Interface ParametrizedQuery<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type being queried and of the (results) list being returned.

    public interface ParametrizedQuery<T>
    Instances of this class can be built by various ParametrizedQueryBuilder implemetnations, including those in the jbpm-audit or jbpm-human-task-core modules.

    ParametrizedQueryBuilder implementations are responsible for allowing a user to dynamically (at compile-time) specify the criteria to be used in querying various data sources.

    The result of the ParametrizedQueryBuilder is an instance of this class, which contains the criteria specified in the ParametrizedQueryBuilder instance. When the getResultList() method is called, the specified query will be executed, returning a (possibly empty) list of the data that fulfills the query criteria.
    • Method Detail

      • getResultList

        java.util.List<T> getResultList()
        Execute the query and return the list of entities found by the query.
        The query result