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AbstractArrayUserType - Class in org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype
Abstract base class for custom Hibernate user-defined array types.
AbstractArrayUserType() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
accept(Response, Consumer<Response>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform some action using the supplied consumer.
addAnnotationConfiguration(Class<?>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.SpringContextBuilder
Adds an annotation-based Spring @Configuration class.
addCustomConverters(MongoTemplate, Converter<?, ?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiMongoConverters
Adds one or more custom converters to a MongoTemplate instance.
addDateBounds(Query, String, Long, Long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries
Add date restrictions to the given property.
addEndpoint() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
Returns an EndpointConfiguration.Builder from which an endpoint can be configured.
addError(ConstraintValidatorContext, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
Adds an error to the ConstraintValidatorContext using the specified template, thereby overriding the constraint's default message.
addError(ConstraintValidatorContext, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
Adds an error to the ConstraintValidatorContext using the specified template and property name, thereby overriding the constraint's default message.
addInCriteriaFromCsv(Query, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries
Adds a Criteria.in(Object...) for the given property using values separated by commas in csv.
addInCriteriaFromCsv(Query, String, String, Function<String, T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries
Adds a Criteria.in(Object...) for the given property using by first separating the values by comma in csv, and then applying the given function to each value.
addKiwiSort(KiwiSort) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPage
Adds the given sort, returning this instance for method chaining.
addMultiplePartialOrEqualMatchCriteria(Query, Collection<String>, String, KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries
Add a partial or equal match criteria for the given property and match strings.
addOrder(Criteria, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.CriteriaQueries
Adds the specified order clause to an existing Criteria, returning the criteria that was passed in.
addParentContextBean(String, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.SpringContextBuilder
Adds the specified bean to the parent context.
addPartialOrEqualMatchCriteria(Query, String, String, KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries
Add a partial or equal match criteria for the given property and match string.
addPropertyMapper(String, Function<T, ?>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
Adds a property mapper function for a specific property name
addXmlConfigLocation(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.SpringContextBuilder
Add a single Spring XML configuration location.
aggregatePage(Class<T>, AggregationOperation...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingQuery
Aggregates a page of results for the given type of object, which is assumed to be mapped to a MongoDB collection.
AggregateResult<T> - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
A generic aggregate result containing a list of results, and a total count.
AggregateResult() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.AggregateResult
allEndpointsSecure() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Returns true if all of the endpoints in this configuration are secure.
allowBlank() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Required
Whether to allow an object that is a CharSequence to be blank, using StringUtils.isBlank(CharSequence) to perform the check.
allowEmpty() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Required
Whether to allow an object to be "empty".
allowNull() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPath
Whether to consider null as valid.
allowNull() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FilePath
Whether to consider null as valid.
allowNull() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnum
Whether to consider null as valid.
allowNull() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4Address
Whether to consider null as valid.
allowNull() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AndPort
Whether to consider null as valid.
allowNull() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Range
Whether to consider null as valid.
allowNullEnd() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
If true, the range only includes the start field.
allowNullStart() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
If true, the range only includes the end field.
allowStartToEqualEnd() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
anyEndpointSecure() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Returns true if any of the endpoints in this configuration is secure.
apply(Response, Function<Response, T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action tha returns a result using the given function.
areClose(double, double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Return true if value1 is close to value2, within the default tolerance.
areClose(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Return true if value1 is close to value2, within the given tolerance.
areEqual(double, double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Return true if value1 is numerically equal to value2.
areNotEqual(double, double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Return true if value1 is not numerically equal to value2.
ASC - org.kiwiproject.jdbc.SqlOrder
ASC - org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSort.Direction
An ascending sort.
ascending - Variable in enum org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSort.Direction
Accessible via a getter method as well as direct field access.
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
assertNotBlank(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiJaxrsValidations
Assert that the given String value is not blank.
assertNotNull(String, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiJaxrsValidations
Assert that the given Object is not null.
assertTrue(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiJaxrsValidations
Asserts that the given boolean value is true.
assertValid(String, T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiJaxrsValidations
Assert that the given object is valid using the default validation group.
assertValid(String, T, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiJaxrsValidations
Assert that the given object is valid using the specified validation group classes.
assertValid(String, T, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiJaxrsValidations
Assert that the given object is valid using the default validation group and the specified property path map, which allows callers to translate property paths (e.g.
assertValid(String, T, Map<String, String>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiJaxrsValidations
Assert that the given object is valid using the specified validation group classes and property path map.
Async - Class in org.kiwiproject.concurrent
Static utilities that work with CompletableFuture and can make testing easier by permitting selective (e.g.
Async() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Async.Mode - Enum in org.kiwiproject.concurrent
The Async.Mode.ENABLED mode enables asynchronous behavior, which is the default behavior.
AsyncException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.concurrent
A subclass RuntimeException used to indicate problems in asynchronous code.
AsyncException(String, Throwable, CompletableFuture) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.concurrent.AsyncException
Construct instance with given message, cause, and future.
AsyncException(String, CompletableFuture) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.concurrent.AsyncException
Construct instance with given message and future.
attachListeners(ApplicationListener<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.MongoRepositoryContext
Attach one or more listeners to the context.


BeanConverter<T> - Class in org.kiwiproject.beans
Simple way to convert one bean to another.
BeanConverter() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
BigintArrayUserType - Class in org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype
A Hibernate user-defined type that maps to/from (Postgres) array column of type BIGINT mapping to the Java type Long[].
BigintArrayUserType() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.BigintArrayUserType
BindJSONB - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.jdbi2.sqlobject
Allows binding String values to JSONB columns in Postgres when using JDBI version 2.
BindJSONB.JsonBinderFactory - Class in org.kiwiproject.jdbi2.sqlobject
blankToNull(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Returns a null if the input string is all whitespace characters or null.
BsonUndefinedToNullStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiMongoConverters.BsonUndefinedToNullStringConverter
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.SpringContextBuilder
Generate the ApplicationContext.
build(BindJSONB) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbi2.sqlobject.BindJSONB.JsonBinderFactory
buildEndpoint() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
Call this to add this EndpointConfiguration to the parent SecureEndpointsConfiguration and return to building the SecureEndpointsConfiguration, which can include more endpoints.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
Return a new builder instance to create a standalone EndpointConfiguration.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Return a new builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration
Return a new builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory
Return a new builder instance.
builder(SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
Return a new builder instance to create a EndpointConfiguration within a SecureEndpointsConfiguration.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
Builder(SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
buildJaxrsException(Throwable) - Static method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
Static factory to construct a new instance from the given Throwable.
buildManagedJdbi(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2.Jdbi2Builders
Build a Dropwizard-managed DBI instance with metrics and health check given an Environment and PooledDataSourceFactory.
buildManagedJdbi(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, ManagedDataSource) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2.Jdbi2Builders
Build a Dropwizard-managed DBI instance with metrics and health check given an Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, and ManagedDataSource.
buildManagedJdbi(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, ManagedDataSource, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2.Jdbi2Builders
Build a Dropwizard-managed DBI instance with metrics and health check given an Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, ManagedDataSource, and name to give to the health check.
buildManagedJdbi(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, ManagedDataSource, String, JdbiPlugin...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3.Jdbi3Builders
Build a Dropwizard-managed Jdbi instance with metrics and health check given an Environment, a PooledDataSourceFactory, a ManagedDataSource, and a name to give the health check.
buildManagedJdbi(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, ManagedDataSource, JdbiPlugin...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3.Jdbi3Builders
Build a Dropwizard-managed Jdbi instance with metrics and health check given an Environment, a PooledDataSourceFactory, and a ManagedDataSource.
buildManagedJdbi(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2.Jdbi2Builders
Build a Dropwizard-managed DBI instance with metrics and health check given an Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, and name to give to the health check.
buildManagedJdbi(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, String, JdbiPlugin...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3.Jdbi3Builders
Build a Dropwizard-managed Jdbi instance with metrics and health check given an Environment, a PooledDataSourceFactory, and a name to give the health check.
buildManagedJdbi(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, JdbiPlugin...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3.Jdbi3Builders
Build a Dropwizard-managed Jdbi instance with metrics and health check given an Environment and PooledDataSourceFactory.
buildMessage(String, Object) - Static method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotFoundException
Build a generic "not found" message using the given type and key.
buildPropertyMaskingSafeSerializerModule(List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.json.KiwiJacksonSerializers
Build a new SimpleModule that will replace the values of specific fields with a "masked" value and will replace any exceptions with a message indicating the field could not be serialized.
buildPropertyMaskingSafeSerializerModule(PropertyMaskingOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.json.KiwiJacksonSerializers
Build a new SimpleModule that will replace the values of specific fields with a "masked" value and will replace any exceptions with a message indicating the field could not be serialized.
buildResponse(Set<? extends ConstraintViolation<?>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ConstraintViolationExceptionMapper
Given a set of constraint violations, build a 422 Unprocessable Entity response with a JSON entity.
buildResponse(JaxrsException) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionMapper
Convert the given JaxrsException to a JSON response.
buildResponseBuilder(JaxrsException) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionMapper
Convert the given JaxrsException to a JSON response builder.
buildResponseEntity(JaxrsException) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionMapper
Convert the given JaxrsException to a map that can be used as a JSON response entity.


call(String, Callable<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryer
Invoke the retryer with the given ID and Callable.
call(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryer
Invoke the retryer with the given Callable.
canConnectViaSocket(String, int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.SocketChecker
Check whether a Socket can be opened on the specified host and port.
canConnectViaSocket(String, int, Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.SocketChecker
Check whether a Socket can be opened on the specified host and port, with the specified timeout.
canConnectViaSocket(Pair<String, Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.SocketChecker
Check whether a Socket can be opened on the specified host and port.
canConnectViaSocket(Pair<String, Integer>, Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.SocketChecker
Check whether a Socket can be opened on the specified host and port, with the specified timeout.
CANONICAL_GROUP - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
capacityOfRecentDeleteErrors() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Returns the maximum number of delete failures that can be stored in memory.
CatchingRunnable - Interface in org.kiwiproject.base
Extension of Runnable that never lets exceptions escape.
cause - Variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
check() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerHealthCheck
check() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health.TimedHealthCheck
checkArgument(boolean, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
checkArgument(boolean, Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
checkArgument(boolean, Class<T>, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
checkArgumentNotBlank(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that the string passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null, empty or blank, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if it is null, empty, or blank.
checkArgumentNotBlank(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that the string passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null, empty or blank, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if it is null, empty, or blank.
checkArgumentNotBlank(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that the string passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null, empty or blank, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if it is null, empty, or blank.
checkArgumentNotNull(T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if null.
checkArgumentNotNull(T, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if null.
checkArgumentNotNull(T, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if null.
checkEvenItemCount(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that a collection of items has an even count, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if items is null or there is an odd number of items.
checkEvenItemCount(IntSupplier) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that a collection of items has an even count, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if countSupplier is null or returns an odd number.
checkEvenItemCount(T...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that a collection of items has an even count, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if items is null or there is an odd number of items.
checkMinimumSize(List<T>, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Checks that the given list is not null and has the given minimum size.
checkMinimumSize(T[], int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Checks that the given array is not null and has the given minimum size.
checkNonNullInputArray(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Checks that the given array is not null.
checkNonNullInputList(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Checks that the given list is not null.
checkPageNumber(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
Validate the given page number is greater than zero.
checkPageNumber(int) - Method in enum org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme
Check the given page number for this scheme's minimum page number.
checkPageNumber(int, KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
Validate the given page number is equal to or greater than the minimum for the given KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme.
checkPageSize(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
Validate that the given page size is greater than zero.
checkPositive(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures int value is a positive number (greater than zero).
checkPositive(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures int value is a positive number (greater than zero).
checkPositive(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures int value is a positive number (greater than zero).
checkPositive(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures long value is a positive number (greater than zero).
checkPositive(long, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures long value is a positive number (greater than zero).
checkPositive(long, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures long value is a positive number (greater than zero).
checkPositiveOrZero(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures int value is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero.
checkPositiveOrZero(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures int value is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero.
checkPositiveOrZero(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures int value is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero.
checkPositiveOrZero(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures long value is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero.
checkPositiveOrZero(long, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures long value is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero.
checkPositiveOrZero(long, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures long value is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero.
checkValidNonZeroPort(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures given port is valid (excluding zero), between 1 and KiwiPreconditions.MAX_PORT_NUMBER.
checkValidNonZeroPort(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures given port is valid (excluding zero), between 1 and KiwiPreconditions.MAX_PORT_NUMBER.
checkValidNonZeroPort(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures given port is valid (excluding zero), between 1 and KiwiPreconditions.MAX_PORT_NUMBER.
checkValidPort(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures given port is valid, between 0 and KiwiPreconditions.MAX_PORT_NUMBER.
checkValidPort(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures given port is valid, between 0 and KiwiPreconditions.MAX_PORT_NUMBER.
checkValidPort(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures given port is valid, between 0 and KiwiPreconditions.MAX_PORT_NUMBER.
checkYamlNotBlank(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
CidrRange - Class in org.kiwiproject.net
Small utility to analyze CIDR information.
CidrRange(String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.net.CidrRange
Creates a new instance of KiwiCidrs parsing the given CIDR.
clearCachedJAXBContextClasses() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Clear the internal cache of class to JAXBContext mappings.
clearRecentDeleteErrors() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Clears all delete errors currently stored in memory.
clearUnexpectedPaths() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler
Clear all unexpected path information.
clientError(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response is in the CLIENT_ERROR (4xx codes) family.
close() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.mongo.MongoClientWrapper
Closes the wrapper MongoClient.
closeQuietly(Closeable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Closes a Closeable unconditionally.
closeQuietly(Closeable...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Closes a Closeable unconditionally.
closeQuietly(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Closes the given Response, which can be null, swallowing any exceptions and logging them at INFO level.
closeQuietly(XMLStreamReader) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Closes an XMLStreamReader unconditionally.
closeQuietly(XMLStreamWriter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Closes an XMLStreamWriter unconditionally.
CODE - Static variable in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsBadRequestException
The status code for all instances of this exception.
CODE - Static variable in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsConflictException
The status code for all instances of this exception.
CODE - Static variable in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsForbiddenException
The status code for all instances of this exception.
CODE - Static variable in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotAuthorizedException
The status code for all instances of this exception.
CODE - Static variable in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotFoundException
The status code for all instances of this exception.
CODE - Static variable in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsValidationException
The status code for all instances of this exception.
combinedErrorMessage(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>, Function<Path, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce a single string containing all violation messages separated by commas.
combinedErrorMessages(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>, Function<Path, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce a list of strings containing all violation messages.
combineErrorMessagesIntoMap(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>, Function<Path, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce map whose keys are the transformed properties and the corresponding values are strings containing all violation messages.
COMMA - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
A comma character.
COMMA_SPLITTER - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Components() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls.Components
configureForMillisecondDateTimestamps(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Configure the given ObjectMapper to read and write timestamps as milliseconds.
configureJdkWebService(Class<T>, BindingProvider, String, SSLSocketFactory, int, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
configureJdkWebServiceConnectTimeout(BindingProvider, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
configureJdkWebServiceDefaultConnectTimeout(BindingProvider) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
configureJdkWebServiceDefaultReadTimeout(BindingProvider) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
configureJdkWebServiceEndpointAddress(BindingProvider, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
configureJdkWebServiceEndpointAddress(BindingProvider, URI) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
configureJdkWebServiceReadTimeout(BindingProvider, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
configureJdkWebServiceSslSocketFactory(BindingProvider, SSLSocketFactory) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
configureJdkWebServiceWithDefaultTimeouts(Class<T>, BindingProvider, String, SSLSocketFactory) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Configure a JDK (e.g.
connect() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpConnector
Opens a connection to the remote SFTP server.
connect() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Connects to the remote SFTP server.
CONNECTION_ERROR - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerPredicates
Check if a given Throwable is or has a root cause of ConnectException.
ConstraintViolationExceptionMapper - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Map ConstraintViolationException to a JSON Response.
ConstraintViolationExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ConstraintViolationExceptionMapper
constructSortChain(List<Sort>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPaging
Accepts a list of Sort properties and chains them together in order.
constructSortChain(Sort...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPaging
Accepts a varargs of Sort properties and chains them together in order.
constructSortChainFromPairs(Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPaging
Creates a Sort chain from a varargs list of sort direction and field pairs.
constructSortListFromPairs(Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPaging
Constructs a list of Sort properties from a varargs of sort direction and field pairs.
convert(Object, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Converts the given object to an object of the target type described by the TypeReference.
convert(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Converts the given object to an object of the target type.
convert(BsonUndefined) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiMongoConverters.BsonUndefinedToNullStringConverter
convert(T) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
This conversion method taks a single parameter and modifies the object in place.
convert(T, R) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
This conversion method takes two parameters and copies properties from one object to another
convertToMap(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Converts the given object to a map with String keys and Object values.
convertToMap(Object, TypeReference<Map<K, V>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Converts the given object to a map using the given TypeReference.
copy(T) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Copies the given object by converting to JSON and then converting the JSON back to an object of the same class as the copied object.
copy(T, Class<R>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Copies the given object by converting to JSON and then converting the JSON back to an object of the given target class.
copyIgnoringPaths(T, Class<R>, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Copies the given object by converting to JSON, ignoring the given paths, and then converting the JSON back to an object of the given target class.
copyOf() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultConfiguration
Makes a copy of this instance.
created(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has status 201 Created.
createdResponse(URI, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Builds a Response with 201 Created status and a specified Location header and entity.
createdResponseBuilder(URI, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Creates a Response.ResponseBuilder having 201 Created status and a specified Location header and entity.
createHttpsUrl(String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed HTTPS URL (String) from the given hostname and port.
createHttpsUrl(String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed HTTPS URL (String) from the given hostname, port and path.
createHttpsUrlObject(String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed HTTPS URL from the given hostname and port.
createHttpsUrlObject(String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed HTTPS URL from the given hostname, port and path.
createHttpUrl(String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed HTTP URL (String) from the given hostname and port.
createHttpUrl(String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed HTTP URL (String) from the given hostname, port and path.
createHttpUrlObject(String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed HTTP URL from the given hostname and port.
createHttpUrlObject(String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed HTTP URL from the given hostname, port and path.
createPageable(int, int, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPaging
Constructs a Pageable object using a page number and size, as well as an arbitrary varargs of Sort direction and Field name pairs.
createPageable(PagingParams) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPaging
Constructs a Pageable object using a PagingParams as input.
createSslContext(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Create a new SSLContext instance for the given paths, passwords, and protocol, assuming that the key and trust store types are KeyStoreType.JKS.
createSslContext(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Create a new SSLContext instance for the given paths, passwords, key and trust store types, and protocol.
createSslContext(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Create a new SSLContext instance for the given paths, passwords, key and trust store types, key and trust manager algorithms, and protocol.
createSslContext(String, String, String, String, String, String, SSLContextProtocol) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Create a new SSLContext instance for the given paths, passwords, and protocol, assuming that the key and trust store types are KeyStoreType.JKS.
createSslContext(String, String, String, String, SSLContextProtocol) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Create a new SSLContext instance for the given paths, passwords, and protocol, assuming that the key and trust store types are KeyStoreType.JKS.
createUrl(String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed URL string from the given schemeHostPort and zero or more path components.
createUrl(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed URL (String) from the given protocol, hostname, and port.
createUrl(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed URL (String) from the given protocol, hostname, port and path.
createUrlObject(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Wrapper around URL's constructor which throws a checked MalformedURLException.
createUrlObject(String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed URL from the given schemeHostPort and zero or more path components.
createUrlObject(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed URL from the given protocol, hostname, and port.
createUrlObject(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Create a well-formed URL from the given protocol, hostname, port, and path.
CriteriaQueries - Class in org.kiwiproject.hibernate
Utility class for creating Hibernate Criteria queries.
CriteriaQueries() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.CriteriaQueries
currentDate() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentDate() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current date.
currentInstant() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentInstant() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current Instant in the default time zone.
currentInstant(ZoneId) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentInstant(ZoneId) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current Instant in the specified time zone.
currentLocalDate() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentLocalDate() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current LocalDate in the default time zone.
currentLocalDate(ZoneId) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentLocalDate(ZoneId) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current LocalDate in the specified time zone.
currentLocalDateTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentLocalDateTime() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current LocalDateTime in the default time zone.
currentLocalDateTime(ZoneId) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentLocalDateTime(ZoneId) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current LocalDateTime in the specified time zone.
currentLocalTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentLocalTime() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current LocalTime in the default time zone.
currentLocalTime(ZoneId) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentLocalTime(ZoneId) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current LocalTime in the specified time zone.
currentProcessId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
Returns the process ID of the currently executing JVM.
currentProcessId() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the process ID of the currently executing JVM.
currentTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentTime() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current time.
currentTimeMillis() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentTimeMillis() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current time in milliseconds since the epoch.
currentTimestamp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentTimestamp() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current timestamp.
currentZonedDateTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentZonedDateTime() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current ZonedDateTime in the default time zone.
currentZonedDateTime(ZoneId) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentZonedDateTime(ZoneId) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current ZonedDateTime in the specified time zone.
currentZonedDateTimeUTC() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
currentZonedDateTimeUTC() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current ZonedDateTime with the ZoneOffset as ZoneOffset.UTC.
cycleForever(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiIterators
Returns a thread-safe iterator that cycles indefinitely over the elements of iterable, base on Guava's Iterables.cycle(Iterable).
cycleForever(T...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiIterators
Returns a thread-safe iterator that cycles indefinitely over the elements of iterable, base on Guava's Iterables.cycle(Iterable).


