Class MemoryUtil

  • public final class MemoryUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class provides functionality for managing native memory.

    All methods in this class will make use of Unsafe if it's available, for performance. If Unsafe is not available, the fallback implementations make use of reflection and, in the worst-case, JNI.

    Method names in this class are prefixed with mem to avoid ambiguities when used with static imports.

    Text encoding/decoding

    Three codecs are available, each with a different postfix:
    • UTF16 - Direct mapping of 2 bytes to Java char and vice versa
    • UTF8 - custom UTF-8 codec without intermediate allocations
    • ASCII - Not the original 7bit ASCII, but any character set with a single byte encoding (ISO 8859-1, Windows-1252, etc.)

    Methods in bindings that accept/return CharSequence/String also support ByteBuffer, so custom codecs can be used if necessary.

    See Also:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int CACHE_LINE_SIZE
      The cache-line size, in bytes.
      static long NULL
      Alias for the null pointer address.
      static int PAGE_SIZE
      The memory page size, in bytes.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocator getAllocator()
      Returns the MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocator instance used internally by the explicit memory management API (memAlloc(int), memFree(java.nio.Buffer), etc).
      static MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocator getAllocator​(boolean tracked)
      Returns the MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocator instance used internally by the explicit memory management API (memAlloc(int), memFree(java.nio.Buffer), etc).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.Buffer buffer)
      Polymorphic version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Returns the memory address at the current position of the specified buffer.
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int position)
      Returns the memory address at the specified position of the specified buffer.
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer)
      CharBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer, int position)
      CharBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer)
      DoubleBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer, int position)
      DoubleBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
      FloatBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer, int position)
      FloatBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      IntBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer, int position)
      IntBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer)
      LongBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer, int position)
      LongBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer)
      ShortBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddress​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer, int position)
      ShortBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      static long memAddress​(CustomBuffer<?> buffer)
      CustomBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddress​(CustomBuffer<?> buffer, int position)
      CustomBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      static long memAddress0​(java.nio.Buffer buffer)
      Returns the memory address of the specified buffer.
      static long memAddressSafe​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Null-safe version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddressSafe​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer)
      CharBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddressSafe​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer)
      DoubleBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddressSafe​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
      FloatBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddressSafe​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      IntBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddressSafe​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer)
      LongBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddressSafe​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer)
      ShortBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      static long memAddressSafe​(Pointer pointer)
      Pointer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memAlignedAlloc​(int alignment, int size)
      The standard C aligned_alloc function.
      static void memAlignedFree​(java.nio.ByteBuffer ptr)
      Frees a block of memory that was allocated with memAlignedAlloc(int, int).
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memAlloc​(int size)
      The standard C malloc function.
      static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memAllocDouble​(int size)
      DoubleBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
      static java.nio.FloatBuffer memAllocFloat​(int size)
      FloatBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
      static java.nio.IntBuffer memAllocInt​(int size)
      IntBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
      static java.nio.LongBuffer memAllocLong​(int size)
      LongBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
      static PointerBuffer memAllocPointer​(int size)
      PointerBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
      static java.nio.ShortBuffer memAllocShort​(int size)
      ShortBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
      static java.lang.String memASCII​(long address)
      Converts the null-terminated ASCII encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
      static java.lang.String memASCII​(long address, int length)
      Converts the ASCII encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
      Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text ASCII encoded and null-terminated.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated)
      Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text ASCII encoded and optionally null-terminated.
      static int memASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated, java.nio.ByteBuffer target)
      Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using ASCII encoding.
      static int memASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated, java.nio.ByteBuffer target, int offset)
      Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using ASCII encoding.
      static java.lang.String memASCII​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+remaining()) in buffer, as an ASCII string.
      static java.lang.String memASCII​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int length)
      Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+length) in buffer, as an ASCII string.
      static java.lang.String memASCII​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int length, int offset)
      Decodes the bytes with index [offset, offset+length) in buffer, as an ASCII string.
      static java.lang.String memASCIISafe​(long address)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.lang.String memASCIISafe​(long address, int length)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memASCIISafe​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memASCIISafe​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      static java.lang.String memASCIISafe​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if buffer is null.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBuffer​(long address, int capacity)
      Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT1​(long address)
      Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has capacity equal to the null-terminated string starting at that address.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT1​(long address, int maxLength)
      Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has capacity equal to the null-terminated string starting at that address, up to a maximum of maxLength bytes.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT1Safe​(long address)
      Like memByteBufferNT1, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT1Safe​(long address, int maxLength)
      Like memByteBufferNT1, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT2​(long address)
      Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has capacity equal to the null-terminated string starting at that address.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT2​(long address, int maxLength)
      Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has capacity equal to the null-terminated string starting at that address, up to a maximum of maxLength bytes.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT2Safe​(long address)
      Like memByteBufferNT2, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT2Safe​(long address, int maxLength)
      Like memByteBufferNT2, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferSafe​(long address, int capacity)
      Like memByteBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memCalloc​(int num)
      Alternative version of memCalloc(int, int).
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memCalloc​(int num, int size)
      The standard C calloc function.
      static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memCallocDouble​(int num)
      DoubleBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
      static java.nio.FloatBuffer memCallocFloat​(int num)
      FloatBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
      static java.nio.IntBuffer memCallocInt​(int num)
      IntBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
      static java.nio.LongBuffer memCallocLong​(int num)
      LongBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
      static PointerBuffer memCallocPointer​(int num)
      PointerBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
      static java.nio.ShortBuffer memCallocShort​(int num)
      ShortBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
      static java.nio.CharBuffer memCharBuffer​(long address, int capacity)
      Creates a new direct CharBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.
      static java.nio.CharBuffer memCharBufferSafe​(long address, int capacity)
      Like memCharBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      static void memCopy​(long src, long dst, long bytes)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static void memCopy​(java.nio.ByteBuffer src, java.nio.ByteBuffer dst)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static void memCopy​(java.nio.CharBuffer src, java.nio.CharBuffer dst)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static void memCopy​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer src, java.nio.DoubleBuffer dst)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static void memCopy​(java.nio.FloatBuffer src, java.nio.FloatBuffer dst)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static void memCopy​(java.nio.IntBuffer src, java.nio.IntBuffer dst)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static void memCopy​(java.nio.LongBuffer src, java.nio.LongBuffer dst)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static void memCopy​(java.nio.ShortBuffer src, java.nio.ShortBuffer dst)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static <T extends CustomBuffer<T>>
      memCopy​(T src, T dst)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
      static void memDeleteGlobalRef​(long globalRef)
      static void memDeleteWeakGlobalRef​(long globalRef)
      static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memDoubleBuffer​(long address, int capacity)
      Creates a new direct DoubleBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.
      static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memDoubleBufferSafe​(long address, int capacity)
      Like memDoubleBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Duplicates the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.CharBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer)
      Duplicates the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer)
      Duplicates the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.FloatBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
      Duplicates the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.IntBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      Duplicates the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.LongBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer)
      Duplicates the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.ShortBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer)
      Duplicates the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.FloatBuffer memFloatBuffer​(long address, int capacity)
      Creates a new direct FloatBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.
      static java.nio.FloatBuffer memFloatBufferSafe​(long address, int capacity)
      Like memFloatBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      static void memFree​(java.nio.Buffer ptr)
