Class Node

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Comment, DataNode, DocumentType, Element, TextNode, XmlDeclaration

public abstract class Node extends Object implements Cloneable
The base, abstract Node model. Elements, Documents, Comments etc are all Node instances.
Jonathan Hedley, [email protected]
  • Constructor Details

    • Node

      protected Node()
      Default constructor. Doesn't setup base uri, children, or attributes; use with caution.
  • Method Details

    • nodeName

      public abstract String nodeName()
      Get the node name of this node. Use for debugging purposes and not logic switching (for that, use instanceof).
      node name
    • hasAttributes

      protected abstract boolean hasAttributes()
      Check if this Node has an actual Attributes object.
    • hasParent

      public boolean hasParent()
      Checks if this node has a parent. Nodes won't have parents if (e.g.) they are newly created and not added as a child to an existing node, or if they are a shallowClone(). In such cases, parent() will return null.
      if this node has a parent.
    • attr

      public String attr(String attributeKey)
      Get an attribute's value by its key. Case insensitive

      To get an absolute URL from an attribute that may be a relative URL, prefix the key with abs, which is a shortcut to the absUrl(java.lang.String) method.

      String url = a.attr("abs:href");
      attributeKey - The attribute key.
      The attribute, or empty string if not present (to avoid nulls).
      See Also:
    • attributes

      public abstract Attributes attributes()
      Get all of the element's attributes.
      attributes (which implements iterable, in same order as presented in original HTML).
    • attributesSize

      public int attributesSize()
      Get the number of attributes that this Node has.
      the number of attributes
    • attr

      public Node attr(String attributeKey, String attributeValue)
      Set an attribute (key=value). If the attribute already exists, it is replaced. The attribute key comparison is case insensitive. The key will be set with case sensitivity as set in the parser settings.
      attributeKey - The attribute key.
      attributeValue - The attribute value.
      this (for chaining)
    • hasAttr

      public boolean hasAttr(String attributeKey)
      Test if this Node has an attribute. Case insensitive.
      attributeKey - The attribute key to check.
      true if the attribute exists, false if not.
    • removeAttr

      public Node removeAttr(String attributeKey)
      Remove an attribute from this node.
      attributeKey - The attribute to remove.
      this (for chaining)
    • clearAttributes

      public Node clearAttributes()
      Clear (remove) all of the attributes in this node.
      this, for chaining
    • baseUri

      public abstract String baseUri()
      Get the base URI that applies to this node. Will return an empty string if not defined. Used to make relative links absolute.
      base URI
      See Also:
    • doSetBaseUri

      protected abstract void doSetBaseUri(String baseUri)
      Set the baseUri for just this node (not its descendants), if this Node tracks base URIs.
      baseUri - new URI
    • setBaseUri

      public void setBaseUri(String baseUri)
      Update the base URI of this node and all of its descendants.
      baseUri - base URI to set
    • absUrl

      public String absUrl(String attributeKey)
      Get an absolute URL from a URL attribute that may be relative (such as an <a href> or <img src>).

      E.g.: String absUrl = linkEl.absUrl("href");

      If the attribute value is already absolute (i.e. it starts with a protocol, like http:// or https:// etc), and it successfully parses as a URL, the attribute is returned directly. Otherwise, it is treated as a URL relative to the element's baseUri(), and made absolute using that.

      As an alternate, you can use the attr(java.lang.String) method with the abs: prefix, e.g.: String absUrl = linkEl.attr("abs:href");

      attributeKey - The attribute key
      An absolute URL if one could be made, or an empty string (not null) if the attribute was missing or could not be made successfully into a URL.
      See Also:
    • ensureChildNodes

      protected abstract List<Node> ensureChildNodes()
    • childNode

      public Node childNode(int index)
      Get a child node by its 0-based index.
      index - index of child node
      the child node at this index. Throws a IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds.
    • childNodes

      public List<Node> childNodes()
      Get this node's children. Presented as an unmodifiable list: new children can not be added, but the child nodes themselves can be manipulated.
      list of children. If no children, returns an empty list.
    • childNodesCopy

      public List<Node> childNodesCopy()
      Returns a deep copy of this node's children. Changes made to these nodes will not be reflected in the original nodes
      a deep copy of this node's children
    • childNodeSize

      public abstract int childNodeSize()
      Get the number of child nodes that this node holds.
      the number of child nodes that this node holds.
    • childNodesAsArray

      protected Node[] childNodesAsArray()
    • empty

      public abstract Node empty()
      Delete all this node's children.
      this node, for chaining
    • parent

      @Nullable public Node parent()
      Gets this node's parent node.
      parent node; or null if no parent.
      See Also:
    • parentNode

      @Nullable public final Node parentNode()
      Gets this node's parent node. Not overridable by extending classes, so useful if you really just need the Node type.
      parent node; or null if no parent.
    • root

      public Node root()
      Get this node's root node; that is, its topmost ancestor. If this node is the top ancestor, returns this.
      topmost ancestor.
    • ownerDocument

      @Nullable public Document ownerDocument()
      Gets the Document associated with this Node.
      the Document associated with this Node, or null if there is no such Document.
    • remove

      public void remove()
      Remove (delete) this node from the DOM tree. If this node has children, they are also removed.
    • before

      public Node before(String html)
      Insert the specified HTML into the DOM before this node (as a preceding sibling).
      html - HTML to add before this node
      this node, for chaining
      See Also:
    • before

      public Node before(Node node)
      Insert the specified node into the DOM before this node (as a preceding sibling).
      node - to add before this node
      this node, for chaining
      See Also:
    • after

      public Node after(String html)
      Insert the specified HTML into the DOM after this node (as a following sibling).
      html - HTML to add after this node
      this node, for chaining
      See Also:
    • after

      public Node after(Node node)
      Insert the specified node into the DOM after this node (as a following sibling).
      node - to add after this node
      this node, for chaining
      See Also:
    • wrap

      public Node wrap(String html)
      Wrap the supplied HTML around this node.
      html - HTML to wrap around this node, e.g. <div class="head"></div>. Can be arbitrarily deep. If the input HTML does not parse to a result starting with an Element, this will be a no-op.
      this node, for chaining.
    • unwrap

      @Nullable public Node unwrap()
      Removes this node from the DOM, and moves its children up into the node's parent. This has the effect of dropping the node but keeping its children.

