales(BiFunction<List<Locale.LanguageRange>, List<Locale>, List<Locale>>) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
locales() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
locales() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
locales(BiFunction<List<Locale.LanguageRange>, List<Locale>, List<Locale>>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a list of locale that best matches the current request.
LocaleUtils - Class in org.jooby.internal
LocaleUtils() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.LocaleUtils
locals() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
locals() - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
log - Variable in class org.jooby.Sse
The logging system.
longValue() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
longValue() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
longValue(long) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run app in javascript.
map(Route.Mapper<?>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
map(Route.Mapper<?>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Collection
map(Route.Mapper<?>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
map(Route.Mapper<?>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
map(T) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Mapper
Map the type to something else.
map(Route.Mapper<?>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
map(Route.Mapper<?>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Apply the mapper to all the functional routes.
MappedHandler - Class in org.jooby.internal
MappedHandler(CheckedFunction2<Request, Response, Object>, Route.Mapper) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.MappedHandler
match() - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Produces a API.Match of the current Env.
matcher(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
matcher(MediaType) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Produces a matcher for the given media type.
matcher(List<MediaType>) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Produces a matcher for the given media types.
matches(TypeLiteral<?>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.StaticMethodParser
matches(TypeLiteral<?>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.StringConstructorParser
matches() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RegexRouteMatcher
matches(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
matches() - Method in interface org.jooby.internal.RouteMatcher
matches(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType.Matcher
matches(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType.Matcher
matches(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
matches(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
matches(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Test if the given request path matches the pattern.
matches(String, String, MediaType, List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Test if the route matches the given verb, path, content type and accept header.
matches(String) - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
Test if the given path matches this web socket.
maxAge(int) - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Sets the maximum age in seconds for this Cookie.
maxAge() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Gets the maximum age in seconds for this Cookie.
maxAge() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
Gets the maximum age of this cookie (in seconds).
maxAge(Duration) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
maxAge(long) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
maxAge() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
maxAge() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
MediaType - Class in org.jooby
An immutable implementation of HTTP media types (a.k.a mime types).
MediaType.Matcher - Class in org.jooby
A media type matcher.
Mem() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Session.Mem
method() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.MvcHandler
method() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
method() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
method() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
method() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
method() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
method() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
method() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.MethodHandler
method() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
Well known HTTP methods.
model() - Method in class org.jooby.View
moved(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Redirect to the given url with status code defaulting to Status.FOUND.
multipart - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Form multipart-data media type.
Mutant - Interface in org.jooby
A type safe Mutant useful for reading parameters and headers.
MutantImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
Default mutant implementation.
MutantImpl(ParserExecutor, MediaType, Object) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.MutantImpl
MutantImpl(ParserExecutor, Object) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.MutantImpl
MvcHandler - Class in org.jooby.internal.mvc
MvcHandler(Method, RequestParamProvider) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.mvc.MvcHandler
MvcRoutes - Class in org.jooby.internal.mvc
MvcRoutes() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.mvc.MvcRoutes


name() - Method in class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.Asset
name(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Set/Override the cookie's name.
name() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
NAME - Static variable in class org.jooby.FlashScope
name() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
name() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.DefaulErrRenderer
name() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.InputStreamAsset
name - Variable in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParam
name(Parameter) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParamNameProviderImpl
name() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
name() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
name() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.UploadImpl
name() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.ParamReference
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer
name(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Collection
name() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Route's name, helpful for debugging but also to implement dynamic and advanced routing.
name(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Set the route name.
name() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
name(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
Set the route name to the whole collection.
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Mapper
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
Route's name, helpful for debugging but also to implement dynamic and advanced routing.
name(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Set the route name.
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeUpload
name() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
name(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Set event name (a.k.a type).
name() - Method in interface org.jooby.Upload
name() - Method in class org.jooby.View
nameFor(Parameter) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParam
names(Executable) - Method in interface org.jooby.internal.ParameterNameProvider
Extract parameter names from a executable: method or constructor.
names(Executable) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteMetadata
NativeRequest - Interface in org.jooby.spi
Minimal/basic implementation of HTTP request.
NativeResponse - Interface in org.jooby.spi
Minimal/basic implementation of HTTP request.
NativeUpload - Interface in org.jooby.spi
File upload from multipart/form-data post.
NativeWebSocket - Interface in org.jooby.spi
A web socket upgrade created from NativeRequest.upgrade(Class).
next(String, Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteChain
next() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Context
Invoke next parser in the chain.
next(TypeLiteral<?>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Context
Invoke next parser in the chain and switch/change the target type we are looking for.
next(TypeLiteral<?>, Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Context
Invoke next parser in the chain and switch/change the target type we are looking for but also the current value.
next(String, Request, Response) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Chain
Invokes the next route in the chain where starts with the given prefix.
next(Request, Response) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Chain
Invokes the next route in the chain.
NO_PARSER - Static variable in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserExecutor
noContent() - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
NORMAL - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1000 indicates a normal closure, meaning that the purpose for which the connection was established has been fulfilled."
normalize(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
normalize(String) - Static method in interface org.jooby.Route
Normalize a path by removing double or trailing slashes.