      The standard C free function.
      static void memFree​(PointerBuffer ptr)
      PointerBuffer version of memFree(java.nio.Buffer).
      static long memGetAddress​(long ptr)  
      static boolean memGetBoolean​(long ptr)  
      static byte memGetByte​(long ptr)  
      static long memGetCLong​(long ptr)  
      static double memGetDouble​(long ptr)  
      static float memGetFloat​(long ptr)  
      static int memGetInt​(long ptr)  
      static long memGetLong​(long ptr)  
      static short memGetShort​(long ptr)  
      static <T> T memGlobalRefToObject​(long globalRef)
      Returns the object that the specified global reference points to.
      static java.nio.IntBuffer memIntBuffer​(long address, int capacity)
      Creates a new direct IntBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.
      static java.nio.IntBuffer memIntBufferSafe​(long address, int capacity)
      Like memIntBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      static int memLengthASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence value, boolean nullTerminated)
      Returns the number of bytes required to encode the specified text in the ASCII encoding.
      static int memLengthNT1​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Calculates the length, in bytes, of the null-terminated string that starts at the current position of the specified buffer.
      static int memLengthNT2​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Calculates the length, in bytes, of the null-terminated string that starts at the current position of the specified buffer.
      static int memLengthUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence value, boolean nullTerminated)
      Returns the number of bytes required to encode the specified text in the UTF-16 encoding.
      static int memLengthUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence value, boolean nullTerminated)
      Returns the number of bytes required to encode the specified text in the UTF-8 encoding.
      static java.nio.LongBuffer memLongBuffer​(long address, int capacity)
      Creates a new direct LongBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.
      static java.nio.LongBuffer memLongBufferSafe​(long address, int capacity)
      Like memLongBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      static long memNewGlobalRef​(java.lang.Object obj)
      static long memNewWeakGlobalRef​(java.lang.Object obj)
      static PointerBuffer memPointerBuffer​(long address, int capacity)
      Creates a new PointerBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.
      static PointerBuffer memPointerBufferSafe​(long address, int capacity)
      Like memPointerBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      static void memPutAddress​(long ptr, long value)  
      static void memPutByte​(long ptr, byte value)  
      static void memPutCLong​(long ptr, long value)  
      static void memPutDouble​(long ptr, double value)  
      static void memPutFloat​(long ptr, float value)  
      static void memPutInt​(long ptr, int value)  
      static void memPutLong​(long ptr, long value)  
      static void memPutShort​(long ptr, short value)  
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memRealloc​(java.nio.ByteBuffer ptr, int size)
      The standard C realloc function.
      static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memRealloc​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer ptr, int size)
      DoubleBuffer version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int).
      static java.nio.FloatBuffer memRealloc​(java.nio.FloatBuffer ptr, int size)
      FloatBuffer version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int).
      static java.nio.IntBuffer memRealloc​(java.nio.IntBuffer ptr, int size)
      static java.nio.LongBuffer memRealloc​(java.nio.LongBuffer ptr, int size)
      static java.nio.ShortBuffer memRealloc​(java.nio.ShortBuffer ptr, int size)
      ShortBuffer version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int).
      static PointerBuffer memRealloc​(PointerBuffer ptr, int size)
      PointerBuffer version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int).
      static void memReport​(MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocationReport report)
      Reports all live allocations.
      static void memReport​(MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocationReport report, MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocationReport.Aggregate groupByStackTrace, boolean groupByThread)
      Reports aggregates for the live allocations.
      static void memSet​(long ptr, int value, long bytes)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static void memSet​(java.nio.ByteBuffer ptr, int value)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static void memSet​(java.nio.CharBuffer ptr, int value)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static void memSet​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer ptr, int value)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static void memSet​(java.nio.FloatBuffer ptr, int value)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static void memSet​(java.nio.IntBuffer ptr, int value)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static void memSet​(java.nio.LongBuffer ptr, int value)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static void memSet​(java.nio.ShortBuffer ptr, int value)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static <T extends CustomBuffer<T>>
      memSet​(T ptr, int value)
      Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
      static java.nio.ShortBuffer memShortBuffer​(long address, int capacity)
      Creates a new direct ShortBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.
      static java.nio.ShortBuffer memShortBufferSafe​(long address, int capacity)
      Like memShortBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Slices the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, int capacity)
      Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).
      static java.nio.CharBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer)
      Slices the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.CharBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer, int offset, int capacity)
      Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).
      static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer)
      Slices the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer, int offset, int capacity)
      Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).
      static java.nio.FloatBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
      Slices the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.FloatBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer, int offset, int capacity)
      Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).
      static java.nio.IntBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
      Slices the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.IntBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer, int offset, int capacity)
      Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).
      static java.nio.LongBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer)
      Slices the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.LongBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer, int offset, int capacity)
      Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).
      static java.nio.ShortBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer)
      Slices the specified buffer.
      static java.nio.ShortBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer, int offset, int capacity)
      Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).
      static <T extends CustomBuffer<T>>
      memSlice​(T buffer, int offset, int capacity)
      Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).
      static java.lang.String memUTF16​(long address)
      Converts the null-terminated UTF-16 encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
      static java.lang.String memUTF16​(long address, int length)
      Converts the UTF-16 encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
      Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text UTF-16 encoded and null-terminated.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated)
      Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text UTF-16 encoded and optionally null-terminated.
      static int memUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated, java.nio.ByteBuffer target)
      Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using UTF-16 encoding.
      static int memUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated, java.nio.ByteBuffer target, int offset)
      Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using UTF-16 encoding.
      static java.lang.String memUTF16​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+remaining()) in buffer, as a UTF-16 string.
      static java.lang.String memUTF16​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int length)
      Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+(length*2)) in buffer, as a UTF-16 string.
      static java.lang.String memUTF16​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int length, int offset)
      Decodes the bytes with index [offset, offset+(length*2)) in buffer, as a UTF-16 string.
      static java.lang.String memUTF16Safe​(long address)
      Like memUTF16, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.lang.String memUTF16Safe​(long address, int length)
      Like memUTF16, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF16Safe​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF16Safe​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      static java.lang.String memUTF16Safe​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Like memUTF16, but returns null if buffer is null.
      static java.lang.String memUTF8​(long address)
      Converts the null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
      static java.lang.String memUTF8​(long address, int length)
      Converts the UTF-8 encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
      Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text UTF-8 encoded and null-terminated.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated)
      Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text UTF-8 encoded and optionally null-terminated.
      static int memUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated, java.nio.ByteBuffer target)
      Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using UTF-8 encoding.
      static int memUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated, java.nio.ByteBuffer target, int offset)
      Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using UTF-8 encoding.
      static java.lang.String memUTF8​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+remaining()) in buffer, as a UTF-8 string.
      static java.lang.String memUTF8​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int length)
      Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+length) in buffer, as a UTF-8 string.
      static java.lang.String memUTF8​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int length, int offset)
      Decodes the bytes with index [offset, offset+length) in buffer, as a UTF-8 string.
      static java.lang.String memUTF8Safe​(long address)
      Like memUTF8, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.lang.String memUTF8Safe​(long address, int length)
      Like memUTF8, but returns null if address is NULL.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF8Safe​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF8Safe​(java.lang.CharSequence text, boolean nullTerminated)
      Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      static java.lang.String memUTF8Safe​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Like memUTF8, but returns null if buffer is null.
      static long nmemAlignedAlloc​(long alignment, long size)
      Unsafe version of memAlignedAlloc(int, int).
      static long nmemAlignedAllocChecked​(long alignment, long size)
      Unsafe version of memAlignedAlloc(int, int) that checks the returned pointer.
      static void nmemAlignedFree​(long ptr)
      static long nmemAlloc​(long size)
      Unsafe version of memAlloc(int).
      static long nmemAllocChecked​(long size)
      Unsafe version of memAlloc(int) that checks the returned pointer.
      static long nmemCalloc​(long num, long size)
      Unsafe version of memCalloc(int, int).
      static long nmemCallocChecked​(long num, long size)
      Unsafe version of memCalloc(int, int) that checks the returned pointer.
      static void nmemFree​(long ptr)
      Unsafe version of memFree(java.nio.Buffer).
      static long nmemRealloc​(long ptr, long size)
      static long nmemReallocChecked​(long ptr, long size)
      Unsafe version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int) that checks the returned pointer.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • NULL

