Class TaskDataReader

    • Method Detail

      • readTasks

        public TaskDataReader.Result readTasks​(long fromTaskId,
                                               List<String> status,
                                               LocalDateTime fromLastModificationDate,
                                               int pageSize,
                                               org.kie.server.api.model.taskassigning.TaskInputVariablesReadMode taskInputVariablesReadMode)
        Executes the TaskAssigningRuntimeClient.findTasks(Long, List, LocalDateTime, Integer, Integer, TaskInputVariablesReadMode) method and return all the results. The paging reading is managed internally by this method.

        fromTaskId - filters the tasks with taskId >= fromTaskId. If null no filtering is applied.
        status - filters the tasks that are in one of the following status. If null or the empty list no filtering is applied.
        fromLastModificationDate - filters the tasks with lastModificationDate >= fromLastModificationDate. If null no filtering is applied.
        pageSize - sets the pageSize for the paged reading.
        taskInputVariablesReadMode - establishes the tasks input variables reading mode.
        a list of TaskData with the jBPM tasks that met the filtering conditions. The potential owners of the task is properly loaded with all the elements. The task inputs data is loaded accordingly with the selected taskInputVariablesReadMode.
        See Also:
      • readTasks

        public TaskDataReader.Result readTasks​(long fromTaskId,
                                               List<String> status,
                                               LocalDateTime fromLastModificationDate,
                                               int pageSize)
        Executes the TaskAssigningRuntimeClient.findTasks(Long, List, LocalDateTime, Integer, Integer, TaskInputVariablesReadMode) method and return all the results. The paging reading is managed internally by this method.

        fromTaskId - filters the tasks with taskId >= fromTaskId. If null no filtering is applied.
        status - filters the tasks that are in one of the following status. If null or the empty list no filtering is applied.
        fromLastModificationDate - filters the tasks with lastModificationDate >= fromLastModificationDate. If null no filtering is applied.
        pageSize - sets the pageSize for the paged reading.
        a list of TaskData with the jBPM tasks that met the filtering conditions. The potential owners of the task is properly loaded with all the elements. No task inputs data is loaded by this method.