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1003 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a type of data it cannot accept (e.g., an endpoint that understands only text data MAY send this if it receives a binary message)."
notFound(String, String, List<MediaType>) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl


octetstream - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
The default binary media type.
of(String, Renderer) - Static method in interface org.jooby.Renderer
Renderer factory method.
of(int) - Static method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.CloseStatus
Creates a new WebSocket.CloseStatus.
of(int, String) - Static method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.CloseStatus
Creates a new WebSocket.CloseStatus.
ok() - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
ok(Object) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
on(String, Runnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run the given callback if and only if, app runs in the given enviroment.
on(String, Consumer<Config>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run the given callback if and only if, app runs in the given enviroment.
on(Predicate<String>, Runnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run the given callback if and only if, app runs in the given enviroment.
on(Predicate<String>, Consumer<Config>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run the given callback if and only if, app runs in the given enviroment.
on(String, String, String, Runnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run the given callback if and only if, app runs in the given enviroment.
onBinaryMessage(Consumer<ByteBuffer>) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Set the onbinary message callback.
onClose(WebSocket.Callback<WebSocket.CloseStatus>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
onClose(Try.CheckedRunnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Listen for connection close (usually client drop the connection).
onClose(WebSocket.Callback<WebSocket.CloseStatus>) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Register an close callback to execute when client close the web socket.
onCloseMessage(BiConsumer<Integer, Optional<String>>) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Set the onclose message callback.
onConnect(Runnable) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Set the onconnect callback.
onError(WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
onError(WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Register an error callback to execute when an error is found.
onErrorMessage(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Set the onerror message callback.
onMessage(WebSocket.Callback<Mutant>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
onMessage(WebSocket.Callback<Mutant>) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Register a callback to execute when a new message arrive.
onStart(Try.CheckedRunnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run code at application startup time.
onStart(Try.CheckedConsumer<Registry>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run code at application startup time.
onStart(Try.CheckedConsumer<Registry>) - Method in interface org.jooby.LifeCycle
Add a start lifecycle event, useful for initialize and/or start services at startup time.
onStart(Try.CheckedRunnable) - Method in interface org.jooby.LifeCycle
Add a start lifecycle event, useful for initialize and/or start services at startup time.
onStop(Try.CheckedRunnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run code at application shutdown time.
onStop(Try.CheckedConsumer<Registry>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Run code at application shutdown time.
onStop(Try.CheckedRunnable) - Method in interface org.jooby.LifeCycle
Add a stop lifecycle event, useful for cleanup and/or stop service at stop time.
onStop(Try.CheckedConsumer<Registry>) - Method in interface org.jooby.LifeCycle
Add a stop lifecycle event, useful for cleanup and/or stop service at stop time.
onTextMessage(Consumer<String>) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Set the ontext message callback.
options(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP OPTIONS method:
options(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP OPTIONS method:
options(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP OPTIONS method:
options(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP OPTIONS method:
options() - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a new route that automatically handles OPTIONS requests.
OPTIONS - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP OPTIONS verb for mvc routes.
OPTIONS - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
options(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP OPTIONS method:
options(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP OPTIONS method:
options(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP OPTIONS method:
options(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP OPTIONS method:
options() - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a new route that automatically handles OPTIONS requests.
OptionsHandler - Class in org.jooby.internal.handlers
OptionsHandler(Set<Route.Definition>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.handlers.OptionsHandler
orElse(Runnable) - Method in interface org.jooby.Jooby.EnvPredicate
{ on("dev", () -> { // run something on dev }).orElse(() -> { // run something on prod }); }
orElse(Consumer<Config>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Jooby.EnvPredicate
{ on("dev", () -> { // run something on dev }).orElse(conf -> { // run something on prod }); }
org.jooby - package org.jooby
org.jooby.handlers - package org.jooby.handlers
org.jooby.internal - package org.jooby.internal
org.jooby.internal.handlers - package org.jooby.internal.handlers
org.jooby.internal.js - package org.jooby.internal.js
org.jooby.internal.mvc - package org.jooby.internal.mvc
org.jooby.internal.parser - package org.jooby.internal.parser
org.jooby.mvc - package org.jooby.mvc
org.jooby.scope - package org.jooby.scope
org.jooby.spi - package org.jooby.spi
origin() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
An origin must be a "*" (any origin), a domain name (like, and/or a regex (like, http://*
outOfScope(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.jooby.scope.Providers
outOfScope(Key<T>) - Static method in class org.jooby.scope.Providers


param(Parser.Callback<Parser.ParamReference<String>>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
param(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
param(Parser.Callback<Parser.ParamReference<String>>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Builder
Add a HTTP param callback.
param(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
param(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get a HTTP request parameter under the given name.
ParameterNameProvider - Interface in org.jooby.internal
Extract parameter names from an executable: method or constructor.
parameters(Executable) - Method in interface org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParamProvider
parameters(Executable) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParamProviderImpl
paramNames() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
ParamNotFound - Exception in org.jooby.internal.parser
ParamNotFound(String) - Constructor for exception org.jooby.internal.parser.ParamNotFound
ParamReferenceImpl<T> - Class in org.jooby.internal
ParamReferenceImpl(String, String, List<T>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
params(Parser.Callback<Map<String, Mutant>>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
params() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
params() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
params(Parser.Callback<Map<String, Mutant>>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Builder
Add a HTTP params callback.
params() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
params() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Get all the available parameters.
params(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Get all the params for the provided name or a empty list.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.LocaleUtils
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Parser.Context) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.BeanParser
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Parser.Context) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.DateParser
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Parser.Context) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.LocalDateParser
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Parser.Context) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.LocaleParser
parse() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Parser.Context) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.StaticMethodParser
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.StaticMethodParser
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Parser.Context) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.StringConstructorParser
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Object) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.StringConstructorParser
parse(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Convert a string separated by comma into one or more MediaType.
parse(TypeLiteral<?>, Parser.Context) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser
Parse one or more values to the required type.
parseOne(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.LocaleUtils
parser(Parser) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Register a new param converter.