databaseTypeName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
Implementors should return the specific database type name that the array contains, e.g.
databaseTypeName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.BigintArrayUserType
databaseTypeName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.TextArrayUserType
dateFrom(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date converted from instant.
dateFromInstantMinusDays(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of days before the given instant.
dateFromInstantMinusHours(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of hours before the given instant.
dateFromInstantMinusMinutes(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of minutes before the given instant.
dateFromInstantMinusMonths(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of months before the given instant.
dateFromInstantMinusYears(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of years before the given instant.
dateFromInstantPlusDays(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of days after the given instant.
dateFromInstantPlusHours(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of hours after the given instant.
dateFromInstantPlusMinutes(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of minutes after the given instant.
dateFromInstantPlusMonths(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of months after the given instant.
dateFromInstantPlusYears(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
Return the Date that is the given number of years after the given instant.
dateFromTimestamp(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a Date from the specified Timestamp column in the given ResultSet.
dateFromTimestamp(Timestamp) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a Date from the given Timestamp.
dateToXMLGregorianCalendar(Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts a Date to an XMLGregorianCalendar in the default time zone.
dateToXMLGregorianCalendar(Date, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts a Date to an XMLGregorianCalendar in the given time zone.
dateToXMLGregorianCalendarUTC(Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts a Date to an XMLGregorianCalendar in UTC.
decryptFile(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps ansible-vault decrypt command.
decryptFile(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps ansible-vault decrypt command.
decryptFile(Path) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps ansible-vault decrypt command.
decryptFile(Path, Path) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps ansible-vault decrypt command.
decryptString(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Decrypts an encrypted string variable formatted using encrypt_string with a --name option.
deepCopy(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
deepCopy(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
DEFAULT - org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.OutputFormat
JSON may or may not be formatted (but probably not).
DEFAULT_DELETE_ERROR_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerHealthCheck
DEFAULT_FUZZY_EQUALS_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Default tolerance to use for comparisons when not explicitly specified.
DEFAULT_HEALTH_CHECK_NAME - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2.Jdbi2Builders
DEFAULT_HEALTH_CHECK_NAME - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3.Jdbi3Builders
DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY_MILLIS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.config.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerConfig
DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Default number of seconds to wait for termination of a process.
DEFAULT_LOCK_WAIT_TIME - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
The default lock wait time if not specified.
DEFAULT_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_UNIT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
The default lock wait time unit if not specified.
DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Default maximum attempts.
DEFAULT_MAX_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingRequest
DEFAULT_MAX_RECENT_ITEMS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiEvictingQueues
The default maximum number of EvictingQueue items.
DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
A rather opinionated value for the default page size.
DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE_AS_STRING - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
The rather opinionated value for default page size as a String, in order to support web framework annotations like JAX-RS's javax.ws.rs.DefaultValue that require a String.
DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_TIME - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Default retry delay time.
DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_UNIT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Default retry delay time unit.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.SocketChecker
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Default value to include in attempt log messages.
DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_EXIT_TIME_SECONDS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Default number of seconds to wait for a process to exit.
DefaultEnvironment - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
A default implementation of the KiwiEnvironment interface.
DefaultEnvironment() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
DeleteError() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.DeleteError
deleteRemoteFile(Path, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Deletes a given file from the given path on a remote server.
DESC - org.kiwiproject.jdbc.SqlOrder
DESC - org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSort.Direction
A descending sort.
detectFormat(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Detect data format of given text using the default Charset.
detectFormat(String, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Detect data format of given text using the given Charset.
detectFormat(String, Charset, DataFormatDetector) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Detect data format of given text using given Charset and DataFormatDetector.
detectFormatUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Detect data format of given text using UTF-8 Charset.
detectJson(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Use Jackson's data format detection to determine if the given content is JSON, assuming UTF-8 as the charset.
detectJson(String, Charset) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Use Jackson's data format detection to determine if the given content is JSON.
detectKeyExchangeTypeForHost(String, HostKeyRepository) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.KiwiJSchHelpers
Detect the key exchange for a given host (or IP address) and HostKeyRepository, which is JSch's encapsulation of the known hosts file.
DirectoryPath - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
The annotated element must point to an existing directory.
DirectoryPathValidator - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Validates that a string value is a valid path, exists, and is a directory.
DirectoryPathValidator() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPathValidator
DISABLE_NAMESPACE_VALIDATION - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Constant that can be used to disable all namespace validations when converting from XML to objects.
DISABLED - org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async.Mode
Disable asynchronous behavior (code is executed synchronously).
disassemble(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
disassemble(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
disconnect() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpConnector
Closes and cleans up the connection to the remote SFTP server.
disconnect() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Disconnects from the remote SFTP server.
distinct(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a list of the collection elements with duplicates stripped out.
distinct(T[], Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a array of the collection elements with duplicates stripped out.
distinctCriteria(Session, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.CriteriaQueries
Creates a Criteria query for the specified persistent class.
distinctCriteria(Session, Class<?>, String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.CriteriaQueries
Creates a Criteria query for the specified persistent class, with the specified ordering, and setting FetchMode.JOIN on the specified fetchAssociations.
distinctCriteriaWithFetchAssociations(Session, Class<?>, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.CriteriaQueries
Creates a Criteria query for the specified persistent class and setting FetchMode.JOIN on the specified fetchAssociations.
distinctCriteriaWithOrder(Session, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.CriteriaQueries
Creates a Criteria query for the specified persistent class and the specified HQL order clause.
distinctOrNull(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a list of the collection elements with duplicates stripped out or `null` if a null value is passed in.
distinctOrNull(T[], Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a array of the collection elements with duplicates stripped out or `null` if a null value is passed in.
DKS - org.kiwiproject.security.KeyStoreType
A domain keystore is a collection of keystores presented as a single logical keystore.
doAsync(Runnable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Execute the given Runnable asynchronously.
doAsync(Runnable, Executor) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Execute the given Runnable asynchronously using the given Executor.
doAsync(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Execute the given Supplier asynchronously to return a result, using the common fork join pool as the executor.
doAsync(Supplier<T>, Executor) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Execute the given Supplier asynchronously to return a result, using the common fork join pool as the executor.
domain(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
DOMAIN_GROUP - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
doubleValueOrNull(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Simplifies the JDBC silliness whereby getting a double value that is actually null returns zero, and you have to check if the last value was actually null using the ResultSet.wasNull() method.
DTLS - org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Supports the default provider-dependent versions of DTLS versions
DTLS_1_0 - org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Supports RFC 4347; DTLS version 1.0; may support other DTLS versions
DTLS_1_2 - org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Supports RFC 6347; DTLS version 1.2; may support other DTLS versions


EMPTY_THROWABLE_INFO - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
emptyByteArrayInputStream() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a newly constructed, empty ByteArrayInputStream.
ENABLED - org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async.Mode
Asynchronous behavior (default).
encryptFile(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps the ansible-vault encrypt command.
encryptFile(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps the ansible-vault encrypt command using a vault ID label.
encryptFile(Path) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps the ansible-vault encrypt command.
encryptFile(Path, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps the ansible-vault encrypt command using a vault ID label.
encryptString(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps the ansible-vault encrypt_string command.
encryptString(String, String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps the ansible-vault encrypt_string command using an optional vault ID label.
endField() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
endFieldLabel() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
EndpointConfiguration - Class in org.kiwiproject.config
Configuration for a specific REST endpoint.
EndpointConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
EndpointConfiguration.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.config
To use this EndpointConfiguration.Builder standalone, use the EndpointConfiguration.builder() method.
ensureIndices(MongoTemplate, Class<?>, Sort.Direction, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiMongoIndexes
Ensure indexes exist for the given collection (defined by clazz), sort direction, and properties.
ensureIndices(MongoTemplate, String, Sort.Direction, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiMongoIndexes
Ensure indexes exist for the given collection, sort direction, and properties.
ensureReadable() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPath
Whether to verify that the specified directory can be read by the current process.
ensureWritable() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPath
Whether to verify that the specified directory can be read by the current process.
enumClass() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnum
epochMillisFromTimestamp(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Convert the timestamp column given by columnName in the ResultSet to milliseconds from the epoch.
epochMillisFromTimestamp(Timestamp) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Convert the given Timestamp to milliseconds from the epoch.
epochMillisToXMLGregorianCalendar(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts milliseconds since the epoch to an XMLGregorianCalendar object in the default time zone.
epochMillisToXMLGregorianCalendar(long, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts milliseconds since the epoch to an XMLGregorianCalendar object in the given time zone.
epochMillisToXMLGregorianCalendarUTC(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts milliseconds since the epoch to an XMLGregorianCalendar object in UTC.
EQUAL_MATCH - org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType
Requires an equal match, and is case-sensitive.
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
ErrorMessage - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
An error message that kiwi uses in JAX-RS related utilities.
ErrorMessage(int, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
Create instance with the given HTTP status code and message.
ErrorMessage(int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
Create instance with the given HTTP status code, message, and field/property name.
ErrorMessage(String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
Create instance with the given message and the default status code (500).
ErrorMessage(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
Create instance with the given item identifier, HTTP status code, message, and field/property name.
ErrorMessage(Response.Status, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
Create instance with the given HTTP status and message.
ExistingObject - Interface in org.kiwiproject.validation.group
An opinionated tagging/marker interface for validation of existing (persistent) objects.
existingObjectGroups() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.group.KiwiValidationGroups
Use this when validating an existing (persistent) object.
extractAllFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Extract all of the relevant sections from the given uri.
extractCanonicalNameFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Extracts the canonical server name from a given URL.
extractDbName(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.mongo.KiwiMongoDbs
Extract the database name component of the given Mongo connection URI.
extractDbName(URI) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.mongo.KiwiMongoDbs
Extract the database name component of the given Mongo connection URI.
extractDomainNameFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Extracts the server's domain name from a given URL.
extractHostInformation(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.mongo.KiwiMongoDbs
Extract the scheme and host information of the given Mongo connection URI.
extractHostInformation(URI) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.mongo.KiwiMongoDbs
Extract the scheme and host information of the given Mongo connection URI.
extractMatch(Pattern, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.util.regex.KiwiRegexes
Extracts a regex match as a String.
extractMatches(Pattern, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.util.regex.KiwiRegexes
Match an input String against a Pattern and convert to a Stream of MatchResult.
extractMatchOrNull(Pattern, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.util.regex.KiwiRegexes
Extracts a regex match as a String, or return null if no match found.
extractMatchOrThrow(Pattern, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.util.regex.KiwiRegexes
Extracts a regex match as a String, or throws an exception if no match found.
extractPathFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Extracts the path from a given URL.
extractPortFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Extracts the port from a given URL.
extractSchemeFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Extracts the scheme from a given URL.
extractSubDomainNameFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Extracts the simple server name from a given URL.
extraFields - Variable in class org.kiwiproject.json.FlexibleJsonModel


f(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
failed() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
The result failed if this result does not have an object.
FieldRange - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
The annotated type must have two fields that define a valid range, i.e.
FieldRanges - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
Holder for multiple FieldRange annotations.
FieldRangeValidator - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Validator class for FieldRange.
FieldRangeValidator() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRangeValidator
fifth(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Return the fifth element in the specified list of items.
fifth(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Return the fifth element in the specified array of items.
FilePath - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
The annotated element must point to an existing file.
FilePathValidator - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Validates that a string value is a valid path, exists, and is a regular file (not a directory).
FilePathValidator() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.FilePathValidator
findAccessor(KiwiReflection.Accessor, String, Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds a public accessor method of the given methodType for the specified fieldName in the given targetClass.
findAccessor(KiwiReflection.Accessor, String, Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds an accessor method of the given methodType for the specified fieldName in target.
findChildProcessId(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
For a given parent process id, find one and only one child process.
findChildProcessIds(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
For a given parent process id, find any child processes.
findField(Object, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Find a field by name in the specified target object, whether it is private or not.
findFirst(Stream<?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiStreams
Find the first object having the given typeToFind in a stream of objects.
findFirst(Stream<?>, Class<T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiStreams
Find the first object having the given typeToFind and matching the supplied predicate in a stream of objects.
findFirstMatchingAddress(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Attempts to find the first IP address from a given list of ip addresses that matches one of the given subnet CIDRs.
findFirstMatchingAddress(List<String>, KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Attempts to find the first IP address on the machine that matches one of the given subnet CIDRs.
findFirstMatchingAddressOrNull(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Finds the first IP address from a given list of ip addresses that matches one of the given subnet CIDRs or returns null if not found.
findFirstMatchingAddressOrNull(List<String>, KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Finds the first IP address on the machine that matches one of the given subnet CIDRs or returns null if not found.
findFirstMatchingAddressOrThrow(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Finds the first IP address on the machine that matches one of the given subnet CIDRs or throws IllegalStateException if not found.
findFirstMatchingAddressOrThrow(List<String>, KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Finds the first IP address on the machine that matches one of the given subnet CIDRs or throws IllegalStateException if not found.
findFirstOpenPortAbove(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.LocalPortChecker
Find the first open port above the given port (i.e.
findMatchingAddresses(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Finds all IP addresses from a given list of ip addresses that matches one of the given subnet CIDRs.
findMatchingAddresses(List<String>, KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Finds all IP addresses on the machine that matches one of the given subnet CIDRs.
findMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds a public method having the given name and parameter types in the given class.
findMethodOptionally(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds a public method having the given name and parameter types in the given class.
findPage(Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingQuery
Finds a specific page for the given type of object, which is assumed to be mapped to a MongoDB collection.
findPublicAccessorMethods(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds all public accessor methods (getXxx / isXxx conforming to JavaBeans rules) in the given class (including superclasses).
findPublicAccessorMethods(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds all public accessor methods (getXxx / isXxx conforming to JavaBeans rules) in the class of the given object (including superclasses).
findPublicMethods(Class<?>, Predicate<Method>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds all public methods in the given class (including superclasses) that satisfy the given Predicate.
findPublicMutatorMethods(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds all public mutator methods (setXxx conforming to JavaBeans rules) in the given class (including superclasses).
findPublicMutatorMethods(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds all public mutator methods (setXxx conforming to JavaBeans rules) in the class of the given object (including superclasses).
first(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Return the first element in the specified list of items.
first(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Return the first element in the specified array of items.
firstIfPresent(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns an Optional containing the first element in specified list of items, or an empty optional if the list is null or empty.
firstIfPresent(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns an Optional containing the first element in specified array of items, or an empty optional if the array is null or empty.
firstN(List<T>, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a view of the "first N" elements of the input list.
firstN(T[], int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a new array containing the "first N" elements of the input array.
firstNonNull(T, T, T...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiObjects
Return an Optional containing the first non-null object, or an empty Optional if all are null.
firstNonNullOrNull(T, T, T...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiObjects
Return the first non-null object, or null if all are null.
firstNonZero(int, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPrimitives
Returns the first non-zero argument, otherwise throws IllegalArgumentException if both arguments are zero.
firstNonZero(long, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPrimitives
Returns the first non-zero argument, otherwise throws IllegalArgumentException if both arguments are zero.
firstSuppliedNonNull(Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiObjects
Return an Optional containing the first non-null object, or an empty Optional if all suppliers return null.
firstSuppliedNonNullOrNull(Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiObjects
Return the first supplied non-null object, or null if all all suppliers return null.
FlexibleJsonModel - Class in org.kiwiproject.json
This class can be used as a base class for situations where there may be additional/unknown properties in a JSON string that don't have a corresponding property in the class being de-serialized into.
FlexibleJsonModel() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.FlexibleJsonModel
FORCE_KILL - org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillTimeoutAction
The process will be forced killed (e.g.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Substitutes each %s or {} in template with an argument.
formatAsIsoLocalDate(TemporalAccessor) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given TemporalAccessor into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE formatter.
formatAsIsoLocalDate(Date, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given Date in the given time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE formatter.
formatAsIsoLocalDateTime(LocalDate) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given LocalDate (at the start of the day) into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoLocalDateTime(TemporalAccessor) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given TemporalAccessor (at the start of the day) into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoLocalDateTime(Date, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given Date in the given time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoLocalDateTimeUTC(Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given Date in the UTC time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoLocalDateUTC(Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given Date in the UTC time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE formatter.
formatAsIsoZonedDateTime(LocalDate, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given LocalDate (at the start of the day) in the given time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoZonedDateTime(LocalDateTime, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given LocalDateTime in the given time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given ZonedDateTime in the given time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoZonedDateTime(Date, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given Date in the given time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoZonedDateTimeUTC(LocalDate) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given LocalDate (at the start of the day) in the UTC time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoZonedDateTimeUTC(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given LocalDateTime in the UTC time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoZonedDateTimeUTC(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given ZonedDateTime in the UTC time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatAsIsoZonedDateTimeUTC(Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given Date in the UTC time zone into a string using the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME formatter.
formatDurationWords(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDurationFormatters
A thin wrapper around DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationWords(long, boolean, boolean) that always suppresses leading and trailing "zero elements" because why would you want to see "0 days 7 hours 25 minutes 0 seconds" instead of just "7 hours 25 minutes"? (We cannot think of a good reason...)
formatDurationWords(Duration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDurationFormatters
Formats a Dropwizard Duration using English words.
formatDurationWords(Duration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDurationFormatters
Formats a Java Duration using English words.
formatGuavaStyle(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Same as KiwiStrings.format(String, Object...) assuming Guava-style placeholders.
formatSlf4jJStyle(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Same as KiwiStrings.format(String, Object...) assuming SLF4J-style placeholders.
formatWith(LocalDateTime, ZoneId, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given LocalDateTime (assuming it is in the UTC time zone) into a string using the given DateTimeFormatter.
formatWith(LocalDateTime, ZoneId, ZoneId, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given LocalDateTime (assuming it is in the given localZoneId time zone) into a string using the given DateTimeFormatter.
formatWith(TemporalAccessor, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given TemporalAccessor into a string using the given DateTimeFormatter.
formatWith(ZonedDateTime, ZoneId, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given ZonedDateTime in the given time zone into a string using the given DateTimeFormatter.
formatWith(Date, ZoneId, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given Date in the given time zone into a string using the given DateTimeFormatter.
formatWithUTC(Date, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
Converts the given Date in the UTC time zone into a string using the given DateTimeFormatter.
forPattern(Pattern) - Static method in exception org.kiwiproject.util.regex.NoMatchesFoundException
Factory method to create a new instance with a standardized message for the given Pattern.
fourth(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Return the fourth element in the specified list of items.
fourth(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Return the fourth element in the specified array of items.
from(boolean) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType
Convert the given boolean into a KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType.
from(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.jackson.JacksonDataFormat
Returns one of the enum constants for the given formatName, or JacksonDataFormat.UNKNOWN if the format name is not found.
from(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.jdbc.SqlOrder
Given a string value, return a SqlOrder, ignoring case and leading/trailing whitespace.
from(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.SimpleHostAndPort
Parse hostPortString assuming format host:port
from(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses.SimpleHostInfo
Create instance from host name and ip address
from(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.SimpleHostAndPort
Parse hostPortString assuming format host:port; if it is blank, use the specified defaultHost and defaultPort values to create a link SimpleHostAndPort.
from(VaultConfiguration, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultDecryptCommand
Create an instance.
from(VaultConfiguration, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptCommand
Create an instance.
from(VaultConfiguration, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultViewCommand
Create an instance.
from(VaultConfiguration, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultDecryptCommand
from(VaultConfiguration, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptCommand
Create an instance.
from(VaultConfiguration, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptStringCommand
Create an instance.
from(VaultConfiguration, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultRekeyCommand
Create an instance.
from(VaultConfiguration, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptStringCommand
Create an instance.
fromBooleanString(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType
Convert the given string into a KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType, where "truthy" values are considered to represent KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType.PARTIAL_MATCH, and "falsy" values are considered to mean KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType.EQUAL_MATCH.
fromDropwizardDuration(Duration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.util.KiwiDropwizardDurations
fromDropwizardTlsConfiguration(TlsConfiguration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.config.TlsContextConfiguration
Given a Dropwizard TlsConfiguration, create a new TlsContextConfiguration.
fromInetAddress(InetAddress) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses.SimpleHostInfo
Create instance from an InetAddress
FTP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls


