ChangeLogParseException |
ChangeNotFoundException |
CommandExecutionException |
CommandLineParsingException |
Deprecated |
CommandValidationException |
Exception thrown when any pre-execution validation fails.
CustomChangeException |
CustomPreconditionErrorException |
Thrown when a precondition failed.
CustomPreconditionFailedException |
Thrown when a precondition failed.
DatabaseException |
DatabaseHistoryException |
DatabaseIncapableOfOperation |
DateParseException |
DuplicateChangeSetException |
DuplicateStatementIdentifierException |
InvalidChangeDefinitionException |
LiquibaseException |
Base class for all Liquibase exceptions.
LiquibaseParseException |
LockException |
MigrationFailedException |
MissingRequiredArgumentException |
Exception indicating that the required argument is missing.
PreconditionErrorException |
Thrown when a problem occurs in the evaluation of a precondition (which, under normal circumstances, should never
PreconditionFailedException |
Thrown when a precondition failed.
RollbackFailedException |
RollbackImpossibleException |
Thrown if a change is encountered that cannot be rolled back.
ServiceNotFoundException |
SetupException |
If there is an error with setting up a Change this Exception
will be thrown.
StatementNotSupportedOnDatabaseException |
UnexpectedLiquibaseException |
Marks an internal error (runtime exception) that prevents this software from further processing.
UnknownChangelogFormatException |
UnknownConfigurationType |
UnknownFormatException |
Thrown by SnapshotParserFactory if it cannot find a parser for a given file format.
ValidationFailedException |