Parser - Interface in org.jooby
Parse a request param (path, query, form) or body to something else.
Parser.BodyReference - Interface in org.jooby
Expose the HTTP body as a series of bytes or text.
Parser.Builder - Interface in org.jooby
A parser can be executed against a simply HTTP param, a set of HTTP params, an file Upload or HTTP Parser.BodyReference.
Parser.Callback<T> - Interface in org.jooby
A parser callback.
Parser.Context - Interface in org.jooby
Allows you to access to parsing strategies, content type view Parser.Context.type() and invoke next parser in the chain via methods.
Parser.ParamReference<T> - Interface in org.jooby
Expose HTTP params from path, query, form url encoded or multipart request as a raw string.
ParserBuilder - Class in org.jooby.internal.parser
ParserBuilder(Parser.Context, TypeLiteral<?>, Object) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
ParserExecutor - Class in org.jooby.internal.parser
ParserExecutor(Injector, Set<Parser>, StatusCodeProvider) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserExecutor
patch(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP PATCH method:
patch(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP PATCH method:
patch(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP PATCH method:
patch(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP PATCH method:
patch(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
PATCH - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP PATCH verb for mvc routes.
patch(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
patch(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
patch(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
patch(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
patch(Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
patch(Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
patch(Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
patch(Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
PATCH - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
patch(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP PATCH method:
patch(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP PATCH method:
patch(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP PATCH method:
patch(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP PATCH method:
patch(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
patch(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PATCH method on the same handler:
path() - Method in class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
path() - Method in interface org.jooby.Asset
path(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Set the cookie's path.
path() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
path() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
path() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
path() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.InputStreamAsset
path() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RegexRouteMatcher
path() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
path() - Method in interface org.jooby.internal.RouteMatcher
path() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
path() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
Path - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
Set a path for Mvc routes.
path() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
path() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
path() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
path() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
path() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
path() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
pattern() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
pattern() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
pattern() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
pattern() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Path Patterns
pattern() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
pattern() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
pattern() - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
pattern() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
pause() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
pause() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Pause reads.
pause() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Pause the client stream.
pid() - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.JvmInfo
plain - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Text plain media type.
POLICY_VIOLATION - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1008 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that violates its policy.
port() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
port() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
port() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
post(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP POST method:
post(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP POST method:
post(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP POST method:
post(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP POST method:
post(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
POST - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP POST verb for mvc routes.
post(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
post(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
post(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
post(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
post(Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
post(Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
post(Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
post(Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
POST - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
post(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP POST method:
post(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP POST method:
post(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP POST method:
post(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP POST method:
post(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
post(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP POST method on the same handler:
print() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
print(int) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
print(int) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
Print route information like: method, path, source, etc...
print() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
Print route information like: method, path, source, etc...
produces() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
produces() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
Produces - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
Defines what media types a route can produces.
produces(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Collection
produces(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
produces() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
produces() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
produces(List<MediaType>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
produces() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
produces(MediaType...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Set the media types the route can produces.
produces(String...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Set the media types the route can produces.
produces(List<MediaType>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Set the media types the route can produces.
produces(String) - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
Set the media types the route can produces.
produces(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
Set the media types the route can produces.
produces() - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
produces() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
promise(Deferred.Initializer) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Produces a deferred response, useful for async request processing.
promise(Deferred.Initializer0) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Produces a deferred response, useful for async request processing.
protocol() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
protocol() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
protocol() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
protocol() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
PROTOCOL_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1002 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection due to a protocol error."
Providers - Class in org.jooby.scope
Providers() - Constructor for class org.jooby.scope.Providers
put(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP PUT method:
put(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP PUT method:
put(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP PUT method:
put(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP PUT method:
put(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
PUT - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP PUT verb for mvc routes.
put(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
put(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
put(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
put(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
put(Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
put(Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
put(Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
put(Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
PUT - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
put(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP PUT method:
put(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP PUT method:
put(String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, String, String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP PUT method:
put(String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, String, String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP PUT method:
put(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append three routes that supports HTTP PUT method on the same handler:
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.View
Set a model attribute and override existing attribute.
put(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.jooby.View
Set model attributes and override existing values.


quality() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType


range(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.LocaleUtils
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ReaderInputStream
Read the specified number of bytes into an array.
read(byte[]) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ReaderInputStream
Read the specified number of bytes into an array.
read() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ReaderInputStream
Read a single byte.
ReaderInputStream - Class in org.jooby.internal
InputStream implementation that reads a character stream from a Reader and transforms it to a byte stream using a specified charset encoding.
ReaderInputStream(Reader, Charset) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.ReaderInputStream
Construct a new ReaderInputStream with a default input buffer size of 1024 characters.
reason() - Method in enum org.jooby.Status
reason() - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.CloseStatus
redirect(Status, String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
redirect(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
redirect(Status, String) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
redirect(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Redirect to the given url with status code defaulting to Status.FOUND.
redirect(Status, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Redirect to the given url with status code defaulting to Status.FOUND.
redirect(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Redirect to the given url with status code defaulting to Status.FOUND.