GET - org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection.Accessor
Getter method for reference types and primitive types, except primitive boolean types.
getAndStoreAllFiles(Path, BiFunction<Path, String, Path>, BiFunction<Path, String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Recursively gets files off of a remote server starting in the given path and stores the files locally in the given path and given filename.
getAndStoreFile(Path, Path, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Gets a file off of a remote server in the given path and with the given filename and stores the file locally in a given path and the original (remote) filename.
getAndStoreFile(Path, Path, String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Gets a file off of a remote server in the given path and with the given filename and stores the file locally in a given path and the given filename.
getAndStoreFile(Path, BiFunction<Path, String, Path>, String, BiFunction<Path, String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Gets a file off of a remote server in the given path and with the given filename and stores the file locally in a given path and the given filename.
getBroadcastAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.CidrRange
Returns the broadcast address for the CIDR.
getCachedJAXBContextClasses() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Find the classes for which there is a cached JAXBContext.
getCause() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
getCause() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.base.UncheckedInterruptedException
Returns the cause of this exception.
getCause() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.net.UncheckedMalformedURLException
getCause() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.net.UncheckedURISyntaxException
getCause() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.xml.UncheckedJAXBException
Returns the cause of this exception.
getCommandParts() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.OsCommand
Returns a list containing the command and all its arguments, which can then be used to construct a ProcessBuilder.
getCommandParts() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultDecryptCommand
getCommandParts() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptCommand
getCommandParts() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptStringCommand
getCommandParts() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultRekeyCommand
getCommandParts() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultViewCommand
getDayOfMonth(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return the value of the day of the month from instant.
getDB() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.mongo.MongoClientWrapper
Return the (deprecated) DB instance for clients that have not yet migrated to MongoDatabase.
getDeleteCount() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Returns the total number of deletes this instance has counted.
getDeleteErrorCount() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Returns the total number of delete errors this instance has counted.
getDirectoryPath() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Returns the absolute path of the directory being cleaned.
getDirectoryPath(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Get the directory path of the JAR file that the given class lives in, or an empty Optional if the path could not be obtained for any reason.
getDomains() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
Return the domains as a list.
getEndpointByPathEnding(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Finds the EndpointConfiguration with a path ending with the given pathEnding, throwing an exception if not found.
getEndpointByPathEndingOrEmpty(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Finds the EndpointConfiguration with a path ending with the given pathEnding, returning an empty Optional if not found.
getEndpointByTag(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Finds the EndpointConfiguration with the given tag, throwing an exception if not found.
getEndpointByTagOrEmpty(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Finds the EndpointConfiguration with the given tag, returning an empty Optional if not found.
getenv() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
getenv() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns an unmodifiable string map view of the environment.
getenv(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
getenv(String) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Gets the value of the specified environment variable.
getErrorCode(Throwable) - Static method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
Determine an "appropriate" HTTP status code for the given Throwable.
getErrorOrNull() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonDetectionResult
Did an error occur during the detection process.
getErrors() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
getExtraFields() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.FlexibleJsonModel
Returns the "extra" fields that were not explicitly defined as properties when this object was de-serialized from JSON.
getFieldValue(Object, Field) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Get the value of a specific field in an object.
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Get the value of a specific field in an object.
getFileContent(Path, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Gets a file off of a remote server with the given path and given filename and returns the contents of the file as a String.
getFuture() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.concurrent.AsyncException
The future which causes the exception.
getHour(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return the value of the hour from instant.
getKeyManagers(KeyStore, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Get the key managers for the given KeyStore and key store password using the default algorithm.
getKeyManagers(KeyStore, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Get the key managers for the given KeyStore, key store password, and algorithm.
getKeyStore(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Return an Optional containing a KeyStore for the given KeyStoreType, path, and password, or an empty Optional if the arguments are (both) null.
getKeyStore(KeyStoreType, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Return an Optional containing a KeyStore for the given KeyStoreType, path, and password, or an empty Optional if the arguments are (both) null.
getKeyStorePassword() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.KeyAndTrustStoreConfigProvider
The key store password (plain text).
getKeyStorePath() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.KeyAndTrustStoreConfigProvider
The path to the key store.
getKeyStoreType() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.KeyAndTrustStoreConfigProvider
Key store type.
getLastError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Assumes there is at least one error, and returns the last one that was thrown regardless of the number of attempts.
getLastErrorIfPresent() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Returns an Optional that contains the last error if this result has any errors, otherwise empty.
getLimit() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
getLocalHostInetAddress() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Get local host as an optional of InetAddress
getLocalHostInetAddress(InetAddress) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Get local host as a InetAddress.
getLocalHostInetAddress(Supplier<InetAddress>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Get local host as a InetAddress.
getLocalHostInfo() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Get local host as an optional of KiwiInternetAddresses.SimpleHostInfo.
getLocalHostInfo(Supplier<KiwiInternetAddresses.SimpleHostInfo>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
getLocalHostInfo(KiwiInternetAddresses.SimpleHostInfo) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
getLockWaitDuration() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
Return the maximum lock wait time as a Duration.
getMessage() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
getMinute(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return the value of the minute from instant.
getMonth(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return the Month from instant.
getMonthValue(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return the value of the month (1-12) from instant.
getNameAndNamespace(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Extract XML name and namespace from the given class, assuming it is annotated with XmlType.
getNetworkAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.CidrRange
Returns the network address for the CIDR.
getNumberOfRecentDeleteErrors() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Returns the number of recent delete errors currently stored in memory.
getNumErrors() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
The number of failed attempts, which can be zero up to the maximum number of attempts.
getObject() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Assumes there is an object an returns it, otherwise throws an exception.
getObjectIfPresent() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Returns an Optional that contains the object if this result was successful, otherwise it will be empty.
getObjectMapper() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Provides direct access to the underlying object mapper.
getOtherData() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
getPage() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
getPageNumber() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.search.PaginatedResult
The page number of this result.
getPageSize() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.search.PaginatedResult
The page size being used to paginate the search results.
getPath() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls.Components
getPath(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Get the path of the JAR file that the given class lives in, or an empty Optional if the path could not be obtained for any reason.
getPath(Object, String, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Get the value at the given path in the object, with the type as the given target class.
getPath(Object, String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Get the value at the given path in the object, with the type as the given target class.
getPath(String, String, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Get the value at the given path in the JSON, with the type as the given target class.
getPath(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Get the value at the given path in the JSON, with the type as the given target class.
getPathComponents(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Get the path components of the JAR file path that the given class lives in, or an empty list if the path components could not be obtained.
getPgrepFlags() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Returns the pgrep flags that Processes will use in all pgrep methods.
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls.Components
getPrimaryDirection() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
getPrimarySort() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
getProperties() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
getProperties() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current system properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Gets the system property indicated by the specified key.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
getProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Gets the system property indicated by the specified key.
getPropertyMapper(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
Get the property mapper function for a specific property name.
getPropertySet(T, BeanWrapper) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
getPropertyValue(Object, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
Finds the value of the specified property by direct field access.
getProtocol() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.TrustStoreConfigProvider
The protocol to use.
getRecentDeleteErrors() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Returns all the recent delete failures stored in memory.
getRepository(Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.MongoRepositoryContext
Get a MongoRepository having the given class.
getRetentionThreshold() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Returns the retention threshold as a Duration
getRollUpStatus() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
Calculates an overall status code as the "roll up" of the status codes in the ErrorMessage objects contained in this exception.
getSecond(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return the value of the second from instant.
getSecondaryDirection() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
getSecondarySort() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
getSortDirection() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.search.Sorted
Defines a general sort direction, which will usually by something like "asc" or "desc" but can be customized however an application likes.
getSslContext() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory
Create/get a SSLContext instance for the key and trust store properties and protocol that this SimpleSSLContextFactory instance was built with.
getStackTrace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
getStatusCode() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
getTotalCount() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.search.PaginatedResult
The total number of results, though a PaginatedResult instance will contain only a subset of the total.
getTrustManagers(KeyStore) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Get the trust managers for the given trust store using the default algorithm.
getTrustManagers(KeyStore, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
Get the trust managers for the given trust store and algorithm.
getTrustStorePassword() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.TrustStoreConfigProvider
The trust store password (plain text).
getTrustStorePath() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.TrustStoreConfigProvider
The path to the trust store.
getTrustStoreType() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration
Overrides and defines trust store type to be the same as keyStoreType, since this is the most common case.
getTrustStoreType() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.TrustStoreConfigProvider
Trust store type.
getType() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
getTypedFieldValue(Object, Field, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Get the value of a specific field in an object, cast to the specified type.
getTypedFieldValue(Object, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Get the value of a specific field in an object, cast to the specified type.
getUnexpectedPaths() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler
Return the unique unexpected paths in the format className -> propertyName.
getUnexpectedPropertyPaths() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler
Return the unique unexpected paths in the format className.propertyName.
getUniqueErrorTypes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Return a set containing the unique error types in this result.
getUnknownPropertyCount() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler
Current total count of unique unknown properties.
getURI() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
Uses this endpoint's path to build a URI as a String.
getUriObject() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
Uses this endpoint's path to build a URI.
getValidator() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
Return the re-usable (singleton) Validator instance.
getYear(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return the value of the year from instant.
groups() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPath
groups() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
groups() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FilePath
groups() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnum
groups() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4Address
groups() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AndPort
groups() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Range
groups() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Required


handleExceptionSafely(Throwable) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.CatchingRunnable
Handle an exception thrown by CatchingRunnable.runSafely().
handleUnknownProperty(DeserializationContext, JsonParser, JsonDeserializer<?>, Object, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler
hasAnyErrors() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Did any attempts fail with an exception? The overall result can still be successful if an object is obtained before the maximum number of attempts is reached.
hasDetectionResult() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonDetectionResult
Whether or not format detection succeeded in determining a positive or negative result.
hasError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonDetectionResult
Whether or not format detection caught an exception during the detection process.
hasFamily(Response, Response.Status.Family) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has the expected family.
hashCode(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
hashCode(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
hasMessage() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
hasMoreThanOneAttempt() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Whether more than one attempt was made to retrieve the object.
hasObject() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Does this result have an object that was successfully retrieved before the maximum number of attempts?
hasOneElement(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Checks whether the specified list is non-null and has only one item.
hasOneElement(Set<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiSets
Checks whether the specified list is non-null and has only one item.
hasOneElement(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Checks whether the specified array is non-null and has only one item.
hasPropertyMapper(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
Checks to see if a property mapper exists for a given property name
hasStatus(Response, Response.Status) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has the expected status.
HEALTH_CHECK_EXECUTOR - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health.TimedHealthCheck
higherVersion(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Versions
Given two versions, return the higher version
hostAndPortFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Returns a HostAndPort from the given URL.
hostAndPortFrom(URL) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Returns a HostAndPort from the given URL.
HTTP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
HTTPS_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
humanize(Path) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Transforms the given property path into a human-readable version.
humanize(Path, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Transforms the give property path into a human-readable version.


ifPresentOrElseThrow(Optional<T>, Consumer<? super T>, Supplier<? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Optionals
Takes an action if the optional is present, otherwise throws a RuntimeException that is created by the given Supplier.
ifPresentOrElseThrowChecked(Optional<T>, Consumer<? super T>, Supplier<E>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Optionals
Takes an action if the optional is present, otherwise throws a checked exception that is created by the given Supplier.
IGNORE_NULLS - org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.MergeOption
This option will ignore null values in an update object.
ignoreCase() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnum
Whether to ignore case.
ignoringCase() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSort
Specifies that the sort is not case sensitive, i.e.
IllegalArgumentExceptionMapper - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Map IllegalArgumentException to Response.
IllegalArgumentExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.IllegalArgumentExceptionMapper
IllegalStateExceptionMapper - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Map IllegalStateException to Response.
IllegalStateExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.IllegalStateExceptionMapper
InEnum - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
The annotated element must have a value in the specified enum class.
InEnumValidator - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Validates that a string value is in the list of enum constants, or a value derived from an enum constant.
InEnumValidator() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnumValidator
informational(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response is in the INFORMATIONAL (1xx codes) family.
initialize(DirectoryPath) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPathValidator
initialize(FieldRange) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRangeValidator
initialize(FilePath) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.FilePathValidator
initialize(InEnum) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnumValidator
initialize(Ipv4Address) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AddressValidator
initialize(Ipv4AndPort) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AndPortValidator
initialize(Range) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.RangeValidator
initialize(Required) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.RequiredValidator
initializeMongoTemplate(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.MongoRepositoryContext
Convenience method to initialize a new MongoTemplate from the given MongoDB connection string.
instantFromTimestamp(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a Instant from the specified Timestamp column in the given ResultSet.
instantFromTimestamp(Timestamp) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns an Instant from the given Timestamp.
instantToXMLGregorianCalendar(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts an Instant object to an XMLGregorianCalendar in the default time zone.
instantToXMLGregorianCalendar(Instant, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts an Instant object to an XMLGregorianCalendar in the given time zone.
instantToXMLGregorianCalendarUTC(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts an Instant object to an XMLGregorianCalendar in UTC.
internalServerError(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has status 500 Internal Server Error.
intValueOrNull(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Simplifies the JDBC silliness whereby getting an int value that is actually null returns zero, and you have to check if the last value was actually null using the ResultSet.wasNull() method.
invokeExpectingReturn(Method, Object, Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Invokes a method on an object expecting a return value of a specific type.
invokeExpectingReturn(Method, Object, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Invokes a method on an object expecting a return value.
invokeMutatorMethodsWithNull(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Finds public mutator methods for the given object, then for reference types invokes the mutator supplying null as the argument.
invokeVoidReturn(Method, Object, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Invokes a method on an object expecting no return value.
IPV4 - org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme
Ipv4Address - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
The annotated element must have a value that is a valid IPv4 address.
Ipv4AddressValidator - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Validates that a string value is a valid IPV4 address.
Ipv4AddressValidator() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AddressValidator
Ipv4AndPort - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
The annotated element must have the form ipv4-address:port.
Ipv4AndPortValidator - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Validates that a string matches a regular expression representing an IPv4 address and port separated by a colon.
Ipv4AndPortValidator() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AndPortValidator
IPV6 - org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme
IS - org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection.Accessor
Getter method type for primitive boolean.
IS_HTTP_400s - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerPredicates
Check if a given JAX-RS Response is a client error (4xx).
IS_HTTP_500s - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerPredicates
Check if a given JAX-RS Response is a client error (4xx).
isCloseToZero(double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Return true if value is close to zero, within the default tolerance.
isCloseToZero(double, double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Return true if value is close to zero, using the given tolerance.
isEnabled(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.JSchSlf4jLogger
Is the given level enabled?
isExceptionError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.DeleteError
isFileDeleteError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.DeleteError
isFirst() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPage
Determines if this is the first page when paginating a result list.
isFormat(JacksonDataFormat, String, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Does the given text, using the given Charset, have data format matchFormat.
isHigherOrSameVersion(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Versions
Returns true if the "left" version is higher than or equal to the "right" version.
isInRange(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.CidrRange
Checks if a given IP address (as a string) is in the CIDR range.
isInRange(InetAddress) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.CidrRange
Checks if a given IP address (as an InetAddress) is in the CIDR range.
isJson() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonDetectionResult
Is the content JSON? This should only be called if JsonDetectionResult.hasDetectionResult() returns true (or if you don't care whether an error occurred during detection).
isJson(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text JSON using the default Charset?
isJson(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Use Jackson's data format detection to determine if the given content is JSON, assuming UTF-8 as the charset.
isJson(String, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text JSON using the given Charset?
isJson(String, Charset) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Use Jackson's data format detection to determine if the given content is JSON.
isJsonUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text JSON using UTF-8 Charset?
isLast() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPage
Determines if this is the last page when paginating a result list.
isLowerOrSameVersion(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Versions
Returns true if the "left" version is lower than or equal to the "right" version.
isMutable() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
isMutable() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
isNotNullOrEmpty(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Checks whether the specified list is neither null nor empty.
isNotNullOrEmpty(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
Checks whether the specified map is neither null nor empty.
isNotNullOrEmpty(Set<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiSets
Checks whether the specified is neither null nor empty.
isNotNullOrEmpty(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Checks whether the specified array is neither null nor empty.
isNotZero(double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Return true if value is not exactly equal to zero.
isNullOrEmpty(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Checks whether the specified list is null or empty.
isNullOrEmpty(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
Checks whether the specified map is null or empty.
isNullOrEmpty(Set<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiSets
Checks whether the specified set is null or empty.
isNullOrEmpty(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Checks whether the specified array is null or empty.
isPortAvailable(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.LocalPortChecker
Check port availability.
isPublicAccessorMethod(Method) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Checks whether the given method is a public accessor method (getXxx / isXxx conforming to JavaBeans rules).
isPublicMutatorMethod(Method) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Checks whether the given method is a public mutator method (setXxx conforming to JavaBeans rules).
isSameVersion(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Versions
Returns true if the "left" version exactly equals the "right" version.
isSecure() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
Returns true if the scheme is "wss" or "https".
isSecure() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Returns true if any of the endpoints in this configuration is secure.
isSorted() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPage
Does this page have a sort applied?
isStrictlyGetAccessorMethod(Method) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Checks whether the given method is a public accessor method (only getXxx conforming to JavaBeans rules).
isStrictlyHigherVersion(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Versions
Returns true if the "left" version is strictly higher than the "right" version.
isStrictlyIsAccessorMethod(Method) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Checks whether the given method is a public accessor method (only isXxx conforming to JavaBeans rules).
isStrictlyLowerVersion(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Versions
Returns true if the "left" version is strictly lower than the "right" version.
isValid(Object, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRangeValidator
isValid(Object, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.RangeValidator
isValid(Object, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.RequiredValidator
Perform the validation on the given value.
isValid(String, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPathValidator
isValid(String, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.FilePathValidator
isValid(String, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnumValidator
isValid(String, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AddressValidator
isValid(String, ConstraintValidatorContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AndPortValidator
isValidUUID(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.UUIDs
Checks if the value is a valid UUID confirming to RFC 4122.
isVerifyHostname() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.TrustStoreConfigProvider
Defaults to true.
isXml(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text XML using the default Charset?
isXml(String, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text XML using the given Charset?
isXmlUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text XML using UTF-8 Charset?
isYaml(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text YAML using the default Charset?
isYaml(String, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text YAML using the given Charset?
isYamlUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
Is the given text YAML using UTF-8 Charset?
isZero(double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
Return true if value is exactly equal to zero.


