Class LibCLocale

  • public class LibCLocale
    extends java.lang.Object
    Native bindings to locale.h.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int LC_ALL
      Selects the entire C locale.
      static int LC_COLLATE
      Selects the collation category of the C locale.
      static int LC_CTYPE
      Selects the character classification category of the C locale.
      static int LC_MONETARY
      Selects the monetary formatting category of the C locale.
      static int LC_NUMERIC
      Selects the numeric formatting category of the C locale.
      static int LC_TIME
      Selects the time formatting category of the C locale.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static java.lang.String setlocale(int category, java.nio.ByteBuffer locale)
      Gets and sets the current C locale.
      static java.lang.String setlocale(int category, java.lang.CharSequence locale)
      Gets and sets the current C locale.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • LC_ALL

        Selects the entire C locale.
      • LC_COLLATE

        Selects the collation category of the C locale.
      • LC_CTYPE

        Selects the character classification category of the C locale.

        Selects the monetary formatting category of the C locale.
      • LC_NUMERIC

        Selects the numeric formatting category of the C locale.
      • LC_TIME

        Selects the time formatting category of the C locale.
    • Method Detail

      • setlocale

        public static java.lang.String setlocale(int category,
                                                 java.nio.ByteBuffer locale)
        public static java.lang.String setlocale(int category,
                                                 java.lang.CharSequence locale)
        Gets and sets the current C locale.

        The setlocale function installs the specified system locale or its portion as the new C locale. The modifications remain in effect and influences the execution of all locale-sensitive C library functions until the next call to setlocale. If locale is a null pointer, setlocale queries the current C locale without modifying it.

        category - the locale category identifier, may by null. One of:
        locale - system-specific locale identifier. Can be "" for the user-preferred locale or "C" for the minimal locale.
        a pointer to a narrow null-terminated string identifying the C locale after applying the changes, if any, or null pointer on failure.

        A copy of the returned string along with the category used in this call to setlocale may be used later in the program to restore the locale back to the state at the end of this call.