


package scalap

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Choice[-In, +Out, +A, +X] extends Rule[In, Out, A, X]
  2. trait DefaultMemoisable extends Memoisable
  3. case class Error[+X](error: X) extends NoSuccess[X] with Product with Serializable
  4. class InRule[In, +Out, +A, +X] extends AnyRef

    A workaround for the difficulties of dealing with a contravariant 'In' parameter type...

  5. trait Memoisable extends AnyRef
  6. trait MemoisableRules extends Rules
  7. trait Name extends AnyRef
  8. sealed abstract class NoSuccess[+X] extends Result[Nothing, Nothing, X]
  9. sealed abstract class Result[+Out, +A, +X] extends AnyRef
  10. trait Rule[-In, +Out, +A, +X] extends (In) ⇒ Result[Out, A, X]

    A Rule is a function from some input to a Result.

    A Rule is a function from some input to a Result. The result may be:

    • Success, with a value of some type and an output that may serve as the input to subsequent rules.
    • Failure. A failure may result in some alternative rule being applied.
    • Error. No further rules should be attempted.
  11. trait Rules extends AnyRef

    A factory for rules.

  12. trait RulesWithState extends Rules with StateRules
  13. case class ScalaSigParserError(msg: String) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  14. class SeqRule[S, +A, +X] extends AnyRef
  15. trait StateRules extends AnyRef

    A factory for rules that apply to a particular context.

  16. case class Success[+Out, +A](out: Out, value: A) extends Result[Out, A, Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  17. case class ~[+A, +B](_1: A, _2: B) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the combined value of two rules applied in sequence.

    Represents the combined value of two rules applied in sequence.

    See also

    the Scala parser combinator

Value Members

  1. object ByteCodecs
  2. object DefaultMemoisable
  3. object Failure extends NoSuccess[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  4. object Main
