Class GHAppCreateTokenBuilder

    • Field Detail

      • builder

        protected final org.kohsuke.github.Requester builder
        The builder.
    • Method Detail

      • repositoryIds

        public GHAppCreateTokenBuilder repositoryIds​(List<Long> repositoryIds)
        By default the installation token has access to all repositories that the installation can access. To restrict the access to specific repositories, you can provide the repository_ids when creating the token. When you omit repository_ids, the response does not contain neither the repositories nor the permissions key.
        repositoryIds - Array containing the repositories Ids
        a GHAppCreateTokenBuilder
      • repositories

        public GHAppCreateTokenBuilder repositories​(List<String> repositories)
        By default the installation token has access to all repositories that the installation can access. To restrict the access to specific repositories, you can provide repository names when creating the token.
        repositories - Array containing the repository names
        a GHAppCreateTokenBuilder
      • permissions

        public GHAppCreateTokenBuilder permissions​(Map<String,​GHPermissionType> permissions)
        Set the permissions granted to the access token. The permissions object includes the permission names and their access type.
        permissions - Map containing the permission names and types.
        a GHAppCreateTokenBuilder
      • getRoot

        public GitHub getRoot()
        For access to the GitHub instance, use a local copy instead of pulling it out of objects.
        Get the root GitHub instance for this object.
        the root GitHub instance