JacksonDataFormat - Enum in org.kiwiproject.jackson
Represents the detected type of a String.
JAX_WS_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Default value of the connect timeout in milliseconds.
JAX_WS_DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
Default value of the read timeout in milliseconds.
JaxbElementSerializer - Class in org.kiwiproject.json
A Jackson JsonSerializer that serializes JAXBElement objects, with "nil" values handled by writing a JSON null.
JaxbElementSerializer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.JaxbElementSerializer
JaxrsBadRequestException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Exception representing a 400 Bad Request that extends JaxrsException to use Kiwi's ErrorMessage.
JaxrsBadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsBadRequestException
New instance with given message and 400 status code.
JaxrsBadRequestException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsBadRequestException
New instance with the given message and field name, and 400 status code.
JaxrsBadRequestException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsBadRequestException
New instance with the given message, field name, item ID, and 400 status code.
JaxrsBadRequestException(String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsBadRequestException
New instance with the given message, field name, item ID, cause, and 400 status code.
JaxrsBadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsBadRequestException
New instance with given message, cause, and 400 status code.
JaxrsBadRequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsBadRequestException
New instance with given cause and 400 status code.
JaxrsConflictException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Exception representing a 409 Conflict that extends JaxrsException to use Kiwi's ErrorMessage.
JaxrsConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsConflictException
New instance with given message and 409 status code.
JaxrsConflictException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsConflictException
New instance with the given message and field name, and 409 status code.
JaxrsConflictException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsConflictException
New instance with the given message, field name, item ID, and 409 status code.
JaxrsConflictException(String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsConflictException
New instance with the given message, field name, item ID, cause, and 409 status code.
JaxrsConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsConflictException
New instance with given message, cause, and 409 status code.
JaxrsConflictException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsConflictException
New instance with given cause and 409 status code.
JaxrsException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Represents a JAX-RS exception that uses the Kiwi ErrorMessage to describe the errors causing this exception.
JaxrsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New instance with given message and default status code.
JaxrsException(String, int) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New instance with given message and status code.
JaxrsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New instance with given message and cause.
JaxrsException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New instance with given message, cause, and status code.
JaxrsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New instance with given cause.
JaxrsException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New instance with given cause and status code.
JaxrsException(List<ErrorMessage>, Integer) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New "aggregate" instance with given list of ErrorMessage objects.
JaxrsException(List<JaxrsException>) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New "aggregate" instance with given list of JaxrsException objects.
JaxrsException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New instance with given ErrorMessage.
JaxrsException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
New instance with given ErrorMessage and Throwable.
JaxrsExceptionMapper - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Map a JaxrsException to a Response.
JaxrsExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionMapper
JaxrsForbiddenException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Exception representing a 403 Forbidden that extends JaxrsException to use Kiwi's ErrorMessage.
JaxrsForbiddenException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsForbiddenException
New instance with given message and 403 status code.
JaxrsForbiddenException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsForbiddenException
New instance with the given message and field name, and 403 status code.
JaxrsForbiddenException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsForbiddenException
New instance with the given message, field name, item ID, and 403 status code.
JaxrsForbiddenException(String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsForbiddenException
New instance with the given message, field name, item ID, cause, and 403 status code.
JaxrsForbiddenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsForbiddenException
New instance with given message, cause, and 403 status code.
JaxrsForbiddenException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsForbiddenException
New instance with given cause and 403 status code.
JaxrsNotAuthorizedException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Exception representing a 401 Unauthorized that extends JaxrsException to use Kiwi's ErrorMessage.
JaxrsNotAuthorizedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotAuthorizedException
New instance with given message and 401 status code.
JaxrsNotAuthorizedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotAuthorizedException
New instance with the given message and field name, and 401 status code.
JaxrsNotAuthorizedException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotAuthorizedException
New instance with the given message, field name, item ID, and 401 status code.
JaxrsNotAuthorizedException(String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotAuthorizedException
New instance with the given message, field name, item ID, cause, and 401 status code.
JaxrsNotAuthorizedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotAuthorizedException
New instance with given message, cause, and 401 status code.
JaxrsNotAuthorizedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotAuthorizedException
New instance with given cause and 401 status code.
JaxrsNotFoundException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Exception representing a 404 Not Found that extends JaxrsException to use Kiwi's ErrorMessage.
JaxrsNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotFoundException
New instance with given message and 404 status code.
JaxrsNotFoundException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotFoundException
New instance with given type and item ID.
JaxrsNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotFoundException
New instance with given type and item ID.
JaxrsNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotFoundException
New instance with given message, cause, and 404 status code.
JaxrsNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsNotFoundException
New instance with given cause and 404 status code.
JaxrsValidationException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Exception representing a 422 status code that extends JaxrsException to use Kiwi's ErrorMessage.
JaxrsValidationException(String, List<Map<String, String>>) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsValidationException
New instance with given item ID and error messages.
JaxrsValidationException(String, Set<? extends ConstraintViolation<?>>) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsValidationException
New instance with given item ID and constraint violations.
JaxrsValidationException(String, Set<? extends ConstraintViolation<?>>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsValidationException
New instance with given item ID, constraint violations, and a map containing entries whose keys are the property path of the ConstraintViolation and values are the field/property name that should be used in place of the property path.
JaxrsValidationException(List<ErrorMessage>) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsValidationException
New instance with given ErrorMessage objects.
JCEKS - org.kiwiproject.security.KeyStoreType
The proprietary keystore implementation provided by the SunJCE provider.
Jdbi2Builders - Class in org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2
Utilities for building Dropwizard-managed DBI instances.
Jdbi2Builders() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2.Jdbi2Builders
Jdbi3Builders - Class in org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3
Utilities for building Dropwizard-managed Jdbi version 3 instances.
Jdbi3Builders() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3.Jdbi3Builders
JKS - org.kiwiproject.security.KeyStoreType
The proprietary keystore implementation provided by the SUN provider.
JSchSlf4jLogger - Class in org.kiwiproject.jsch
Custom logger implementing Jsch's Logger class.
JSchSlf4jLogger() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jsch.JSchSlf4jLogger
Construct an instance with a default logger, e.g.
JSchSlf4jLogger(Logger) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jsch.JSchSlf4jLogger
Construct an instance using the given SLF4J logger.
JSON - org.kiwiproject.jackson.JacksonDataFormat
JSON_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres.KiwiPostgres
The Postgres "json" type.
JSONB_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres.KiwiPostgres
The Postgres "jsonb" type.
JsonBinderFactory() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jdbi2.sqlobject.BindJSONB.JsonBinderFactory
JSONBUserType - Class in org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype
A Hibernate user-defined type that maps to/from Postgres jsonb columns.
JSONBUserType() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
JsonDetectionResult - Class in org.kiwiproject.json
Represents the result of attempting to detect if content is JSON.
JsonDetectionResult() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonDetectionResult
jsonDiff(Object, Object, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Compare two objects via their JSON differences, optionally ignoring one or more paths.
jsonDiff(List<Object>, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Compare an object to an arbitrary number of other objects via their JSON differences.
jsonDiff(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Compare a JSON object to an arbitrary number of other objects via their JSON differences.
jsonEquals(Object...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Compare the JSON representation of multiple objects.
jsonEqualsIgnoringPaths(Object, Object, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Compare the JSON representations of two objects, optionally ignoring paths.
JsonHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.json
A bunch of utilities to make it easier to work with JSON.
JsonHelper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Create a new instance using an ObjectMapper created using JsonHelper.newDropwizardObjectMapper().
JsonHelper(ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Create a new instance using the given ObjectMapper.
JsonHelper.MergeOption - Enum in org.kiwiproject.json
Describes how objects are to be merged.
JsonHelper.OutputFormat - Enum in org.kiwiproject.json
Represents an output format when serializing an object to JSON.
jsonPathsEqual(Object, Object, String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Compare the values at a given path in two objects.


KEY_CODE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
KEY_ERRORS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionMapper
The map key under which the list of ErrorMessage objects resides.
KEY_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
KEY_ITEM_ID - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
KEY_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
KeyAndTrustStoreConfigProvider - Interface in org.kiwiproject.security
Defines a configuration interface for properties needed to create key and trust stores, and a contract to be able to create an SSLContext and SSLSocketFactory from this configuration.
keyExistsWithNullValue(Map<K, V>, K) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
Returns true if and only if (1) map is not null or empty, (2) map contains the given key, and (3) the value associated with the given key is null.
keyStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
keyStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
keyStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
keyStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
keyStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
keyStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
keyStoreType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
keyStoreType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
KeyStoreType - Enum in org.kiwiproject.security
KeyStore types that can be specified when generating an instance of KeyStore using KeyStore.getInstance(String).
kill(long, String, long, TimeUnit, KillTimeoutAction) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Kill a process, waiting up to timeout in the specified TimeUnit for it to terminate.
kill(long, String, long, TimeUnit, KillTimeoutAction) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Kill a process, waiting up to timeout in the specified TimeUnit for it to terminate.
kill(long, String, KillTimeoutAction) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Kill a process, waiting up to Processes.DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS seconds for it to terminate.
kill(long, String, KillTimeoutAction) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Kill a process, waiting up to Processes.DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS seconds for it to terminate.
kill(long, KillSignal, long, TimeUnit, KillTimeoutAction) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Kill a process, waiting up to timeout in the specified TimeUnit for it to terminate.
kill(long, KillSignal, long, TimeUnit, KillTimeoutAction) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Kill a process, waiting up to timeout in the specified TimeUnit for it to terminate.
kill(long, KillSignal, KillTimeoutAction) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Kill a process, waiting up to Processes.DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS seconds for it to terminate.
kill(long, KillSignal, KillTimeoutAction) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Kill a process, waiting up to Processes.DEFAULT_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS seconds for it to terminate.
killForcibly(Process, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Equivalent to a kill -9 (i.e.
killForcibly(Process, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Equivalent to a kill -9 (i.e.
KillSignal - Enum in org.kiwiproject.base.process
A few common (Unix/Linux/etc) kill signals.
KillTimeoutAction - Enum in org.kiwiproject.base.process
Possible actions to take if a kill command times out.
KiwiArrays - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utility methods for working with Array instances.
KiwiArrays() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
KiwiBiConsumers - Class in org.kiwiproject.util.function
Contains helper methods for BiConsumer.
KiwiBiConsumers() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.util.function.KiwiBiConsumers
KiwiBigDecimals - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Utilities for working with BigDecimal.
KiwiBigDecimals() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiBigDecimals
KiwiCollectors - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utility for custom Collector implementations
KiwiCollectors() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiCollectors
KiwiConstraintViolations - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Static utilities for working with ConstraintViolation objects, generally Sets of them.
KiwiConstraintViolations() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
KiwiConsumers - Class in org.kiwiproject.util.function
Contains helper methods for Consumer.
KiwiConsumers() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.util.function.KiwiConsumers
KiwiDates - Class in org.kiwiproject.time
The original JDK 1.0 Date class leaves, ahem, much to be desired, but there are still (unfortunately) many classes, interfaces, and libraries that use it and probably won't be changed soon or ever.
KiwiDates() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDates
KiwiDateTimeConverters - Class in org.kiwiproject.time
A collection of small utility methods to convert between legacy Date and the Java 8 date/time API classes.
KiwiDateTimeConverters() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
KiwiDateTimeFormatters - Class in org.kiwiproject.time
A collection of small utilities to format various types of Java date/time classes, both the legacy Date and the Java 8 date/time API classes in java.time.
KiwiDateTimeFormatters() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeFormatters
KiwiDateTimeParsers - Class in org.kiwiproject.time
A collection of small utilities to parse strings into various types of Java date/time classes, both the legacy Date and the Java 8 date/time API classes in java.time.
KiwiDateTimeParsers() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeParsers
KiwiDeprecated - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.base
A Kiwi-flavored version of Deprecated that includes the since attribute added in JDK 9 plus additional attributes we think are useful.
KiwiDeprecated.Severity - Enum in org.kiwiproject.base
KiwiDoubles - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Double utilities.
KiwiDoubles() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDoubles
KiwiDropwizardDurations - Class in org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.util
Utility that maps Dropwizard Duration to Java Duration
KiwiDropwizardDurations() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.util.KiwiDropwizardDurations
KiwiDropwizardLifecycles - Class in org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle
Provides utilities related to the Dropwizard lifecycle.
KiwiDropwizardLifecycles() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle.KiwiDropwizardLifecycles
KiwiDurationFormatters - Class in org.kiwiproject.time
Utilities for formatting durations of various types.
KiwiDurationFormatters() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDurationFormatters
KiwiEntities - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs
Static utilities related to reading entities from a Response.
KiwiEntities() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiEntities
KiwiEnvironment - Interface in org.kiwiproject.base
Interface that defines methods related to the external environment, for example getting the current time in milliseconds, obtaining the process ID, and sleeping quietly for a specified time.
KiwiEvictingQueues - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utility methods for working with Guava EvictingQueue instances.
KiwiEvictingQueues() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiEvictingQueues
KiwiGenericTypes - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs
Utilities/constants for containing common, re-usable types of GenericType objects.
KiwiGenericTypes() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
KiwiInstants - Class in org.kiwiproject.time
Provides utilities related to Instant.
KiwiInstants() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
KiwiInternetAddresses - Class in org.kiwiproject.net
Utilities for InetAddress and other things related to internet addresses.
KiwiInternetAddresses() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme - Enum in org.kiwiproject.net
Enum that defines the IP scheme to use when looking up a machine's IP addresses.
KiwiInternetAddresses.SimpleHostInfo - Class in org.kiwiproject.net
Simple value class encapsulating a host name and IP address
KiwiIO - Class in org.kiwiproject.io
Static I/O utilities.
KiwiIO() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
KiwiIterators - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utility methods for working with Iterator instances.
KiwiIterators() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiIterators
KiwiJacksonDataFormats - Class in org.kiwiproject.jackson
Static utilities for easily performing data format detection on String values.
KiwiJacksonDataFormats() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jackson.KiwiJacksonDataFormats
KiwiJacksonSerializers - Class in org.kiwiproject.json
Custom Jackson serializers.
KiwiJacksonSerializers() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.KiwiJacksonSerializers
KiwiJars - Class in org.kiwiproject.jar
Utilities for working with Java JAR files.
KiwiJars() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
KiwiJaxrsValidations - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs
Static utility methods that perform validation on an object or value, and throw an appropriate subclass of JaxrsException if there are validation errors.
KiwiJaxrsValidations() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiJaxrsValidations
KiwiJaxWs - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxws
Some JAX-WS utilities and constants.
KiwiJaxWs() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxws.KiwiJaxWs
KiwiJdbc - Class in org.kiwiproject.jdbc
JDBC utilities.
KiwiJdbc() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
KiwiJSchHelpers - Class in org.kiwiproject.jsch
Static utilities for working with JSch.
KiwiJSchHelpers() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jsch.KiwiJSchHelpers
KiwiLists - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utility methods for working with List instances.
KiwiLists() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
KiwiMaps - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utility methods for working with Map instances
KiwiMaps() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
KiwiMongoConverters - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
A few utilities related to Spring Data Mongo and custom Converters.
KiwiMongoConverters() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiMongoConverters
KiwiMongoConverters.BsonUndefinedToNullStringConverter - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
A Converter that maps from the JS 'undefined' type to a 'null' value.
KiwiMongoDbs - Class in org.kiwiproject.mongo
Static utilities relating to Mongo databases.
KiwiMongoDbs() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.mongo.KiwiMongoDbs
KiwiMongoIndexes - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
Utilities related to Mongo indexes.
KiwiMongoIndexes() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiMongoIndexes
KiwiMultimapCollectors - Class in org.kiwiproject.stream
A Collector that can collect into a Guava Multimap.
KiwiMultimapCollectors() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.stream.KiwiMultimapCollectors
KiwiMultivaluedMaps - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs
Static utilities for working with MultivaluedMap instances.
KiwiMultivaluedMaps() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiMultivaluedMaps
KiwiObjects - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Utilities for any object which are not in Objects or MoreObjects.
KiwiObjects() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiObjects
KiwiPage<T> - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
Represents one page of an overall list of results.
KiwiPage() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPage
KiwiPaging - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
Static utilities to allow simple construction of Spring Data Sort and Pageable objects.
KiwiPaging() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPaging
KiwiPaths - Class in org.kiwiproject.io
Static utilities related to Path instances.
KiwiPaths() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiPaths
KiwiPostgres - Class in org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres
Utility functions related to Postgres DBs.
KiwiPostgres() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres.KiwiPostgres
KiwiPreconditions - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Static utility methods similar to those found in Preconditions, but with a lovely Kiwi flavor to them.
KiwiPreconditions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
KiwiPrimitives - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Static utilities that operate on primitive values, and are not already provided by classes in Guava's com.google.common.primitives package.
KiwiPrimitives() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPrimitives
KiwiProperties - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utility methods for making it easier to create and work with Properties instances.
KiwiProperties() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiProperties
KiwiReflection - Class in org.kiwiproject.reflect
Some utilities related to reflection.
KiwiReflection() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
KiwiReflection.Accessor - Enum in org.kiwiproject.reflect
Defines the accessor method type.
KiwiRegexes - Class in org.kiwiproject.util.regex
Static helper methods related to regular expression processing.
KiwiRegexes() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.util.regex.KiwiRegexes
KiwiResources - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs
Static utilities for use in JAX-RS resource classes.
KiwiResources() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
KiwiResponses - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs
Static utilities related to JAX-RS responses.
KiwiResponses() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
KiwiRetryer<T> - Class in org.kiwiproject.retry
This is a wrapper class for Retryer; it wraps methods so that the RetryException and ExecutionException that are generated from the Retryer.call(Callable) method are converted to KiwiRetryerException.
KiwiRetryer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryer
KiwiRetryerException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.retry
Exception thrown by KiwiRetryer.
KiwiRetryerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerException
Construct an instance with the given information.
KiwiRetryerPredicates - Class in org.kiwiproject.retry
Some potentially useful predicates that can be used out of the box with KiwiRetryer or directly with RetryerBuilder, or anything else that accepts a Guava Predicate.
KiwiRetryerPredicates() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerPredicates
KiwiSearching - Class in org.kiwiproject.search
Utilities related to searching and pagination.
KiwiSearching() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme - Enum in org.kiwiproject.search
Enum that represents either zero or one-based page numbering scheme.
KiwiSecurity - Class in org.kiwiproject.security
Static utilities to create various security objects, such as SSLContext, KeyStore, KeyManager, and TrustManager.
KiwiSecurity() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.security.KiwiSecurity
KiwiSets - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utility methods for working with Set instances.
KiwiSets() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiSets
KiwiSort - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
Describes a sort on a specific property that is applied to a result list.
KiwiSort() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSort
KiwiSort.Direction - Enum in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
Sort direction.
KiwiSpringJavaConfigs - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.config
Static utility methods for Spring Java-based configuration, i.e.
KiwiSpringJavaConfigs() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.config.KiwiSpringJavaConfigs
KiwiSpringMongoQueries - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
Static utilities for performing MongoDB queries using Spring Data.
KiwiSpringMongoQueries() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries
KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType - Enum in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
Defines whether to require a partial or exact match.
KiwiStandardResponses - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs
A set of "standard" JAX-RS responses for various HTTP methods.
KiwiStandardResponses() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
KiwiStreams - Class in org.kiwiproject.collect
Utilities related to Streams that are not already in the JDKs Stream or Guava's Streams.
KiwiStreams() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiStreams
KiwiStrings - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Utility methods relating to strings or similar.
KiwiStrings() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
KiwiThrowables - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Utility class for working with Throwable instances.
KiwiThrowables() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Immutable "struct" that contains information from a Throwable instance.
KiwiUrls - Class in org.kiwiproject.net
Static utilities for creating URLs
KiwiUrls() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
KiwiUrls.Components - Class in org.kiwiproject.net
A simple value class to hold the various parts of the URL.
KiwiValidationGroups - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation.group
An opinionated class that makes working with validation groups easier...if you are OK with the restrictions this utility imposes.
KiwiValidationGroups() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.group.KiwiValidationGroups
KiwiValidations - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Static utilities related to Jakarta Bean Validation (formerly Java Bean Validation).
KiwiValidations() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
KiwiXml - Class in org.kiwiproject.xml
Static utilities for converting to/from XML using JAXB and a few other XML-related utilities.
KiwiXml() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
KiwiXml.NamespaceValidation - Enum in org.kiwiproject.xml
Whether validation should be performed or not.
KiwiXmlConverters - Class in org.kiwiproject.xml
Static utilities for converting to/from XML data types, e.g.
KiwiXmlConverters() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters


last(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns the last element in the specified list of items.
last(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns the last element in the specified array of items.
lastIfPresent(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns an Optional containing the last element in specified list of items, or an empty optional if the list is null or empty.
lastIfPresent(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns an Optional containing the last element in specified array of items, or an empty optional if the array is null or empty.
lastN(List<T>, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a view of the "last N" elements of the input list.
lastN(T[], int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a new array containing the "last N" elements of the input array.
launch(String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Launches a new process using the specified command.
launch(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Launches a new process using the specified command.
launch(List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Launches a new process using the specified command.
launch(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Launches a new process using the specified command.
lazy(Supplier<Object>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.logging.LazyLogParameterSupplier
Delays execution of the original supplier in a log replacement value.
LazyLogParameterSupplier - Class in org.kiwiproject.logging
Provides lazy evaluation of one or more replacement parameters in a logging statement, for example when using SLF4J.
LazyLogParameterSupplier() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.logging.LazyLogParameterSupplier
LIST_OF_BOOLEAN_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
LIST_OF_DOUBLE_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
LIST_OF_FLOAT_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
LIST_OF_INTEGER_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
LIST_OF_LONG_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
LIST_OF_MAP_OF_STRING_TO_OBJECT_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
LIST_OF_STRING_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
listDirectories(Path) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Returns a list of directories that exist in the given path on the remote server.
listFiles(Path) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Returns a list of files that exist in the given path on the remote server.
listObjectPaths(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Parse the given object as JSON, and return a list containing the property paths in the object.
LocalDateTimeEpochTimeSerializer - Class in org.kiwiproject.jackson.ser
Jackson serializer that converts a LocalDateTime into milliseconds since the epoch in the UTC zone by default, or in a zone specified in the constructor.
LocalDateTimeEpochTimeSerializer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jackson.ser.LocalDateTimeEpochTimeSerializer
Create a new instance that serializes in the UTC time zone.
LocalDateTimeEpochTimeSerializer(ZoneId) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jackson.ser.LocalDateTimeEpochTimeSerializer
Create a new instance that serializes in the specified time zone.
localDateTimeFromTimestamp(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a LocalDateTime from the specified Timestamp column in the given ResultSet.
localDateTimeFromTimestamp(Timestamp) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a LocalDateTime from the given Timestamp.
LocalPortChecker - Class in org.kiwiproject.net
Utility to check port availability.
LocalPortChecker() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.net.LocalPortChecker
log(int, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.JSchSlf4jLogger
Log the given message at the given level.
logAllExceptions(RetryResult<T>, Logger) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResultLogger
Log all exceptions contained in the result using the given logger.
logExceptionTypesAndLast(RetryResult<T>, Logger) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResultLogger
Log the unique error types and the last exception contained in the result using the given logger.
LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler - Class in org.kiwiproject.json
A Jackson DeserializationProblemHandler that logs and keeps track of unknown properties during JSON deserialization.
LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler
Create a new instance with a no-op unknownPropertyConsumer.
LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler(BiConsumer<String, Class<?>>) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.LoggingDeserializationProblemHandler
Create a new instance with the given unknownPropertyConsumer.
logLastException(RetryResult<T>, Logger) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResultLogger
Log only the last exception contained in the result using the given logger.
logOrFail(String, String, RuntimeException) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
logSummary(RetryResult<T>, Logger, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResultLogger
Logs a high-level summary of the result.
logSummaryIfFailed(RetryResult<T>, Logger, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResultLogger
Logs a summary of the given result only if it RetryResult.failed().
logSummaryIfHasErrorsOrMultipleAttempts(RetryResult<T>, Logger, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResultLogger
Logs a summary of the given result only if it has any errors or more than one attempt was made.
longValueOrNull(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Simplifies the JDBC silliness whereby getting a long value that is actually null returns zero, and you have to check if the last value was actually null using the ResultSet.wasNull() method.


manage(LifecycleEnvironment, Runnable, Runnable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle.KiwiDropwizardLifecycles
Creates a Dropwizard Managed whose start action is startAction and whose stop action is stopAction, and attaches it to the given Dropwizard lifecycle.
ManagedCloseable - Class in org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle
A Dropwizard Managed that manages a single Closeable instance.
ManagedCloseable(Closeable) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle.ManagedCloseable
MAP_OF_STRING_TO_OBJECT_GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiGenericTypes
MatcherSpliterator - Class in org.kiwiproject.util.regex
A simple Spliterator over a Matcher.
MatcherSpliterator(Matcher) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.util.regex.MatcherSpliterator
MatchSpliterator - Class in org.kiwiproject.regex
This is a Spliterator that lets you traverse MatchResults of a Matcher.
MatchSpliterator(Matcher) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.regex.MatchSpliterator
Create a new instance from the given Matcher.
max() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
max() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Range
MAX_PORT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.LocalPortChecker
maxLabel() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
maxLabel() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Range
mediaType(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Return a media type suitable for use as the value of a corresponding HTTP header.
MERGE_ARRAYS - org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.MergeOption
This option will cause arrays to be merged rather than replaced.
mergeNodes(JsonNode, JsonNode, JsonHelper.MergeOption...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Updates (mutates) destinationNode with values from updateNode.
mergeObjects(T, Object, JsonHelper.MergeOption...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Merge values in updateObject into the original object, using the given merge options.
message - Variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
message() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPath
message() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
message() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FilePath
message() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnum
message() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4Address
message() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AndPort
message() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Range
message() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Required
messageOf(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Get the message of Throwable
messageOfNullable(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Get the message from Throwable or Optional.empty() if throwable is null.
min() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
min() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Range
minLabel() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
minLabel() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Range
minusDays(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of days before instant.
minusHours(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of hours before instant.
minusMinutes(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of minutes before instant.
minusMonths(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of months before instant.
minusUsingZDT(Instant, long, TemporalUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Subtract any given amountToSubtract of type TemporalUnit from the given instant.
minusYears(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of years before instant.
mkdirs() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPath
Whether this validator will attempt to create the directory if it does not exist.
MongoClientWrapper - Class in org.kiwiproject.mongo
A wrapper around a MongoClient that also provides MongoDatabase and DB instances for a specific database, which is specified in the constructor.
MongoClientWrapper(String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.mongo.MongoClientWrapper
Create a new instance with the given Mongo connection URI.
MongoRepositoryContext - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.context
This class generates the context and factory necessary to programmatically initialize Spring Data MongoRepository interfaces.
MongoRepositoryContext(String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.MongoRepositoryContext
Create a new instance using the given MongoDB URI.
MongoRepositoryContext(MongoTemplate) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.MongoRepositoryContext
Create a new instance that will use the given MongoTemplate.


nanoTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
nanoTime() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Returns the current value of the running JVM's time source, in nanoseconds.
newArrayStartingAtCircularOffset(T[], long, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a new array with the same elements and the same size as the original, however the initial position in the array is now the element specified by the "startOffset" and the array wraps around through the contents to end with "startOffset" - 1
newBsonUndefinedToNullObjectConverter() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiMongoConverters
newByteArrayInputStreamOfLines(String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a newly constructed ByteArrayInputStream containing the given lines separated by the System.lineSeparator().
newConcurrentHashMap(Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
Creates a mutable, ConcurrentHashMap instance containing key/value pairs as parsed in pairs from the items argument.
newDropwizardJsonHelper() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Create a new JsonHelper with an ObjectMapper supplied by JsonHelper.newDropwizardObjectMapper().
newDropwizardObjectMapper() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Creates a new ObjectMapper configured using the Dropwizard Jackson.newObjectMapper() factory method.
newHashMap(Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
Creates a mutable, HashMap instance containing key/value pairs as parsed in pairs from the items argument.
newJSONBObject(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres.KiwiPostgres
Creates a new PGobject of type KiwiPostgres.JSONB_TYPE with the given JSON value.
newJSONObject(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres.KiwiPostgres
Creates a new PGobject of type KiwiPostgres.JSON_TYPE with the given JSON value.
NEWLINE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
A newline character.
newLinkedHashMap(Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
Creates a mutable, LinkedHashMap instance containing key/value pairs as parsed in pairs from the items argument.
newListStartingAtCircularOffset(List<T>, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a new list with the same elements and the same size as the original, however the initial position in the list is now the element specified by the "startOffset" and the list wraps around through the contents to end with "startOffset" - 1
newMultivaluedMap(String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiMultivaluedMaps
Create a new MultivaluedMap from the given items, which are expected to be in alternating key/value pairs.
NewObject - Interface in org.kiwiproject.validation.group
An opinionated tagging/marker interface for validation of new (transient) objects.
newObjectGroups() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.group.KiwiValidationGroups
Use this when validating a new (transient) object.
newPGobject(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres.KiwiPostgres
Creates a new PGobject of the specified type and with the given value.
newProperties(Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiProperties
Crates a mutable Properties instance by parsing the items argument in pairs.
newProperties(String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiProperties
Creates a mutable Properties instance by parsing the items argument in pairs.
newProperties(List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiProperties
Creates a mutable Properties instance by parsing the items argument in pairs from the list.
newProperties(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiProperties
Makes creating a Properties instance from a Map a one-liner.
newPropertiesFromStringPairs(List<List<String>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiProperties
Creates a mutable Properties instance from each key/value pair list inside the outer list.
newResponse(Response.Status, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Builds a Response having the given status and entity.
newResponse(Response.Status, Object, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Builds a Response having the given status, entity, and content type.
newResponse(Response.Status, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Builds a Response having the given status, entity, and (single-valued) headers.
newResponse(Response.Status, Object, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Builds a Response having the given status, entity, and headers.
newResponseBuilder(Response.Status, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Creates a Response.ResponseBuilder having the given status and entity.
newResponseBuilder(Response.Status, Object, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Creates a Response.ResponseBuilder having the given status, entity, and content type.
newResponseBuilder(Response.Status, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Creates a Response.ResponseBuilder having the given status, entity, and (single-valued) headers.
newResponseBuilder(Response.Status, Object, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Creates a Response.ResponseBuilder having the given status, entity, and headers.
newRetryerRetryingAllExceptions(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryer
Create a new instance that will retry on all exceptions.
newRetryerRetryingAllRuntimeExceptions(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryer
Create a new instance that will retry on all runtime exceptions.
newRetryerWithDefaultExceptions(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryer
Create a new instance with several common network-related exception predicates.
newRetryerWithDefaults() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryer
Create a new instance with only the default values.
newSingleValuedParameterMap(String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiMultivaluedMaps
Create a new MultivaluedMap from the given items, which are expected to be in alternating key/value pairs.
newTreeMap(Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiMaps
Creates a mutable, TreeMap instance containing key/value pairs as parsed in pairs from the items argument.
newValidator() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
Creates a new, default Validator instance using the default validator factory provided by the underlying bean validation implementation, for example Hibernate Valdiator.
newXMLGregorianCalendar() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Create a new XMLGregorianCalendar in the default time zone that is initialized to the current date/time.
newXMLGregorianCalendar(ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Create a new XMLGregorianCalendar in the given time zone that is initialized to the current date/time.
newXMLGregorianCalendarUTC() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Create a new XMLGregorianCalendar in UTC that is initialized to the current date/time.
nextCauseOf(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Get the direct cause of the Throwable.
nextCauseOfNullable(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Get the direct cause of the Throwable or Optional.empty() if throwable is null.
NO - org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml.NamespaceValidation
NO_OP - org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillTimeoutAction
No action is taken after timeout
NO_ROUTE_TO_HOST - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerPredicates
Check if a given Throwable is or has a root cause of NoRouteToHostException.
NoMatchesFoundException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.util.regex
Exception class to indicate a regular expression match did not match.
NoMatchesFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.util.regex.NoMatchesFoundException
Create a new instance with the given message.
none() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.config.UrlRewriteConfiguration
Returns and instance that will not perform any URL rewriting.
nonStaticFieldsInHierarchy(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Builds a list of all the declared non-static fields in an object including all parent non-static fields.
noOp() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.util.function.KiwiBiConsumers
Provides a type-consistent, no-op BiConsumer.
noOp() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.util.function.KiwiConsumers
Provides a type-consistent, no-op Consumer.
notFound(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has status 404 Not Found.
notSuccessful(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given status code is not in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
notSuccessful(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has a status code that is not in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
notSuccessful(Response.Status) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given status code is not in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
notSuccessful(Response.Status.Family) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response family is not Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
notSuccessful(Response.StatusType) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given status type is not in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
notSuccessfulAlwaysClosing(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has a status code that is not in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL, then close the response.
nth(List<T>, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Return the nth element in the specified list of items, starting at one for the first element, two for the second, etc.
nth(T[], int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Return the nth element in the specified array of items, starting at one for the first element, two for the second, etc.
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, String[], SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, String[], SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Object, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Object, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
nullSafeSetDateAsTimestamp(PreparedStatement, int, Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Date value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetDateAsTimestamp(PreparedStatement, int, Date, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Date value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetDouble(PreparedStatement, int, Double) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Double value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetDouble(PreparedStatement, int, Double, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Double value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetInt(PreparedStatement, int, Integer) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Integer value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetInt(PreparedStatement, int, Integer, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Integer value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetLong(PreparedStatement, int, Long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Long value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetLong(PreparedStatement, int, Long, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Long value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetString(PreparedStatement, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the String value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetString(PreparedStatement, int, String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the String value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetTimestamp(PreparedStatement, int, Timestamp) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Timestamp value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSetTimestamp(PreparedStatement, int, Timestamp, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Sets the Timestamp value in a null-safe manner by using the PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int) method for null values.
nullSafeSplitOnCommas(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Convenience method that splits the given comma-delimited CharSequence, omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
number() - Method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
numberOfPages(long, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
Calculate the number of pages necessary to paginate the given number of results using the given page size.
numberOnPage(long, int, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
Calculate the number of results on the given page number for the given number of results and page size.
numberOnPage(long, int, int, KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
Calculate the number of results on the given page number for the given number of results and page size, and using the given KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme.