        Alias for the null pointer address.
      • PAGE_SIZE

        The memory page size, in bytes. This value is always a power-of-two.

        The cache-line size, in bytes. This value is always a power-of-two.
    • Method Detail

      • getAllocator

        public static MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocator getAllocator()
        Returns the MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocator instance used internally by the explicit memory management API (memAlloc(int), memFree(java.nio.Buffer), etc).

        Allocations made through the returned instance will not be tracked for memory leaks, even if Configuration.DEBUG_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR is enabled. This can be useful for static final allocations that live throughout the application's lifetime and will never be freed until the process is terminated. Normally such allocations would be reported as memory leaks by the debug allocator.

        The expectation is that this method will rarely be used, so it does not have the mem prefix to avoid pollution of auto-complete lists.

        the MemoryUtil.MemoryAllocator instance
      • nmemAlloc

        public static long nmemAlloc​(long size)
        Unsafe version of memAlloc(int). May return NULL if size is zero or the allocation failed.
      • nmemAllocChecked

        public static long nmemAllocChecked​(long size)
        Unsafe version of memAlloc(int) that checks the returned pointer.
        a pointer to the memory block allocated by the function on success. This pointer will never be NULL, even if size is zero.
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory
      • memAlloc

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memAlloc​(int size)
        The standard C malloc function.

        Allocates a block of size bytes of memory, returning a pointer to the beginning of the block. The content of the newly allocated block of memory is not initialized, remaining with indeterminate values.

        Memory allocated with this method must be freed with memFree(java.nio.Buffer).

        size - the size of the memory block to allocate, in bytes. If size is zero, the returned pointer shall not be dereferenced.
        on success, a pointer to the memory block allocated by the function
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory
      • memAllocShort

        public static java.nio.ShortBuffer memAllocShort​(int size)
        ShortBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
        size - the number of short values to allocate.
      • memAllocInt

        public static java.nio.IntBuffer memAllocInt​(int size)
        IntBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
        size - the number of int values to allocate.
      • memAllocFloat

        public static java.nio.FloatBuffer memAllocFloat​(int size)
        FloatBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
        size - the number of float values to allocate.
      • memAllocLong

        public static java.nio.LongBuffer memAllocLong​(int size)
        LongBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
        size - the number of long values to allocate.
      • memAllocDouble

        public static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memAllocDouble​(int size)
        DoubleBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
        size - the number of double values to allocate.
      • memAllocPointer

        public static PointerBuffer memAllocPointer​(int size)
        PointerBuffer version of memAlloc(int).
        size - the number of pointer values to allocate.
      • nmemCalloc

        public static long nmemCalloc​(long num,
                                      long size)
        Unsafe version of memCalloc(int, int). May return NULL if num or size are zero or the allocation failed.
      • nmemCallocChecked

        public static long nmemCallocChecked​(long num,
                                             long size)
        Unsafe version of memCalloc(int, int) that checks the returned pointer.
        a pointer to the memory block allocated by the function on success. This pointer will never be NULL, even if num or size are zero.
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory
      • memCalloc

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memCalloc​(int num,
                                                    int size)
        The standard C calloc function.