      For example, with the input html:

      <div>One <span>Two <b>Three</b></span></div>

      Calling element.unwrap() on the span element will result in the html:

      <div>One Two <b>Three</b></div>

      and the "Two " TextNode being returned.
      the first child of this node, after the node has been unwrapped. @{code Null} if the node had no children.
      See Also:
    • replaceWith

      public void replaceWith(Node in)
      Replace this node in the DOM with the supplied node.
      in - the node that will will replace the existing node.
    • setParentNode

      protected void setParentNode(Node parentNode)
    • replaceChild

      protected void replaceChild(Node out, Node in)
    • removeChild

      protected void removeChild(Node out)
    • addChildren

      protected void addChildren(Node... children)
    • addChildren

      protected void addChildren(int index, Node... children)
    • reparentChild

      protected void reparentChild(Node child)
    • siblingNodes

      public List<Node> siblingNodes()
      Retrieves this node's sibling nodes. Similar to node.parent.childNodes(), but does not include this node (a node is not a sibling of itself).
      node siblings. If the node has no parent, returns an empty list.
    • nextSibling

      @Nullable public Node nextSibling()
      Get this node's next sibling.
      next sibling, or @{code null} if this is the last sibling
    • previousSibling

      @Nullable public Node previousSibling()
      Get this node's previous sibling.
      the previous sibling, or @{code null} if this is the first sibling
    • siblingIndex

      public int siblingIndex()
      Get the list index of this node in its node sibling list. E.g. if this is the first node sibling, returns 0.
      position in node sibling list
      See Also:
    • setSiblingIndex

      protected void setSiblingIndex(int siblingIndex)
    • firstChild

      @Nullable public Node firstChild()
      Gets the first child node of this node, or null if there is none. This could be any Node type, such as an Element, TextNode, Comment, etc. Use Element.firstElementChild() to get the first Element child.
      the first child node, or null if there are no children.
      See Also:
    • lastChild

      @Nullable public Node lastChild()
      Gets the last child node of this node, or null if there is none.
      the last child node, or null if there are no children.
      See Also:
    • traverse

      public Node traverse(NodeVisitor nodeVisitor)
      Perform a depth-first traversal through this node and its descendants.
      nodeVisitor - the visitor callbacks to perform on each node
      this node, for chaining
    • forEachNode

      public Node forEachNode(Consumer<? super Node> action)
      Perform the supplied action on this Node and each of its descendants, during a depth-first traversal. Nodes may be inspected, changed, added, replaced, or removed.
      action - the function to perform on the node
      this Node, for chaining
      See Also:
    • filter

      public Node filter(NodeFilter nodeFilter)
      Perform a depth-first filtering through this node and its descendants.
      nodeFilter - the filter callbacks to perform on each node
      this node, for chaining
    • outerHtml

      public String outerHtml()
      Get the outer HTML of this node. For example, on a p element, may return <p>Para</p>.
      outer HTML
      See Also:
    • outerHtml

      protected void outerHtml(Appendable accum)
    • html

      public <T extends Appendable> T html(T appendable)
      Write this node and its children to the given Appendable.
      appendable - the Appendable to write to.
      the supplied Appendable, for chaining.
    • sourceRange

      public Range sourceRange()
      Get the source range (start and end positions) in the original input source that this node was parsed from. Position tracking must be enabled prior to parsing the content. For an Element, this will be the positions of the start tag.
      the range for the start of the node.
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Gets this node's outer HTML.
      toString in class Object
      outer HTML.
      See Also:
    • indent

      protected void indent(Appendable accum, int depth, Document.OutputSettings out) throws IOException
    • equals

      public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)
      Check if this node is the same instance of another (object identity test).

      For an node value equality check, see hasSameValue(Object)

      equals in class Object
      o - other object to compare to
      true if the content of this node is the same as the other
      See Also:
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Provides a hashCode for this Node, based on it's object identity. Changes to the Node's content will not impact the result.
      hashCode in class Object
      an object identity based hashcode for this Node
    • hasSameValue

      public boolean hasSameValue(@Nullable Object o)
      Check if this node is has the same content as another node. A node is considered the same if its name, attributes and content match the other node; particularly its position in the tree does not influence its similarity.
      o - other object to compare to
      true if the content of this node is the same as the other
    • clone

      public Node clone()
      Create a stand-alone, deep copy of this node, and all of its children. The cloned node will have no siblings or parent node. As a stand-alone object, any changes made to the clone or any of its children will not impact the original node.

      The cloned node may be adopted into another Document or node structure using Element.appendChild(Node).

      clone in class Object
      a stand-alone cloned node, including clones of any children
      See Also:
    • shallowClone

      public Node shallowClone()
      Create a stand-alone, shallow copy of this node. None of its children (if any) will be cloned, and it will have no parent or sibling nodes.
      a single independent copy of this node
      See Also:
    • doClone

      protected Node doClone(@Nullable Node parent)