RegexRouteMatcher - Class in org.jooby.internal
RegexRouteMatcher(String, Matcher, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RegexRouteMatcher
Registry - Interface in org.jooby
service registry
reject(Throwable) - Method in class org.jooby.Deferred
Resolve the deferred with an error and handle it.
render(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
render(Object, Renderer.Context) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.DefaulErrRenderer
render(Object, Renderer.Context) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer
Render the given value and write the response (if possible).
render(Object, Renderer.Context) - Method in interface org.jooby.View.Engine
render(View, Renderer.Context) - Method in interface org.jooby.View.Engine
Render a view or throw a FileNotFoundException when template can't be resolved it..
renderer(Renderer) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a response Renderer for write HTTP messages.
Renderer - Interface in org.jooby
Write a value into the HTTP response and apply a format, if need it.
renderer(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route.Props
Tell jooby what renderer should use to render the output.
RENDERER - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
Renderer attribute.
Renderer.Context - Interface in org.jooby
Contains a few utility methods for doing the actual rendering and writing.
Request - Interface in org.jooby
Give you access at the current HTTP request in order to read parameters, headers and body.
Request.Forwarding - Class in org.jooby
Forwarding request.
requestDone(Session) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionManager
RequestImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
RequestImpl(Injector, NativeRequest, String, int, Route, Charset, List<Locale>, Map<Object, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
RequestParam - Class in org.jooby.internal.mvc
RequestParam(Parameter, String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParam
RequestParam(AnnotatedElement, String, Type) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParam
RequestParamNameProviderImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal.mvc
RequestParamNameProviderImpl(ParameterNameProvider) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParamNameProviderImpl
RequestParamProvider - Interface in org.jooby.internal.mvc
RequestParamProviderImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal.mvc
RequestParamProviderImpl(RequestParamNameProviderImpl) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParamProviderImpl
RequestScope - Class in org.jooby.internal
RequestScope() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RequestScope
RequestScoped - Annotation Type in org.jooby.scope
Define a request scoped object.
RequestScopedSession - Class in org.jooby.internal
RequestScopedSession(SessionManager, Response, Session, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
require(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.js.JsRequest
Need it to make nashorn happy...
require(Key<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
require(Key<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
require(Key<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
require(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Context
Requires a service with the given type.
require(TypeLiteral<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Context
Requires a service with the given type.
require(Key<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Context
Requires a service with the given type.
require(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Registry
Request a service of the given type.
require(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Registry
Request a service of the given type and name.
require(TypeLiteral<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Registry
Request a service of the given type.
require(Key<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Registry
Request a service of the given key.
require(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
require(TypeLiteral<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
require(Key<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
require(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Ask Guice for the given type.
require(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Ask Guice for the given type.
require(TypeLiteral<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Ask Guice for the given type.
require(Key<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Ask Guice for the given type.
require(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Find and return a service using the provided type.
require(TypeLiteral<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Find and return a service using the provided type.
require(Key<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Find and return a service using the provided key.
REQUIRED_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1010 indicates that an endpoint (client) is terminating the connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or more extension, but the server didn't return them in the response message of the WebSocket handshake.
requireTokenOn(Predicate<Request>) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.CsrfHandler
Decided whenever or not an incoming request require token verification.
reset() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
reset() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
Reset the HTTP status, headers and response buffer is need it.
resolve(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Deferred
Resolve the deferred value and handle it.
resolve(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Deferred
resolve(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Returns a string with all substitutions (the ${} syntax, see the spec) resolved.
resolve(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Returns a string with all substitutions (the ${} syntax, see the spec) resolved.
resolve(String, Config) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Returns a string with all substitutions (the ${} syntax, see the spec) resolved.
resolve(String, Config, String, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Returns a string with all substitutions (the ${} syntax, see the spec) resolved.
resolve(String) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
Resolve a path as a URL.
resource() - Method in class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
resource() - Method in interface org.jooby.Asset
resource() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.InputStreamAsset
resource() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
Response - Interface in org.jooby
Give you access to the actual HTTP response.
Response.Forwarding - Class in org.jooby
A forwarding response.
ResponseImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
ResponseImpl(ParserExecutor, NativeResponse, Route, List<Renderer>, Map<String, Renderer>, Map<String, Object>, Charset, Optional<String>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
Result - Class in org.jooby
Utility class for HTTP responses.
Result() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Result
Results - Class in org.jooby
A Result builder with some utility static methods (nothing more).
Results() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Results
resume() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
resume() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Resume reads.
resume() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Resume the client stream.
retry(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Clients (browsers) will attempt to reconnect every 3 seconds.
retry(long) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Clients (browsers) will attempt to reconnect every 3 seconds.
retry() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
reverse(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
reverse(Object...) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
reverse(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
reverse(Object...) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
reverse(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Recreate a route path and apply the given variables.
reverse(Object...) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
Recreate a route path and apply the given variables.
reverse(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
reverse(Object...) - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
reverse(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
Recreate a route path and apply the given variables.
reverse(Object...) - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
Recreate a route path and apply the given variables.
rnd - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Session.Store
Single secure random instance.
route() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
route() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
route() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Route - Interface in org.jooby
Routes are a key concept in Jooby.