        Allocates a block of memory for an array of num elements, each of them size bytes long, and initializes all its bits to zero. The effective result is the allocation of a zero-initialized memory block of (num*size) bytes.

        Memory allocated with this method must be freed with memFree(java.nio.Buffer).

        num - the number of elements to allocate.
        size - the size of each element. If size is zero, the return value depends on the particular library implementation (it may or may not be a null pointer), but the returned pointer shall not be dereferenced.
        on success, a pointer to the memory block allocated by the function
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory
      • memCalloc

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memCalloc​(int num)
        Alternative version of memCalloc(int, int).
        num - the number of bytes to allocate.
      • memCallocShort

        public static java.nio.ShortBuffer memCallocShort​(int num)
        ShortBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
        num - the number of short values to allocate.
      • memCallocInt

        public static java.nio.IntBuffer memCallocInt​(int num)
        IntBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
        num - the number of int values to allocate.
      • memCallocFloat

        public static java.nio.FloatBuffer memCallocFloat​(int num)
        FloatBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
        num - the number of float values to allocate.
      • memCallocLong

        public static java.nio.LongBuffer memCallocLong​(int num)
        LongBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
        num - the number of long values to allocate.
      • memCallocDouble

        public static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memCallocDouble​(int num)
        DoubleBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
        num - the number of double values to allocate.
      • memCallocPointer

        public static PointerBuffer memCallocPointer​(int num)
        PointerBuffer version of memCalloc(int, int).
        num - the number of pointer values to allocate.
      • nmemReallocChecked

        public static long nmemReallocChecked​(long ptr,
                                              long size)
        Unsafe version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int) that checks the returned pointer.
        a pointer to the memory block reallocated by the function on success. This pointer will never be NULL, even if size is zero.
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory
      • memRealloc

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memRealloc​(@Nullable
                                                     java.nio.ByteBuffer ptr,
                                                     int size)
        The standard C realloc function.

        Changes the size of the memory block pointed to by ptr. The function may move the memory block to a new location (whose address is returned by the function). The content of the memory block is preserved up to the lesser of the new and old sizes, even if the block is moved to a new location. If the new size is larger, the value of the newly allocated portion is indeterminate.

        The memory address used is always the address at the start of ptr, so the current position of ptr does not need to be set to 0 for this function to work. The current position is preserved, even if the memory block is moved to a new location, unless size is less than the current position in which case position will be equal to capacity. The limit is set to the capacity, and the mark is discarded.

        ptr - a pointer to a memory block previously allocated with memAlloc(int), memCalloc(int, int) or memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int). Alternatively, this can be a NULL pointer, in which case a new block is allocated (as if memAlloc(int) was called).
        size - the new size for the memory block, in bytes.
        a pointer to the reallocated memory block, which may be either the same as ptr or a new location
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory. The memory block pointed to by argument ptr is not deallocated (it is still valid, and with its contents unchanged).
      • memRealloc

        public static java.nio.ShortBuffer memRealloc​(@Nullable
                                                      java.nio.ShortBuffer ptr,
                                                      int size)
        ShortBuffer version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int).
        size - the number of short values to allocate.
      • memRealloc

        public static java.nio.IntBuffer memRealloc​(@Nullable
                                                    java.nio.IntBuffer ptr,
                                                    int size)
        size - the number of int values to allocate.
      • memRealloc

        public static java.nio.LongBuffer memRealloc​(@Nullable
                                                     java.nio.LongBuffer ptr,
                                                     int size)
        size - the number of long values to allocate.
      • memRealloc

        public static java.nio.FloatBuffer memRealloc​(@Nullable
                                                      java.nio.FloatBuffer ptr,
                                                      int size)
        FloatBuffer version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int).
        size - the number of float values to allocate.
      • memRealloc

        public static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memRealloc​(@Nullable
                                                       java.nio.DoubleBuffer ptr,
                                                       int size)
        DoubleBuffer version of memRealloc(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int).
        size - the number of double values to allocate.
      • nmemAlignedAlloc

        public static long nmemAlignedAlloc​(long alignment,
                                            long size)
        Unsafe version of memAlignedAlloc(int, int). May return NULL if size is zero or the allocation failed.
      • nmemAlignedAllocChecked

        public static long nmemAlignedAllocChecked​(long alignment,
                                                   long size)
        Unsafe version of memAlignedAlloc(int, int) that checks the returned pointer.
        a pointer to the memory block allocated by the function on success. This pointer will never be NULL, even if size is zero.
        java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - if the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory
      • memAlignedAlloc

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memAlignedAlloc​(int alignment,
                                                          int size)
        The standard C aligned_alloc function.

        Allocate size bytes of uninitialized storage whose alignment is specified by alignment. The size parameter must be an integral multiple of alignment. Memory allocated with memAlignedAlloc() must be freed with memAlignedFree(java.nio.ByteBuffer).

        alignment - the alignment. Must be a power of two value and a multiple of sizeof(void *).
        size - the number of bytes to allocate. Must be a multiple of alignment.
      • memAlignedFree

        public static void memAlignedFree​(@Nullable
                                          java.nio.ByteBuffer ptr)
        Frees a block of memory that was allocated with memAlignedAlloc(int, int). If ptr is NULL, no operation is performed.
        ptr - the aligned block of memory to free
      • memAddress0

        public static long memAddress0​(java.nio.Buffer buffer)
        Returns the memory address of the specified buffer. [INTERNAL USE ONLY]
        buffer - the buffer
        the memory address
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Returns the memory address at the current position of the specified buffer. This is effectively a pointer value that can be used in native function calls.
        buffer - the buffer
        the memory address
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                      int position)
        Returns the memory address at the specified position of the specified buffer.
        buffer - the buffer
        position - the buffer position
        the memory address
        See Also:
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer)
        ShortBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer,
                                      int position)
        ShortBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer)
        CharBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer,
                                      int position)
        CharBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        IntBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer,
                                      int position)
        IntBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
        FloatBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer,
                                      int position)
        FloatBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer)
        LongBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer,
                                      int position)
        LongBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer)
        DoubleBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer,
                                      int position)
        DoubleBuffer version of memAddress(ByteBuffer, int).
      • memAddress

