Package org.kiwiproject.curator.leader
Interface LeadershipStatus.ErrorLeadershipStatus
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- Enclosing interface:
- LeadershipStatus
public static sealed interface LeadershipStatus.ErrorLeadershipStatus
extends LeadershipStatus
permits LeadershipStatus.CuratorNotStarted, LeadershipStatus.LatchNotStarted, LeadershipStatus.NoLatchParticipants, LeadershipStatus.OtherError
Defines an invalid leadership status caused by an error or erroneous state.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.kiwiproject.curator.leader.LeadershipStatus
LeadershipStatus.CuratorNotStarted, LeadershipStatus.ErrorLeadershipStatus, LeadershipStatus.IsLeader, LeadershipStatus.LatchNotStarted, LeadershipStatus.NoLatchParticipants, LeadershipStatus.NotLeader, LeadershipStatus.OtherError, LeadershipStatus.ValidLeadershipStatus
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault boolean
Check whether the status is from a bad latch state, where the Curator client or theLeaderLatch
might not be started or there are no participants in the latch.Methods inherited from interface org.kiwiproject.curator.leader.LeadershipStatus
Method Details
default boolean isErrorStatus()Description copied from interface:LeadershipStatus
Check whether the status is from a bad latch state, where the Curator client or theLeaderLatch
might not be started or there are no participants in the latch.- Specified by:
in interfaceLeadershipStatus
- Returns:
- true if the leadership status is from an invalid latch state, otherwise false