Route.After - Interface in org.jooby
Route.Before - Interface in org.jooby
Route.Chain - Interface in org.jooby
Chain of routes to be executed.
Route.Collection - Class in org.jooby
Collection of Route.Props useful for registering/setting route options at once.
Route.Complete - Interface in org.jooby
Route.Definition - Class in org.jooby
DSL for customize routes.
Route.Filter - Interface in org.jooby
Filter is like a Route.Handler but it decided if the next route handler in the chain can be executed or not.
Route.Forwarding - Class in org.jooby
A forwarding route.
Route.Group - Class in org.jooby
Route.Handler - Interface in org.jooby
A route handler/callback.
Route.Mapper<T> - Interface in org.jooby
The map operator converts a route output to something else
Route.MethodHandler - Interface in org.jooby
A handler from a MVC route, it extends Route.Handler by adding a reference to the method behind this route.
Route.OneArgHandler - Interface in org.jooby
A route handler/callback that doesn't require a Response object.
Route.Props<T extends Route.Props<T>> - Interface in org.jooby
Common route properties, like static and global metadata via attributes, path exclusion, produces and consumes types.
Route.Source - Interface in org.jooby
Provides useful information about where the route was defined.
Route.ZeroArgHandler - Interface in org.jooby
A route handler/callback that doesn't require a Request or Response objects.
RouteChain - Class in org.jooby.internal
RouteChain(RequestImpl, ResponseImpl, List<Route>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RouteChain
RouteImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
RouteImpl(Route.Filter, Route.Definition, String, String, List<MediaType>, Map<Object, String>, Route.Mapper<?>, Route.Source) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
RouteMatcher - Interface in org.jooby.internal
RouteMetadata - Class in org.jooby.internal
RouteMetadata(Env) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RouteMetadata
RoutePattern - Class in org.jooby.internal
RoutePattern(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
routes() - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Application router.
routes(Env, RouteMetadata, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.MvcRoutes
routes() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Group
Routes - Interface in org.jooby
Route DSL.
RouteSourceImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
RouteSourceImpl(String, int) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.RouteSourceImpl
rsp - Variable in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
The target response.
run(Request, Deferred) - Method in interface org.jooby.Deferred.Initializer
Run the initializer block.
run(Deferred) - Method in interface org.jooby.Deferred.Initializer0
Run the initializer block.
run(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.Deferred
Produces a Runnable that runs the given Callable and Deferred.resolve(Callable) or Deferred.reject(Throwable) the deferred.
run(File) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.js.JsJooby
run(Reader) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.js.JsJooby
run(Supplier<? extends Jooby>, String...) - Static method in class org.jooby.Jooby
run(Class<? extends Jooby>, String...) - Static method in class org.jooby.Jooby


save(Session) - Method in class org.jooby.Session.Mem
save(Session) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Store
Save/persist a session.
savedAt() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
savedAt() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
savedAt(long) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Builder
Set session last saved it date.
savedAt() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
saveInterval() - Method in class org.jooby.Session.Definition
Indicates how frequently a no-dirty session should be persisted (in millis).
saveInterval(long) - Method in class org.jooby.Session.Definition
Set/override how frequently a no-dirty session should be persisted (in millis).
scope(Key<T>, Provider<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScope
secure(boolean) - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
True, ensure that the session cookie is only transmitted via HTTPS.
secure() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
secure() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
Returns true if the browser is sending cookies only over a secure protocol, or false if the browser can send cookies using any protocol.
secure() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
secure() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
secure() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
secure() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
secure() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
seeOther(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Redirect to the given url with status code defaulting to Status.FOUND.
send(Request, Response, Asset) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.AssetHandler
Send an asset to the client.
send(CharBuffer) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
send(Reader) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
send(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
send(byte[]) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
send(FileChannel) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
send(InputStream) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
send(Result) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
send(Object, WebSocket.SuccessCallback, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
send(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketRendererContext
send(byte[]) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Write bytes into the HTTP response body.
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Write byte buffer into the HTTP response body.
send(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Write text into the HTTP response body.
send(InputStream) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Write bytes into the HTTP response body.
send(CharBuffer) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Write text into the HTTP response body.
send(Reader) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Write text into the HTTP response body.
send(FileChannel) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Write file into the HTTP response body, using OS zero-copy transfer (if possible).
send(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
send(Result) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
send(Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Responsible of writing the given body into the HTTP response.
send(Result) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Responsible of writing the given body into the HTTP response.
send(byte[]) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
send(InputStream) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
send(FileChannel) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
send() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Send an event and optionally listen for success confirmation or error:
send(Object, String) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Send an event and set media type.
send(Object, MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Send an event and set media type.
send(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
Send an event.
send(Optional<Object>, byte[]) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
send(Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Send data through the connection.
send(Object, WebSocket.SuccessCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Send data through the connection.
send(Object, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Send data through the connection.
send(Object, WebSocket.SuccessCallback, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Send data through the connection.
sendBytes(ByteBuffer, WebSocket.SuccessCallback, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Send a binary message to the client.
sendBytes(byte[], WebSocket.SuccessCallback, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Send a binary message to the client.
sendjs(ScriptObjectMirror) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.js.JsResponse
sendText(String, WebSocket.SuccessCallback, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Send a text message to the client.
sendText(ByteBuffer, WebSocket.SuccessCallback, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Send a text message to the client.
sendText(byte[], WebSocket.SuccessCallback, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Send a text message to the client.