        public static long memAddress​(java.nio.Buffer buffer)
        Polymorphic version of memAddress(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddressSafe

        public static long memAddressSafe​(@Nullable
                                          java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Null-safe version of memAddress(ByteBuffer). Returns NULL if the specified buffer is null.
      • memAddressSafe

        public static long memAddressSafe​(@Nullable
                                          java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer)
        ShortBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddressSafe

        public static long memAddressSafe​(@Nullable
                                          java.nio.CharBuffer buffer)
        CharBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddressSafe

        public static long memAddressSafe​(@Nullable
                                          java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        IntBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddressSafe

        public static long memAddressSafe​(@Nullable
                                          java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
        FloatBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddressSafe

        public static long memAddressSafe​(@Nullable
                                          java.nio.LongBuffer buffer)
        LongBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      • memAddressSafe

        public static long memAddressSafe​(@Nullable
                                          java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer)
        DoubleBuffer version of memAddressSafe(ByteBuffer).
      • memByteBuffer

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBuffer​(long address,
                                                        int capacity)
        Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity. The returned ByteBuffer instance will be set to the native ByteOrder.
        address - the starting memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
        the new ByteBuffer
      • memByteBufferSafe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferSafe​(long address,
                                                            int capacity)
        Like memByteBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memShortBuffer

        public static java.nio.ShortBuffer memShortBuffer​(long address,
                                                          int capacity)
        Creates a new direct ShortBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.

        The address specified must be aligned to 2 bytes. If not, use memByteBuffer(address, capacity * 2).asShortBuffer().

        address - the starting memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
        the new ShortBuffer
      • memShortBufferSafe

        public static java.nio.ShortBuffer memShortBufferSafe​(long address,
                                                              int capacity)
        Like memShortBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memCharBuffer

        public static java.nio.CharBuffer memCharBuffer​(long address,
                                                        int capacity)
        Creates a new direct CharBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.

        The address specified must be aligned to 2 bytes. If not, use memByteBuffer(address, capacity * 2).asCharBuffer().

        address - the starting memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
        the new CharBuffer
      • memCharBufferSafe

        public static java.nio.CharBuffer memCharBufferSafe​(long address,
                                                            int capacity)
        Like memCharBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memIntBuffer

        public static java.nio.IntBuffer memIntBuffer​(long address,
                                                      int capacity)
        Creates a new direct IntBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.

        The address specified must be aligned to 4 bytes. If not, use memByteBuffer(address, capacity * 4).asIntBuffer().

        address - the starting memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
        the new IntBuffer
      • memIntBufferSafe

        public static java.nio.IntBuffer memIntBufferSafe​(long address,
                                                          int capacity)
        Like memIntBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memLongBuffer

        public static java.nio.LongBuffer memLongBuffer​(long address,
                                                        int capacity)
        Creates a new direct LongBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.

        The address specified must be aligned to 8 bytes. If not, use memByteBuffer(address, capacity * 8).asLongBuffer().

        address - the starting memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
        the new LongBuffer
      • memLongBufferSafe

        public static java.nio.LongBuffer memLongBufferSafe​(long address,
                                                            int capacity)
        Like memLongBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memFloatBuffer

        public static java.nio.FloatBuffer memFloatBuffer​(long address,
                                                          int capacity)
        Creates a new direct FloatBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.

        The address specified must be aligned to 4 bytes. If not, use memByteBuffer(address, capacity * 4).asFloatBuffer().

        address - the starting memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
        the new FloatBuffer
      • memFloatBufferSafe

        public static java.nio.FloatBuffer memFloatBufferSafe​(long address,
                                                              int capacity)
        Like memFloatBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memDoubleBuffer

        public static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memDoubleBuffer​(long address,
                                                            int capacity)
        Creates a new direct DoubleBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.

        The address specified must be aligned to 8 bytes. If not, use memByteBuffer(address, capacity * 8).asDoubleBuffer().

        address - the starting memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
        the new DoubleBuffer
      • memDoubleBufferSafe

        public static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memDoubleBufferSafe​(long address,
                                                                int capacity)
        Like memDoubleBuffer(long, int), but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memPointerBuffer

        public static PointerBuffer memPointerBuffer​(long address,
                                                     int capacity)
        Creates a new PointerBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has the specified capacity.

        The address specified must be aligned to the pointer size. If not, use PointerBuffer.create(memByteBuffer(address, capacity * POINTER_SIZE)).

        address - the starting memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
        the new PointerBuffer
      • memDuplicate

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Duplicates the specified buffer. The returned buffer will have the same ByteOrder as the source buffer.

        This method should be preferred over ByteBuffer.duplicate() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to duplicate
        the duplicated buffer
      • memDuplicate

        public static java.nio.ShortBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer)
        Duplicates the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over ShortBuffer.duplicate() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to duplicate
        the duplicated buffer
      • memDuplicate

        public static java.nio.CharBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer)
        Duplicates the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over CharBuffer.duplicate() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to duplicate
        the duplicated buffer
      • memDuplicate

        public static java.nio.IntBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        Duplicates the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over IntBuffer.duplicate() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to duplicate
        the duplicated buffer
      • memDuplicate

        public static java.nio.LongBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer)
        Duplicates the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over LongBuffer.duplicate() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to duplicate
        the duplicated buffer
      • memDuplicate

        public static java.nio.FloatBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
        Duplicates the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over FloatBuffer.duplicate() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to duplicate
        the duplicated buffer
      • memDuplicate

        public static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memDuplicate​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer)
        Duplicates the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over DoubleBuffer.duplicate() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to duplicate
        the duplicated buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Slices the specified buffer. The returned buffer will have the same ByteOrder as the source buffer.

