Interface LabelValueExtractor<T>

  • public interface LabelValueExtractor<T>
    Defines the contract for being able to extract a Set of values from an Object instance of T at processing time and declaring to which label the extracted Set must be associated.
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        Class<T> getType()
        The source object's class from which the label value will be extracted.
      • getLabelName

        String getLabelName()
        the name of the label for which the value will be extracted.
      • getPriority

        int getPriority()
        the priority for the given extractor. In cases where two extractors are defined for the same labelName the one with the highest priority number will apply.
      • extract

        Set<Object> extract​(T source)
        Extracts the set for values for the given labelName from the source object.
        source - the object containing the values to extract.
        a set with the extracted values.