Class SftpTransfers

  • public class SftpTransfers
    extends Object
    A simple wrapper around a JSch instance that handles some basic SFTP operations.
    Implementation Note:
    This requires JSch being available at runtime.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SftpTransfers

        public SftpTransfers​(SftpConnector connector)
    • Method Detail

      • connect

        public void connect()
        Connects to the remote SFTP server.
        API Note:
        This is a convenience method that delegates to the internal SftpConnector.connect()
      • disconnect

        public void disconnect()
        Disconnects from the remote SFTP server.
        API Note:
        This is a convenience method that delegates to the internal SftpConnector.disconnect()
      • putFile

        public void putFile​(Path remotePath,
                            String filename,
                            InputStream data)
        Pushes a stream of data to a remote SFTP server in the given path and with the given filename.
        remotePath - the path on the remote server where the file will be created
        filename - the filename to give the file on the remote server
        data - the stream of data to write to the remote server
      • getAndStoreAllFiles

        public void getAndStoreAllFiles​(Path remotePath,
                                        BiFunction<Path,​String,​Path> localPathSupplier,
                                        BiFunction<Path,​String,​String> localFilenameSupplier)
        Recursively gets files off of a remote server starting in the given path and stores the files locally in the given path and given filename. The local path will be determined through the given BiFunction supplier which is provided the current remote path and current remote filename. The local filename will be determined through the given BiFunction supplier which is provided the remote path and remote filename.
        remotePath - path on the remote server where the file is located
        localPathSupplier - supplier that calculates the path on the local machine where the file will be written
        localFilenameSupplier - supplier that calculates the name of the file that will be written locally
      • getAndStoreFile

        public void getAndStoreFile​(Path remotePath,
                                    Path localPath,
                                    String filename)
        Gets a file off of a remote server in the given path and with the given filename and stores the file locally in a given path and the original (remote) filename.
        remotePath - path on the remote server where the file is located
        localPath - path on the local machine where the file will be written
        filename - name of the file to pull from the remote server (This name is used as the local file name)
      • getAndStoreFile

        public void getAndStoreFile​(Path remotePath,
                                    Path localPath,
                                    String remoteFilename,
                                    String localFilename)
        Gets a file off of a remote server in the given path and with the given filename and stores the file locally in a given path and the given filename.
        remotePath - path on the remote server where the file is located
        localPath - path on the local machine where the file will be written
        remoteFilename - name of the file to pull from the remote server
        localFilename - name of the file that will be written locally
      • getAndStoreFile

        public void getAndStoreFile​(Path remotePath,
                                    BiFunction<Path,​String,​Path> localPathSupplier,
                                    String remoteFilename,
                                    BiFunction<Path,​String,​String> localFilenameSupplier)
        Gets a file off of a remote server in the given path and with the given filename and stores the file locally in a given path and the given filename. The local path will be determined through the given BiFunction supplier which is provided the remote path and remote filename. The local filename will be determined through the given BiFunction supplier which is provided the remote path and remote filename.
        remotePath - path on the remote server where the file is located
        localPathSupplier - supplier that calculates the path on the local machine where the file will be written
        remoteFilename - name of the file to pull from the remote server
        localFilenameSupplier - supplier that calculates the name of the file that will be written locally
      • getFileContent

        public String getFileContent​(Path remotePath,
                                     String remoteFilename)
        Gets a file off of a remote server with the given path and given filename and returns the contents of the file as a String.
        remotePath - path on the remote server where the file is located
        remoteFilename - name of the file to pull from the remote server
        contents of the retrieved file as a String
      • listFiles

        public List<String> listFiles​(Path remotePath)
        Returns a list of files that exist in the given path on the remote server.
        remotePath - path on the remote server to list files
        a list of filenames that exist in the given path
      • listDirectories

        public List<String> listDirectories​(Path remotePath)
        Returns a list of directories that exist in the given path on the remote server.
        remotePath - path on the remote server to list directories
        a list of directories that exist in the given path
      • deleteRemoteFile

        public void deleteRemoteFile​(Path remotePath,
                                     String remoteFilename)
        Deletes a given file from the given path on a remote server.
        remotePath - path on the remote server where the file is located
        remoteFilename - name of the file to delete from the remote server