of(long, long, long, List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPage
Create a new instance.
of(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.AggregateResult
Factory to create AggregateResult instances of a given type.
of(Exception) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.DeleteError
of(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.DeleteError
of(String, KiwiSort.Direction) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSort
Create a new instance.
of(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
Factory method
of(TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.FileDeleteResult) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.DeleteError
ofErrorMessages(List<ErrorMessage>) - Static method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsValidationException
Factory method to create validation exception from a non-null list of ErrorMessage.
ofPrettyValue(boolean) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.OutputFormat
Convert the given boolean value to the appropriate JsonHelper.OutputFormat.
ofPrettyValue(Boolean) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.OutputFormat
Parse the (nullable) Boolean value into an JsonHelper.OutputFormat.
ofPrettyValue(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.OutputFormat
Parse the given string as a boolean into an JsonHelper.OutputFormat.
ok(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has status 200 OK.
okResponse(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Builds a Response with 200 OK status and a specified entity.
okResponseBuilder(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Creates a Response.ResponseBuilder having 200 OK status and a specified entity.
ONE_BASED - org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme
Page numbers start at one.
onFailure(Response, Consumer<Response>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action only if it was not successful (failedConsumer).
onFailureThrow(Response, Function<Response, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, throw a (subclass of) RuntimeException for failed responses using throwingFun.
onSuccess(Response, Consumer<Response>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action only if it was successful (successConsumer.
onSuccessOrFailure(Response, Consumer<Response>, Consumer<Response>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action depending on whether it was successful (successConsumer) or failed (failedConsumer).
onSuccessOrFailureThrow(Response, Consumer<Response>, Function<Response, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action if it was successful (successConsumer or throw an exception supplied by throwingFun.
onSuccessOrFailureWithResult(Response, Function<Response, T>, Function<Response, T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action that returns a result if the response was successful (successFun) or if not successful (failedFun).
onSuccessWithResult(Response, Function<Response, T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action that returns a result only if it was successful (successFun).
onSuccessWithResultOrFailure(Response, Function<Response, T>, Consumer<Response>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action that returns a result if the response was successful (successFun) or perform an action if the response was unsuccessful (failedConsumer.
onSuccessWithResultOrFailureThrow(Response, Function<Response, T>, Function<Response, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Given a Response, perform an action that returns a result if it was successful (successFun or throw a (subclass of ) RuntimeException if it failed (throwingFun).
Optionals - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Utility methods for instances of Optional, and which are not already present in Optional.
Optionals() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.Optionals
org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault - package org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
org.kiwiproject.base - package org.kiwiproject.base
org.kiwiproject.base.process - package org.kiwiproject.base.process
org.kiwiproject.beans - package org.kiwiproject.beans
org.kiwiproject.collect - package org.kiwiproject.collect
org.kiwiproject.concurrent - package org.kiwiproject.concurrent
org.kiwiproject.config - package org.kiwiproject.config
org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.config - package org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.config
org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2 - package org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi2
org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3 - package org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jdbi3
org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle - package org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle
org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health - package org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health
org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.util - package org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.util
org.kiwiproject.hibernate - package org.kiwiproject.hibernate
org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype - package org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype
org.kiwiproject.io - package org.kiwiproject.io
org.kiwiproject.jackson - package org.kiwiproject.jackson
org.kiwiproject.jackson.ser - package org.kiwiproject.jackson.ser
org.kiwiproject.jar - package org.kiwiproject.jar
org.kiwiproject.jaxrs - package org.kiwiproject.jaxrs
org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client - package org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client
org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception - package org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
org.kiwiproject.jaxws - package org.kiwiproject.jaxws
org.kiwiproject.jdbc - package org.kiwiproject.jdbc
org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres - package org.kiwiproject.jdbc.postgres
org.kiwiproject.jdbi2.sqlobject - package org.kiwiproject.jdbi2.sqlobject
org.kiwiproject.jsch - package org.kiwiproject.jsch
org.kiwiproject.json - package org.kiwiproject.json
org.kiwiproject.logging - package org.kiwiproject.logging
org.kiwiproject.mongo - package org.kiwiproject.mongo
org.kiwiproject.net - package org.kiwiproject.net
org.kiwiproject.reflect - package org.kiwiproject.reflect
org.kiwiproject.regex - package org.kiwiproject.regex
org.kiwiproject.retry - package org.kiwiproject.retry
org.kiwiproject.search - package org.kiwiproject.search
org.kiwiproject.security - package org.kiwiproject.security
org.kiwiproject.spring.config - package org.kiwiproject.spring.config
org.kiwiproject.spring.context - package org.kiwiproject.spring.context
org.kiwiproject.spring.data - package org.kiwiproject.spring.data
org.kiwiproject.stream - package org.kiwiproject.stream
org.kiwiproject.time - package org.kiwiproject.time
org.kiwiproject.util.function - package org.kiwiproject.util.function
org.kiwiproject.util.regex - package org.kiwiproject.util.regex
org.kiwiproject.validation - package org.kiwiproject.validation
org.kiwiproject.validation.group - package org.kiwiproject.validation.group
org.kiwiproject.xml - package org.kiwiproject.xml
org.kiwiproject.yaml - package org.kiwiproject.yaml
OsCommand - Interface in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
Interface that describes a simple contract for an operating system command.
otherFamily(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response is in the OTHER (unrecognized status codes) family.
OUTPUT_FILE_STDOUT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultDecryptCommand


packagesToScanForEntities(Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.config.KiwiSpringJavaConfigs
Determines entity packages using specified entity classes.
PAGE_SIZE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
pageNumberError - Variable in enum org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme
paginate(MongoTemplate, P, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries
Paginate objects of the given class, which are assumed to be mapped to a Mongo collection, using the given paging parameters.
paginate(MongoTemplate, P, Class<T>, BiConsumer<PagingQuery, P>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries
Paginate objects of the given class, which are assumed to be mapped to a Mongo collection, using the given paging parameters.
PaginatedResult - Interface in org.kiwiproject.search
Simple interface defining basic pagination for any kind of search, e.g.
PagingParams - Interface in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
Defines the contract for query parameters for performing pagination and sorting.
PagingQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
A subclass of Query that adds pagination helpers.
PagingQuery(MongoTemplate) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingQuery
Construct an instance.
PagingRequest - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.data
JAX-RS based implementation of PagingParams.
PagingRequest() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingRequest
parseAsDate(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeParsers
Converts the given date/time string into a Date using DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME as the formatter.
parseAsLocalDate(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeParsers
Converts the given date string into a LocalDate using DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE as the formatter.
parseAsLocalDate(String, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeParsers
Converts the given date string into a LocalDate using the given formatter.
parseAsLocalDateTime(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeParsers
Converts the given date/time string into a LocalDateTime using DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME as the formatter.
parseAsLocalDateTime(String, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeParsers
Converts the given date/time string into a LocalDateTime using the given formatter.
parseAsZonedDateTime(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeParsers
Converts the given date/time string into a ZonedDateTime using DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME as the formatter.
parseAsZonedDateTime(String, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeParsers
Converts the given date/time string into a ZonedDateTime using the specified DateTimeFormatter.
PARTIAL_MATCH - org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType
Permits regex matching in a case-insensitive manner.
path(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
PATH_GROUP - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
pathFromResourceName(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiPaths
This wraps Guava's Resources.getResource(String) and converts it to a Path
payload() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.DirectoryPath
payload() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
payload() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FilePath
payload() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnum
payload() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4Address
payload() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Ipv4AndPort
payload() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Range
payload() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.Required
penultimate(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns the penultimate (second to last) element in the specified list.
penultimate(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns the penultimate (second to last) element in the specified array.
pgrep(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Does a pgrep with the specified full command.
pgrep(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Does a pgrep with the specified full command.
pgrep(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Does a pgrep with the specified full command.
pgrep(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Does a pgrep with the specified full command.
pgrepList(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Does a pgrep with the specified full command.
pgrepList(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Does a pgrep with the specified full command.
pgrepList(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Does a pgrep with the specified full command.
pgrepList(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Does a pgrep with the specified full command.
pgrepParsedList(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Does a pgrep for the specified full command, returning a list of pairs containing the process id (pid) and the matched command line.
pgrepParsedList(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Does a pgrep for the specified full command, returning a list of pairs containing the process id (pid) and the matched command line.
pgrepParsedList(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Does a pgrep for the specified full command, returning a list of pairs containing the process id (pid) and the matched command line.
pgrepParsedList(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Does a pgrep for the specified full command, returning a list of pairs containing the process id (pid) and the matched command line.
pgrepWithSingleResult(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Does a pgrep against the specified full command, expecting a single result, or no result.
pgrepWithSingleResult(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Does a pgrep against the specified full command, expecting a single result, or no result.
pgrepWithSingleResult(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Does a pgrep against the specified full command, expecting a single result for a specific user, or no result.
pgrepWithSingleResult(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Does a pgrep against the specified full command, expecting a single result for a specific user, or no result.
PKCS11 - org.kiwiproject.security.KeyStoreType
A keystore backed by a PCKS #11 token.
PKCS12 - org.kiwiproject.security.KeyStoreType
The transfer syntax for personal identity information as defined in PKCS #12.
plusDays(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of days after instant.
plusHours(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of hours after instant.
plusMinutes(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of minutes after instant.
plusMonths(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of months after instant.
plusUsingZDT(Instant, long, TemporalUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Add any given amountToAdd of type TemporalUnit from the given instant.
plusYears(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiInstants
Return an Instant that is the given number of years after instant.
port(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
PORT_GROUP - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
portFrom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Returns the port in the given URL, or an empty optional otherwise.
portFrom(URL) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses
Returns the port in the given URL, or an empty optional otherwise.
prependLeadingSlash(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Trims path and, if a leading slash is not present, adds it.
PRETTY - org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.OutputFormat
JSON will be formatted nicely.
prettyCombinedErrorMessage(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce a single string containing all violation messages separated by commas.
prettyCombinedErrorMessages(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce a list of strings containing all violation messages.
prettyCombineErrorMessagesIntoMap(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce map whose keys are the "prettified" properties and the corresponding values are strings containing all violation messages.
Processes - Class in org.kiwiproject.base.process
Utility class for working with operating system processes.
Processes() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
ProcessHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.base.process
Wrapper class around the static utility functions in Processes that requires an instance, adn thus by using an instance of this class instead of Processes directly, it will make it much easier to test code that deals with processes.
ProcessHelper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
processId(Process) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Get a process id, or "pid".
PropertyMaskingOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.json
PropertyMaskingOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.PropertyMaskingOptions
PropertyMaskingSafePropertyWriter - Class in org.kiwiproject.json
Writes properties "safely" and masks sensitive properties such as passwords.
PropertyMaskingSafePropertyWriter(BeanPropertyWriter, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.PropertyMaskingSafePropertyWriter
Construct new instance wrapping the given BeanPropertyWriter using the given list of (String) regular expressions that define the properties which should be masked.
PropertyMaskingSafePropertyWriter(BeanPropertyWriter, PropertyMaskingOptions) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.json.PropertyMaskingSafePropertyWriter
Construct new instance wrapping the given BeanPropertyWriter using the given PropertyMaskingOptions to define properties to be masked, as well as replacement text for masked fields and serialization errors.
protocol(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
protocol(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
protocol(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
putFile(Path, String, InputStream) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
Pushes a stream of data to a remote SFTP server in the given path and with the given filename.


queryParamFilterNotBlank(String, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Adds any non-blank values to the the given query parameter.
queryParamFilterNotBlank(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Adds any non-blank values to the the given query parameter.
queryParamFilterNotBlank(String, Stream<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Adds any non-blank values to the the given query parameter.
queryParamFilterNotNull(String, Object...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Adds any non-null values to the the given query parameter.
queryParamFilterNotNull(String, List<Object>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Adds any non-null values to the the given query parameter.
queryParamFilterNotNull(String, Stream<Object>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Adds any non-null values to the the given query parameter.
queryParamIfNotBlank(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Add the given query parameter only if it is not blank.
queryParamIfNotNull(String, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Add the given query parameter only if it is not null.
queryParamRequireNotBlank(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Add the required query parameter.
queryParamRequireNotNull(String, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Add the required query parameter.
queryParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Adds non-null query parameters from the given map.
queryParams(MultivaluedMap<String, Object>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Adds non-null query parameters from the given multivalued map.
queryStringToMap(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Converts a query string (comprised of key/value pairs separated by '&' characters) into a Map of String of Strings


randomUUIDString() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.UUIDs
Creates a new type 4 (pseudo randomly generated) UUID, and then returns it as a string.
Range - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
The annotated element must be in the specified range, which can include both a minimum and maximum, only a minimum, or only a maximum.
RangeValidator - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Validator for @Range.
RangeValidator() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.RangeValidator
readBeanValue(T, BeanWrapper, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter
readErrorStreamOf(Process) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Read the error stream of the give Process as a String using UTF-8 as the string encoding.
readErrorStreamOf(Process, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Read the error stream of the give Process as a String using the the specified Charset for the string encoding.
readInputStreamAsString(InputStream) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Convert the given InputStream to a UTF-8 encoded String.
readInputStreamAsString(InputStream, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Convert the given InputStream to a String using the given Charset for the string encoding.
readInputStreamOf(Process) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Read the input stream of the give Process as a String using UTF-8 as the String encoding.
readInputStreamOf(Process, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Read the input stream of the give Process as a String using the the specified Charset for the string encoding.
readLinesFrom(InputStream, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a List of Strings from the input stream using the specified Charset for the String encoding.
readLinesFromErrorStreamOf(Process) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a List of Strings from the error stream of the given Process using UTF-8 for the String encoding.
readLinesFromErrorStreamOf(Process, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a List of Strings from the error stream of the given Process using the specified Charset for the String encoding.
readLinesFromInputStreamOf(Process) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a List of Strings from the input stream of the given Process using UTF-8 for the String encoding.
readLinesFromInputStreamOf(Process, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a List of Strings from the input stream of the given Process using the specified Charset for the String encoding.
readSingleValueFromJarManifest(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Resolves a given entry name from the manifest file (if found) from the given class loader.
readSingleValueFromJarManifest(ClassLoader, String, Predicate<URL>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Resolves a given entry name from the manifest file (if found) from the given class loader.
readSingleValueFromJarManifest(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Resolves a given entry name from the manifest file (if found) in the current class loader.
readValuesFromJarManifest(ClassLoader, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Resolves all of the given entry names from the manifest (if found) from the given class loader.
readValuesFromJarManifest(ClassLoader, Predicate<URL>, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Resolves all of the given entry names from the manifest (if found) from the given class loader.
readValuesFromJarManifest(String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jar.KiwiJars
Resolves all of the given entry names from the manifest (if found) from the current class loader.
redirection(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response is in the REDIRECTION (3xx codes) family.
reference() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated
The issue number or other reference or descriptor which caused or is related to the deprecation, if any.
rekeyFile(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps ansible-vault rekey command.
rekeyFile(Path, Path) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps ansible-vault rekey command.
removeAt() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated
The anticipated version at which the annotated element will be removed.
removePath(Object, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Remove the given path from the object.
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
replacedBy() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated
A description of what feature(s) replaces the one being deprecated, if any.
replaceDomainsIn(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Searches the commaDelimitedUrls for its domains, and if found, replaces all entries with replacmentDomain.
Required - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.validation
Ensures that a value is provided (i.e.
requireDouble(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiBigDecimals
Converts the given BigDecimal to a primitive double.
RequiredValidator - Class in org.kiwiproject.validation
Check that a validated value is required.
RequiredValidator() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.validation.RequiredValidator
requireNotBlank(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that a String passed as a parameter to the calling method is not blank, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if blank or returning the String otherwise.
requireNotBlank(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that a String passed as a parameter to the calling method is not blank, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if blank or returning the String otherwise.
requireNotBlank(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that a String passed as a parameter to the calling method is not blank, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if blank or returning the String otherwise.
requireNotNull(T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if null or returning the (non null) reference otherwise.
requireNotNull(T, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if null or returning the (non null) reference otherwise.
requireNotNullElse(T, T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the first argument if it is not null, otherwise the second argument (which must not be null).
requireNotNullElseGet(T, Supplier<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the first argument if it is not null, otherwise the value supplied by the Supplier, which must not be null.
requirePositive(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the int value if it is positive, throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositive(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the int value if it is a positive number (greater than zero), throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositive(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the int value if it is a positive number (greater than zero), throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositive(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the long value if it is positive, throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositive(long, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the long value if it is a positive number (greater than zero), throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositive(long, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the long value if it is a positive number (greater than zero), throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositiveOrZero(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the int value if it is positive or zero, throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive or zero.
requirePositiveOrZero(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the int value if it is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero, throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositiveOrZero(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the int value if it is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero, throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositiveOrZero(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the long value if it is positive or zero, throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive or zero.
requirePositiveOrZero(long, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the long value if it is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero, throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requirePositiveOrZero(long, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the long value if it is a positive number (greater than zero) or zero, throwing an IllegalStateException if not positive.
requireValidNonZeroPort(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the given port if it is valid (excluding zero)
requireValidNonZeroPort(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the given port if it is valid (excluding zero)
requireValidNonZeroPort(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the given port if it is valid (excluding zero)
requireValidPort(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the given port if it is valid
requireValidPort(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the given port if it is valid
requireValidPort(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiPreconditions
Returns the given port if it is valid
RetryResult<T> - Class in org.kiwiproject.retry
Defines a result of one or more attempts to get some type of object.
RetryResult(int, int, T, List<Exception>) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
Create new instance.
RetryResultLogger - Class in org.kiwiproject.retry
Utility class for logging information about errors in RetryResult objects.
RetryResultLogger() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResultLogger
returnedClass() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.BigintArrayUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.TextArrayUserType
rootCauseOf(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Get the root cause of the Throwable.
rootCauseOfNullable(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Get the root cause of the Throwable or Optional.empty() if throwable is null.
run() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.CatchingRunnable
Wraps CatchingRunnable.runSafely() in a try/catch.
run() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
runAsync(Runnable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Execute the given Runnable asynchronously.
runAsync(Runnable, Executor) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Execute the given Runnable asynchronously using the given Executor.
runSafely() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.CatchingRunnable
The logic that could throw a RuntimeException.
RuntimeJsonException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.json
Runtime wrapper exception for JSON processing errors.
RuntimeJsonException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.json.RuntimeJsonException
Create instance with given message and cause.
RuntimeJsonException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.json.RuntimeJsonException
Create instance with given cause.
RuntimeReflectionException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.reflect
A custom runtime exception for wrapping (checked or unchecked) exceptions related to reflection.
RuntimeReflectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.reflect.RuntimeReflectionException
Construct a new instance with the given message and cause.
RuntimeReflectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.reflect.RuntimeReflectionException
Construct a new instance with and cause.
RuntimeYamlException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.yaml
A runtime exception that can be thrown by YamlHelper.
RuntimeYamlException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.yaml.RuntimeYamlException
RuntimeYamlException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.yaml.RuntimeYamlException
RuntimeYamlException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.yaml.RuntimeYamlException
runWithReadLock(String, Runnable) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.StripedLock
Execute a Runnable task using the provided lock key and associated a READ lock.
runWithWriteLock(String, Runnable) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.StripedLock
Execute a Runnable task using the provided lock key and associated a WRITE lock.