        This method should be preferred over ByteBuffer.slice() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.ShortBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer)
        Slices the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over ShortBuffer.slice() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.CharBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer)
        Slices the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over CharBuffer.slice() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.IntBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer)
        Slices the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over IntBuffer.slice() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.LongBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer)
        Slices the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over LongBuffer.slice() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.FloatBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer)
        Slices the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over FloatBuffer.slice() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer)
        Slices the specified buffer.

        This method should be preferred over DoubleBuffer.slice() because it has a much shorter call chain. Long call chains may fail to inline due to JVM limits, disabling important optimizations (e.g. scalar replacement via Escape Analysis).

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   int capacity)
        Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity). The returned buffer will have the same ByteOrder as the original buffer.

        The position and limit of the original buffer are preserved after a call to this method.

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        offset - the slice offset, it must be ≤ buffer.remaining()
        capacity - the slice length, it must be ≤ buffer.capacity() - (buffer.position() + offset)
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static java.nio.ShortBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.ShortBuffer buffer,
                                                    int offset,
                                                    int capacity)
        public static java.nio.CharBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.CharBuffer buffer,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   int capacity)
        public static java.nio.IntBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.IntBuffer buffer,
                                                  int offset,
                                                  int capacity)
        public static java.nio.LongBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.LongBuffer buffer,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   int capacity)
        public static java.nio.FloatBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer,
                                                    int offset,
                                                    int capacity)
        public static java.nio.DoubleBuffer memSlice​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer buffer,
                                                     int offset,
                                                     int capacity)
        Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).

        The position and limit of the original buffer are preserved after a call to this method.

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        offset - the slice offset, it must be ≤ buffer.remaining()
        capacity - the slice length, it must be ≤ buffer.capacity() - (buffer.position() + offset)
        the sliced buffer
      • memSlice

        public static <T extends CustomBuffer<T>> T memSlice​(T buffer,
                                                             int offset,
                                                             int capacity)
        Returns a slice of the specified buffer between (buffer.position() + offset) and (buffer.position() + offset + capacity).

        The position and limit of the original buffer are preserved after a call to this method.

        buffer - the buffer to slice
        offset - the slice offset, it must be ≤ buffer.remaining()
        capacity - the slice length, it must be ≤ buffer.capacity() - (buffer.position() + offset)
        the sliced buffer
      • memSet

        public static void memSet​(java.nio.ByteBuffer ptr,
                                  int value)
        public static void memSet​(java.nio.ShortBuffer ptr,
                                  int value)
        public static void memSet​(java.nio.CharBuffer ptr,
                                  int value)
        public static void memSet​(java.nio.IntBuffer ptr,
                                  int value)
        public static void memSet​(java.nio.LongBuffer ptr,
                                  int value)
        public static void memSet​(java.nio.FloatBuffer ptr,
                                  int value)
        public static void memSet​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer ptr,
                                  int value)
        Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
        ptr - the starting memory address
        value - the value to set (memSet will convert it to unsigned byte)
      • memSet

        public static <T extends CustomBuffer<T>> void memSet​(T ptr,
                                                              int value)
        Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
        Type Parameters:
        T - the buffer type
        ptr - the starting memory address
        value - the value to set (memSet will convert it to unsigned byte)
      • memSet

        public static <T extends Struct> void memSet​(T ptr,
                                                     int value)
        Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
        Type Parameters:
        T - the struct type
        ptr - the starting memory address
        value - the value to set (memSet will convert it to unsigned byte)
      • memCopy

        public static void memCopy​(java.nio.ByteBuffer src,
                                   java.nio.ByteBuffer dst)
        public static void memCopy​(java.nio.ShortBuffer src,
                                   java.nio.ShortBuffer dst)
        public static void memCopy​(java.nio.CharBuffer src,
                                   java.nio.CharBuffer dst)
        public static void memCopy​(java.nio.IntBuffer src,
                                   java.nio.IntBuffer dst)
        public static void memCopy​(java.nio.LongBuffer src,
                                   java.nio.LongBuffer dst)
        public static void memCopy​(java.nio.FloatBuffer src,
                                   java.nio.FloatBuffer dst)
        public static void memCopy​(java.nio.DoubleBuffer src,
                                   java.nio.DoubleBuffer dst)
        Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
        src - the source memory address
        dst - the destination memory address
      • memCopy

        public static <T extends CustomBuffer<T>> void memCopy​(T src,
                                                               T dst)
        Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the buffer type
        src - the source memory address
        dst - the destination memory address
      • memCopy

        public static <T extends Struct> void memCopy​(T src,
                                                      T dst)
        Sets all bytes of a struct to a copy of another struct.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the struct type
        src - the source struct
        dst - the destination struct
      • memSet

        public static void memSet​(long ptr,
                                  int value,
                                  long bytes)
        Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a fixed value (usually zero).
        ptr - the starting memory address
        value - the value to set (memSet will convert it to unsigned byte)
        bytes - the number of bytes to set
      • memCopy

        public static void memCopy​(long src,
                                   long dst,
                                   long bytes)
        Sets all bytes in a specified block of memory to a copy of another block.
        src - the source memory address
        dst - the destination memory address
        bytes - the number of bytes to copy
      • memGetBoolean

        public static boolean memGetBoolean​(long ptr)
      • memGetByte

        public static byte memGetByte​(long ptr)
      • memGetShort

        public static short memGetShort​(long ptr)
      • memGetInt

        public static int memGetInt​(long ptr)
      • memGetLong

        public static long memGetLong​(long ptr)
      • memGetFloat

        public static float memGetFloat​(long ptr)
      • memGetDouble

        public static double memGetDouble​(long ptr)
      • memGetCLong

        public static long memGetCLong​(long ptr)
      • memGetAddress

        public static long memGetAddress​(long ptr)
      • memPutByte

        public static void memPutByte​(long ptr,
                                      byte value)
      • memPutShort

        public static void memPutShort​(long ptr,
                                       short value)
      • memPutInt

        public static void memPutInt​(long ptr,
                                     int value)
      • memPutLong

        public static void memPutLong​(long ptr,
                                      long value)
      • memPutFloat

        public static void memPutFloat​(long ptr,
                                       float value)
      • memPutDouble

        public static void memPutDouble​(long ptr,
                                        double value)
      • memPutCLong

        public static void memPutCLong​(long ptr,
                                       long value)
      • memPutAddress

        public static void memPutAddress​(long ptr,
                                         long value)
      • memGlobalRefToObject

        public static <T> T memGlobalRefToObject​(long globalRef)
        Returns the object that the specified global reference points to.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the object type
        globalRef - the global reference
        the object pointed to by globalRef
      • memASCII

