Interface TaskVariableQueryBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • id

        TaskVariableQueryBuilder id​(long... id)
        Specify one or more task event ids to use as a criteria
        id - one or more task event entity ids
        The current query builder instance
      • taskId

        TaskVariableQueryBuilder taskId​(long... taskId)
        Specify one or more task instance ids to use as a criteria.
        taskId - one or more task ids
        The current query builder instance
      • taskIdRange

        TaskVariableQueryBuilder taskIdRange​(java.lang.Long taskIdMin,
                                             java.lang.Long taskIdMax)
        Specify an inclusive range of task ids to use as a criteria

        If the lower or upper end of the range is given as null, then an open-ended range using the non-null range end is used as the criteria
        taskIdMin - the minimal (lower) taskId to use in the range
        taskIdMax - the max (upper) taskId to use in the range
        The current query builder instance
      • modificationDate

        TaskVariableQueryBuilder modificationDate​(java.util.Date... logTime)
        Specify one or more dates to use as a criteria for the modification date of the task variable
        logTime - one or more dates
        The current query builder instance
      • modificationDateRange

        TaskVariableQueryBuilder modificationDateRange​(java.util.Date modDateMin,
                                                       java.util.Date modDateMax)
        Specify an inclusive range of modification dates to use as a criteria

        If the lower or upper end of the range is given as null, then an open-ended range using the non-null range end is used as the criteria
        modDateMin - the minimal (lower) date to use in the range
        modDateMax - the max (upper) date to use in the range
        The current query builder instance
      • ascending

        TaskVariableQueryBuilder ascending​(TaskVariableQueryBuilder.OrderBy field)
        Specify which field to use when ordering the results, in ascending order.

        If this method is not used, the results will be ordered in ascending order by the id field.
        field - the field by which the query results should be ordered
        The current instance of this query builder
      • descending

        TaskVariableQueryBuilder descending​(TaskVariableQueryBuilder.OrderBy field)
        Specify which field to use when ordering the results, in descending order.

        If this method is not used, the results will be ordered in ascending order by the id field.
        field - the field by which the query results should be ordered
        The current instance of this query builder