safeReadEntity(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiEntities
Read an entity as a String from the given response.
safeReadEntity(Response, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiEntities
Read an entity as an instance of the given Class specified by entityType.
safeReadEntity(Response, GenericType<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiEntities
Read an entity as an instance of the given GenericType specified by entityType.
scheduleCleanupUsing(Environment) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.config.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerConfig
Schedules directory cleanup and registers a TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerHealthCheck health check using the given Environment, returning the TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner instance that was scheduled.
scheduleCleanupUsing(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.config.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerConfig
Schedules directory cleanup using the given ScheduledExecutorService, returning the TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner instance that was scheduled.
scheme(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
SCHEME_GROUP - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
searchWith(Supplier<List<T>>, Supplier<List<T>>) - Method in enum org.kiwiproject.jdbc.SqlOrder
Perform a search in either ascending or descending order using the given Supplier instances.
second(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Return the second element in the specified list of items.
second(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Return the second element in the specified array of items.
secondToLast(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
secondToLast(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
SecureEndpointsConfiguration - Class in org.kiwiproject.config
Configuration for secure REST endpoints, including the configuration from an SSLContextConfiguration as well as adding a collection of EndpointConfiguration instances.
SecureEndpointsConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration
Create instance with empty collection of endpoints.
SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.config
Builder class for SecureEndpointsConfiguration.
serialize(LocalDateTime, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jackson.ser.LocalDateTimeEpochTimeSerializer
serialize(JAXBElement, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JaxbElementSerializer
serializeAsField(Object, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.PropertyMaskingSafePropertyWriter
serverError(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response is in the SERVER_ERROR (5xx codes) family.
SET - org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection.Accessor
Setter method.
setDomain(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
setDomain(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
Set the domain(s), which can be a single domain (e.g.
setErrors(List<ErrorMessage>) - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
Change the ErrorMessage objects contained in this exception.
setExtraFields(String, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.FlexibleJsonModel
Add an "extra" field when de-serializing from JSON.
setFieldValue(Object, Field, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Sets a value directly into the specified field in the target object.
setFieldValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection
Sets a value directly into the specified field in the target object.
setKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
setKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
setKeyStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
setKeyStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
setKeyStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
setKeyStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
setKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
setKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
setLimit(Integer) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
setOtherData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsException
Appends the entries contained in the given map to the existing otherData.
setPage(Integer) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
setPath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
setPort(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
setPrimaryDirection(Sort.Direction) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
setPrimarySort(String) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
setProtocol(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
setProtocol(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
setProtocol(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
setScheme(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
setSecondaryDirection(Sort.Direction) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
setSecondarySort(String) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingParams
setSessionKeyExchangeType(Session, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.KiwiJSchHelpers
Sets the given key exchange type (e.g.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
setTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
setTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
setTrustStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
setTrustStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
setTrustStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
setTrustStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
setUnitTestAsyncMode(Async.Mode) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Use for testing purposes to force synchronous behavior.
setupAndOpenConnection(SftpConfig) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpConnector
Creates a new connector and immediately opens a new connection.
setUrlRewriteConfiguration(UrlRewriteConfiguration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
setValidator(Validator) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
Reset the singleton Validator instance.
setVerifyHostname(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
setVerifyHostname(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
setVerifyHostname(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
SEVERE - org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated.Severity
SFTP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
SftpConfig - Class in org.kiwiproject.jsch
This (Dropwizard) config class allows for common configuration for SFTP access to remote hosts.
SftpConfig(int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, Duration) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpConfig
All-args constructor.
SftpConnector - Class in org.kiwiproject.jsch
A simple wrapper around a JSch instance that handles connecting and disconnecting using the configuration specified in an SftpConfig.
SftpConnector(JSch, SftpConfig) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpConnector
Construct using the given JSch and SftpConfig.
SftpConnector(SftpConfig) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpConnector
Construct using the given SftpConfig.
SftpTransfers - Class in org.kiwiproject.jsch
A simple wrapper around a JSch instance that handles some basic SFTP operations.
SftpTransfers(SftpConnector) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfers
SftpTransfersException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.jsch
Runtime exception that represents SFTP-related errors.
SftpTransfersException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfersException
SftpTransfersException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfersException
SftpTransfersException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.jsch.SftpTransfersException
shouldRewrite() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.UrlRewriteConfiguration
Whether URL rewrites will be performed.
SHUTDOWN_DURATION - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.config.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerConfig
SIGHUP - org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Hang up signal, e.g.
SIGINT - org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Interrupt signal, e.g.
SIGKILL - org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Non-catchable, non-ignorable kill signal, e.g.
signalNumber - Variable in enum org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
SIGQUIT - org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Quit signal, e.g.
SIGTERM - org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Software termination signal, e.g.
simpleCombinedErrorMessage(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce a single string containing all violation messages separated by commas.
simpleCombinedErrorMessages(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce a list of strings containing all violation messages.
simpleCombineErrorMessagesIntoMap(Set<ConstraintViolation<T>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiConstraintViolations
Given a non-empty set of violations, produce map whose keys are the properties and the corresponding values are strings containing all violation messages.
SimpleHostAndPort - Class in org.kiwiproject.net
Inspired by Guava's HostAndPort but much simpler in implementation.
SimpleHostAndPort() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.net.SimpleHostAndPort
SimpleHostInfo() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses.SimpleHostInfo
SimpleRetries - Class in org.kiwiproject.retry
Static utilities for retrying an operation.
SimpleRetries() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
SimpleRetryer - Class in org.kiwiproject.retry
A simple class to retry an operation up to a maximum number of attempts.
SimpleRetryer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
SimpleSSLContextFactory - Class in org.kiwiproject.security
A "simple" factory class that makes it simpler to to create SSLContext instances.
SimpleSSLContextFactory(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory
Create a new SimpleSSLContextFactory with verifyHostname set to true.
SimpleSSLContextFactory(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory
SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.security
A builder class for SimpleSSLContextFactory.
since() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated
The version the annotated element became deprecated.
sleep(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
sleep(long) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Sleep for the given number of milliseconds.
sleep(long, int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
sleep(long, int) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Sleep for the specified number of milliseconds plus nanoseconds.
sleep(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
sleep(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Sleep for a specific amount of time given by the specified timeout and TimeUnit.
sleepQuietly(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
sleepQuietly(long) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Sleep for the given number of milliseconds.
sleepQuietly(long, int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
sleepQuietly(long, int) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Sleep for the given number of milliseconds plus nanoseconds.
sleepQuietly(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
sleepQuietly(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Sleep for a specific amount of time given by the specified timeout and TimeUnit.
SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerPredicates
Check if a given Throwable is or has a root cause of SocketTimeoutException.
SocketChecker - Class in org.kiwiproject.net
Utilities for checking sockets.
SocketChecker() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.net.SocketChecker
sorted(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Given a list, sort it according to the natural order, returning a new list.
sorted(List<T>, Comparator<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Given a list, sort it according to the provided Comparator returning a new list.
sorted(T[], Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Given an array, sort it according to the natural order, returning a new list.
sorted(T[], Comparator<T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Given an array, sort it according to the provided Comparator returning a new array.
Sorted - Interface in org.kiwiproject.search
Simple contract for search results that are sorted in a specific direction.
SPACE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
A space character.
splitOnCommas(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Convenience method that splits the given comma-delimited CharSequence, omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
splitToList(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Splits the given CharSequence, using a KiwiStrings.SPACE as the separator character, omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
splitToList(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Splits the given CharSequence, using the specified separator character, omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
splitToList(CharSequence, char, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Splits the given CharSequence, using the specified separator character, into the maximum number of groups specified omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
splitToList(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Splits the given CharSequence, using the specified separator string, omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
splitToList(CharSequence, String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Splits the given CharSequence, using the specified separator string, into the maximum number of groups specified omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
splitWithTrimAndOmitEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Splits the given CharSequence, using a KiwiStrings.SPACE as the separator character, omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
splitWithTrimAndOmitEmpty(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Splits the given CharSequence, using the specified separator character, omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
splitWithTrimAndOmitEmpty(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
Splits the given CharSequence, using the specified separator string, omitting any empty strings and trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
SpringContextBuilder - Class in org.kiwiproject.spring.context
Builder class for easily constructing Spring ApplicationContext instances using either XML or annotation-based configuration.
SpringContextBuilder() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.SpringContextBuilder
Create a context builder.
SqlOrder - Enum in org.kiwiproject.jdbc
Simple enum that represents the values for SQL ORDER BY clauses.
sqlTypes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.AbstractArrayUserType
sqlTypes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.JSONBUserType
SSL_HANDSHAKE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerPredicates
Check if a given Throwable is or contains a SSLHandshakeException somewhere in the causal chain.
SSLContextConfiguration - Class in org.kiwiproject.config
Configuration for standard/common properties required for secure (i.e.
SSLContextConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration
SSLContextConfiguration.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.config
A builder class for SSLContextConfiguration.
SSLContextException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.security
Exception thrown by Kiwi when error occur creating various security-related objects such as SSLContext, KeyStore, KeyManager, and TrustManager.
SSLContextException() - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextException
SSLContextException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextException
SSLContextException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextException
SSLContextException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextException
SSLContextProtocol - Enum in org.kiwiproject.security
Protocols thar can be used when calling SSLContext.getInstance(String).
stackTrace - Variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
stackTraceOf(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Simply wraps the Apache Commons' ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(Throwable) method.
stackTraceOfNullable(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Simply wraps the Apache Commons' ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(Throwable) method.
standardAcceptedResponse(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 202 Accepted response having the specified response entity.
standardAcceptedResponseBuilder(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 202 Accepted response builder having the specified response entity.
standardBadRequestResponse(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 400 Bad Request response containing an ErrorMessage entity which uses errorDetails as the detailed error message.
standardBadRequestResponseBuilder(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 400 Bad Request response builder containing an ErrorMessage entity which uses errorDetails as the detailed error message.
standardDeleteResponse() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 204 No Content response for DELETE requests that do not return an entity.
standardDeleteResponse(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response for DELETE requests that return an entity.
standardDeleteResponseBuilder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 204 No Content response builder for DELETE requests that do not return an entity.
standardDeleteResponseBuilder(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response builder for DELETE requests that return an entity.
standardErrorResponse(Response.Status, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a response having the given status and an ErrorMessage entity which uses errorDetails as the detailed error message.
standardErrorResponseBuilder(Response.Status, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a response builder having the given status and an ErrorMessage entity which uses errorDetails as the detailed error message.
standardGetResponse(String, Object, Optional<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response if the entity contains a value.
standardGetResponse(String, Object, Optional<T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response if the entity contains a value.
standardGetResponse(String, Object, T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response if the entity is non-null.
standardGetResponse(String, Object, T, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response if the entity is non-null.
standardGetResponse(Optional<T>, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response if the entity contains a value.
standardGetResponse(T, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response if the entity is non-null.
standardNotFoundResponse(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 404 Not Found response containing an ErrorMessage entity which uses errorDetails as the detailed error message.
standardNotFoundResponseBuilder(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 404 Not Found response builder containing an ErrorMessage entity which uses errorDetails as the detailed error message.
standardPatchResponse(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response having the specified response entity.
standardPatchResponseBuilder(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response builder having the specified response entity.
standardPostResponse(URI, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 201 Created response having the specified Location header and response entity.
standardPostResponseBuilder(URI, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 201 Created response builder having the specified Location header and response entity.
standardPutResponse(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response having the specified response entity.
standardPutResponseBuilder(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 200 OK response builder having the specified response entity.
standardUnauthorizedResponse(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 401 Unauthorized response containing an ErrorMessage entity which uses errorDetails as the detailed error message.
standardUnauthorizedResponseBuilder(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiStandardResponses
Returns a 401 Unauthorized response builder containing an ErrorMessage entity which uses errorDetails as the detailed error message.
start() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle.ManagedCloseable
startField() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRange
stop() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.lifecycle.ManagedCloseable
Delegates to the managed Closeable's close method.
stream() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.regex.MatchSpliterator
Create a Stream of MatchResult from this instance.
stream(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.regex.MatchSpliterator
Create a Stream of MatchResult using the given regular expression and String input.
stream(Matcher) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.regex.MatchSpliterator
Create a Stream of MatchResult using the given Matcher
stream(Pattern, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.regex.MatchSpliterator
Create a Stream of MatchResult using the given Pattern and String input.
streamLinesFrom(InputStream, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a Stream of Strings from the given InputStream using the specified Charset for the String encoding.
streamLinesFromErrorStreamOf(Process) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a Stream of Strings from the error stream of the given Process using UTF-8 for the String encoding.
streamLinesFromErrorStreamOf(Process, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a Stream of Strings from the error stream of the given Process using the specified Charset for the String encoding.
streamLinesFromInputStreamOf(Process) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a Stream of Strings from the input stream of the given Process using UTF-8 for the String encoding.
streamLinesFromInputStreamOf(Process, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.io.KiwiIO
Return a Stream of Strings from the input stream of the given Process using the specified Charset for the String encoding.
StripedLock - Class in org.kiwiproject.concurrent
StripedLock provides simple lambdas for encapsulating a block of code with a read/write lock.
StripedLock() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.StripedLock
Creates a new StripedLock, using StripedLock.DEFAULT_KEY_WHEN_BLANK as the number of stripes.
StripedLock(int) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.StripedLock
Creates a new StripedLock with the given number of stripes.
StripedLock(Striped<ReadWriteLock>) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.StripedLock
Create a new StripedLock using the given ReadWriteLock.
stripTags(String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Removes tags from the given XML but ignoring namespaces.
stripTagsConsideringNamespace(String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Removes tags from the given XML taking into account the full tag name (i.e.
stripTrailingSlash(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Trims url and, if present, strips the trailing slash
stripTrailingSlashes(List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Trims each URL in urls and strips any trailing slashes
SUB_DOMAIN_GROUP - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
subArrayExcludingFirst(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array excluding the first element.
subArrayExcludingLast(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array excluding the last element.
subArrayFrom(T[], int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array starting at the given logical element number, where the numbers start at one, until and including the last element in the array.
subArrayFromIndex(T[], int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Returns a new array containing the portion of the given array starting at the given index, until and including the last element in the array.
subListExcludingFirst(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a view of the portion of the given list excluding the first element.
subListExcludingLast(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a view of the portion of the given list excluding the last element.
subListFrom(List<T>, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a view of the portion of the given list starting at the given logical element number, where the numbers start at one, until and including the last element in the list.
subListFromIndex(List<T>, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Returns a view of the portion of the given list starting at the given index, until and including the last element in the list.
succeeded() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.RetryResult
The result succeeded if this result has an object.
successful(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given status code is in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
successful(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has a status code in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
successful(Response.Status) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given status code is in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
successful(Response.Status.Family) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response family is Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
successful(Response.StatusType) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given status type is in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL.
successfulAlwaysClosing(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResponses
Check if the given response has a status code in Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL, then close the response.
supplyAsync(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Execute the given Supplier asynchronously to return a result, using the common fork join pool as the executor.
supplyAsync(Supplier<T>, Executor) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Execute the given Supplier asynchronously to return a result, using the common fork join pool as the executor.
supplyWithReadLock(String, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.StripedLock
Execute a Supplier using the provided lock key and associated READ lock.
supplyWithWriteLock(String, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.StripedLock
Execute a Supplier using the provided lock key and associated WRITE lock.
synchronizedEvictingQueue() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiEvictingQueues
Create a new, synchronized EvictingQueue that can hold up to KiwiEvictingQueues.DEFAULT_MAX_RECENT_ITEMS items.
synchronizedEvictingQueue(int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiEvictingQueues
Create a new, synchronized EvictingQueue that can hold up to maxSize items.


TAB - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiStrings
A tab character.
tag(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
target(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetClientHelper
Build a new web resource target.
target(URI) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetClientHelper
Build a new web resource target.
target(Link) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetClientHelper
Build a new web resource target.
target(UriBuilder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetClientHelper
Build a new web resource target.
TextArrayUserType - Class in org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype
A Hibernate user-defined type that maps to/from (Postgres) array column of a text type, e.g.
TextArrayUserType() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.hibernate.usertype.TextArrayUserType
third(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiLists
Return the third element in the specified list of items.
third(T[]) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiArrays
Return the third element in the specified array of items.
THROW_EXCEPTION - org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillTimeoutAction
An exception (IllegalStateException) will be thrown after timeout
ThrowableInfo() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
throwableInfoOfNonNull(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
throwableInfoOfNullable(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner - Class in org.kiwiproject.io
A Runnable that cleans a given directory of files and/or directories that are older than a specified retention threshold.
TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner(String, Duration, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.io.TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner
Create a new TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner instance.
TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.DeleteError - Class in org.kiwiproject.io
Value class representing a file delete error.
TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerConfig - Class in org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.config
A (Dropwizard) configuration class to configure and schedule a TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner.
TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerConfig() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.config.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerConfig
TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerHealthCheck - Class in org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health
A health check for TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner that checks if there have been any delete errors within a specific duration of time.
TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerHealthCheck(TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerHealthCheck
Create with specified TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner and the default warning threshold.
TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerHealthCheck(TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner, Duration) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health.TimeBasedDirectoryCleanerHealthCheck
Create with the specified TimeBasedDirectoryCleaner and warning threshold.
TimedHealthCheck - Class in org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health
Health Check wrapper that will timeout after a set period of time.
TimedHealthCheck(HealthCheck) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health.TimedHealthCheck
Creates a new TimedHealthCheck with the given delegate HealthCheck and the default timeout (5 seconds).
TimedHealthCheck(HealthCheck, Duration) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.metrics.health.TimedHealthCheck
Creates a new TimedHealthCheck with the given (delegate HealthCheck and the given timeout.
timestampFromInstant(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a Timestamp from the given Instant.
timestampFromZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a Timestamp from the given ZonedDateTime.
TLS - org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Supports some version of TLS; may support other SSL/TLS versions
TLS_1 - org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Supports RFC 2246; TLS version 1.0; may support other SSL/TLS versions
TLS_1_1 - org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Supports RFC 4346; TLS version 1.1; may support other SSL/TLS versions
TLS_1_2 - org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Supports RFC 5246; TLS version 1.2; may support other SSL/TLS versions
TLS_1_3 - org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Supports RFC 8446; TLS version 1.3; may support other SSL/TLS versions
TlsContextConfiguration - Class in org.kiwiproject.config
Configuration for standard/common properties required for secure TLS connections.
TlsContextConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.config.TlsContextConfiguration
toArrayListMultimap() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.stream.KiwiMultimapCollectors
Collects into an ArrayListMultimap.
toDate(LocalDate) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given LocalDate into its equivalent Date (epoch milliseconds using UTC).
toDate(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given LocalDateTime into its equivalent Date (epoch milliseconds using UTC).
toDate(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given ZonedDateTime into its equivalent Date (epoch milliseconds using UTC).
toDoubleOrNull(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiBigDecimals
Converts a nullable BigDecimal to a Double or returns null if the given value is null.
toDropwizardTlsConfiguration() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.TlsContextConfiguration
Convert this TlsContextConfiguration into a Dropwizard TlsConfiguration object.
toEnumMap(Class<K>, Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiCollectors
Returns a Collector that collects into an EnumMap.
toEnumSet(Class<E>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiCollectors
Returns a Collector that collects into an EnumSet.
toFlatMap(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Parse the given object as JSON, then flatten all its properties to a map whose keys are the object property names and whose values are converted to Strings.
toFlatMap(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Parse the given object as JSON, then flatten all its properties to a map whose keys are the object property names and whose values are converted to the given valueClass type.
toHashMultimap() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.stream.KiwiMultimapCollectors
Collects into an HashMultimap.
toImmutableListBuilder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiCollectors
Return a Collector that collects into a Guava ImmutableList.Builder.
toJaxrsException(int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionMapper
Convert the given HTTP status code and an entity into a JaxrsException.
toJaxrsException(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionMapper
Convert the given Response to a JaxrsException.
toJson(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given object to JSON using the JsonHelper.OutputFormat.DEFAULT format.
toJson(Object, JsonHelper.OutputFormat) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given object to JSON using the given format.
toJson(Object, JsonHelper.OutputFormat, Class<?>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given object to JSON using the given format and optionally a class representing the JsonView to use.
toJsonFromKeyValuePairs(Object...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Consider the given arguments as key/value pairs, and convert those pairs to a JSON representation.
toJsonIgnoringPaths(Object, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given object to JSON, but ignoring (excluding) the given paths.
toLinkedHashMultimap() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.stream.KiwiMultimapCollectors
Collects into an LinkedHashMultimap.
toLinkedMap(Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.collect.KiwiCollectors
Returns a Collector that collects intoa LinkedHashMap.
toLocalDate(Date, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given Date into its equivalent LocalDate in the specified time zone.
toLocalDateTime(Date, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given Date into its equivalent LocalDateTime in the specified time zone.
toLocalDateTimeUTC(Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given Date into its equivalent LocalDateTime in the UTC time zone.
toLocalDateUTC(Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given Date into its equivalent LocalDate in the UTC time zone.
toMap() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
Convert this instance to a map.
toMap(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given JSON into a map with String keys and Object values.
toMap(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Convert the given YAML into a map with String keys and Object values.
toMap(String, TypeReference<Map<K, V>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given JSON into a map with keys of type K and values of type V.
toMap(String, TypeReference<Map<K, V>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Convert the given YAML into a map with keys of type K and values of type V.
toMultimap(Supplier<A>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.stream.KiwiMultimapCollectors
Given a stream of Map.Entry objects, collects to the Multimap specified in the supplier argument.
toMultimap(MultivaluedMap<String, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiMultivaluedMaps
Convert the given MultivaluedMap into a Guava Multimap.
toObject(String, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given JSON into an object of type T using the given TypeReference.
toObject(String, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Convert the given YAML into an object of type T using the given TypeReference.
toObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given JSON into the specified type.
toObject(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Convert the given XML into an object of the specified type.
toObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Convert the given YAML into the specified type.
toObjectAssertingValid(String, Class<T>, KiwiXml.NamespaceValidation) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Convert the given XML into an object of the specified type, optionally performing namespace validation.
toObjectAssertingValid(String, Class<T>, KiwiXml.NamespaceValidation, List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Convert the given XML into an object of the specified type, performing basic validation and ignoring the specified namespaces.
toObjectIgnoringNamespace(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Convert the given XML into an object of the specified type, ignoring any XML namespace information and not performing any namespace validation.
toObjectList(String, TypeReference<List<T>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given JSON into a List of objects of type T.
toObjectList(String, TypeReference<List<T>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Convert the given YAML into a List of objects of type T.
toObjectOptional(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Return an Optional that will contain an object of the expected type T, or an empty Optional if the input JSON is blank
toObjectOrDefault(String, Class<T>, T) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given JSON into the specified type, or return the given default value if input JSON is blank.
toObjectOrSupply(String, Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Convert the given JSON into the specified type, or return the supplied default value if input JSON is blank.
toOptionalDouble(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiBigDecimals
Converts a nullable BigDecimal to an OptionalDouble.
toOptionalDoubleObject(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiBigDecimals
Converts a nullable BigDecimal to an Optional containing a Double.
toQueryString(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Converts a Map of String of Strings into one (potentially long) string of key/value parameters (each key/value parameter is separated by an '=' character), with each parameter pair separated by an '&' character.
toResponse(IllegalArgumentException) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.IllegalArgumentExceptionMapper
Convert the given IllegalArgumentException to a 400 Bad Request response containing a JSON entity.
toResponse(IllegalStateException) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.IllegalStateExceptionMapper
Convert the given IllegalStateException to a 500 Internal Server Error response containing a JSON entity.
toResponse(ConstraintViolationException) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ConstraintViolationExceptionMapper
Convert the given ConstraintViolationException to a response containing a JSON entity.
toResponse(WebApplicationException) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.WebApplicationExceptionMapper
Convert the given WebApplicationException to a response containing a JSON entity.
toResponse(JaxrsException) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionMapper
Convert the given JaxrsException to a response containing a JSON entity.
toSimpleSSLContextFactory() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration
Convert this configuration to a SimpleSSLContextFactory.
toSingleValuedParameterMap(MultivaluedMap<String, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiMultivaluedMaps
Converts the given MultivaluedMap to a single-valued JDK Map by getting only the first element for each key in the multi-valued map.
toSql() - Method in enum org.kiwiproject.jdbc.SqlOrder
Return a string that can be used directly in a SQL ORDER BY clause.
toSSLContext() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration
Convert this instance to a new SSLContext.
toSSLContext() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.KeyAndTrustStoreConfigProvider
Convert this configuration into a SSLContext.
toSSLContext() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.TrustStoreConfigProvider
Convert this configuration into a SSLContext.
toSslContextConfiguration() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.TlsContextConfiguration
Convert this configuration into a SSLContextConfiguration.
toSslSocketFactory() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.security.TrustStoreConfigProvider
Convert this configuration into a SSLSocketFactory.
toStdoutFrom(VaultConfiguration, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultDecryptCommand
Create an instance.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.net.SimpleHostAndPort
Return a string in host:port format.
toTlsContextConfiguration() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration
Convert this SSLContextConfiguration to a TlsContextConfiguration, using the keyStoreType for both the key and trust store type in the returned object.
toTlsContextConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration
Convert this SSLContextConfiguration to a TlsContextConfiguration, using the keyStoreType for the key and the specified trustStoreType as the trust store type in the returned object.
toUriBuilder() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration
Converts the URI returned by EndpointConfiguration.getURI() into a JAX-RS UriBuilder.
toURL(URI) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
Tries to convert the given uri into a URL, throwing an unchecked exception if the conversion fails.
toXml(Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Convert the given object to an XML representation.
toXml(Object, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Convert the given object to an XML representation.
toXml(Object, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Convert the given object to an XML representation.
toYaml(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Convert the given object to YAML.
toYaml(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Convert the given object to YAML using the given JsonView.
toZonedDateTime(Date, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given Date into its equivalent ZonedDateTime in the specified time zone.
toZonedDateTimeUTC(Date) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.time.KiwiDateTimeConverters
Convert the given Date into its equivalent ZonedDateTime in the UTC time zone.
TrustStoreConfigProvider - Interface in org.kiwiproject.security
Defines a configuration interface for properties needed to create trust stores, and a contract to be able to create a SSLContext and SSLSocketFactory from this configuration.
trustStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
trustStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
trustStorePassword(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
trustStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
trustStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
trustStorePath(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super MatchResult>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.regex.MatchSpliterator
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super MatchResult>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.util.regex.MatcherSpliterator
tryGetCurrentProcessId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.DefaultEnvironment
tryGetCurrentProcessId() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiEnvironment
Tries to obtain the process ID of the currently executing JVM.
tryGetObject(int, long, TimeUnit, Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObject(int, long, TimeUnit, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObject(int, long, TimeUnit, KiwiEnvironment, Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObject(int, long, TimeUnit, KiwiEnvironment, String, Level, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObject(int, long, TimeUnit, KiwiEnvironment, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObject(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Try to get an object.
tryGetObject(String, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Try to get an object.
tryGetObject(Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Try to get an object.
tryGetObjectCollectingErrors(int, long, TimeUnit, Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObjectCollectingErrors(int, long, TimeUnit, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObjectCollectingErrors(int, long, TimeUnit, KiwiEnvironment, Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObjectCollectingErrors(int, long, TimeUnit, KiwiEnvironment, String, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObjectCollectingErrors(int, long, TimeUnit, KiwiEnvironment, String, Level, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetries
Try to get an object, making up to maxAttempts attempts.
tryGetObjectCollectingErrors(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Try to get an object.
tryGetObjectCollectingErrors(String, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Try to get an object.
tryGetObjectCollectingErrors(Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.retry.SimpleRetryer
Try to get an object.
TryLocker - Class in org.kiwiproject.concurrent
Utility that aids in using Lock.tryLock(long, TimeUnit).
type - Variable in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables.ThrowableInfo
typeOf(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Get the type of Throwable
typeOfNullable(Throwable) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
Get the type of Throwable or Optional.empty() if throwable is null


