All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource, org.lwjgl.system.Pointer

public class TOUCHINPUT extends org.lwjgl.system.Struct<TOUCHINPUT> implements org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource
Encapsulates data for touch input.


 struct TOUCHINPUT {
     LONG x();
     LONG y();
     HANDLE hSource();
     DWORD dwID();
     DWORD dwFlags();
     DWORD dwMask();
     DWORD dwTime();
     ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo();
     DWORD cxContact();
     DWORD cyContact();
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    An array of TOUCHINPUT structs.

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.lwjgl.system.Struct


    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.lwjgl.system.Pointer

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The struct alignment in bytes.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct size in bytes.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.
    static final int
    The struct member offsets.

    Fields inherited from interface org.lwjgl.system.Pointer

  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a TOUCHINPUT instance at the current position of the specified ByteBuffer container.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static TOUCHINPUT
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated with memCalloc.
    calloc(int capacity)
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated with memCalloc.
    calloc(int capacity, org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
    static TOUCHINPUT
    calloc(org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
    static TOUCHINPUT
    callocStack(int capacity)
    callocStack(int capacity, org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
    static TOUCHINPUT
    callocStack(org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
    static TOUCHINPUT
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated with BufferUtils.
    create(int capacity)
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated with BufferUtils.
    static TOUCHINPUT
    create(long address)
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance for the specified memory address.
    create(long address, int capacity)
    Create a TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance at the specified memory.
    static TOUCHINPUT
    createSafe(long address)
    Like create, but returns null if address is NULL.
    createSafe(long address, int capacity)
    Like create, but returns null if address is NULL.
    the width of the touch contact area in hundredths of a pixel in physical screen coordinates.
    the height of the touch contact area in hundredths of a pixel in physical screen coordinates.
    an additional value associated with the touch event.
    a set of bit flags that specify various aspects of touch point press, release, and motion.
    a touch point identifier that distinguishes a particular touch input.
    a set of bit flags that specify which of the optional fields in the structure contain valid values.
    the time stamp for the event, in milliseconds.
    a device handle for the source input device.
    static TOUCHINPUT
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated with memAlloc.
    malloc(int capacity)
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated with memAlloc.
    malloc(int capacity, org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack.
    static TOUCHINPUT
    malloc(org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
    Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack.
    static TOUCHINPUT
    mallocStack(int capacity)
    mallocStack(int capacity, org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
    static TOUCHINPUT
    mallocStack(org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
    static int
    ncxContact(long struct)
    Unsafe version of cxContact().
    static int
    ncyContact(long struct)
    Unsafe version of cyContact().
    static long
    ndwExtraInfo(long struct)
    Unsafe version of dwExtraInfo().
    static int
    ndwFlags(long struct)
    Unsafe version of dwFlags().
    static int
    ndwID(long struct)
    Unsafe version of dwID().
    static int
    ndwMask(long struct)
    Unsafe version of dwMask().
    static int
    ndwTime(long struct)
    Unsafe version of dwTime().
    static long
    nhSource(long struct)
    Unsafe version of hSource().
    static int
    nx(long struct)
    Unsafe version of x().
    static int
    ny(long struct)
    Unsafe version of y().
    the x-coordinate (horizontal point) of the touch input.
    the y-coordinate (vertical point) of the touch input.

    Methods inherited from class org.lwjgl.system.Struct

    clear, free, isNull, validate

    Methods inherited from class org.lwjgl.system.Pointer.Default

    address, equals, hashCode, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource

    close, free
  • Field Details

    • SIZEOF

      public static final int SIZEOF
      The struct size in bytes.

      public static final int ALIGNOF
      The struct alignment in bytes.
    • X

      public static final int X
      The struct member offsets.
    • Y

      public static final int Y
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int HSOURCE
      The struct member offsets.
    • DWID

      public static final int DWID
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int DWFLAGS
      The struct member offsets.
    • DWMASK

      public static final int DWMASK
      The struct member offsets.
    • DWTIME

      public static final int DWTIME
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int DWEXTRAINFO
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int CXCONTACT
      The struct member offsets.

      public static final int CYCONTACT
      The struct member offsets.
  • Constructor Details


      public TOUCHINPUT(ByteBuffer container)
      Creates a TOUCHINPUT instance at the current position of the specified ByteBuffer container. Changes to the buffer's content will be visible to the struct instance and vice versa.

      The created instance holds a strong reference to the container object.

