Class Try<V>

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static interface  Try.Transformer<S,​T>
      A transformer for values of type S to type T.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract <U> Try<U> andThen​(java.util.function.Function<V,​Try<U>> function)
      If this Try is a success, apply the supplied function to its value and return the resulting Try; if this Try is a failure, do nothing.
      abstract <U> Try<U> andThenTry​(Try.Transformer<V,​U> transformer)
      If this Try is a success, apply the supplied transformer to its value and return a new successful or failed Try depending on the transformer's outcome; if this Try is a failure, do nothing.
      static <V> Try<V> call​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> action)
      Call the supplied Callable and return a successful Try that contains the returned value or, in case an exception was thrown, a failed Try that contains the exception.
      static <V> Try<V> failure​(java.lang.Exception cause)
      Convert the supplied exception into a failed Try.
      abstract V get()
      If this Try is a success, get the contained value; if this Try is a failure, throw the contained exception.
      abstract <E extends java.lang.Exception>
      getOrThrow​(java.util.function.Function<? super java.lang.Exception,​E> exceptionTransformer)
      If this Try is a success, get the contained value; if this Try is a failure, call the supplied Function with the contained exception and throw the resulting Exception.
      abstract Try<V> ifFailure​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Exception> causeConsumer)
      If this Try is a failure, call the supplied Consumer with the contained exception; otherwise, do nothing.
      abstract Try<V> ifSuccess​(java.util.function.Consumer<V> valueConsumer)
      If this Try is a success, call the supplied Consumer with the contained value; otherwise, do nothing.
      abstract Try<V> orElse​(java.util.function.Supplier<Try<V>> supplier)
      If this Try is a failure, call the supplied supplier and return the resulting Try; if this Try is a success, do nothing.
      abstract Try<V> orElseTry​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> action)
      If this Try is a failure, call the supplied action and return a new successful or failed Try depending on the action's outcome; if this Try is a success, do nothing.
      static <V> Try<V> success​(V value)
      Convert the supplied value into a succeeded Try.
      abstract java.util.Optional<V> toOptional()
      If this Try is a failure, return an empty Optional; if this Try is a success, wrap the contained value using Optional.ofNullable(Object).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • call

        public static <V> Try<V> call​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> action)
        Call the supplied Callable and return a successful Try that contains the returned value or, in case an exception was thrown, a failed Try that contains the exception.
        action - the action to try; must not be null
        a succeeded or failed Try depending on the outcome of the supplied action; never null
        See Also:
        success(Object), failure(Exception)
      • success

        public static <V> Try<V> success​(V value)
        Convert the supplied value into a succeeded Try.
        value - the value to wrap; potentially null
        a succeeded Try that contains the supplied value; never null
      • failure

        public static <V> Try<V> failure​(java.lang.Exception cause)
        Convert the supplied exception into a failed Try.
        cause - the exception to wrap; must not be null
        a failed Try that contains the supplied value; never null
      • andThenTry

        public abstract <U> Try<U> andThenTry​(Try.Transformer<V,​U> transformer)
        If this Try is a success, apply the supplied transformer to its value and return a new successful or failed Try depending on the transformer's outcome; if this Try is a failure, do nothing.
        transformer - the transformer to try; must not be null
        a succeeded or failed Try; never null
      • andThen

        public abstract <U> Try<U> andThen​(java.util.function.Function<V,​Try<U>> function)
        If this Try is a success, apply the supplied function to its value and return the resulting Try; if this Try is a failure, do nothing.
        function - the function to apply; must not be null
        a succeeded or failed Try; never null
      • orElseTry

        public abstract Try<V> orElseTry​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> action)
        If this Try is a failure, call the supplied action and return a new successful or failed Try depending on the action's outcome; if this Try is a success, do nothing.
        action - the action to try; must not be null
        a succeeded or failed Try; never null
      • orElse

        public abstract Try<V> orElse​(java.util.function.Supplier<Try<V>> supplier)
        If this Try is a failure, call the supplied supplier and return the resulting Try; if this Try is a success, do nothing.
        supplier - the supplier to call; must not be null
        a succeeded or failed Try; never null
      • get

        public abstract V get()
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        If this Try is a success, get the contained value; if this Try is a failure, throw the contained exception.
        the contained value, if available; potentially null
        java.lang.Exception - if this Try is a failure
      • getOrThrow

        public abstract <E extends java.lang.Exception> V getOrThrow​(java.util.function.Function<? super java.lang.Exception,​E> exceptionTransformer)
                                                              throws E extends java.lang.Exception
        If this Try is a success, get the contained value; if this Try is a failure, call the supplied Function with the contained exception and throw the resulting Exception.
        exceptionTransformer - the transformer to be called with the contained exception, if available; must not be null
        the contained value, if available
        E - if this Try is a failure
        E extends java.lang.Exception
      • ifSuccess

        public abstract Try<V> ifSuccess​(java.util.function.Consumer<V> valueConsumer)
        If this Try is a success, call the supplied Consumer with the contained value; otherwise, do nothing.
        valueConsumer - the consumer to be called with the contained value, if available; must not be null
        the same Try for method chaining
      • ifFailure

        public abstract Try<V> ifFailure​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Exception> causeConsumer)
        If this Try is a failure, call the supplied Consumer with the contained exception; otherwise, do nothing.
        causeConsumer - the consumer to be called with the contained exception, if available; must not be null
        the same Try for method chaining
      • toOptional

        public abstract java.util.Optional<V> toOptional()
        If this Try is a failure, return an empty Optional; if this Try is a success, wrap the contained value using Optional.ofNullable(Object).
        an Optional; never null but potentially empty