Class ConsulBundle<C extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>

Type Parameters:
C - The configuration class for your Dropwizard Application.
All Implemented Interfaces:
io.dropwizard.core.ConfiguredBundle<C>, ConsulConfiguration<C>

public abstract class ConsulBundle<C extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration> extends Object implements io.dropwizard.core.ConfiguredBundle<C>, ConsulConfiguration<C>
Replace variables with values from Consul KV. By default, this only works with a Consul agent running on localhost:8500 (the default) as there's no way to configure Consul in the initialize methods. You may override getConsulAgentHost() and getConsulAgentPort() to provide other defaults.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConsulBundle

      public ConsulBundle(String name)
      name - Service Name
    • ConsulBundle

      public ConsulBundle(String name, boolean strict)
      name - Service Name
      strict - If true, the application fails fast if a key cannot be found in Consul KV
    • ConsulBundle

      public ConsulBundle(String name, boolean strict, boolean substitutionInVariables)
      name - Service Name
      strict - If true, the application fails fast if a key cannot be found in Consul KV
      substitutionInVariables - If true, substitution will be done within variable names.
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(io.dropwizard.core.setup.Bootstrap<?> bootstrap)
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface io.dropwizard.core.ConfiguredBundle<C extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>
    • run

      public void run(C configuration, io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment environment)
      Specified by:
      run in interface io.dropwizard.core.ConfiguredBundle<C extends io.dropwizard.core.Configuration>
    • runEnabled

      protected void runEnabled(ConsulFactory consulFactory, io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment environment)
    • setupEnvironment

      protected void setupEnvironment(ConsulFactory consulFactory, io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment environment)
    • getConsulAgentHost

      public String getConsulAgentHost()
      Override as necessary to provide an alternative Consul Agent Host. This is only required if using Consul KV for configuration variable substitution.
      By default, "localhost"
    • getConsulAgentPort

      public int getConsulAgentPort()
      Override as necessary to provide an alternative Consul Agent Port. This is only required if using Consul KV for configuration variable substitution.
      By default, 8500
    • getConsulAclToken

      public Optional<String> getConsulAclToken()
      Override as necessary to provide an alternative ACL Token. This is only required if using Consul KV for configuration variable substitution.
      By default, empty string (no ACL support)
    • didAttemptInitialize

      public boolean didAttemptInitialize()
      Checks whether Dropwizard has attempted to initialize this bundle.
      true if Dropwizard called initialize(Bootstrap), false otherwise
    • didInitializeSucceed

      public boolean didInitializeSucceed()
      Check whether this bundle has been successfully initialized.

      Note that if didAttemptInitialize() returns false, then this method will always return false (it cannot report success if initialization has not been attempted).

      true if initialize(Bootstrap) executed without an error, false otherwise