Class LazyLogParameterSupplier

  • public class LazyLogParameterSupplier
    extends Object
    Provides lazy evaluation of one or more replacement parameters in a logging statement, for example when using SLF4J. This is useful when one or more values might be relatively expensive to compute, such as serializing an object to JSON for DEBUG logging but not wanting to incur to JSON serialization cost at higher log levels.

    While many log frameworks now provide a way to pass a Supplier as an argument, not all do (e.g. SLF4J version 1.7.x and earlier) and not all provide as much flexibility as you might want in order to mix and match lazy and non-lazy arguments. This simple class lets you mix and match lazy and non-lazy parameters whether the logging API supports this or not.

    To use, just statically import methods from LazyLogParameterSupplier and use them to wrap one or more replacement parameters in the same logging statement. Note again you do not need to make all the parameters lazy.


     // Explicitly create the parameter supplier and pass it to the lazy method
     Supplier<String> jsonSupplier = () -> jsonHelper.toJson(thing);
     LOG.debug("Thing {} took {} millis to fetch. JSON value: {}",
             thing.getId(), fetchMillis, lazy(jsonSupplier));
     // Pass a Supplier as a lambda to the lazy method for one or more parameters
     LOG.debug("Thing {} took {} millis to fetch. JSON value: {}",
             thing.getId(), fetchMillis, lazy(() -> jsonHelper.toJson(thing)));
     // If thingToJson converts the thing to JSON it can be a simple lambda...
     LOG.debug("Thing {} took {} millis to fetch. JSON value: {}",
             thing.getId(), fetchMillis, lazy(() -> thingToJson()));
     // ...or a method reference
     LOG.debug("Thing {} took {} millis to fetch. JSON value: {}",
             thing.getId(), fetchMillis, lazy(this::thingToJson));
    Implementation Note:
    adapted from from my slf4j-lazy-params repository
    • Constructor Detail

      • LazyLogParameterSupplier

        public LazyLogParameterSupplier()
    • Method Detail

      • lazy

        public static Supplier<Object> lazy​(Supplier<Object> original)
        Delays execution of the original supplier in a log replacement value. This also permits some replacement parameters to use delayed (lazy) execution while others can be regular parameters.

        Example usage (assuming SLF4J API, and using static import and a method reference):

         LOG.debug("Foo JSON with id {} is: {}", foo.getId(), lazy(foo::toJson));
        original - supplier of a replacement value that might be expensive to compute, e.g. serialize an object to JSON
        a Supplier that wraps original