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
        Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text ASCII encoded and null-terminated.
        text - the text to encode
        the encoded text. The returned buffer must be deallocated manually with memFree(java.nio.Buffer).
      • memASCIISafe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memASCIISafe​(@Nullable
                                                       java.lang.CharSequence text)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      • memASCII

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                                   boolean nullTerminated)
        Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text ASCII encoded and optionally null-terminated.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        the encoded text. The returned buffer must be deallocated manually with memFree(java.nio.Buffer).
      • memASCIISafe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memASCIISafe​(@Nullable
                                                       java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                                       boolean nullTerminated)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      • memASCII

        public static int memASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                   boolean nullTerminated,
                                   java.nio.ByteBuffer target)
        Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using ASCII encoding. The encoded text is stored in the specified ByteBuffer, at the current buffer position. The current buffer position is not modified by this operation. The target buffer is assumed to have enough remaining space to store the encoded text.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        the number of bytes of the encoded string
      • memASCII

        public static int memASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                   boolean nullTerminated,
                                   java.nio.ByteBuffer target,
                                   int offset)
        Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using ASCII encoding. The encoded text is stored in the specified ByteBuffer at the specified position offset. The current buffer position is not modified by this operation. The target buffer is assumed to have enough remaining space to store the encoded text.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        offset - the buffer position to which the string will be encoded
        the number of bytes of the encoded string
      • memLengthASCII

        public static int memLengthASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence value,
                                         boolean nullTerminated)
        Returns the number of bytes required to encode the specified text in the ASCII encoding.
        value - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, add the number of bytes required for null-termination
        the number of bytes
      • memUTF8

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
        Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text UTF-8 encoded and null-terminated.
        text - the text to encode
        the encoded text. The returned buffer must be deallocated manually with memFree(java.nio.Buffer).
      • memUTF8Safe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF8Safe​(@Nullable
                                                      java.lang.CharSequence text)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      • memUTF8

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                                  boolean nullTerminated)
        Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text UTF-8 encoded and optionally null-terminated.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        the encoded text. The returned buffer must be deallocated manually with memFree(java.nio.Buffer).
      • memUTF8Safe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF8Safe​(@Nullable
                                                      java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                                      boolean nullTerminated)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      • memUTF8

        public static int memUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                  boolean nullTerminated,
                                  java.nio.ByteBuffer target)
        Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using UTF-8 encoding. The encoded text is stored in the specified ByteBuffer, at the current buffer position. The current buffer position is not modified by this operation. The target buffer is assumed to have enough remaining space to store the encoded text. The specified text is assumed to be a valid UTF-16 string.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        target - the buffer in which to store the encoded text
        the number of bytes of the encoded string
      • memUTF8

        public static int memUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                  boolean nullTerminated,
                                  java.nio.ByteBuffer target,
                                  int offset)
        Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using UTF-8 encoding. The encoded text is stored in the specified ByteBuffer, at the specified position offset. The current buffer position is not modified by this operation. The target buffer is assumed to have enough remaining space to store the encoded text. The specified text is assumed to be a valid UTF-16 string.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        target - the buffer in which to store the encoded text
        offset - the buffer position to which the string will be encoded
        the number of bytes of the encoded string
      • memLengthUTF8

        public static int memLengthUTF8​(java.lang.CharSequence value,
                                        boolean nullTerminated)
        Returns the number of bytes required to encode the specified text in the UTF-8 encoding.
        value - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, add the number of bytes required for null-termination
        the number of bytes
      • memUTF16

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence text)
        Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text UTF-16 encoded and null-terminated.
        text - the text to encode
        the encoded text. The returned buffer must be deallocated manually with memFree(java.nio.Buffer).
      • memUTF16Safe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF16Safe​(@Nullable
                                                       java.lang.CharSequence text)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      • memUTF16

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                                   boolean nullTerminated)
        Returns a ByteBuffer containing the specified text UTF-16 encoded and optionally null-terminated.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        the encoded text. The returned buffer must be deallocated manually with memFree(java.nio.Buffer).
      • memUTF16Safe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memUTF16Safe​(@Nullable
                                                       java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                                       boolean nullTerminated)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if text is null.
      • memUTF16

        public static int memUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                   boolean nullTerminated,
                                   java.nio.ByteBuffer target)
        Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using UTF-16 encoding. The encoded text is stored in the specified ByteBuffer, at the current buffer position. The current buffer position is not modified by this operation. The target buffer is assumed to have enough remaining space to store the encoded text.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        target - the buffer in which to store the encoded text
        the number of bytes of the encoded string
      • memUTF16

        public static int memUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence text,
                                   boolean nullTerminated,
                                   java.nio.ByteBuffer target,
                                   int offset)
        Encodes and optionally null-terminates the specified text using UTF-16 encoding. The encoded text is stored in the specified ByteBuffer at the specified position offset. The current buffer position is not modified by this operation. The target buffer is assumed to have enough remaining space to store the encoded text.
        text - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, the text will be terminated with a '\0'.
        target - the buffer in which to store the encoded text
        offset - the buffer position to which the string will be encoded
        the number of bytes of the encoded string
      • memLengthUTF16

        public static int memLengthUTF16​(java.lang.CharSequence value,
                                         boolean nullTerminated)
        Returns the number of bytes required to encode the specified text in the UTF-16 encoding.
        value - the text to encode
        nullTerminated - if true, add the number of bytes required for null-termination
        the number of bytes
      • memLengthNT1

        public static int memLengthNT1​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Calculates the length, in bytes, of the null-terminated string that starts at the current position of the specified buffer. A single \0 character will terminate the string. The returned length will NOT include the \0 byte.

        This method is useful for reading ASCII and UTF8 encoded text.

        buffer - the buffer containing the null-terminated string
        the string length, in bytes
      • memLengthNT2

        public static int memLengthNT2​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Calculates the length, in bytes, of the null-terminated string that starts at the current position of the specified buffer. Two \0 characters will terminate the string. The returned buffer will NOT include the \0 bytes.