Server - Interface in org.jooby.spi
A HTTP web server.
SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1011 indicates that a server is terminating the connection because it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request."
ServerLookup - Class in org.jooby.internal
ServerLookup() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.ServerLookup
SERVICE_OVERLOAD - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1013 indicates that the service is experiencing overload.
SERVICE_RESTARTED - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1012 indicates that the service is restarted.
session() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
session() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
session(Class<? extends Session.Store>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Setup a session store to use.
session(Session.Store) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Setup a session store to use.
session() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
session() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Session - Interface in org.jooby
Sessions are created on demand via: Request.session().
Session.Builder - Interface in org.jooby
Build or restore a session from a persistent storage.
Session.Definition - Class in org.jooby
Hold session related configuration parameters.
Session.Mem - Class in org.jooby
A keep in memory session store.
Session.Store - Interface in org.jooby
Read, save and delete sessions from a persistent storage.
sessionId() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Builder
SessionImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
SessionImpl(ParserExecutor, boolean, String, long) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
SessionManager - Class in org.jooby.internal
SessionManager(Config, Session.Definition, Session.Store, ParserExecutor) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.SessionManager
set(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Deferred
set(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
set(Key<?>, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
set(String, String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
set(String, String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
set(String, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
set(Key<?>, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
set(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
set(TypeLiteral<?>, Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
set(String, Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Set local attribute.
set(Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Seed a RequestScoped object.
set(TypeLiteral<?>, Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Seed a RequestScoped object.
set(Key<?>, Object) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Seed a RequestScoped object.
set(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Set result content.
set(String, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Builder
Set a session local attribute.
set(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session.Builder
Set one ore more session local attributes.
set(String, byte) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, char) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, short) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, int) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, long) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, float) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, double) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(String, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Set a session local using a the given name.
set(Object) - Method in class org.jooby.View
shortValue() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
shortValue() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
shortValue(int) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
shouldClose(Throwable) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse
sign(String, String) - Static method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Signature
Sign a value using a secret key.
Signature() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Cookie.Signature
size() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
size() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.ParamReference
source() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
source() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
source() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
sse(String, Sse.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
sse(String, Sse.Handler1) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
sse - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Server sent event type.
sse(String, Sse.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Add a server-sent event handler.
sse(String, Sse.Handler1) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Add a server-sent event handler.
Sse - Class in org.jooby
Server Sent Events
Sse() - Constructor for class org.jooby.Sse
Sse.Event - Class in org.jooby
Event representation of Server sent event.
Sse.Handler - Interface in org.jooby
Server-sent event handler.
Sse.Handler1 - Interface in org.jooby
Single argument event handler.
SseRenderer - Class in org.jooby.internal
SseRenderer(List<Renderer>, List<MediaType>, Charset, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.SseRenderer
start() - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
start(Consumer<List<Route.Definition>>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
start(String[]) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
start(String[], Consumer<List<Route.Definition>>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
start() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.Server
Start the web server.
startAsync() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Put the request in async mode.
startAt(Executable) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteMetadata
startTasks() - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
StaticMethodParser - Class in org.jooby.internal.parser
StaticMethodParser(String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.parser.StaticMethodParser
status() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
status(Status) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
status() - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
status(Status) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
status(int) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
status() - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
status(Status) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Set the HTTP response status.
status(int) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Set the HTTP response status.
status(Status) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Set response status.
status(int) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Set response status.
status() - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Status - Enum in org.jooby
HTTP status codes.
statusCode() - Method in exception org.jooby.Err
statusCode(Throwable) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserExecutor
statusCode() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
statusCode(int) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeResponse
Set the HTTP response status.
StatusCodeProvider - Class in org.jooby.internal
StatusCodeProvider(Config) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.StatusCodeProvider
stop() - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Stop the application, close all the modules and stop the web server.
stop() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.Server
Stop the web server.
stopTasks() - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
store() - Method in class org.jooby.Session.Definition
stream() - Method in class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
stream() - Method in interface org.jooby.Asset
stream() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.InputStreamAsset
stream() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
StringConstructorParser - Class in org.jooby.internal.parser
StringConstructorParser() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.parser.StringConstructorParser
StrParamReferenceImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
StrParamReferenceImpl(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.StrParamReferenceImpl
subtype() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
SUCCESS - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Default success callback.


tempRedirect(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Redirect to the given url with status code defaulting to Status.FOUND.
terminate() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
terminate() - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeWebSocket
Terminate immediately a connection.
terminate() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
Immediately shuts down the connection.
text() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.BodyReferenceImpl
text - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Any text media type.
text() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.BodyReference
Returns the HTTP body as text.
to(TypeLiteral<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.MutantImpl
to(TypeLiteral<T>, MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.MutantImpl
to(TypeLiteral<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
to(TypeLiteral<T>, MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
to(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
Convert a raw value to the given type.
to(TypeLiteral<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
Convert a raw value to the given type.
to(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
Convert a raw value to the given type.
to(Class<T>, MediaType) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
Convert a raw value to the given type.
to(TypeLiteral<T>, String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
Convert a raw value to the given type.
to(TypeLiteral<T>, MediaType) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
Convert a raw value to the given type.
toCookie() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Produces a cookie from current definition.
toEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
toEnum(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toEnum(T) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
tokenGen(Function<Request, String>) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.CsrfHandler
Set a custom token generator.
toList(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
toList(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toList() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toMap() - Method in exception org.jooby.Err
Produces a friendly view of the err, resulting map has these attributes:
toMap() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.MutantImpl
toMap() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
toMap() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
A map view of this mutant.
