Class RateLimitChecker

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class RateLimitChecker
    extends Object
    A GitHub API Rate Limit Checker called before each request

    GitHub allots a certain number of requests to each user or application per period of time. The number of requests remaining and the time when the number will be reset is returned in the response header and can also be requested using GitHub.getRateLimit(). The "requests per interval" is referred to as the "rate limit".

    GitHub prefers that clients stop before exceeding their rate limit rather than stopping after they exceed it. The RateLimitChecker is called before each request to check the rate limit and wait if the checker criteria are met.

    Liam Newman
    • Constructor Detail

      • RateLimitChecker

        public RateLimitChecker()
    • Method Detail

      • checkRateLimit

        protected boolean checkRateLimit​(GHRateLimit.Record rateLimitRecord,
                                         long count)
                                  throws InterruptedException
        Decides whether the current request exceeds the allowed "rate limit" budget. If this determines the rate limit will be exceeded, this method should sleep for some amount of time and must return true. Implementers are free to choose whatever strategy they prefer for what is considered to exceed the budget and how long to sleep.

        The caller of this method figures out which GHRateLimit.Record applies for the current request and provides it to this method.

        As long as this method returns true it is guaranteed that GitHubRateLimitChecker will retrieve updated rate limit information and call this method again with count incremented by one. When this checker returns false, the calling GitHubRateLimitChecker will let the request continue.

        Rate limit reset times are only accurate to the second. Trying to sleep to exactly the reset time could result in requests being sent before the new rate limit was available. For this reason, if this method returned true at least once for a particular request, GitHubRateLimitChecker may choose to sleep for some small additional between calls and before letting the request continue.

        rateLimitRecord - the current GHRateLimit.Record to check against.
        count - the number of times in a row this method has been called for the current request
        false if the current request does not exceed the allowed budget, true if the current request exceeded the budget.
        InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted while sleeping