Interface LeadershipStatus

All Known Subinterfaces:
LeadershipStatus.ErrorLeadershipStatus, LeadershipStatus.ValidLeadershipStatus
All Known Implementing Classes:
LeadershipStatus.CuratorNotStarted, LeadershipStatus.IsLeader, LeadershipStatus.LatchNotStarted, LeadershipStatus.NoLatchParticipants, LeadershipStatus.NotLeader, LeadershipStatus.OtherError

public sealed interface LeadershipStatus permits LeadershipStatus.ErrorLeadershipStatus, LeadershipStatus.ValidLeadershipStatus
Defines a type that can be returned when checking if a LeaderLatch has leadership, taking into account the various issues that can cause problems.

There are two sub-interfaces, LeadershipStatus.ValidLeadershipStatus and LeadershipStatus.ErrorLeadershipStatus, each of which has several record implementations. This allows you to determine whether the return value is a valid status or if there is some kind of error.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final record 
    Represents an invalid latch state; Curator is not in the STARTED state.
    static interface 
    Defines an invalid leadership status caused by an error or erroneous state.
    static final record 
    Represents a valid latch state, where the participant is the current leader.
    static final record 
    Represents an invalid latch state; the LeaderLatch is not in the STARTED state.
    static final record 
    Represents an invalid latch state; the LeaderLatch has no participants.
    static final record 
    Represents a valid latch state, where the participant is not the leader.
    static final record 
    Represents an invalid latch state; an unexpected Exception was thrown.
    static interface 
    Defines a valid leadership status.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Check whether the status is from a bad latch state, where the Curator client or the LeaderLatch might not be started or there are no participants in the latch.
    default boolean
    Check whether the status is from a valid state, where the Curator client and the LeaderLatch are both started, and there are latch participants.
  • Method Details

    • isValidStatus

      default boolean isValidStatus()
      Check whether the status is from a valid state, where the Curator client and the LeaderLatch are both started, and there are latch participants.
      true if the leadership status is from a valid latch, otherwise false
    • isErrorStatus

      boolean isErrorStatus()
      Check whether the status is from a bad latch state, where the Curator client or the LeaderLatch might not be started or there are no participants in the latch.
      true if the leadership status is from an invalid latch state, otherwise false