TOO_BIG_TO_PROCESS - Static variable in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
"1009 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that is too big for it to process."
toOptional(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
toOptional() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toOptional(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toSet(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
toSet() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toSet(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toSortedSet(Class<T>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
toSortedSet() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toSortedSet(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AppPrinter
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.MutantImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.BeanParser
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.DateParser
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.LocalDateParser
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.LocaleParser
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.StaticMethodParser
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.StringConstructorParser
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteSourceImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.UploadImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
toString() - Method in enum org.jooby.Status
Return a string representation of this status code.
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.View
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.CloseStatus
toString() - Method in class org.jooby.WebSocket.Definition
toType - Variable in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
touch() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
toUpload() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
Convert a form field to file Upload.
trace(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP TRACE method:
trace(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP TRACE method:
trace(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append route that supports HTTP TRACE method:
trace(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a route that supports HTTP TRACE method:
trace() - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a default trace implementation under the given path.
TRACE - Annotation Type in org.jooby.mvc
HTTP TRACE verb for mvc routes.
TRACE - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route
trace(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP TRACE method:
trace(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP TRACE method:
trace(String, Route.ZeroArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append route that supports HTTP TRACE method:
trace(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a route that supports HTTP TRACE method:
trace() - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a default trace implementation under the given path.
TraceHandler - Class in org.jooby.internal.handlers
TraceHandler() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.handlers.TraceHandler
type() - Method in class org.jooby.Asset.Forwarding
type() - Method in interface org.jooby.Asset
type(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
type(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.HttpRendererContext
type() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.InputStreamAsset
type - Variable in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParam
type() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ParamReferenceImpl
type() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
type() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
type(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.ResponseImpl
type() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.UploadImpl
type() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
type() - Method in class org.jooby.MediaType
type() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Context
Content Type header, if current context was bind to a HTTP body via Request.body().
type() - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.ParamReference
type(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Set the Content-Type header IF and ONLY IF, no Content-Type was set yet.
type(MediaType) - Method in interface org.jooby.Renderer.Context
Set the Content-Type header IF and ONLY IF, no Content-Type was set yet.
type() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
type() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
type() - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
type(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
type(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
type() - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
type(MediaType) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Set the response media type and set the Content-Type header.
type(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Response
Set the response media type and set the Content-Type header.
type(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Set the content type of this content.
type(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Set the content type of this content.
type() - Method in class org.jooby.Result
type() - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Event media type helps to render or format event data.
type(MediaType) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Set event media type.
type(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Sse.Event
Set event media type.
type() - Method in interface org.jooby.Upload
TypeConverters - Class in org.jooby.internal
TypeConverters() - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.TypeConverters


UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Route.Source
unset(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestImpl
unset(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
unset() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RequestScopedSession
unset(String) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
unset() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SessionImpl
unset(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
unset(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
Remove a request local attribute.
unset(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Remove a local value (if any) from session locals.
unset() - Method in interface org.jooby.Session
Unset/remove all the session data.
unsign(String, String) - Static method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Signature
Un-sign a value, previously signed with Cookie.Signature.sign(String, String).
unwrap(Request) - Static method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
Unwrap a request in order to find out the target instance.
unwrap(Response) - Static method in class org.jooby.Response.Forwarding
Unwrap a response in order to find out the target instance.
unwrap(Route) - Static method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
Find a target route.
upgrade(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.spi.NativeRequest
Upgrade the request to something a web socket.
upload(Parser.Callback<Parser.ParamReference<Upload>>) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
upload(Parser.Callback<Parser.ParamReference<Upload>>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.Builder
Add a HTTP upload callback.
Upload - Interface in org.jooby
File upload from a browser on MediaType.multipart request.
UploadImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
UploadImpl(Injector, NativeUpload) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.UploadImpl
UploadParamReferenceImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
UploadParamReferenceImpl(String, List<Upload>) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.UploadParamReferenceImpl
URL_DECODER - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Cookie
Decode a cookie value using, like: k=v, multiple k=v pair are separated by &.
URL_ENCODER - Static variable in interface org.jooby.Cookie
Encode a hash into cookie value, like: k1=v1&...&kn=vn.
URLAsset - Class in org.jooby.internal
URLAsset(URL, String, MediaType) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.URLAsset
use(Jooby) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Import ALL the direct routes from the given app.
use(String, Jooby) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Import ALL the direct routes from the given app, under the given path.
use(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Define one or more routes under the same namespace:
use(String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a new filter that matches any method under the given path.
use(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a new filter that matches any method under the given path.
use(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a new route handler that matches any method under the given path.
use(String, Route.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a new route handler that matches any method under the given path.
use(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a new route handler that matches any method under the given path.
use(Class<?>) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append one or more routes defined in the given class.
use(Jooby.Module) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Register a application module.
use(Config) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Set the application configuration object.
use(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Define one or more routes under the same namespace:
use(String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a new filter that matches any method under the given path.
use(String, String, Route.Filter) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a new filter that matches any method under the given path.
use(String, String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a new route handler that matches any method under the given path.
use(String, Route.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a new route handler that matches any method under the given path.
use(String, Route.OneArgHandler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a new route handler that matches any method under the given path.
use(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append one or more routes defined in the given class.


