Class OAuth2Code

  • public class OAuth2Code
    extends Object
    Data associated with the oauth2 code. Those data are typically valid just for the very short time - they're created at the point before we redirect to the application after successful and they're removed when application sends requests to the token endpoint (code-to-token endpoint) to exchange the single-use OAuth2 code parameter for those data.
    Marek Posolda
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public UUID getId()
      • getExpiration

        public int getExpiration()
      • getNonce

        public String getNonce()
      • getScope

        public String getScope()
      • getRedirectUriParam

        public String getRedirectUriParam()
      • getCodeChallenge

        public String getCodeChallenge()
      • getCodeChallengeMethod

        public String getCodeChallengeMethod()