        This method is useful for reading UTF16 encoded text.

        buffer - the buffer containing the null-terminated string
        the string length, in bytes
      • memByteBufferNT1

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT1​(long address)
        Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has capacity equal to the null-terminated string starting at that address. A single \0 character will terminate the string. The returned buffer will NOT include the \0 byte.

        This method is useful for reading ASCII and UTF8 encoded text.

        address - the starting memory address
        the new ByteBuffer
      • memByteBufferNT1

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT1​(long address,
                                                           int maxLength)
        Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has capacity equal to the null-terminated string starting at that address, up to a maximum of maxLength bytes. A single \0 character will terminate the string. The returned buffer will NOT include the \0 byte.

        This method is useful for reading ASCII and UTF8 encoded text.

        address - the starting memory address
        maxLength - the maximum string length, in bytes
        the new ByteBuffer
      • memByteBufferNT1Safe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT1Safe​(long address)
        Like memByteBufferNT1, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memByteBufferNT1Safe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT1Safe​(long address,
                                                               int maxLength)
        Like memByteBufferNT1, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memByteBufferNT2

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT2​(long address)
        Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has capacity equal to the null-terminated string starting at that address. Two \0 characters will terminate the string. The returned buffer will NOT include the \0 bytes.

        This method is useful for reading UTF16 encoded text.

        address - the starting memory address
        the new ByteBuffer
      • memByteBufferNT2

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT2​(long address,
                                                           int maxLength)
        Creates a new direct ByteBuffer that starts at the specified memory address and has capacity equal to the null-terminated string starting at that address, up to a maximum of maxLength bytes. Two \0 characters will terminate the string. The returned buffer will NOT include the \0 bytes.

        This method is useful for reading UTF16 encoded text.

        address - the starting memory address
        the new ByteBuffer
      • memByteBufferNT2Safe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT2Safe​(long address)
        Like memByteBufferNT2, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memByteBufferNT2Safe

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer memByteBufferNT2Safe​(long address,
                                                               int maxLength)
        Like memByteBufferNT2, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memASCII

        public static java.lang.String memASCII​(long address)
        Converts the null-terminated ASCII encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
        address - the string memory address
        the decoded String
      • memASCII

        public static java.lang.String memASCII​(long address,
                                                int length)
        Converts the ASCII encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
        address - the string memory address
        length - the number of bytes to decode
        the decoded String
      • memASCII

        public static java.lang.String memASCII​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+remaining()) in buffer, as an ASCII string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        the decoded String
      • memASCIISafe

        public static java.lang.String memASCIISafe​(long address)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memASCIISafe

        public static java.lang.String memASCIISafe​(long address,
                                                    int length)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memASCIISafe

        public static java.lang.String memASCIISafe​(@Nullable
                                                    java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Like memASCII, but returns null if buffer is null.
      • memASCII

        public static java.lang.String memASCII​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                int length)
        Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+length) in buffer, as an ASCII string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        length - the number of bytes to decode
        the decoded String
      • memASCII

        public static java.lang.String memASCII​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                int length,
                                                int offset)
        Decodes the bytes with index [offset, offset+length) in buffer, as an ASCII string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        length - the number of bytes to decode
        offset - the offset at which to start decoding.
        the decoded String
      • memUTF8

        public static java.lang.String memUTF8​(long address)
        Converts the null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
        address - the string memory address
        the decoded String
      • memUTF8

        public static java.lang.String memUTF8​(long address,
                                               int length)
        Converts the UTF-8 encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
        address - the string memory address
        length - the number of bytes to decode
        the decoded String
      • memUTF8

        public static java.lang.String memUTF8​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+remaining()) in buffer, as a UTF-8 string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        the decoded String
      • memUTF8Safe

        public static java.lang.String memUTF8Safe​(long address)
        Like memUTF8, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memUTF8Safe

        public static java.lang.String memUTF8Safe​(long address,
                                                   int length)
        Like memUTF8, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memUTF8Safe

        public static java.lang.String memUTF8Safe​(@Nullable
                                                   java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Like memUTF8, but returns null if buffer is null.
      • memUTF8

        public static java.lang.String memUTF8​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                               int length)
        Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+length) in buffer, as a UTF-8 string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        length - the number of bytes to decode
        the decoded String
      • memUTF8

        public static java.lang.String memUTF8​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                               int length,
                                               int offset)
        Decodes the bytes with index [offset, offset+length) in buffer, as a UTF-8 string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        length - the number of bytes to decode
        offset - the offset at which to start decoding.
        the decoded String
      • memUTF16

        public static java.lang.String memUTF16​(long address)
        Converts the null-terminated UTF-16 encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
        address - the string memory address
        the decoded String
      • memUTF16

        public static java.lang.String memUTF16​(long address,
                                                int length)
        Converts the UTF-16 encoded string at the specified memory address to a String.
        address - the string memory address
        length - the number of characters to decode
        the decoded String
      • memUTF16

        public static java.lang.String memUTF16​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+remaining()) in buffer, as a UTF-16 string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        the decoded String
      • memUTF16Safe

        public static java.lang.String memUTF16Safe​(long address)
        Like memUTF16, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memUTF16Safe

        public static java.lang.String memUTF16Safe​(long address,
                                                    int length)
        Like memUTF16, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • memUTF16Safe

        public static java.lang.String memUTF16Safe​(@Nullable
                                                    java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Like memUTF16, but returns null if buffer is null.
      • memUTF16

        public static java.lang.String memUTF16​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                int length)
        Decodes the bytes with index [position(), position()+(length*2)) in buffer, as a UTF-16 string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        length - the number of characters to decode
        the decoded String
      • memUTF16

        public static java.lang.String memUTF16​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer,
                                                int length,
                                                int offset)
        Decodes the bytes with index [offset, offset+(length*2)) in buffer, as a UTF-16 string.

        The current position and limit of the specified buffer are not affected by this operation.

        buffer - the ByteBuffer to decode
        length - the number of characters to decode
        offset - the offset at which to start decoding, in bytes.
        the decoded String