valid(String, String) - Static method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Signature
True, if the given signed value is valid.
value(String) - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
Set the cookie's value.
value() - Method in class org.jooby.Cookie.Definition
value() - Method in interface org.jooby.Cookie
value() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.CookieImpl
value(Request, Response) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.mvc.RequestParam
value - Variable in class org.jooby.internal.parser.ParserBuilder
value() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage
value() - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
value(String) - Method in interface org.jooby.Mutant
value() - Method in enum org.jooby.Status
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jooby.internal.BuiltinParser
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jooby.internal.BuiltinRenderer
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Convert a media type expressed as String into a MediaType.
valueOf(String...) - Static method in class org.jooby.MediaType
Convert one or more media types expressed as String into a MediaType.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jooby.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum org.jooby.Status
Return the enum constant of this type with the specified numeric value.
values() - Static method in enum org.jooby.internal.BuiltinParser
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jooby.internal.BuiltinRenderer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jooby.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vars() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RegexRouteMatcher
vars() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RouteImpl
vars() - Method in interface org.jooby.internal.RouteMatcher
Get path vars from current path.
vars() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.RoutePattern
vars() - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
vars() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Definition
vars() - Method in class org.jooby.Route.Forwarding
vars() - Method in interface org.jooby.Route
Path variables, either named or by index (capturing group).
vars() - Method in interface org.jooby.WebSocket
VIEW - Static variable in class org.jooby.Err.DefHandler
Default err view.
View - Class in org.jooby
Special result that hold view name and model.
View(String) - Constructor for class org.jooby.View
Creates a new View.
View.Engine - Interface in org.jooby
Special body serializer for dealing with View.


WebSocket - Interface in org.jooby
WebSocket.Callback<T> - Interface in org.jooby
Web socket callback.
WebSocket.CloseStatus - Class in org.jooby
Hold a status code and optionally a reason message for WebSocket.close() operations.
WebSocket.Definition - Class in org.jooby
Configure a web socket.
WebSocket.ErrCallback - Interface in org.jooby
Web socket err callback.
WebSocket.Handler - Interface in org.jooby
A web socket connect handler.
WebSocket.SuccessCallback - Interface in org.jooby
Web socket success callback.
WebSocketImpl - Class in org.jooby.internal
WebSocketImpl(WebSocket.Handler, String, String, Map<Object, String>, MediaType, MediaType) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketImpl
WebSocketRendererContext - Class in org.jooby.internal
WebSocketRendererContext(List<Renderer>, NativeWebSocket, MediaType, Charset, WebSocket.SuccessCallback, WebSocket.ErrCallback) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketRendererContext
when(String, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Produces a API.Match of the current Env.
when(String, T) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Produces a API.Match of the current Env.
when(Predicate<String>, T) - Method in interface org.jooby.Env
Produces a API.Match of the current Env.
when(String, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Add a when clause for a custom result for the given media-type.
when(MediaType, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class org.jooby.Result
Add a when clause for a custom result for the given media-type.
when(String, Supplier<Object>) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Performs content-negotiation on the Accept HTTP header on the request object.
when(MediaType, Supplier<Object>) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Performs content-negotiation on the Accept HTTP header on the request object.
with(Runnable) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
with(Object) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Set the result
with(Object, Status) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Set the result
with(Object, int) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Set the result
with(Status) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Set the response status.
with(int) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results
Set the response status.
with(Runnable) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Apply common configuration and attributes to a group of routes:
withExposedHeaders(String...) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set the list of exposed headers.
withExposedHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set the list of exposed headers.
withHeaders(String...) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set one or more allowed headers.
withHeaders(List<String>) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set one or more allowed headers.
withMaxAge(int) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set the preflight max age header.
withMethods(String...) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set one or more allowed methods.
withMethods(List<String>) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set one or more allowed methods.
withOrigin(String...) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set the allowed origins.
withOrigin(List<String>) - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set the allowed origins.
withoutCreds() - Method in class org.jooby.handlers.Cors
Set Cors.credentials() to false.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.BodyReferenceImpl
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.jooby.Parser.BodyReference
Write the content to the given output stream.
ws(String, WebSocket.Handler) - Method in class org.jooby.Jooby
Append a new WebSocket handler under the given path.
ws(String, WebSocket.Handler) - Method in interface org.jooby.Routes
Append a new WebSocket handler under the given path.
WsBinaryMessage - Class in org.jooby.internal
WsBinaryMessage(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.jooby.internal.WsBinaryMessage


xhr() - Method in class org.jooby.Request.Forwarding
xhr() - Method in interface org.jooby.Request
xml - Static variable in class org.jooby.MediaType
Xml media type.
xml(Object) - Static method in class org.jooby.Results


_send(byte[]) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
_send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
_send(FileChannel) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
_send(InputStream) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.AbstractRendererContext
_send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.HttpRendererContext
_send(byte[]) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.HttpRendererContext
_send(FileChannel) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.HttpRendererContext
_send(InputStream) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.HttpRendererContext
_send(byte[]) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SseRenderer
_send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SseRenderer
_send(FileChannel) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SseRenderer
_send(InputStream) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.SseRenderer
_send(byte[]) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketRendererContext
_send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketRendererContext
_send(FileChannel) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketRendererContext
_send(InputStream) - Method in class org.jooby.internal.WebSocketRendererContext
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