UncheckedInterruptedException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.base
Wraps an InterruptedException with an unchecked exception.
UncheckedInterruptedException(InterruptedException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.base.UncheckedInterruptedException
Constructs an instance of this class.
UncheckedInterruptedException(String, InterruptedException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.base.UncheckedInterruptedException
Constructs an instance of this class.
UncheckedJAXBException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.xml
Wraps a JAXBException with an unchecked exception.
UncheckedJAXBException(String, JAXBException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.xml.UncheckedJAXBException
Construct an instance.
UncheckedJAXBException(JAXBException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.xml.UncheckedJAXBException
Construct an instance.
UncheckedMalformedURLException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.net
Wraps a MalformedURLException with an unchecked exception
UncheckedMalformedURLException(String, MalformedURLException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.net.UncheckedMalformedURLException
UncheckedMalformedURLException(MalformedURLException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.net.UncheckedMalformedURLException
UncheckedURISyntaxException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.net
Wraps a URISyntaxException with an unchecked exception.
UncheckedURISyntaxException(String, URISyntaxException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.net.UncheckedURISyntaxException
UncheckedURISyntaxException(URISyntaxException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.net.UncheckedURISyntaxException
UNKNOWN - org.kiwiproject.jackson.JacksonDataFormat
UNKNOWN_HOST - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerPredicates
Check if a given Throwable is or has a root cause of UnknownHostException.
UNKNOWN_PORT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiUrls
unwrap() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerException
Unwrap the given KiwiRetryerException to reveal the underlying exception that caused it.
unwrap(Throwable, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiThrowables
If throwable is of type wrapperClass, then "unwrap" the cause and return it.
unwrapFully() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerException
Unwrap the given KiwiRetryerException to reveal the underlying exception that caused it.
unwrapKiwiRetryerException(KiwiRetryerException) - Static method in exception org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerException
Unwrap the given KiwiRetryerException to reveal the underlying exception that caused it.
unwrapKiwiRetryerExceptionFully(KiwiRetryerException) - Static method in exception org.kiwiproject.retry.KiwiRetryerException
Unwrap the given KiwiRetryerException to reveal the underlying exception that caused it.
updatePath(Object, String, Object, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper
Update the given path in the object with the new value, converting to the target class.
urlRewriteConfiguration(UrlRewriteConfiguration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.EndpointConfiguration.Builder
UrlRewriteConfiguration - Class in org.kiwiproject.config
Specifies URL rewriting configuration used by EndpointConfiguration.
UrlRewriteConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.config.UrlRewriteConfiguration
usageSeverity() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated
Indication of potential for problems if the deprecated feature continues to be used by callers, clients, etc.
using(Lock, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
Create a new TryLocker using the given lock and maximum wait time.
usingOneAsFirstPage() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPage
Sets pagingStartsWith to zero, so that pagination assumes one-based page numbering.
usingReentrantLock() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
Create a new TryLocker using a ReentrantLock and the default lock maximum wait time.
usingReentrantLock(int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
Create a new TryLocker using a ReentrantLock with the given lock wait time.
usingZeroAsFirstPage() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiPage
Sets pagingStartsWith to zero, so that pagination assumes zero-based page numbering.
utcZonedDateTimeFromEpochMilli(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a ZonedDateTime in UTC from the given number of milliseconds since the epoch.
utcZonedDateTimeFromTimestamp(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a ZonedDateTime in UTC from the specified column in the ResultSet.
utcZonedDateTimeFromTimestamp(Timestamp) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a ZonedDateTime in UTC from the specified Timestamp.
UUIDs - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
Utility class for working with UUID instances.
UUIDs() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.UUIDs


validate(T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
Validate the given object using the singleton validator instance against the Default group.
validate(T, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.KiwiValidations
Validate the given object using the singleton validator instance against the specified validation groups.
validateBuilderState() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
validateExistingObject(Validator, T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.group.KiwiValidationGroups
Validate an existing (persistent) object using the given Validator instance.
validateExistingObject(T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.group.KiwiValidationGroups
Validate an existing (persistent) object using a default Validator instance.
validateIntParameter(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Checks whether parameters contains parameter named parameterName that is an integer or something that can be converted into an integer.
validateLongParameter(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Checks whether parameters contains parameter named parameterName that is a long or something that can be converted into a long.
validateNewObject(Validator, T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.group.KiwiValidationGroups
Validate a new (transient) object using the given Validator instance.
validateNewObject(T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.validation.group.KiwiValidationGroups
Validate a new (transient) object using a default Validator instance.
validateXmlMatchesType(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Validate that the given XML has a namespace that matches the given class, which is generally assumed to be annotated with XmlType.
validateXmlMatchesType(String, Class<T>, List<String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml
Validate that the given XML has a namespace that matches the given class, which is generally assumed to be annotated with XmlType, but ignoring the given list of namespaces.
value - Variable in enum org.kiwiproject.security.KeyStoreType
The keystore type as a String which can be directly supplied to KeyStore.getInstance(String).
value - Variable in enum org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
The protocol name that can be directly supplied to SSLContext.getInstance(String).
value() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.jdbi2.sqlobject.BindJSONB
value() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.FieldRanges
valueMethod() - Method in annotation type org.kiwiproject.validation.InEnum
By default, InEnum uses the enum constants as the values to validate against.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated.Severity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillTimeoutAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.jackson.JacksonDataFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.jdbc.SqlOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.MergeOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.OutputFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection.Accessor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.security.KeyStoreType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSort.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml.NamespaceValidation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.ErrorMessage
Build an ErrorMessage from the given map of properties, whose keys must correspond to the property names and whose values must have the expected type.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated.Severity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillTimeoutAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.jackson.JacksonDataFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.jdbc.SqlOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.MergeOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.json.JsonHelper.OutputFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.net.KiwiInternetAddresses.IpScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.reflect.KiwiReflection.Accessor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.security.KeyStoreType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.security.SSLContextProtocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSort.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.spring.data.KiwiSpringMongoQueries.PartialMatchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml.NamespaceValidation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VaultConfiguration - Class in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
Configuration class for creating ansible-vault commands.
VaultConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultConfiguration
No-arg constructor.
VaultConfiguration(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultConfiguration
All-args constructor.
VaultDecryptCommand - Class in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
Generates ansible-vault decrypt commands.
VaultDecryptCommand() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultDecryptCommand
VaultEncryptCommand - Class in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
Generates ansible-vault encrypt commands.
VaultEncryptCommand() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptCommand
VaultEncryptionException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
Runtime exception for errors that occur making ansible-vault calls, but which are not related to invalid method or constructor arguments.
VaultEncryptionException() - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionException
VaultEncryptionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionException
VaultEncryptionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionException
VaultEncryptionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionException
VaultEncryptionHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
The main class in this package for executing ansible-vault commands.
VaultEncryptionHelper(VaultConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Create an instance with the given vault configuration.
VaultEncryptStringCommand - Class in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
Generates ansible-vault encrypt_string commands.
VaultEncryptStringCommand() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptStringCommand
VaultRekeyCommand - Class in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
Generates ansible-vault rekey commands.
VaultRekeyCommand() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultRekeyCommand
VaultViewCommand - Class in org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault
Generates ansible-vault view commands.
VaultViewCommand() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultViewCommand
verifyExistence(Optional<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Verifies that resourceEntity contains a value, otherwise throws a JaxrsNotFoundException.
verifyExistence(Optional<T>, Class<T>, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Verifies that resourceEntity contains a value, otherwise throws JaxrsNotFoundException.
verifyExistence(Optional<T>, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Verifies that resourceEntity contains a value, otherwise throws JaxrsNotFoundException.
verifyExistence(T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Verifies that resourceEntity is not null, otherwise throws a JaxrsNotFoundException.
verifyExistence(T, Class<T>, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Verifies that resourceEntity is not null, otherwise throws a JaxrsNotFoundException.
verifyExistence(T, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.KiwiResources
Verifies that resourceEntity is not null, otherwise throws JaxrsNotFoundException.
verifyHostname(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SecureEndpointsConfiguration.Builder
verifyHostname(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.config.SSLContextConfiguration.Builder
verifyHostname(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.security.SimpleSSLContextFactory.Builder
versionCompare(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.Versions
Performs a <=> comparison of numeric version numbers.
Versions - Class in org.kiwiproject.base
A few simple version comparison utilities.
Versions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.base.Versions
viewFile(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps ansible-vault view command.
viewFile(Path) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.ansible.vault.VaultEncryptionHelper
Wraps ansible-vault view command.


waitFor(CompletableFuture<T>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Helper method that waits for a CompletableFuture up to a specified timeout.
waitForAll(Collection<CompletableFuture<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Helper method that waits for a collection of CompletableFuture of type T up to a specified timeout.
waitForAllIgnoringType(Collection<CompletableFuture>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Helper method that waits for a collection of CompletableFuture with no explicit type up to a specified timeout.
waitForExit(Process) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Waits up to Processes.DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_EXIT_TIME_SECONDS for the given process to exit.
waitForExit(Process) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Waits up to Processes.DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_EXIT_TIME_SECONDS for the given process to exit.
waitForExit(Process, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Waits up to the specified timeout for the given process to exit.
waitForExit(Process, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.ProcessHelper
Waits up to the specified timeout for the given process to exit.
WARN - org.kiwiproject.base.KiwiDeprecated.Severity
wasPgrepFlagsCheckSuccessful() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.base.process.Processes
Use this method to determine if calling any of the pgrep methods in this class will work as expected.
WebApplicationExceptionMapper - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception
Map WebApplicationException to Response.
WebApplicationExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.exception.WebApplicationExceptionMapper
WebTargetClientHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client
Use with JAX-RS Client instances to provide additional functionality via WebTargetHelper.
WebTargetHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client
Use with JAX-RS WebTarget instances to provide convenient functionality when adding query parameters.
with(Pageable) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.data.PagingQuery
Add/change the pagination of this instance.
withAnnotationConfigurations(Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.SpringContextBuilder
Adds multiple annotation-based Spring @Configuration classes.
withClient(Client) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetClientHelper
Create a new instance with the given Client.
withLeadingDash() - Method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Return this signal's number with a leading dash, e.g.
withLeadingDash(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.base.process.KillSignal
Given a signal, prepend a leading dash if necessary, e.g.
withLockOrElse(Runnable, Runnable) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
Run withLockAction if the lock is obtained within the lock timeout period.
withLockSupplyOrFallback(Supplier<T>, T) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
Execute the given withLockSupplier if the lock is obtained within the lock timeout period and return its value.
withLockSupplyOrFallbackSupply(Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
Execute the given withLockSupplier if the lock is obtained within the lock timeout period and return its value.
withLockSupplyOrNull(Supplier<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.TryLocker
Execute the given withLockSupplier if the lock is obtained within the lock timeout period and return its value.
withMaxTimeout(CompletableFuture<T>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Wraps a CompletableFuture with a timeout so that it can proceed asynchronously, but still have a maximum duration.
withMaxTimeout(CompletableFuture<T>, long, TimeUnit, ExecutorService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.concurrent.Async
Wraps a CompletableFuture with a timeout so that it can proceed asynchronously, but still have a maximum duration.
withWebTarget(WebTarget) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jaxrs.client.WebTargetHelper
Create a new instance with the given WebTarget.
withXmlConfigLocations(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.spring.context.SpringContextBuilder
Add multiple Spring XML configuration locations
writeBeanValue(R, BeanWrapper, String, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.beans.BeanConverter


XML - org.kiwiproject.jackson.JacksonDataFormat
xmlGregorianCalendarToDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Given an XMLGregorianCalendar, return its value as a Date.
xmlGregorianCalendarToEpochMillis(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Given an XMLGregorianCalendar, return its value in milliseconds since the epoch.
xmlGregorianCalendarToInstant(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts an XMLGregorianCalendar to an Instant.
xmlGregorianCalendarToLocalDateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts an XMLGregorianCalendar to a LocalDateTime in the default time zone.
xmlGregorianCalendarToLocalDateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXmlConverters
Converts an XMLGregorianCalendar to a LocalDateTime using the given ZoneId.
XmlRuntimeException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.xml
Runtime wrapper exception for XML processing errors.
XmlRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.xml.XmlRuntimeException
Create instance with given message.
XmlRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.xml.XmlRuntimeException
Create instance with given message and cause.
XmlRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.xml.XmlRuntimeException
Create instance with given cause.


YAML - org.kiwiproject.jackson.JacksonDataFormat
YamlHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.yaml
Some utilities to make it easy to work with YAML.
YamlHelper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Create a new instance using an ObjectMapper created with a YAMLFactory to support YAML.
YamlHelper(ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.yaml.YamlHelper
Create a new instance using the given ObjectMapper, which must support the YAML format.
YES - org.kiwiproject.xml.KiwiXml.NamespaceValidation


ZERO_BASED - org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme
Page numbers start at zero.
zeroBasedOffset(int, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
Calculate the zero-based offset for the given page number and size using page numbers starting at one, after first validating the page number and size.
zeroBasedOffset(int, KiwiSearching.PageNumberingScheme, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.search.KiwiSearching
Calculate the zero-based offset for the given page number and size using the given page numbering scheme, after first validating the page number and size.
zonedDateTimeFromTimestamp(ResultSet, String, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a ZonedDateTime in the specified time zone from the specified column in the ResultSet.
zonedDateTimeFromTimestamp(Timestamp, ZoneId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.jdbc.KiwiJdbc
Returns a ZonedDateTime in the specified time zone from the given Timestamp.
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