  • Method Details

    • sizeof

      public int sizeof()
      Specified by:
      sizeof in class org.lwjgl.system.Struct<TOUCHINPUT>
    • x

      public int x()
      the x-coordinate (horizontal point) of the touch input. This member is indicated in hundredths of a pixel of physical screen coordinates.
    • y

      public int y()
      the y-coordinate (vertical point) of the touch input. This member is indicated in hundredths of a pixel of physical screen coordinates.
    • hSource

      public long hSource()
      a device handle for the source input device. Each device is given a unique provider at run time by the touch input provider.
    • dwID

      public int dwID()
      a touch point identifier that distinguishes a particular touch input. This value stays consistent in a touch contact sequence from the point a contact comes down until it comes back up. An ID may be reused later for subsequent contacts.
    • dwFlags

      public int dwFlags()
      a set of bit flags that specify various aspects of touch point press, release, and motion. The bits in this member can be any reasonable combination of the values in the Remarks section.
    • dwMask

      public int dwMask()
      a set of bit flags that specify which of the optional fields in the structure contain valid values. The availability of valid information in the optional fields is device-specific. Applications should use an optional field value only when the corresponding bit is set in dwMask. This field may contain a combination of the dwMask flags mentioned in the Remarks section.
    • dwTime

      public int dwTime()
      the time stamp for the event, in milliseconds. The consuming application should note that the system performs no validation on this field; when the User32.TOUCHINPUTMASKF_TIMEFROMSYSTEM flag is not set, the accuracy and sequencing of values in this field are completely dependent on the touch input provider.
    • dwExtraInfo

      public long dwExtraInfo()
      an additional value associated with the touch event.
    • cxContact

      public int cxContact()
      the width of the touch contact area in hundredths of a pixel in physical screen coordinates. This value is only valid if the dwMask member has the User32.TOUCHINPUTMASKF_CONTACTAREA flag set.
    • cyContact

      public int cyContact()
      the height of the touch contact area in hundredths of a pixel in physical screen coordinates. This value is only valid if the dwMask member has the User32.TOUCHINPUTMASKF_CONTACTAREA flag set.
    • malloc

      public static TOUCHINPUT malloc()
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated with memAlloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
    • calloc

      public static TOUCHINPUT calloc()
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated with memCalloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
    • create

      public static TOUCHINPUT create()
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated with BufferUtils.
    • create

      public static TOUCHINPUT create(long address)
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance for the specified memory address.
    • createSafe

      @Nullable public static TOUCHINPUT createSafe(long address)
      Like create, but returns null if address is NULL.
    • malloc

      public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer malloc(int capacity)
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated with memAlloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
      capacity - the buffer capacity
    • calloc

      public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer calloc(int capacity)
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated with memCalloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
      capacity - the buffer capacity
    • create

      public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer create(int capacity)
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated with BufferUtils.
      capacity - the buffer capacity
    • create

      public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer create(long address, int capacity)
      Create a TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance at the specified memory.
      address - the memory address
      capacity - the buffer capacity
    • createSafe

      @Nullable public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer createSafe(long address, int capacity)
      Like create, but returns null if address is NULL.
    • mallocStack

      @Deprecated public static TOUCHINPUT mallocStack()
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use malloc(MemoryStack) instead.
    • callocStack

      @Deprecated public static TOUCHINPUT callocStack()
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use calloc(MemoryStack) instead.
    • mallocStack

      @Deprecated public static TOUCHINPUT mallocStack(org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use malloc(MemoryStack) instead.
    • callocStack

      @Deprecated public static TOUCHINPUT callocStack(org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use calloc(MemoryStack) instead.
    • mallocStack

      @Deprecated public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer mallocStack(int capacity)
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use malloc(int, MemoryStack) instead.
    • callocStack

      @Deprecated public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer callocStack(int capacity)
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use calloc(int, MemoryStack) instead.
    • mallocStack

      @Deprecated public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer mallocStack(int capacity, org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use malloc(int, MemoryStack) instead.
    • callocStack

      @Deprecated public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer callocStack(int capacity, org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
      Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use calloc(int, MemoryStack) instead.
    • malloc

      public static TOUCHINPUT malloc(org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack.
      stack - the stack from which to allocate
    • calloc

      public static TOUCHINPUT calloc(org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
      stack - the stack from which to allocate
    • malloc

      public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer malloc(int capacity, org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack.
      capacity - the buffer capacity
      stack - the stack from which to allocate
    • calloc

      public static TOUCHINPUT.Buffer calloc(int capacity, org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack stack)
      Returns a new TOUCHINPUT.Buffer instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
      capacity - the buffer capacity
      stack - the stack from which to allocate
    • nx

      public static int nx(long struct)
      Unsafe version of x().
    • ny

      public static int ny(long struct)
      Unsafe version of y().
    • nhSource

      public static long nhSource(long struct)
      Unsafe version of hSource().
    • ndwID

      public static int ndwID(long struct)
      Unsafe version of dwID().
    • ndwFlags

      public static int ndwFlags(long struct)
      Unsafe version of dwFlags().
    • ndwMask

      public static int ndwMask(long struct)
      Unsafe version of dwMask().
    • ndwTime

      public static int ndwTime(long struct)
      Unsafe version of dwTime().
    • ndwExtraInfo

      public static long ndwExtraInfo(long struct)
      Unsafe version of dwExtraInfo().
    • ncxContact

      public static int ncxContact(long struct)
      Unsafe version of cxContact().
    • ncyContact

      public static int ncyContact(long struct)
      Unsafe version of cyContact().